Chapter 40
Humming gently to myself, I run my fingers through my shower sodden hair as I step out of the shower. Wet feet pattering against the tiled floor before I wipe them on the red bathmat on the edge of the shower cubicle. A plume of steam following me out of the cubicle as I step into the main bathroom and grab the fluffy towel hanging from the radiator. The warmth licking at the fabric. A happy satisfied hum leaves my lips as I wrap the warm piece of fabric around my damp body, allowing it to soak up the moisture as I grab a hand towel from the hamper nearby the door to wipe up the remaining residue from the shower. My eyes following my hands as I wipe down the glass doors and the tiled wall, trying to make it as dry as I can before wiping it over the mirror in front of me so I can see my reflection.
As my eyes rake over my wet form, a faint smile plays on my lips. My eyelashes were bolder now that they were clinging together by the water droplets. Face wet. My hair was flat against my head, slowly air drying as the seconds go past. Every so often, little tiny drops of water drip from the edges of my saturated form. Fingers wrinkling up, hands beginning to look like that of an old person. I didn't really mind though...
That shower was definitely needed. I needed to wash off any remnants of last night before I lost myself to madness.
Last night, yet again, another nightmare managed to wrap its claws around my throat and dig itself into my skin. Waking up in a cold sweat, hand instantly cupping the scar that is always going to serve as a reminder of that day... it's getting ridiculously hard to keep this up but I know I'm not ready to tell yet. I can't tell Katsuki anything... as much as I want to, I can't. It's not that I don't trust him, I'm just not ready to break down that wall of sharing this sort of information with him...
Only a handful of people know about that day, only a few people and that's only because they were either there when it happened or because they're related to me. The only people that know are: Mr. Aizawa, Sakino, my whole family, Miss Midnight, Kurva and (unfortunately) Kana. Everyone else doesn't know anything about that day. Even Shoto and Momo don't know about it! I told myself I wouldn't tell anyone...
Yet, Katsuki and I have made an agreement not to push each other into talking about something that we don't want to. Both him and I are very private people, which is completely understandable. However, we still have to tell each other what's going on eventually. We can't keep bottling things up... luckily, Katsuki has learned how to express his feelings into physical therapy to try and release that feeling before he spirals. He's also beginning to learn how to talk about his feelings. He's putting the effort in and it shows, it definitely does.
Me, on the other hand... I'm still working on it.
After quickly towel drying my hair as much as I can, I slide on one of Katsuki's shirts. The shirt is his signature skull t shirt (he has like three of these!) that hangs just below my upper thigh and is quite baggy (just the way I like it). I then grab a pair of leggings to put on underneath and smile gently as I grab my hairdryer from my dresser. Once plugged in and at the ready, I grab the heat defence spray from the bathroom and quickly spray it all over my wet head of hair (I didn't want to burn my hair!).
With the spray in, I begin to dry my hair. The hairdryer on, blowing hot air onto my wet strands while I gently comb through my hair with a tangle teaser to try and get it dry as quick as possible. The sound almost deafening as I try to allow the air to reach all part of my hair. My eyes focus on my reflection on the mirror on the dresser as I dry my hair, shaking the hairdryer all over my hair.
Once dry, I brush it through with my barrel brush and nod toward my reflection once I'm happy with everything. Hair is now washed, dried and ready to style whenever I please. It's just how I want it to be. Running my fingers through my, now dry, hair, I grab my phone from my nightstand and slide it into my leggings against my hip to keep it in place. I then head downstairs, wanting to have some cuddles with my boyfriend before he has to leave for work to go and do his patrol shift.
However, as I get halfway down the stairs, I freeze. Please don't tell me we have people over... My ears prick up immediately at the sound of people laughing. Katsuki's invited someone over? Who is it? I don't remember Katsuki telling me about people coming over... was I even supposed to know if people were visiting? What if it's the press or something and I come downstairs looking like a twelve year old boy? Oh god... I need to know who it—
"(Y/n), there you are! We were wondering where you had disappeared to. How are you, sweetie?"
Immediately, my whole body slacks with relief, a small smile on my lips as my eyes land on the male at the bottom of the stairs. Those soft brown eyes that welcome anyone who looks at them. The welcoming smile that makes you feel safe and wanted regardless of who you are and what you do. I couldn't help but giggle as I walk further down the stairs before being engulfed in a small hug by the male in front of me. I hug Masaru back in a matter of seconds, feeling safe around the older male.
Katsuki's parents are over.
Slowly, Masaru pulls away and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear before smiling. His welcoming touch making me feel a hundred times better than the shower managed. I guess Masaru just has a calming aura around him. I mean, he's always so approachable. I mean, if I could, I would choose him as my second dad (which hopefully he will be anyway) because he's just so sweet to everyone.
"I'm okay, Masaru," I tell him, rubbing the back of my neck as he nods along to my words and rubs my back as I clear my throat, "I didn't realise you were coming over, I would have changed my outfit otherwise,"
"Don't be ridiculous, you wear what you feel comfy in, this is your home too after all," Masaru reminds me as I nod gently and fiddle with the hem of the skull shirt draped over my body. The megane unable to stop smiling as he looks toward me, "Katsuki says you're having a rough couple of days, is everything alright?"
"It's fine, Masaru, don't worry," I reassure him before squeaking as he pulls me into another hug. This time, it's a lot more solid than than the other one. His arms tighter around me making me chuckle nervously as I wrap my arms around the male, "Hey, don't get all soft on me already,"
"Look, I know it's not my place to tell you what to do," Masaru admits softly, pulling away to look me in the face while I send him a small weak smile, "But Katuski will never discredit your feelings or make you feel like you're invalid. I'm sure whatever is troubling you will be sorted and you'll be happy,"
"I see where Katsuki gets his kindness from," I muse, kissing Masaru's cheek gently making him chuckle and rub the back of his neck, "Thank you, Masaru, now let's head into the living room,"
Nodding happily, Masaru wraps his arm around my wrist and begins to tug me in the direction of the living room. The megane is almost unable to control his happiness as he walks into the living room with me in tow to reveal what's going on in he living room. A faint giggle leaving my lips at the scene in front of my while Masaru walks in further to continue on with whatever he was doing.
In front of me, standing there shirtless with a small annoyed expression painted across his face, is Katsuki. The male standing with his arms held out and his mother gently wrapping a measuring tape around his chest with a small hum. The blonde woman mumbling numbers to herself as she quickly writes them down in the notepad in her breast pocket. Not to be rude but why are they here? Katsuki didn't tell me about people coming over...
"Oh hey, Baby Face," Katsuki hums, irking when his mother tightens the measuring tape too much around his body making him grit his teeth and glare toward the woman, "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," I tell him softly, leaning against the doorway while resting my head against it and taking a deep breath, "You didn't tell me people were coming over,"
"Sorry, I forgot," Katsuki admits rubbing the back of his neck slightly as Mitsuki pulls away from him and nods to herself as she records more numbers down and clears her throat, "We've been invited to a hero gala next week, my parents have already designed our outfits, they just need measurements,"
"I'm sorry, we?" I ask confused, crossing my arms over my chest and arching a brow while Masaru grabs some white fabric chalk to begin marking the fabric in his lip, "Katsuki, I have to babysit the twins,"
"You're coming," Katsuki says making me frown gently. I don't remember being asked to come nor do I remember a conversation about this topic. A small groan leaving my lips as my stomach contorts, "Natsuo is babysitting the twins, I made sure of that, I just wanted you to come to this one now that we're an established couple and everything,"
"Why don't you have a look at the dress design?" Masaru offers as he grabs his electronic tablet to bring up the designs with a small hum, "Mitsuki and I think it'll suit you plus, it'll be a great way to introduce you to the world of media,"
"But I don't want to be a public figure," I tell them honestly, looking toward Masaru as he sends me a small reassuring smile before I sigh, "I'm not... I don't want to be in the spotlight, that's Katsuki's domain,"
"Well you're dating one of the biggest heroes in Japan," Mitsuki points out, crossing her arms over her chest and looking toward me making me bite my lip nervously as Masaru hands me the tablet, "So you should have thought about that before you dated him if that's the case,"
Rolling his eyes, Katsuki bypasses his mom and wraps his arms around my from behind as I look toward the tablet. His head resting gently on my shoulder as I take my eyes over Masaru's design. My eyes immediately widening light saucers at the sheer beauty of the dress while Katsuki couldn't help but grin to himself. I could already see the cogs in Katsuki's brain whirring to life.
The dress seems absolutely gorgeous. It's a midnight black colour with an orange 'X' across the bodice part of it which signifies Katsuki's hero costume and his hero name. The skirt seemed similar to that of a ball gown and I could already imagine myself twirling in that just to see the skirt fan out. Not only that but it has long bell sleeves that seemed to be made of silk. It's simple yet striking. No wonder Mitsuki and Masaru are so popular in the fashion world, their work is simply amazing.
"That would look good on you," Katsuki purrs, smirking as he slides his hands to my waist and kisses my cheek as I gently trace the shape of it with my index finger before he whispers, "Can't wait to take it off you too~"
"What do you think?" Masaru asks as I hand the tablet back to him before getting back to cutting the fabric of the suit that he's making for Katsuki, "You're wearing it so you need to tell us what you think,"
"I like it," I tell him, smiling as he beams happily before looking toward Mitsuki who clicks her fingers and points to a spot on the carpet, "Wha...?"
"You need to be measured so we can have the right size for you," Mitsuki tells me, sending me a small grin when I look toward Katsuki. The woman clearing her throat as I slowly walk toward the spot and stand there, "Just take your shirt of—"
"No, I'm not doing that," I tell her instantly, watching as she frowns toward me while my hairs stand alert on my arms. Katsuki immediately tenses slightly as I pick the skin of my elbows, "Just measure with the shirt on,"
"Sweetie, we can't get an exact measurement if your shirt is on," Mitsuki says through gritted teeth making me clear my throat. The last thing I need is Katsuki seeing my scar in front of his parents. I don't need them looking, "So take it off, we're not here to judge,"
"I'm not taking it off," I tell her stubbornly, watching as she scoffs and looks to Katsuki for help. The blonde sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose as I lock eyes with him, "The fabric is literally what, not much more than a millimetre in thickness maybe smaller, it's fine,"
"Just let her do what makes her comfortable, ma," Katsuki says, watching as Mitsuki grumbles under her breath and begins to measure under my bosom, "I'm sure taking your top off in front of your boyfriends parents isn't something people want to do,"
"Thank you," I hum, looking toward Katsuki who sends me a small smile before pulling me into a cuddle as Mitsuki finishes and writes down all the measurements she needs. I look up at Katsuki who kisses my nose before I whisper softly, "Was I being rude?..."
"No, you weren't," He confidently replies, kissing my forehead as we lace our hands together as I breathe a sigh of relief, "You were just trying to stop yourself from being in an uncomfortable situation. Don't be so hard on yourself, okay?"
"Camie would have taken her shirt off," I hear Mitsuki mumble making me scoff incredulously before I clear my throat to catch her attention. My adrenaline; unfortunately, making me very very confident, "What?"
"I am not Camie. Yes, she may have but she doesn't have to deal with what I do," I tell her straight, watching as Mitsuki stands there with her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes narrowing at me, "You don't know what I've been through and you don't have any right to tell me what I can and can't do and how I should or shouldn't feel. You have no right to compare me to someone that Katsuki didn't actually have a fully fledged relationship with. She isn't someone that he is attracted to, he is dating me and that's what matters. You're making matters worse by comparing me to someone that Katsuki doesn't even like like that. So please stop, Mrs Bakugo, and realise that your son is happy with me,"
Silence suddenly encompasses the room. An uncomfortable yet heavy silence that chokes everyone in the room as Mitsuki and I stare each other down. Masaru stands in the background, biting his lip... almost hopeful for something while Katsuki crosses his arms over his chest with a small grin on his lips. What none of them realise is that I have dealt with kids with much worse situation. I have stared into the eyes of children who think that they can intimidate me because I'm just nice to everyone.
Well, shocking news, I do have a backbone!
Slowly, the silence doesn't become so deafening as Mitsuki's lips slowly curl into a grin. My face falters for a second before I look toward Katuski who chuckles and wraps his arms around me tightly. A small breath of relief leaves Masaru while I frown to myself confused. What the hell is going on? Am I dreaming? Is this a hallucination?
"And for a second there, I didn't think you'd have the balls to do that," Mitsuki praises, patting my head making me stare at Katuski completely and utterly out of the loop, "I like her,"
"Wait... what?"
"Honey, I only want the best for my son and I didn't want some spineless no good dating him," Mitsuki explains, watching me closely, as I snuggle into Katuski and kiss his cheek as he holds me close, "I was only doing that to test you and make sure that you don't just let people get away with things. Katsuki needs someone to keep him under their thumb, he's not that well behaved,"
"What?! I was an Angel!" Katsuki yells making me groan as I feel my eardrum being violated by his loud display, "Old hag!"
"So all that stuff about Camie was just to... rile me up?" I ask confused, watching as Mitsuki nods and wraps an arm around my shoulders while ruffling my hair with another hand, "Katuski, you have a strange family,"
"Well you're strange too, sweetie, because you're now one of us,"...
"I think I preferred it when you were being mean to me,"...
"Yeah, being nice is a weird colour on you, hag,"...
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