Chapter 3
Gently swaying to the beat of the music singing around the room, I get myself ready for the night out. My eyes staring at my reflection as I look at the mirror to apply my makeup. Working in the foundation, brushing the bronzer and the contour on with a small mumble of the words. Pursing my lips as I apply on lipstick, smiling to myself as I blow a playful kiss to my reflection. My confidence gently boosting up as I run my fingers through my hair and giggle to myself. A bright smile on my lips as I look at my whole outfit.
Despite my roommates pleads to wear fishnet tights, I decided to go with a simple short dress that ended just before my knees. Classy but still quite informal. Plus, I didn't want to wear anything too indecent when im being picked up by Mr. Todoroki! God that would be embarrassing! My dress, however, was a beautiful deep blue colour that compliments my body in all the right places. On my feet, cute black pumps (there was no way I was going in heels!) paired with a cute black purse that would hold all my essentials.
I mean, you never know, I could end up pulling someone~
Dancing on her side of the room, Sakino stood on her bed as she jams out to the song in her rather revealing outfit. The blue skinned girl wearing fishnet tights with a tight skirt and a cute crop top with spaghetti straps. Her hair tied back into a messy bun. The music aerating around the room getting us both hyped up for the evening to come, making us buzz with excitement as we sing the song in a rather unflattering key. We didn't care! We're having fun! I couldn't wait to get to the bar!
Honestly, I'm excited to go out!
Sakino and I haven't been out with our friendship group for a good while. With me getting my babysitting job and her rehearsing the piece of drama for her exam, we weren't able to fit any time in our schedule to just let loose and have fun. It was go to class, go to work, get home and sleep. Tonight, we could finally let our hair down and have a bit of fun with the girls!
"I can't wait to go out," Sakino says excitedly with a giggle, her antennae glowing a bright happy yellow to show her happiness as she clips in her hoop earrings with a hum, "Just want to let loose! Have some fun! Pick up some hot girl and show her a good time!"
"Me too," I reply with a laugh, clipping my heart necklace into place and running my fingers through my hair, making sure that everything is in place, "Flirt with some boys, tease some girls, have some fun!"
"Hopefully Kana won't ditch us with some ugly slab of meat like she did last time," Sakino mutters under her breath as she secured her bangles around her wrist with a hum on her lips, "Or Kurva starts a fight, I am not being kicked out of a bar again!"
"Yeah, I know," I hum with a laugh, posing for Sakino as she jumps beside me and holds her phone up, taking a quick selfie for us two with a smile, her sticking her tongue out while I smile brightly toward the camera and hold up a piece sign, "Tonight will be fun, don't worry about it,"
Making sure my phone is fully charged, I slip it into my purse and plop a mint into my mouth, giggling when Sakino jumps off her bed as she hears the doorbell ring. The girl squealing happily as she opens the door and waves toward the girls filing into our apartment already dolled up and caked head to toe in makeup and spaghetti strap tops and revealing outfits. All of them squealing toward me as I turn toward them with a smile, laughing as they all huddle around me for a big cuddle.
"(Y/n)!" Kurva squeals happily, wrapping her arms around my neck, squeezing me in a tight hug and jumping up and down happily with a bright giggle, "God! It's been forever!"
"Thought you were ditching us," Hakano whines, poking my forehead gently making me giggle and allow her to join the little cuddle, the bubbly violet haired girl pressing a friendly kiss to my cheek, "Missed you so much!"
"I'm sorry, I've gotten myself a job," I reply gently, smiling toward them before shrieking as they all squeal happily toward me and bombard me in another big cuddle as they glomp me tightly making me giggle, "Careful! We don't wanna hurt ourselves do we!"
"You got a job! That's amazing!" Kurva squeals clapping her hands as they pull away with a bright smile, giggling while I rub the back of my neck sheepishly, "What is it?! Is it in a restaurant?! Ooh! Is it at Fat Gum's newly opened one?! They do amazing food!"
"It's not that... I'm a babysitter," I explain with a smile, watching the girls coo and giggle between each other, "I babysit the twins of Pro heroes Shoto and Creati,"
"You what?!" Akari shrieks, staring at me with wide eyes as I giggle gently and nod, knowing how much of a fan girl Akari is for Shoto, "Oh my god! Tell me everything!"
"Um? Excuse me? Are we going out or not?" Kana asks leaning against the doorway with a rather unimpressed face, crossing her arms over her chest, "Come on! I wanna get drunk not find out about (Y/n)'s boring job stories,"
"Tell me later," Akari whispers squeezing my arms gently before skipping out of the door, giggling as Kana rolls her eyes at her, "Come on then! I wanna get wasted!"
Biting back a small laugh, biting my lip with a playful smile, I look toward Sakino who rolls her eyes and opens and closes her hand while mimicking Kana with a rather measly high voice, laughing as Kana glares toward her. The blue skinned girl didn't care. Sakino often called people out on their shit, that's probably the only reason she and I are really close. She often kept the group under control to make them tolerant enough for me.
The girls and I have been friends ever since high school. We've been through thick and thin. Been through villain attacks, supporting one another through parental troubles, lovers arguments and breakups with each other. You name it, we've supported each other through and through. There hadn't been a moment when we haven't been there for one another. We've celebrated highs. We've supported lows. We're a close knit group, I suppose...
When we want to be...
Unfortunately, going from high school to college to university, some of the girls changed significantly. Most of them being in the Hero course, they think they're the next best thing since sliced bread. Becoming quite self centred and judgemental on others. They've gotten rather uptight, rather rude, self centred and they always decide to nitpick on anyone and everyone they can. I've sometimes had to space myself from them when it's gotten too much for me because I can't associate with people like that... but they're not that bad... at least, I don't think they're that bad...
They just have their moments...
Once they've all skipped out of our home, Sakino and I leave the room and lock up the apartment, making sure that no one can come in. The blue haired girl beside me sticks her tongue out playfully before sending me a reassuring smile as we head down the hall and leave the apartment building. All six of us squeezing into the elevator and pressing the ground floor button with a smile. The elevator slowly descending with cliché elevator music.
"God, your elevator takes forever," Kana groans, resting her hand on her hip as she judges her manicured nails, the girl pouting to herself when she notices Sakino rolling her eyes, "What? I'm just saying,"
"All elevators are slow, Kana, not everyone can fly like Kurva," Sakino deadpans, smiling toward me as I bite back a giggle at Kana's scoff, "And not all of us can afford a house, unlike you who used daddy's money, so deal with it and quit your bitching,"
Mumbling angrily under her breath, Kana forces her way out of the elevator as the doors slide open. Sakino sending me a look as we head out of the apartment building and into the fresh night air. As we head down the side walk, Akari and Hanako gossip between one another about the football team, giggling between each other. Sakino ends up having a little conversation with Kurva about her recent internship with Ryoku, the black haired girl excited to be working with Uravity and Froppy and Nejire - Chan. While, Kana and I walk in utter silence, however, I was pitching in on Kurva and Sakino's conversation from time to time.
Finally, we arrive at the club. Bright grins play on our faces as we strut into the club already full of drunk people and sleazy men and dolled up women dancing on the floor and huddled up in booths having a good time. Before we get to the bar, Sakino and I tell the others our orders before venturing off to find a booth. The pair of us squeezing through dancing young adults and drunk men, trying to avoid getting alcohol spilt on us before grinning.
Instantly, Sakino and I find a booth, claiming it as soon as possible, darting toward the plush seats and wiggling onto it before the men that try to get it can. Both of us flipping off a pair of guys that tried to steal it off us with a smirks. Giggles leave our lips as we make ourselves comfortable, both of us trying to ignore the sticky situation of the table from spilt alcohol.
"I got the booze, ladies," Akari squeals happily, setting down our drinks before squirming her way into the booth with a bright grin, the violet haired girl pushing my rum and coke toward me with a smile, "Rum and coke for (Y/n), vodka and Diet Coke for Sakino,"
"Thank you Akari," I hum happily, taking a sip of my drink before setting it down on the already soaked drinks mat, "So how's the hero course?"
"It's going great!" Akari happily says with a smile, the girl relieved that she can finally be the centre of attention and actually talk to us about her classes instead of Kana taking the spotlight, "I finally got recruited at an agency! After so long! It's great! I'm wi -"
"We talking about the hero course?" Kana asks slotting herself into the booth beside Kurva as she perches down beside Akari who huffs and bites her lip as Kana decides to steal her spotlight. Kana grins as she plays with her blonde ringlets, "I don't know if you haven't read the news lately but I managed to diffuse a hostage situation, saved twenty seven hostages and arrested three thugs,"
"Wow that's great," I hum gently, smiling toward her as Kana grins in a boastful manner and sips at her skinny margarita, "You must be so proud of yourself,"
"It's all she ever talks about," Hanako says with a small groan, rolling her eyes as Kana shoots her a glare, "Being the try hard she is,"
"I'm sorry that I want to be a top hero and work with my idols," Kana says, taking a sip of her drink as she watches Hanako roll her eyes with a groan, "But it's fine, not everyone is as strong and amazing as I am,"
"Oh shu -"
"Okay! Ladies, let's not start this now," I hum gently, pressing a hand against Hanako's arm making her relax slightly and slump gently in the booth with a small sigh as my quirk seeps into her skin and into her blood, "We came out for a night of fun, not a bitch - fest. Now, Akari, you were telling us about your recruitment,"
"Yeah! I'm working with Fat Gum! With Red Riot! Isn't it amazing!" She squeals happily, giggling as I gawk at her with wide eyes and squeal before giggling as I watch her fumble through her bag, "Ooh! I got you a little present for helping me out on my exam too,"
"What is it?" I ask tilting my head before gasping as she hands me a signed Red Riot hoodie that hasn't even been released in stores yet, "Oh my god! Akari... this is so sweet..."
"Of course, Red Riot had a couple spare and I managed to get one for you," She says with a smile, giggling as she watches me put it on over my dress without a care in the world and snuggle into it with a smile, "Anyway, enough about me, what about you? Working for Shoto and Creati?~"
"Wait, (Y/n) works for Shoto and Creati?" Kana asks narrowing her eyes toward me as I nod gently, pulling my hands into the sleeves of my hoodies and giggling as Sakino takes a sneaky picture of me, "Since when? You don't even have a hero licence,"
"I'm not their sidekicks, I babysit their twin sons," I explain with a smile, nuzzling into the new hoodie while the girls sip at their drinks, "They're so sweet,"
"So... you like... clean their house and cook for them?" Kana asks arching a brow as I nod with a smile, giggling to myself as I sip at my drink, "So... could you like... let us come over and see the house?"
"I'm not ruining the trust I have with them just so you can go to a hero's house and take whatever you damn like," I tell her, watching her roll her eyes with a huff, "And I'm not letting you do it while the twins are at school either,"
"Killjoy," Kana mutters rolling her eyes as she runs her finger around the rim of her glass, "Anyway, did anyone see Dynamight's press conference earlier?"
"And I'm leaving," Sakino groans, pushing herself away from the booth with a small hum, sticking her tongue out toward me as I gawk at her for leaving me to the vultures, "Have fun, I'm gonna find a hot girl who's gonna buy me alcohol,"
"What happened on the conference?" Kurva asks, waving Sakino bye as the blue skinned girl skips to the dance floor and heads toward a rather attractive red haired girl, "Did he curse out the reporters again?"
"No, you should have seen his outfit, he looked so fine," the girl coos, leaning into the booth while biting her lip with a grin, "God he's so gorgeous, what I would to be under him~"
"Ew," I mumble to myself, sipping at my drink before arching a brow as Kana glares toward me, "What?"
"What's wrong with Dynamight?" She asks narrowing her eyes, asking it as if I had just cursed her out and offended her, "Hm? What's wrong with him?"
"Nothings wrong with him," I reply, shrugging to myself as I watch Kurva and Hanako look between each other nervously, "He's great,"
"He's great?" She spits out, glaring toward me making me feel extremely confused. What the hell did I say? What's going on with her? I didn't say anything wrong, "Are you saying he's terrible? Dynamight is the best hero ever, he isn't just 'great' he is amazing,"
Okay then...
Clearing their throat to ease the tension, Akari sends me a small apologetic smile before changing the topic before Kana decides to run through her two hundred point explanation on why Dynamight is one of the best, if not the best hero, of all time. Instead of joining in on the conversation, I lean back into the booth and sip at my drink, watching Sakino grind against her red haired arm candy who's holding her hips.
As time passes and drinks turn into shots, Kana ends up passed out asleep on the table, her face smushed against the oak table as a snore leaves her lips. Sakino ended up leaving to go home and have some 'fun times' in her words with that red haired girl she managed to pick up. Hanako, being the designated driver of the group, had already loaded a rather giggly and loud and hyper Akari with a drunk, dirty minded Kurva.
"You need a ride home?" Hanako asks as she presses her hand against Kana and makes the girl float in the air, "I have an extra seat,"
"It's okay, I have a ride home, Shoto is taking me to his home, I have to work tomorrow," I explain rubbing the back of my neck with a small yawn, "I'll see you girls later,"
"Alright, text me when you get to his house so I know you're safe," Hanako says, squeezing my arm gently as we leave the sticky and hot bar and walk out into the crisp cool air of the night, "Have fun,"
"You have fun with the drunk trio," I hum with a giggle, waving her goodbye as she drags Kana toward her car and straps her in before waving and driving off, leaving me to wait for Mr. Todoroki, "God I'm tired..."
Yawning gently to myself, I lean against the brick wall of the bar and keep my eyes out on the road to look out for Shoto's rather expensive looking car. A small smile playing on my lips as I watch other people leaving the bar, drunk and sober alike.
Finally, after a while, Shoto pulls up and waves toward me as I skip toward the car and slink into the car with a smile. A giggle leaving my lips as Shoto ruffles my hair before driving off after I place on my seatbelt and slam the car door shut. The dual haired male sending me a smile as I yawn again and snuggle into my hoodie.
"Did you just go out in a hoodie?" Shoto asks arching a brow as I flush embarrassed and hide my nose in my hoodie with a small giggle, "I thought kids wore all kinds of stuff?"
"They do, I have a dress on underneath, my friend got me this as a thank you for helping her out for her exam," I explain with a smile, yawning again making Shoto chuckle and shake his head, "Thank you for picking me up, by the way, I really appreciate it,"
"Of course, it's not a problem," Shoto explains, yawning himself as he turns into a junction and drives down the motorway, "Momo and I care about you, you're our friend after all, you're not just our kids babysitter after everything you've done for us,"
"That's really sweet," I explain with a giggle, resting my head against the headrest, "How was your night shift?"
"Wasn't too bad, my father and I got to catch up and talk about our family. Found out my older brother Natsuo is finally expecting with his girlfriend," Shoto begins, looking toward me every now and then and chuckles as he sees my eyes slowly dip in and out of sleep. He rubs my shoulder gently as he watches my head slowly slide to the side and my eyes finally shut as I fall asleep.
"Get some rest, (Y/n),"...
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