Chapter 41
Can I pull out of this now?...
Nerves attack my brain cells as I look out of the tinted windows of the limousine Katsuki and I are riding. Knee bounces in place while my foot cannot keep itself still. Hands stay pinned underneath my thighs, forcing myself to try and not show my anxieties as the limo pulls closer and closer toward the venue where the hero gala is being held. Excess saliva is building up on my mouth, forcing me to swallow down more than I need to. God, I'm going to go numb at this rate... I can't even feel my face! Can you feel your ankles? Or your ears? Am I thinking too much?
This is the first time that Katsuki and I will be out in public together for a public event like a gala. It's the first time I'm facing paparazzi and crazy fans. So much is riding on this. There will be cameras and interviewers wanting to know all the hot gossip that's going on my in my boyfriends love life. People will be shouting my boyfriends name and begging him for autographs as we walk into the venue. Not only that but it's also the first time I will be out for the media to pounce on. Why did Katsuki bring me to this again?
Screams and shouts immediately crash into my eardrums as the limousine pulls to a stop. Flashes from cameras could be seen from behind the glass. Stomach flips out in anxiety as I look toward my boyfriend. A faint hum leaving my lips as he clears his throat. A grin breaks across my boyfriends lips as he looks toward me, waiting for me to gather my thoughts together and psyche myself up for this very moment. I can do this... I can do this... it's not going to be hard, right?
"Ready?" Katsuki asks, taking my hand in his and kissing my knuckles as I slowly take a deep breath and nod toward him, "You'll be fine, I'm here with you to keep you safe, no one will make you feel uncomfortable if they know what's good for them,"
"Yeah, I can do this," I tell him, smiling as he cups my cheek and presses his lips against mine. A groan leaving my lips as I mould my lips against his before pulling away with a smile, "You look great,"
"Not as great as you do," Katsuki purrs, winking my way as he gently shifts toward the door and knocks on the window to let the chauffeur know that we're ready to get out, "God, I can't wait until we get into that hotel room~"
Rolling my eyes, I quickly press a kiss against his cheek before wincing as the door opens and we're immediately greeted with screams from fans and flashes from cameras. Squeezing Katsuki's hand, I watch as he gets out first and waves toward the fans around. The male then looks toward me and extends his hand, a faint giggle leaving my lips as I take his hand and shuffle out of the car before pursuing to my feet. Leaning against Katsuki, I look around at everyone and smile nervously as he wraps an arm around my shoulders to keep me glued to him as we slowly make our way up the stairs toward the main entrance of the venue.
As I look around, a faint smile plays on my lips as Katsuki waves toward all the adoring fans and the cameramen. The amount of people being held back by this red velvet rope is insane. Katsuki's hero name is screamed out at the top of their lungs as we head toward the landing of the stairs before standing at the top. We're immediately having our pictures taken, Katsuki's hand around my waist to keep me in his side while I smile gently with my hand on his chest. The anxiety in my stomach dissipating as Katsuki kisses my forehead in front of all these people.
In a matter of seconds, Katsuki slowly pulls away. My eyes widening slightly as I look toward him before blushing as he stands in front of one side to pose on his own. A giggle on my lips as he grins to himself. Quenching my fear, Katsuki nods toward those cameras. I slowly look back toward them before standing with my hands on my hips and doing a little spin to allow them to take photos. A giggle leaving my lips as they all complement the dress before leaning back into Katsuki as he wraps his arms around my waist.
Waving to everyone again, Katsuki turns us around and leads me into the venue. Kisses press against my neck in praise as we walk through the hallway and head toward the hall of the gala. Hands slide onto my waist, leading me through the hallway before opening the door to reveal a large hall full of heroes and their partners. My eyes almost bulge out of their sockets as I look around the hall and gawk at the sheer appearance.
It's beautiful.
The hall is huge! Decorated with gorgeous balloons, some fancy round tables dotted around the edges of the hall draped with white tablecloths and beautiful rose centrepieces. A large buffet table is on the side too, covered with pastries, desserts and little nibble bites that we could indulge in while speaking to others. Waiters and waitresses clad in fancy shirts and pants walk around with flutes of champagne to give. With around three hundred heroes within the vicinity of the hall, it seems full yet empty at the same time.
Heroes like Endeavor and his wife were here, you could spot the flaming hero from a mile away due to how big he is. Deku and Shoto were speaking to Best Jeanist with Shoto's older brother Toya wrapping his arms around his wife who's speaking with Hawks. A pregnant Earphone Jack sits at a table with Uravity and Creati beside her to keep her company while Chargebolt, Pinky, Red Riot and Cellophane head to the bar to grab drinks for themselves.
Their eyes instantly fall upon us, Mina immediately waving toward us as she nods toward the table that Kyoka's stationed at. After I look toward Katsuki, I kiss his cheek before heading toward the table and sliding into a free seat next to Ochaco while Mina sets down all the drinks. This leaves Katsuki to join Deku and Shoto in their conversation with Best Jeanist. Ochaco slides a soda toward me, smiling as I take it before looking toward the other girls who get comfortable.
"How are you, Kyoka?" I ask, watching as the violet haired female shifts in her seat and keeps a hand over her bump with a small groan, "You need anything?"
"I'm fine, (Y/n), this baby just keeps kicking my back," Kyoka complains gently, sipping at the water Momo leaves for her before leaning back into the chair, "This kid is as annoying as Denki and I don't know if I have the energy to put up with two of them. One is enough,"
"How about you, (Y/n)?" Momo asks as she sips at a glass of champagne while leaning back into her chair, "How's everything with you?"
"Uh... good, Katsuki and I are going great and I practically live with him now," I tell them, rubbing the back of my neck as I look around the hall and smile to myself, "But, everything's going fine,"
"Good, good," Ochaco chirps, clapping her hands together before looking around and waving toward Kendo who's clad in a beautifully designed kimono, "Hey Itsuka! Why don't you come sit?"
Giggling to herself, Itsuka joins the table with a smile. Her orange hair that's usually up in a high ponytail is down by her shoulders framing her beautiful face. A bright smile on her lips as she sits beside me, taking a glass of champagne from the waiter while she leans back and gets herself comfortable. Her eyes shimmer with happiness as she looks toward all of us, giggling at Toru who bounces into her seat beside her.
"How is everyone?" Itsuka asks, exchanging looks between us all as we nod and reply to her question with smiles before she clears her throat and sips at her champagne with a small hum, "Ready for this evening, (Y/n)? It's your first gala after all,"
"Oh yeah!" Mina chirps, giggling as I flush bright red and look down in my lap with a nervous smile, "Awww! Look at our little (Y/n) growing up! You nervous?"
"Oh please," I dismiss, batting a hand in the air as I sip at my soda and clear my throat with a faint giggle, "I'm a big girl, I've kicked the ass of men who are twice my size,"
"Awww," Ochaco coos, smiling toward me before getting all serious and whispering in my ear, "So you're scared too, right?"
"Couldn't be more terrified," I mumble back, taking a nervous breath and forcing a smile toward everyone as Mina begins to ramble on about how Kokoa has begun to crawl around the house, "This is so intimid —"
"Hey, Baby Face," Katsuki calls out, catching my attention as I turn around in my seat and look toward him before blushing as he winks and beckons me toward him, "Come here for me, I want you to meet someone for me,"
Nodding nervously, I push to my feet and excuse myself from the girls before heading toward my boyfriend. A faint smile plays on my lips as I reach Katsuki and kiss his cheek before looking toward the hero that Katsuki's speaking to. My eyes almost bulge out of their sockets as I'm greeted by Rabbit Hero : Mirko clad in a gorgeous crisp white shirt with black dress pants. The woman standing there with her hand on her hip and another hand draped around her wife : Fuyumi Todoroki.
Fuyumi Todoroki is absolutely stunning. The white haired female is clad in a gorgeous icy blue v - neck dress that cuts down below her breasts. The dress almost reminds me of an Elsa dress. It flows with her movements and it's so sparkly. She has snowflake earrings in her ears with a white clutch bag in her hands, the woman still clad in her glasses. Her and her mother are so beautiful, it's unreal.
"This is Mirko and her wife Fuyumi, I did an internship with Mirko before I made my debut," Katsuki explains, looking toward the bunny hero who grins and waves toward me while I wave nervous back, "This is my girlfriend, (Y/n),"
"Didn't know you had it in you," Mirko teases, punching Katsuki's arm playfully before extending her hand toward me, "It's nice to meet you,"
"You too," I hum softly, leaning into Katsuki as he wraps his arms around me from behind to keep me grounded as Mirko is pulled away to speak to Hawks, "Enjoying yourself?"
"Yes I am," Katsuki hums, kissing my cheek as he rests his head on my shoulder and takes a deep breath. His spiky hair poking my cheeks making me smile at the ticklish feeling, "You look so good in this dress, I can't get over how good you look..."
"Oh please," I dismiss, looking up at him and wrapping my arms around his neck with a faint giggle as he nips at my nose, "You're only saying that because you're my b —"
"Imagine seeing you here, (Y/n),"
Frowning gently, I turn around in Katsuki's grip to find the source of that voice. As soon as I find them, a smile breaks across my lips. My heart swelling with happiness as my eyes lay upon Hizashi Yamada and Shota Aizawa. The pair of them smiling toward me as I lean into Katsuki. Both of them were clad in suits yet Aizawa seemed to have a pink bow with a little sparkle added to it. Arching a brow, I look toward his bow before giggling as he rubs the back of his neck.
"Eri decided to decorate it when she was six," Shota explains softly making me heart squeeze at how adorable that is, "I haven't had the heart to wash it off,"
"So how are you little listener?" Hizashi asks as I intertwine my hands with Katsuki's and hold them at my waist with a small smile, "I see you've got Bakugo here wrapped around your finger,"
"Yeah," I hum, giggling as Katuski sticks his tongue out at me before looking back toward the older pair, "How are you?"
"We're good," Shota replies, watching as Katsuki pulls away to go and speak to Shoto about something. A small sigh leaves my lips as Shota gives me a look, "Have you told him about the attack?"
Immediately, my eyes widen. Heart slightly stuttering as Shota crosses his arms over his chest and watches me panic internally. Besides my family and Sakino, both Hizashi and Shota knew about my attack. Not because I've told them... but because they were there when it happened. Shota found me in the alleyway after the attack. Shota was the one who tried to find the guy who attacked me before coming back with nothing...
Hizashi was my homeroom teacher after I was moved from the hero course and he was always there for me when I had a panic attack or I had a nightmare. Both of them helped me through my first two years of trauma and even took me to a specialist to help where I got diagnosed with PTSD and chronic anxiety.
"No, I —"
"Why not?" Hizashi asks making my eyes widen as I bite my lip and clear my throat with a small whine, "Sweetie, why? I'm sure he'd understand and he's got scars of his own, he'll show you that it's okay,"
"Because I don't want him to be disgusted by me... the scars just horrible," I mumble through my breath, fiddling with the silk of my dress while looking toward Shota with pleading eyes, "And I don't want him to think I'm weak..."
"Why would he think that?" Yamada asks worried, watching as I clear my throat and close my eyes while taking a deep breath, "Honey come on, we can go in the garden area, you need some fresh air,"
"Oh... uh... Mr. Aizawa," I hum, looking toward Shota as we head into the garden of the grand hall, my eyes looking toward the beautiful display of roses and other flowers, "I... uh..."
"What?" He asks softly, sitting me down and gently pulling my hair out of the bun it was pinned back into. The male running his fingers through my hair as I take a deep breath, "Shall I go get Bakugo? Maybe you need a nap... I'll —"
"My attacker..." I mumble, watching as he stops and looks toward me slowly before taking my hands into his as I take a deep breath and scrunch my eyes tightly, "He... he works for Katuski... I think he's one of the admin... b — but... I don't know..."
"Have you told Katsuki?" Shota asks, mumbling to Hizashi to go and get my boyfriend as I clear my throat and shake my head, "Why not?... sweetie, he needs to know,"
"Because I — I..." I mumble before looking toward Katsuki as he rushes over and takes over from Shota, "K — Kat..."
"Shhh," he mumbles, kissing my knuckles as he lets me squeeze his hands before pulling out a stress toy from his jacket pocket. My eyes widening slightly as he hands it to me and lets me fiddle with it, "Thought you might get overwhelmed at some point,"
"Maybe take her to your hotel room, give her some cool down time," Shota hums, handing Katuski my hair accessories before looking to Hizashi who sends me a reassuring smile, "We'll see you later,"
Katsuki nods, kissing my forehead before wrapping his suit jacket around my shoulders and pulling me to my feet. As I look toward Shota, he sends me a look as if to say 'you need to tell him' before heading back in with Hizashi. Sighing gently, I lean into Katsuki who leads me into the hall and through a nearby hallway which leads toward a hotel.
"Sorry for ruining your night, Kat,"...
"Hey; don't worry. I'd rather keep you safe than speak to those boring old fuckers,"...
"I'll give you a massage or something to make up for it,"...
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