Chapter 30
Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I lean against the kitchen counter with a faint giggle playing on my lips. My eyes looking toward the tv while the popcorn kernels in the microwave pop into popcorn to their hearts content. A small smile stretches across my face as I watch Sakino flip through the many channels that Katsuki has on his tv. The blue haired girl giggling to herself as she gets comfy on one of the many armchairs in the living room, her purple eyes sparkling with glee at the fact that I allowed her into my boyfriends home in the first place.
It had taken some bargaining and bribing, I managed to worm my way around Katsuki into letting Sakino come over for a little bit. He had been adamant and said no but after a while (and getting to know Sakino) he now changed his mind and allowed me to have Sakino over. It wasn't so much of a 'this is my man cave' thing for Katsuki, it's more of a 'I just don't trust people with my stuff' kind of thing. He didn't want anyone just waltzing into his home where all his belongings are and just take them. So he was fine with it as long as I was around to keep an eye on her.
As the microwave beeps to signal that it's finished heating up the popcorn, I slide open the door and pull out the brown bag full of the freshly popped popcorn. My stomach churning happily as I breathe in the soft buttery smell of popcorn that makes my mouth simply water. I pour them into the plastic bowl I found in one of the many cupboard before heading into the living room and making myself comfortable on the plush chaise lounge Katsuki has in his living room. I'm still clad in his skull t shirt and a pair of shorts. They're really comfy.
Sakino giggles and grabs a handful of popcorn from the bowl as she switches the channel to a simple comedy show that we both can get our teeth into. The pair of us smiling toward each other as we get comfortable and snuggle underneath a blanket each. Sakino snuggling underneath a Deku themed blanket that she bought from the apartment while I snuggle underneath the Dynamight themed blanket that Katsuki practically wrapped me in last night when he stole my Red Riot one.
So I'm really tempted to give him an Endeavor blanket and swap it out for his All Might one!
Quickly, I slide my eyes toward the lock screen of my phone to have a quick look at what the time is. My mind running through how many more minutes to go until I have to change the channel, a small snort leaving my lips as Sakino squeals with laughter. The blue haired girl looking toward me as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and get comfortable on the couch. The pair of us grinning from ear to ear.
"Your boyfriend's house is so cool," Sakino hums as she looks around the expanse of the living room while munching on some chips with a hum. The woman smiling to herself as she notices a picture that Katsuki must have printed off the other day of the pair of us snuggling in the mirror before one of our dates, "Aww, you're both so cute... you're so lucky,"
"I know... I'm so happy," I tell her as I run my fingers through my hair and send Katsuki a quick 'good luck' message before leaning back against the pillows of the couch, "He's so sweet and he listens to me when I need to rant... he's just so amazing,"
"Better than that last twat you dated?" Sakino asks making me snort and nod toward her while I nibble on some popcorn, "Good, you're so adorable together too! You don't give him up, okay? He's got a nice ass and you deserve that,"
"Thank you," I hum with a laugh, clearing my throat as I look back toward the tv and take a deep breath. Almost bracing myself for the interview that I'm not even taking yet I know it'll be about it, "I'm not planning on giving him up any time soon,"
As Sakino coos toward me, the alarm for Katsuki's interview goes off on my phone making me sit up and grab the tv remote. Sakino giggling as I immediately switch the channel over from our comedy channel to another channel with a small hum. My insides swirling with anxiety as I manage to turn it on as the opening begins to play and I worry about what the interview will actually entail. A small nagging feeling stabs at the back of my head as I worry for how Katsuki will react toward the questions and the intrusive nature of the interviews.
Unfortunately, heroes are always asked very uncomfortable questions...
As the opening finishes, canned applause begins to echo through the speakers as well as whistling and cheering while the camera pans out to show the host of the talk show that Katsuki's interviewing at. The woman on the couch clad in a tight red dress with silver earrings hanging from her earlobes and her blonde hair curled into wavy ringlets. Bright brown eyes stare toward the camera as she clears her throat and begins to read from the script that we cannot see.
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another day of hot hero gossip from me, your host, Yumi Okazaki," The woman hums as she looks toward the camera in front of her with a big smile that shows off her pearly white teeth as she clears her throat, "Now, today we are blessed with the presence of the top three heroes: Shoto, Deku and Dynamight! Who are right here, in this studio! Give them all a round of applause!"
As the audience erupts back into claps and cheers, Deku walks out into the studio with a nervous yet adorable smile while he waves toward everyone. Sakino cooing at how cute he is while Shoto follows in after and sends everyone a short smile and a wave with Katsuki hunched over and a scowl on his face as he mumbles to himself incoherently. A giggle leaving my lips as he straightens up and waves shortly when Shoto elbows him in the side before they all sit down on the couch. Katsuki sitting furthest away from the talk show host.
"God he looks good," I mumble softly with a small hum, blushing as Sakino grins toward me and throws a pillow my way as I cover my face and whine, "Shut up! He's my boyfriend! I'm allowed to say he's good looking!"
"So, as we all know, Dynamight has been very popular in the media lately. He's been seen pictured with a rather beautiful girl that no one knows recently," The host explains toward her audience as she looks toward the blonde who slightly tenses up as Shoto sends him a reassuring smile, "And we all want answers. So, Mr Dynamight, to start us off, who is this girl that you've been seeing? Is she your girlfriend?"
"I'm not giving you my whole relationship story, you people always twist shit like this," Katsuki begins making me snort as I lean back against the couch and fiddle with the hem of the blanket. The blonde wincing as Shoto kicks his shin, "Ow! Fine... She's my girlfriend, we've been dating for a couple months now,"
"So, Shoto and Deku, what is she like?" The host asks with a faint giggle, looking toward the two as a picture of Katsuki and I at the park with the twins is plastered on the screen behind them, "What does she do for a living?"
"She's great, she babysits my twin sons for my wife and I while we work," Shoto explains while Katsuki sits there boiling away to himself. A faint giggle leaving my lips as Katsuki listens to them, "She certainly keeps this one in check for us,"
"So when can we meet her?" The interviewer asks while Katsuki looks toward Shoto who sighs and shakes his head. The blonde grimacing as he clears his throat, "We want to know everything about the girl that's gotten Japan's bachelor hero around her finger!"
"She doesn't want to be known yet," Katsuki says simply making me smile gently. It was a conversation that both Katsuki and I had since he was in the public eye a lot. After I told him that I didn't really want to be as famous as him, he totally understood and made sure that the PR department handled anything that concerned me, "It's her —"
"Oh come on! She's your girlfriend!" The interviewer says making me shake my head and cover my cheeks with my hands as I tighten up slightly, "She has to come out soon!"
"That's her decision," Katsuki seethes with gritted teeth, his hands slightly sparking with explosions as he narrows his eyes, "If she doesn't want to be in the public eye then she doesn't!"
"So, could she be the one?" The host asks making my eyes widen as I look toward Sakino who freeze and stares at the tv. Katsuki looks so nervous, he doesn't seem comfortable which makes my heart ache, "Come on~ Do you love her?"
"He's only been with her for a couple months," Izuku says looking toward Katsuki who looks ready to take this woman outside and knock her down a few pegs while Shoto keeps a hand on his arm, "That's a bit... unreasonable don't you think?"
"Well it's not often that Dynamight gets a lover, so there must be something," The interviewer prods making Izuku grimace and look toward Shoto who sighs to himself, "Would she be your wife?"
"What kind of question is that?" Sakino mumbles looking toward me as I fiddle nervously with my blanket and grab my phone as it pings, "You okay?... We can turn it over,"
Shaking my head, I wave a hand toward her as I unlock my phone and open up the message that Shoto had sent to me during the interview while the interviewer asks Katsuki more and more questions as they get more and more intrusive making me sigh to myself. My eyes rolling over the messages as I take a deep breath and nod to myself.
Don't go to the studio building. They're
trying to lure you out to get a better view
of you and corner you with questions.
Sent 14:06
Can you bring him back home when
the interview is over? Please?...
I just want him here with me... he doesn't
seem happy
Sent 14;06
Yeah that's fine, I'll make sure he
doesn't do anything stupid.
Sent 14:07
After having that sort of comfort that Katsuki can come home as soon as he finishes his interview, I relax against the couch and look back toward the tv. My eyes focusing on Katsuki who relaxes slightly as Shoto whispers toward him, probably telling him that I'm not heading toward the studio so I don't get harassed by anyone. The male grinning to himself as he clears his throat and looks toward the interviewer who looks through her papers when she realised Katsuki isn't answering her questions.
"Alright, so! Still keeping on the subject of Dynamight and his mysterious girl," The interviewer continues making me bite my lip and look down at my blanket as she continues on with her questions, "Is she better than Maboromicamie? Your ex lover? In... other ways?"
"Ex lover?" I mumble looking toward Sakino who grabs her phone and immediately starts looking at the background of this girl. My eyes staring toward Sakino's phone as she pulls up that girl from Shiketsu that Katsuki was in the remedial course with, "You're fucking kidding me right?..."
"Can I ask you a question?" Katsuki asks making me look toward the tv nervously while I grip the blanket until my knuckles go white. My heart heating quickly in my chest as I take a deep breath, "Do you have a lover? Are they... good? When do we meet your lover? Are they better than your other lovers? Are they the one?"
"Mister Dynamight, that's a bit —"
"What? Inappropriate? Intrusive? Unreasonable? Rude?" Katsuki finishes making me snort and cover my mouth as a big grin okays on my lips when the blonde narrows his eyes toward the interviewer who fiddles with her dress, "I'm not giving you my whole sex life! I'm not telling you shit about my girlfriend because as soon as I do she's going to get harassed by fuckers like you and receive attention that she doesn't want! Respect my fucking decision and respect her fucking decision of not wanting to be in the public eye! That's her privacy! I'm not having some bitch dictate to me what my girlfriend does! If all your questions are shit about my relationship, then please tell me so I can leave,"
"I — I... uh..." The interviewer mumbles looking toward one of the directors, I'm assuming, while Shoto and Izuku look between each other and snort. Katsuki, as always, telling people what other heroes are thinking since he's always the outspoken one, "I think that's enough for today! Thank you for watching and uh... have a good day!"
Immediately the credits roll and Katsuki zooms out of the studio like his life depends on it, Sakino shrieks with laughter and leans against her couch in stitches while I snort. A giggle leaving my lips as I head toward the door and unlock it ready for the onslaught of Katsuki when he finally arrives. Sakino shaking her head as I slide into the couch and shake my head with her with a small snort. The pair of us grinning from ear to ear as we look back toward the tv where the interviewer is still sat starstruck as ever.
Serves her right for cornering Katsuki like that! You poke the bear, they will bite back! That is how Katsuki is!
As I head toward the kitchen to place the bowls away, the door slams open making me smile to myself as a pair of arms immediately snake around my waist. Katsuki's head burying into my neck as he takes a deep breath and pulls me as close as he can to his body. Releasing a small breath, I turn around in his arms and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him close. My lips pressing against his temple before I look toward Deku and Shoto who shut the door behind them and send me a small reassuring smile as I rub Katsuki's back.
"You were awesome, Bakugo!" Sakino cheers from the living room making him grin against my skin as I pat his back and let him pull away from me and stare toward me, "You totally put her in her place!"
"She was being rude and a bitch, I'm not letting anyone disrespect you," Katsuki says to me making me giggle and kiss his nose as he hoists me up onto the counter and kisses my forehead while I play with his hair, "I hate interviews too... they're so horrible,"
"I know... but you did great for what you did do," I honestly tell him while he sends me a small smile and pecks my lips gently. The pair of us smiling as we interlock our hands together, "And you were really hot yelling at that woman,"
"Oh yeah~" Katsuki purrs with a faint smirk, chuckling as I nod bashfully and snuggle my head into his neck as he squeezes my thighs gently. The male stops for a second and looks behind him toward Shoto and Izuku and Sakino, "Out, now,"
Immediately, the three vacate the house in a matter of seconds making me snort and wrap my arms around his neck when the front door clicks shut. Katsuki taking a deep breath as I tangle my fingers into his blonde locks and send him a small reassuring smile. The male clears his throat anxiously as I arch a brow and look toward him.
"You're not bothered about the..." he begins before trailing off and looking to the side making me smile gently. The male biting his lip as I slide my hands to his cheeks and force him to face me with a small giggle, "About me being exes with uh..."
"With Maboromicamie?" I ask softly watching as he nods and clears his throat. His hands almost sticking to my sides making me giggle, the male acting as if I'd let him go, "In all honesty, I'm not even bothered. You broke up with her for a reason. I don't need to compare myself to her because she's old news to you. I'm not one of those girls that's always worrying if I'm less attractive or more attractive than someone, you chose me to be your girlfriend and that is enough for me,"
"Wow..." KatsukI mumbles with a small hint of wonder as I giggle and poke his nose with my index finger as he grins, "How on earth did I get so lucky? You're so amazing... again, not as amazing as me but you're getting there,"
"I'm lucky too, to have such a strong boyfriend who'll kick anyone to protect my honour," I tell him, laughing as he grins and playfully nibbles at my earlobe while squeezing my thighs again, "Your PR team is going to crucify you,"
"So you watched huh?"...
"Oh yeah, I watched every second of it, you are so hot in your hero costume,"...
"Oh yeah?~ You'll prefer it when it's on the floor,"...
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