Chapter 37
Humming a soft tune to myself, I stand at the kitchen counter of Katsuki's home with a kitchen knife in hand and a cooking apron slung around my body. Eyes focusing on the food in front of me as I sway softly to the music echoing through the kitchen. A faint smile playing on my lips as I mumble the words to one of my favourite songs while bobbing my head up and down with the beat. My foot taps against the linoleum floor, tapping to the beat that is echoing around the room while I slice the vegetables on the chopping board in front of me. The sound of the knife snapping against the chopping board echoes around through the kitchen.
On the stove, bubbling away in salted boiling water, were some noodles that I had made from scratch the other day. The starchy food slowly becoming softer as the time passes while I begin to sort out the vegetables for the dish. I had already sliced up the spring onions, diced the small mushrooms and diced the red pepper into cubes to get fried when I finish up the rest of the vegetables and the sauce that I'm going to make for this noodle dish that I'm creating for my boyfriend for his lunch.
In front of me, lays three cloves of garlic ready to be chopped up. Each and every clove had been peeled from their skin. Humming gently, I crush the garlic underneath the flat blade of my knife before beginning to slice it up into finer slices. A small bowl stands next to me, waiting to be filled with the ingredients for the sauce I'm about to make. My mouth watering at the sheer thought of the dish I'm about to make my boyfriend. A faint giggle leaving my lips when another one of my favourite songs comes on as I add the crushed and sliced garlic to the bowl.
Swaying to the beat of the song, I begin to make the sauce. Adding equal parts of sesame oil, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and a little squeeze of golden syrup. The smile on my lips unable to get any smaller as I add a small dash of Chinese five spice as well as slicing up some ginger to add into there. Spicy and distinct smells begin to fill the kitchen as I stir it all together to let the aromatic sauce combine into one and unleash their tangy flavours that'll jump into your mouth as soon as you taste it.
I couldn't even wait for Katsuki to try this! I know he'll love it so much!
After having a quick taste, I begin to fry the vegetable in olive oil. Allowing each food to become vibrant with colour and flavour while I look toward the noodles to make sure that they're not over boiling and becoming too soft that they're almost chewy in a way. My stomach flips excitedly at the sheer thought of feeding Katsuki this. Mind whirring a mile a minute as I fry the the vegetables before adding the sauce to it.
While the sauce and the vegetables are cooking away, I grab the colander from the cupboard and drain the noodles. A faint smile on my lips as I begin to add the noodles to the sauce and the vegetables before tossing it all up together to combine all the components of the dish. The smell wafting through the kitchen makes my stomach grumble and my mouth water. A hum leaving my lips as I grab Katsuki's box and fill it full with the garlicky noodles I have made for him.
With his lunch made, I grab his chopsticks and place them in their little holder in the box before sliding it into my purse. After I turn off the stove and allow the pots and pans I have used to soak in the sink, I grab my purse and slip my shoes onto my feet. Hand wrapping around my phone as I check the address of Katsuki's hero agency, making sure that I have the right address so I don't get myself in a pickle and end up somewhere where I don't know. My eyes shimmering with happiness as I open up the front door and leave the house.
After the door is locked, I clear my throat and head toward my boyfriends agency. My shoes clicking against the pavement as I walk down the sidewalk, smiling toward the pedestrians I walk past. A small skip in my step as I walk past All Might's agency (I believe it used to be All Might's and Izuku took it over but then Shoto's told me that Toya's wife owns it). My eyes focusing in on the building standing tall up ahead, knowing full well that that is my boyfriends hero agency.
I haven't ever set foot in his agency before. I've stood outside it a couple of times to wait for Katsuki but I've never actually been inside. To be honest, Katsuki doesn't really mix his work life in with his romance life. He keeps them separate from one another, which I'm grateful for, and only really corporates it in if he's got overdue paperwork or he needs to work overtime on a case. However, he's never taken me around the complex of his agency...
So this will be all new for me.
Unfortunately, this morning, Katsuki slept in (guilty!) and had to rush out the door before Shoto decided to make an appearance while I'm practically half naked in bed. Which meant that he completely forgot about his lunch. So then my morning was interrupted by a phone call from Katsuki grumbling about forgetting his lunch and asking if I could drop it off for him. So, to kill two birds in one stone, I said yes since I was going to visit him during the day anyway.
As I finally arrive at the building, I take a deep breath and open up the glass doors into the foyer of the agency. My eyes widening at the sheer size of the reception with the amount of people bustling around in it. Civilians being interviewed by women and men in suits and ties. Sidekicks from different agencies speaking with one another and smiling. A bunch of children being escorted out of one of the rooms with a bright smile on their faces with their arms wrapped around a limited edition Dynamight figurine.
"There she is,"
Smiling softly, I turn around and laugh when I see my boyfriend being mauled by a bunch of children when I walk further toward the room where the children are leaving. On the blackboard behind them are the words 'What Makes You Special?' making my heart break yet squeeze at the same time. Breaking due to the fact that there are children thinking horrible thought of hurting themselves but squeezing at the fact that Katsuki is trying to help them feel better about themselves.
Since Katsuki is a huge advocate for mental health, he hosts multiple workshops and anonymous meets to help everyone with their mental health, self image and to help them just get through bad days. He's basically like their rock...
On Monday and Friday evenings, there's an adult workshop for anyone who feels like they need to vent or need to release steam. He opens up his agency for anyone. He'll let them go into the gym or the hall and allow them to begin to release stress physically. He'll speak with each of them to see what's going on and make sure they're all okay. He's saved many women from abuse cases, helped men overcome their fears of speaking about emotions... he's even helped couples patch the rift between them.
He's so amazing!
At the weekends and on Wednesday mornings, Katsuki hosts a little club/workshop where he helps children feel better about themselves. Allows them to tell him what's happening at school. Telling him about bullying or about their home life. It's their safe space. They love Katsuki and they confide in him. He's their rock and he's always there for them...
There has been times where he's had to get police involved/child protection services to help the children but they still see him and they draw him pictures and everything! It's so adorable!
"You should have said you had a little workshop, I would have made cupcakes," I tell him softly as the children slowly climb off him and give him high fives before scurrying off to their parents, "Good session?"
"Yeah, they're all happy," Katsuki hums, kissing me softly as I lean into him before holding me close, "And how has your day been, Baby Face? Busy?"
"Yeah, could say that, having to make your lunch and everything," I tease, the male chuckling as he wraps his arms around me and hoists me into the air playfully while I kiss his cheek, "I missed you this morning,"
"Awww, I missed you too," he hums, smirking playfully as he sets me back on my feet and leads me toward the elevator. Smiling softly, I follow him and stand in the elevator while he presses the button, "Maybe you could help out with the workshop? Teach the kids how to cook and bake? Help me out? Maybe even take one home and call it our own~"
"I'll think about it, depends on times since the lectures are different but I'll see what I can do," I tell him, trying to completely bypass the 'calling the children our own' comment as we head up in the elevator, "I made you some garlic noodles for lunch, we had leftover vegetables so I needed to use them up,"
"Sounds delicious," he hums, smirking as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him. His chest against my back and my ass pressed against his groin making me roll my eyes playfully while biting my tongue, "Although, I know something even more delicious that I could have~"
"You're at work, Mister," I coo, sticking my tongue out at him before heading toward his office as the elevator door finally opens up. A small whine leaves my boyfriends lips as I walk into his office and open up my purse, "When you finish work, I'm sure I can sort something out,"
"Fine," He grumbles, grabbing the box I made just for him before grinning as he sits back into his chair, "This smell delicious,"
Smiling gently to myself, I kiss his cheek and allow him to dig into his meal while I run my fingers through my hair and look around his office. There's a cork board on one of the walls full to the brim of little art that kids have drawn for him, letters from civilians about being saved by him, a couple of pictures from high school even made it there. A giggle leaving my lips at the sight of all of Katsuki's friends surrounding him and he's standing there almost screaming his head off. My eyes glittering with happiness as I look at each picture and hum when I see my homeroom teacher when I was at U.A (Mr Aizawa) standing with the whole class.
On his desk, stands a picture of us. It's one of the pictures we took in his bathroom mirror, him behind me with his arms around my shoulders with a big grin on his lips while I lean back and smile toward the mirror. I'm clad in one of my dresses, I believe it was the night of our first night staying at his place together. Katsuki was in a shirt and trousers, both of us planning to go to a restaurant for our date. Along with some knickknacks, there's also a ton of paperwork on his desk.
"God, baby, this is amazing," Katsuki hums, his heading rolling back as he swallows down another mouthful and grin toward me, "You are the best girlfriend ever, you know that right?"
"Well you keep telling me that with every meal I cook you, so I must be doing something right," I tease, kissing his cheek as I walk around his desk and wrap my arms around his shoulder from behind his chair, "How does steak sound tonight? Remember Eijiro and Mina are coming over,"
"Yeah, sounds good, it'll be nice," Katsuki replies, swallowing down another mouthful before groaning as his phone buzzes. The male presses a button, "What? I said for no one to interrupt my lunch break! Do this shit better be important!"
"Sorry sir, Endeavor has just sent through the paperwork from your recent save," A voice echoes through the monitor making me frown gently as my stomach flips anxiously, "He wants it done as soon as possible. Shoto's already done his paperwork,"
I know that voice...
"Of course he has, fucking dickhead," Katsuki mumbles to himself as he clears his throat and mumbles an apology to me before looking back toward the monitor, "Send them in,"
"Thank you, sir," The voice echoes through before fizzling out. My mind running rampant as I try to figure out the voice to the face that I swear I know. My heart beating against my ribs as a hand knocks on the door. The voice becoming more clearer, "It's just me, sir,"
As soon as Katsuki allows them in, the door opens. My eyes widening subtly when the person finally walks in. Breath escaping my lungs. Heart almost stopping as time stops and my mind practically shuts down. Hands begin to shake. Legs slowly feeling like jelly as I slightly tighten my grip around my boyfriend. I keep my eyes on him. Bile rising in my throat when he finally looks toward me...
Hazel eyes...
Oh my god...
Clearing my throat, my insides almost leave my body when he sends me a sickly sweet smile before turning around and leaving. My shoulders tighten up slightly as I pull away from my boyfriend and clear my throat. I need to leave. I need to get out of here. I can't be in this building! I can't! I —
"Babe? You okay? You're shaking," Katsuki hums, the male pushing off his chair and taking my hands into his as he slowly rubs circles on the back of my hand, "What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream this morning?"
"N — no... I..." I begin before it fizzles out and I shake my head pulling my hands away from his as I dart for my purse and clear my throat, "I — I just realised I need to go! Sakino and I are gonna g — go out! Sorry Kat! I just — I need — bye!"
"Baby Face, don't just —"
I slam the door before he could even finish his sentence. My hands shaking as I fumble for my phone and press the button for the ground floor. The elevator doors then shut before Katsuki could even get close and it begins to go down. Heart beating a mile a minute as I dial Sakino's number as quickly as I possibly can and hold the phone to my ear as I take a deep breath. It feels like my heart is going to break out of my ribs.
"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" Sakino asks as she finally answers. The girl pausing her television show as I slowly breathe into the speaker of the phone before choking on a whine, "Is everything okay?! What did Katsuki do? Do I need to pick you up?"
"I want to go home... Sakino... I —" I begin before the elevator doors open on the ground floor. Sighing to myself, I run out of the building and stand outside on the sidewalk nearby the doors while I scrunch my eyes tightly shut, "Please come..."
"Sweetie, I'm on my way. Just tell me what's happened?"...
"He works for Katsuki! He works for Katsuki!"...
"Who honey?"...
"My attacker,"...
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