Chapter 5
Humming gently to myself, I lean against the headboard of my bed, biting my lip as I fiddle with the pen in my hand. A groan leaving my lips as I look at the answer sheet belonging to the pack of exam questions I was given, cursing under my breath as I quickly rewrite the right answer before grabbing my textbook to make sure that I knew what certain words meant, sticking a sticky label into the corner to tell me in me in the future to relook over it another time. My eyes scanning over the textbook in my lap in a tired fashion, my brain ready to explode. My eyes feeling like they're going to roll out of my skull at any given moment.
With exam season over, everyone, no matter what degree they were taking, got thrown back into lessons full of information that you couldn't miss. Professors chucking as much work as they can at their students to make sure that they don't make the same mistakes on their exams again. Drilling exam techniques into their students until they get it right. Making sure that everyone knows everything on their specifications so the next batch of mock exams receive better results.
It's so tiring!
My brain close to melting, I set my work aside, telling myself that that's enough for the day. A groan leaving my lips as I slump against my bed, yawning gently. God I'm tired. I didn't want to overwork myself and then forget everything the next day. Then again, tomorrow I was going to be babysitting until half eleven due to both Shoto and Momo being at some hero gala to celebrate some sort of occasion that I have no idea about.
No doubt that'll be all Kana talks about next time I see her...
Wanting to stretch my legs, I push myself off my bed and slide onto the floor with a groan. Stretching my arms over my head and letting my shoulders crack back into place after sitting hunched over my table tray for the last few hours. My spine gently cracking as I lean forward and release a strained groan, making sure that everything clicks back into place before finally relaxing and strolling out of my bedroom and into the living area where Sakino's watching a documentary about some theatre star.
The blue haired girl grins toward me as she turns the tv over, placing some random sitcom on instead. Her purple eyes shimmering with happiness as I head toward the kitchen and pull open the fridge, my stomach happily humming as my eyes set on the funfetti cake sitting on the shelf amongst the other food. Deciding to scrap the idea of waiting til after dinner to have a slice, I pull the cake out and cut myself a rather large slice.
Can't help it. I'm starving! And cake is sooo good!
After sorting my slice out and cutting Sakino her own slice after giving me puppy eyes, I place the cake back into the fridge before heading to the couch and slumping down onto it to dig into my cake. My fork stabbing into the fluffy base of the cake, scoffing down the cake in a hungry manner while Sakino moans in delight at the sheer taste of the cake. Our eyes meet and we smile happily toward each other, giggling between ourselves as we scoff down our cake.
"God, this is so good," Sakino groans, leaning into the couch as she scoops up a fingerful of icing from the top of the cake and pulling it off her finger with a hum, "Can you live with me forever and cook for me for the rest of my life?"
"As much as you want that, you know that I can't do that," I tell her, shaking my head with a giggle as she pouts toward me, "Don't give me that look,"
Sakino giggles, setting her empty plate on the coffee table before grabbing the fluffy unicorn blanket from the side and wrapping herself in it as she turns her eyes back onto the tv. The sitcom playing on the tv catching both our attentions while I pick up the crumbs from the cake from my plate with my finger and lick them off with a happy hum before setting down my plate and relaxing back into the chair.
Relaxing for the first time in weeks.
Unfortunately, life has been so hectic for the past few weeks. University work has been overbearing now that exam season's finished. If I'm not studying in my apartment or when I'm babysitting, I'm in the library trying to cram as much as I can in before I need to go to sleep. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and juggling my work and school life is so exhausting. Then, at school, the twins have been given projects to do, which meant that I had to make sure that they were doing it and if they needed help then I would provide it.
So to finally have some time to switch off meant a lot to me.
However, before I could finally allow the big plush pillow arms of sleep pull me in, the doorbell rings making me groan. Sakino pouts to herself as she wriggles out of her blanket, peering out of the doorway as I head toward the front door, running my fingers through my hair to make sure that I was presentable. Not really wanting to open the door and look like an utter wreck.
Sighing gently, I unlock the door and push it open, my eyes widening slightly at the two men standing before my door before squealing and wrapping my arms around them before they can even utter a word. The pair of them laugh as I glomp them, wrapping their own arms around me with a smile as they kiss my cheeks.
"What are you guys doing here?!" I ask perplexed, staring at them with wide eyes as they both chuckle and ruffle my hair as they walk into the apartment and make themselves home on the couch, "Oh my god..."
"Thought we'd pop by and give you a visit," One of them explains, waving to Sakino who giggles and waves back, "Check up on you and make sure everything's okay,"
My two brothers, Ichiro and Takashi, smile toward me as they plop down onto the couch with a groan. The pair of them leaving space for me to jump in between them for a big hug, chuckling as I dive-bomb onto the couch and snuggle into them. A smile unable to wipe itself from my lips as I look toward them both and playfully punch their arms.
I haven't seen them in ages.
My older brother, Ichiro, was only three years older than me and he almost never lets me forget about it. He had unruly light brown hair that often covered his eyes when it was in its relaxed and natural style instead of being tied back into a little mini man bun. Just like our parents, he also had soft blue eyes that would draw anyone in. Like me, he also went to university, but he took a degree in paediatrics and is now working as a paediatric nurse in a hospital. He's very successful and he's super overprotective, especially when it comes to me, which is incredibly annoying.
According to him, I'll always be the little girl that always managed to hurt herself no matter what.
Now my younger brother, Takashi, was two years younger than me. Like my older brother he had brown hair, but it wasn't long like Ichiro's, it was quite short. However, he had brown eyes, just like my aunt. Instead of taking the university route, he decided to go straight into work, the male currently training to become a firefighter. To be another kind of hero. Now Takashi wasn't as protective over me as Ichiro, but he still worries over me regardless...
Especially after the incident...
Clearing my throat gently, I pull away from my brothers and slide back into the armchair with a smile. Wrapping myself into a (Y/n) burrito, I snuggle into the plus cushions of the couch before turning my attention to my two brothers who are man spreading across my couch without a care in the world, Sakino grinning to herself as she tries to throw things at their crotch to try and make them close their legs.
"So how's Ma and dad?" I ask, tilting my head toward them as they look up from their phones and clear their throats, "Are they okay?"
"Yeah, they're okay," Ichiro says, running his fingers through his hair with a smile, yawning to himself as he looks toward his phone, texting his girlfriend no doubt, "Just stressing over you as per usual, worried somethings... gonna... you know... again..."
"They worry too much," I hum playing with my nails, shaking my head as I look toward the tv for a second, knowing how stressed out my ma and dad had become after the incident, worried about my safety, worried that something like that was going to happen again to me, "I'm a big girl, I can handle myself,"
"They know... they just can't help but be worried," Takashi says with a smile, chuckling as I stick my tongue out toward him, "So you got a job yet? Ma said you were looking last time I spoke to her,"
"Yeah, I work for Pro heroes Shoto and Creati," I explain, trying not to burst into laughter as their eyes go as wide as saucers as they gawk toward me. Ichiro scowling gently toward me, "Don't worry, I'm not working as a hero or a sidekick... I'm babysitting their twin sons,"
"Wait?... you have a twelve year old girls job?" Takashi asks, grinning toward me as I roll my eyes and flip him off, the male bursting into a fit of laughter, finding it hilarious that I'm a babysitter at twenty one, "Oh my god! This is priceless!"
"Shut up Takashi!" I whine, throwing a pillow toward him making him squeal as I hit him in the chest, the male leaning against Ichiro who shakes his head and shrugs him off, "Ichiro!"
"So what do you do for them then? Do you just watch them?" Ichiro asks, kicking Takashi in his side making the brunette whine and rub his side with a pout, "Or are you like a nanny?"
"I guess I'm a bit of both, I mean, I pick them up after school and feed them and I help out with cleaning if they're unable to have the time," I explain rubbing the back of my neck as I send them a smile, giggling as Ichiro nods, listening to each and every word leaving my lips, "I'm mainly there to look after the twins but Shoto and Momo and I have gotten quite close. You could class us as friends,"
"Wow, heroes as friends," Ichiro hums with a smile, chuckling as I roll my eyes and shake my head with a giggle, "How long have you been doing that?"
"A couple of months," I reply, grabbing my drink from the coffee table and taking a soft sip from it before setting it down on the coaster, "Shoto and Momo have been really great and they're so understanding,"
"That's good, glad you're enjoying it," Ichiro hums, sending me a smile before pushing himself to his feet and ruffling my hair with a chuckle before heading to the kitchen to get himself a drink, "So... any boyfriends yet? Or any girlfriends? Or a significant other?"
"Not yet... haven't really had the time," I explain rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly making Ichiro chuckle and shake his head, "I'm focusing on my work and my job... if someone comes along then sure, I'll give it a shot but I'm not that desperate for a lover,"
"Good, you'll find someone, and they'll be the luckiest person in the world," Ichiro says, taking a gulp of his drink as he walks back in and winks toward Sakino who rolls her eyes with a laugh and flips him off, "As long as your happy,"
"Yeah, well, enough about me," I say, waving my hands around before looking toward my brothers who smile, "Whats going on with you guys? Any hot gossip? Anything exciting happen? Any promotions?"
"Not really no, I mean... Ibara and I are doing good, we're looking at houses at the moment so we can move out of my apartment and actually start having a family soon," Ichiro says with a smile, a small blush dusting over his cheeks as he mentions his green haired girlfriend making me giggle gently, "Just taking each day as it comes with my angel,"
"Awww, that's adorable," Sakino coos, holding her hands over her chest and blowing playful kisses toward Ichiro who rolls his eyes and flips her off making the blue haired girl squeal with laughter, "Ichiro's in love~"
"Such a sap," Takashi teases, wrapping his arm around Ichiro's shoulder and pulls him down to rub his knuckles over the older males hair making Ichiro groan and push at the younger male, "Does baby boy love his girlfriend?~"
"Shut up, Takashi!" Ichiro growls, elbowing the younger brown haired male in his side making Takashi yelp and pull away with whine before hissing as Ichiro gives him a dead arm, "You're so annoying, oh my god,"
"Wha -"
"Takashi, shut your gob," I hum, cutting him off before Takashi says something to piss Ichiro off further, trying to save his ass before Ichiro kicks him into next week, "If you have nothing nice to say don't say it,"
"Speaking of nice, how's your friends?" Takashi asks sarcastically, Sakino biting back a laugh as she sips at her coffee, "Kana still self centred bitch?"
"You know she is," Sakino says with a laugh, shaking her head with a smile as Takashi grins, "She's so annoying, everything has to be about her, it can't not be about her unless we want to face her so called 'wrath'. I mean, we're not allowed to like Dynamight because she does but if we say anything remotely bad about him like disagree with her, she flies off the handle,"
"Sounds like a great friend," Ichiro hums with a short laugh, shaking his head as I grimace and run my fingers through my hair with a small sigh, "Has she even met Dynamight?"
"No, but I know someone who has," Sakino giggles, grinning toward me as I roll my eyes and look at my lap with a small smile on my lips, the boys staring at her confused, "He helped (Y/n) take groceries home the other day, and he's never helped out a civilian with normal mundane stuff,"
"Seriously?" Takashi asks with wide eyes, his eyes almost ready to roll out of his sockets at how wide they are making me giggle and nod softly, "Is he as intimidating in real life as he is on tv?"
"He kind of is, I mean, at first he was but he wasn't too bad," I explain softly, fiddling with the hem of the blanket with a soft smile, "And he's got a nice ass... not that I was looking or anything,"
Sakino gawks at me with wide eyes, slamming her hands onto her thighs with a loud clapping sound as she stares at me. Her mouth agape. A giggling leaving my lips as Sakino stares at me, biting my lip as Sakino scoffs while my brothers burst into fits of laughter.
"You stared at his ass?!" Sakino shrieks with wide eyes, giggling as I shrug my shoulders and nod like it wasn't a big deal, "Oh my god!"
"Can't help it! It was staring at me!" I whine, shrieking as pillows are thrown my way, hitting me in the chest, side and face, "You're all just jealous~"
"I would be petrified to even breath in that guy's direction, he's so intimidating,"...
"He's not that bad, you should have seen him with the twins, he was so sweet with them, it was so adorable,"...
"Do I smell a crush coming along?~"
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