Chapter 45
"Sweetie, are you going to answer your phone?... It's been going off for the fifth time today..."
Sighing gently to myself, I run my fingers through my hair and look out of my childhood bedroom window. Past the little piggy bank and the many succulents that sit happily on my window sill, I look at the animals surrounding my home. Staring out at the many chickens and cows that litter the fields around my farmhouse. My eyes watching as the sheep trot around their little pen, bleating at my father who's currently trying to give them their feed while being chased by the three dogs that seem to torment him all morning before he heads off to work at Endeavor's agency.
Answering my phone is the last thing that I wanted to do right now... especially with everything that happened and is currently going on. I just didn't want to. That's a valid reason right? It may not be true reason but it should be a valid enough reason for my mom to understand why I don't want to answer my phone. I don't want to answer my phone. I mean, is that so bad? I don't want to answer my phone. That's all. Simple as that.
Not because I'm trying to avoid all my problems. Definitely not because I don't want to confront Katsuki about anything.
Definitely not!
After Katsuki and I sort of had an argument about what had been happening, I decided to stay with my parents for a while. Just wanting to get away from everyone. Nothing to worry about other than my degree. Away from Sakino. Away from Kana and everyone. Away from Katsuki. I even managed to get some time off of babysitting the kids too (Toya said he'll pick the twins up since one of his kids goes to their school anyway). I just couldn't bear the thought of seeing anyone other than my parents right now...
Since then, Katsuki has been trying to get a hold of me. He's been texting and calling my personal phone. Leaving me voicemails that I listen to on repeat and almost burst into tears when it finishes. He's even phoned the house phone, managing to get to my mom before becoming unsuccessful as I refuse to take the phone from my mother. He's doing the opposite of what I thought he would do... he's trying to still be there for me: which is something I thought he would refuse to do after I lied to him...
I don't deserve someone as amazing as Katsuki... I really don't...
However, Katsuki isn't the only person that's trying to contact me. Sakino has had a fair share of trying to call me. She's even left voicemails to try and coerce me into calling her back. They aren't persuasive at all, in all fairness. It's just five minutes of her keeping me up to date with all the gossip that's going on and trying to get me to call my boyfriend. If I could even call him that after what I did...
I mean, what I did wasn't good girlfriend material... I'm surprised he still wants me. He is one stubborn guy, after all. Maybe there's some more feelings underneath. Or maybe he's just being the decent boyfriend that he is instead of leaving me when things get tough like my high school boyfriends did with a relationship that lasted around three months at a time. I'd be lucky if I even got to six months with a guy...
And now I'll flush more than a year's relationship down the drain because I can't explain my feelings...
Then I'll be alone for the rest of my life. I'll never be able to get a relationship because I'll be known as the 'girl who broke up with Dynamight' or 'a gold digger' or 'someone who tried to manipulate Dynamight'. The media will love a story like this. They'll have it all over the news. They'll ask questions. I'll get harassed. I'll then have to move city or even country to try and find some sort of peace... oh my god... this is just pure hell. I'm describing hell.
As the insecurities pile into my brain, smashing against one another and fighting to get into my subconscious; I wipe a tear from my eye. Heart beating against my rib cage a mile a minute as the phone stops ringing and dials through. My voice mail rings through, my mother watching as I curl up on my bed and whimper to myself. I can't help but sob. I can't believe I did this...
I've ruined my life...
The best thing that ever happened to me and I go out and blow it because I can't get three words out of my mouth. If I had just told him, then this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't be dreading about my relationship status or what Katsuki is doing. I wouldn't be watching him on the news. I wouldn't be crying myself to sleep. I wouldn't be avoiding his calls like they're the plague. I'm the most stupid person to live on this planet...
Sighing to myself, I grab my phone and click on the missed call notification. As my phone rings through, I press the number on the keypad required to listen to my recorded messages left for me. Eyes look toward the wall as it tells me who called. It's Katsuki that called. For the fifth time today. He called me again.
"Missed call at 11:55am,"
The phone tells me, going silent for a minute before Katsuki's voice echoes through the speaker. His voice. God I miss his voice. The roughness of his voice mixing in with the emotion. Tears flow down my cheeks within a split second as I close my eyes and sob quietly while his voice enters my ears:
"Hey baby face... this is the fifth time I've called and I know you're probably counting. I just want to talk to you... we can't just end a conversation like you did the other day. There's so much we need to discuss and we need to sort this out. I'm not giving up because you're at your parents, I don't want to intrude but I will come over there if I have to. You're my baby face, I'm not letting this ruin us when we're the perfect couple... I also want to tell you that, that bastard's been arrested. Aizawa has the case file and is sorting it all out, the evidence is all there and he's being prosecuted, he'll be in jail for life by the sounds of it... now I know you don't want to talk to me otherwise you would have answered but... can you please text me to tell me that you're okay at least? Baby, I love you so much... I don't want to lose you over something like this. I love you... I gotta go to work right now, I'll try calling when I'm off shift... don't do anything stupid. I love you,"
Within an instant, I burst into tears. My mother immediately wraps her arms around me tightly and holds me to her chest as I sob hard. My chest heaving as I cling onto her woollen cardigan. Tears run like athletes down my cheeks, racing each other to drip off my skin and onto my sweatpants. Throat becomes hoarse in a matter of seconds as I cling to my mother for dear life. Tons of emotions run through my mind as I drop my phone onto my bed and release a gut wrenching sob. My brain hurting with all the emotion and the mental stress forcing it's way into my brain.
He loves me... how can that even be possible? He never ever has stated that he loved me. Ever. He never says anything like that. It's always through physical gestures.
Oh my god...
Confusion. Shock. Sadness. A dash of happiness. Even a splash of anger. All these emotions swirl in my stomach. I don't know whether to jump for joy or just break down until I can't cry anymore. He loves me. Me. After everything that I have done, he loves me and wants to make it work. I knew he was stubborn but I didn't realise he was this stubborn... oh my god... I can't believe this...
"Shhh, sweetie, it's okay," My mother soothes slowly, her hand rubbing circles on my back as I cling to her like a newborn again, "Take a deep breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth. You need to calm yourself down or you'll get sick,"
"I — I..." I whine, burying my head in her shoulder as she rocks us back and forth. The way my chest heaves leaves my breathless, gasping for air as I try to suppress the sobs, "M — mama..."
"I know, I know... it's okay, it'll be okay," She reassured me, gently cupping my face in her hands and wiping my tears while I whine to myself, "Breathe, honey. You need to breathe, we can sort this out if you calm down,"
It seems to take forever but I eventually do calm down. My sobs die down into nothing while my breathing becomes slightly normal, every now and then erratic breaths leave my lips. Tears tracks stain my cheeks as I look down in my lap, clearing my throat while I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. Head pounds slightly, a headache threatening to surface due to the amount of emotional stress I've made myself go through. Sighing, I grab a glass of water from the nightstand to have a sip while my mom slides some painkillers toward me.
"That's it," she hums, running her fingers through my hair while I take a deep breath and close my eyes as she rubs circles on my arms, "Now, let's go from the top. Right from the beginning and we will sort this mess out... your father and I have had all kinds of arguments, so I can help,"
"I just... mom, I'm so so stupid..." I tell her, wiping my eyes as I look up at her. My eyes watering as she sends me a reassuring smile, "I'm so so stupid... I've ruined everything and it's all my fault and I—"
"You haven't ruined everything, that boy just admitted that he loves you and he isn't giving up on you. It isn't ruined," She reassured me, rubbing my back as I look down and whine to myself, "Sweetie, he loves you. That means a lot... why are you stupid? Hm?"
"You... you know the guy that... that attacked me..." I tell her, watching as she nods. Her hands hold mine as she keeps squeezing and rubbing them, "He worked for Katsuki... I hadn't told him about any of it... I didn't know how to..."
"That's okay," She tells me, watching as I look down at my feet and clear my throat nervously, guilt gripping my throat, "Sweetie, why didn't you tell him? I'm not asking as your friend, I'm asking as your mother,"
"I just... I don't know, I didn't want to embarrass myself and make him think that I'm weak..." I tell her softly, sighing as she gives me the 'and' look that mothers have down to a T to intimidate kids into telling them what they really want, "I got scared..."
"So tell him that. When he comes here, or you go to him, tell him that you were scared. Tell him that you didn't want him to think that you were weak," My mother explains, rubbing my arms as I sigh and clear my throat, "He will understand. I'm sure he's gone through things where he doesn't want to tell anyone what happened because he didn't want to seem weak. I mean, look at him in his U.A days. How long did it take him to get therapy for the kidnapping in his first year?"
"Took him four years," I mumble, fiddling with my nails while she smiles softly, "With a little coercion from Eijiro and Mina,"
"Exactly," Mom huns, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear while I sniffle, "But he took the leap regardless, honey, you can't help yourself if you don't take that leap. He can't help you unless you take the leap,"
"I'm stupid..." I hum, rubbing the back of my neck as she grimaces, "I'm the most stupid person in this world. I'm scum..."
"No you're not," she tells me, poking my nose as I pout and rub my temple, "Text him. Tell him to come here tomorrow, give him a time. Tell him to bring food. You two can speak about this, like grown adults, and then figure what to do next. You need to make that leap so he knows that you're willing to make that commitment to him,"
"Okay... okay, you're right... you're right," I tell her, watching as she scrunches her face up playfully and kisses my forehead before pushing to her feet, "Thank you mom,"
"That's what I'm here for," She tells me, ruffling my hair before gently lifting my shirt to show my scar, "This, my sweetie, shows how strong you are. This isn't a weakness. Katsuki will worship this like a deity. My little girl is a warrior, I know she is. She may be a bit rough around the edges but she has a heart of pure gold that Katsuki deserves more than anything. I love you so much and it kills me to see you so upset, now go text him before I use my mom powers to make you,"
"Mom powers?" I ask, arching a brow as I grab my phone and press the contacts, "I'll do you one better, I'll call him,"
"Atta girl," She hums, winking before leaving my bedroom to let me speak to my boyfriend in peace, "Keep your chin up,"
Nodding happily, I lean against the headboard and take a deep breath. As I press onto Katsuki's contact, I then press the call icon. As it rings through and waits for Katsuki to pick up, I try to psyche myself up. Hoping and praying that he picks up. My heart beats in anticipation while I stare at the phone and place it on speaker.
"Baby Face?"
"Kat... hi," I hum, smiling weakly to myself as I hear his voice. My stomach swirls with butterflies at his voice. God I miss him, "Hi... I'm... sorry about all this and I know —"
"Baby, it's okay, I'm just glad you called," His voice replies, the happiness on his voice lacing his words making me giggle weakly and clear my throat, "I missed your voice, don't tell Deku I said that,"
"I won't I promise," I tell him softly, looking toward my window and down at the animals, "Look... I don't want to make up over the phone. Why don't you come here tomorrow? Say... about... twelve?"
"Nothing would make me happier, I'll bring you food,"...
"Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow,"...
"I cannot wait,"...
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