Chapter 20
Clearing my throat nervously, I stare at the clothes in my closet. My teeth worry my bottom lip as my eyes rake over the countless articles of clothing hanging up and folded up neatly inside my closet. Heart beating a mile a minute. Stomach in knots, butterflies thrashing against my gut. Sweat already beading at my forehead (although I just got fresh out of the shower!). Feet feeling numb. Legs ready to give out. My mind running rapid with the combinations that I could wear to a date with none other than Katsuki Bakugo. The number two hero! Dynamight!
I haven't even stepped foot out of my own apartment and I'm already shaking with anxiety!
Come on, (Y/n)! Focus!
Clearing my throat, trying to calm myself down before I set myself off into a terrible panic attack and send myself off to hospital and ruin my perfectly planned evening, I look through my closet. Rifling through summer dresses, little pinafores, crop tops, t shirts, skirts, shorts, pants. All the clothes that I can find. Figuring out what top goes with what pair of pants and what shoes will go with what outfit. Do I wear sneakers? Do I wear heels? Do I bring a pair of slippers? My mind imagining the clothes on my person and whether or not it's suitable for a date as big as this.
I mean, come on! It's a first date! First dates mean everything! It's the first impression. You're showing the one who you're courting with what you're like. You're showing a side to yourself that you don't usually allow others to see. You're setting an example up. If I come in in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie I'll be done for! I need to make a good first impression! I need to show Bakugo that I'm a great person to date! That I can be the girlfriend that he's been looking for, for ages. That I'm the one that should be his girlfriend.
I just hope this goes well and I don't ruin it!
Behind me, watching me like a hawk and making sure I don't choose anything that wouldn't look good, sat my two brothers and my roommate. Their eyes piercing into my back as I throw out my clothes onto my bed that I feel would be a great idea to wear on a first day. I don't want to be too classy but I don't want to be too sexy either. Leave him wanting more. Leave him to imagine what could be going on (if you know what I mean~).
After pulling out as much clothes as I can, I pull away from my closet and look toward my brothers and my roommate who all look at my pick. A couple of cute dresses lay on the bed, nothing too short or too revealing to keep my modesty in check. There were some tops that would go great with a pair of jeans (mainly going for high waisted). Some shirts and skirts. Nothing too complicated, just something simple and casual.
"Well, we don't want anything too fancy," Ichiro hums, scratching his cheek as he assesses my clothes while I nod gently and bite my lip nervously, "After all, you're just going to his house for dinner,"
"Why doesn't she go with the dress?" Takashi asks, pointing toward a little black dress that I have with white polka dots on, "It's not too fancy but it's not plain either,"
"That with the black pumps?" Sakino hums, pointing toward the pair of shiny black pumps that I had bought the other day while out on a shopping day with the twins, "Yeah I can see it... what do you think (Y/n)?"
"I don't know... maybe? I just... I just think that maybe I should just go with a shirt and some pants," I explain nervously, rubbing the back of my neck while Sakino arches a brow and crosses her arms over her chest, "I mean there's other dates that we're going to have, I assume... and we're just at his house... then again the dress would be flattering..."
"Wear the dress," Ichiro says with a smile, chuckling as I head to one of my drawers to pull out a pair of tights to wear underneath (just in case I make a complete fool out of myself!) and scurry to the bathroom, "And then you can wear those pumps with it,"
"Are you bringing anything?" Takashi hums through the door while I shimmy out of my robe and into my dress and tights with a small hum, "Bottle of wine? Chocolate? Flowers?"
"I don't think Dynamight would appreciate flowers," I reply, opening up the bathroom to reveal the final product with a giggle. Smiling as Sakino's antennae glow a bright yellow to signify how happy she is for me while my brothers grin toward each other and fist bump, "I bought a bottle of wine, I'll just take that. We're having dinner after all,"
"What you having?" Ichiro asks curiously as I stand in front of the mirror to begin my makeup with a small hum, blending in some foundation with a smile, "Steak? Spaghetti bolognese? Do the Lady and the Tramp?"
"It's a surprise," I reply, blending in my foundation before beginning on the contouring before going onto my eyeliner, "He hasn't told me what it is, but I'm sure it's going to be perfect,"
"The first date you've had since high school," Ichiro teases me making me whine and brush my hair to brush out any knots before grabbing a headband to keep my fringe out of my face with a hum, "Maybe this one could be the one~"
"Maybe," I hum excitedly, giggling as Sakino jumps up behind me with her phone to take a couple of selfies with a smile, the pair of us leaning into one another, "I'm just really excited,"
"You ready to go?" Ichiro asks, grabbing his car keys with a smile and pushing himself to his feet while I nod and grab my purse from the couch and the bottle of wine from the kitchen counter, "Sakino you're picking her up right?"
"Yeah, she'll text me when she needs to get picked up," Sakino reassures my brother while I slip into my pumps and slide a small jacket on over my dress with a small hum before waiting for Ichiro to finish his worrying, "Have fun, (Y/n)! Don't have too much fun though~"
"Yeah, maybe you should bring pepper spray," Takashi hums, rifling through my draws as if I own pepper spray making me arch a brow and look toward Sakino who snorts, "Or maybe even bring some mace?... where is your mace?!"
"We don't have any you bonehead!" I groan, bonking my fist on my younger brothers head narrowing my eyes as he whines, "I don't need mace or pepper spray! He's a hero! He won't kill me, Jesus! You're such an idiot!"
"You never know!" Takashi yells back making me roll my eyes and rub the bridge of my nose while Takashi insists that he'll find pepper spray that does exist in my drawers, "He could be a —"
"Bye!" I call out, slamming the door shut behind me while Ichiro snorts with laughter as we begin our descent down the stairs of the apartment complex with a small hum, "He gets it from you, you dickhead,"
"We're so sorry that we worry about you," Ichiro hums sarcastically, flicking my arm making me squeak and hit him with my purse narrowing my eyes, "You'll tell us how it goes right? Whether or not we need to break his kneecaps,"
"You're not breaking his kneecaps," I hum, tucking a strand of hair as we leave the building and head into the parking lot before sliding into my brothers car, me sitting in the passenger seat at the front while Ichiro slides into the drivers seat, "You even speak in his direction tonight, I will tell your girlfriend what happened in fourth grade,"
As soon as I tell him that, he shuts his mouth making me snort as he manoeuvres out of the parking lot with a hum. A smile playing on my lips as I look out the window and take a deep breath. Nerves finally kicking in as we leave the complex of the apartment and head out into the streets. My heart hammering against my chest as I lean into the plush seat of the car, eyes staring out the window while I fiddle with my hands. Scratching my palms nervously, I take a small breath.
Scenarios of how tonight will go begin to rush through my mind. What will happen if I cry? Will I even cry? What happens if I spill something on his carpet? Oh my god! What if I throw up?! Oh god... what if I break something? What if I fall asleep on his couch?... or we fuck?!
"You're spiralling again," Ichiro points out, cutting me from my thoughts making me squeak and clear my throat, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "You'll be fine, if you like him and he likes you then there's nothing to worry about,"
"I know, I know," I whine, shaking my head as my throat closes up. A groan leaving my lips as Ichiro pulls up by his house, "I want this to go well,"
"It will go well, now go have fun," Ichiro hums, patting my arm as I slide out of the car and grab the wine bottle, "But don't fuck! But if you do, you use protection and you use that morning after pill in the compartment of —"
"No," I hum, slamming the car door shut before shrieking as he rolls his window down and narrows his eyes, "May I help you?"
"No babies," He threatens, pointing toward me before smirking as the front door opens making my eyes widen. Bakugo leaning against the doorway with a chuckle as I head down the front garden to the front door before hiding my face as Ichiro clears his throat, "You treat her right or you can say hello to my metal baseball bat,"
"Ichiro!" I groan, glaring at him as he chuckles and drives off making me sigh and look toward Bakugo who arches a brow, "I'm sorry about that, I'm pretty sure Ichiro doesn't have a brain,"
"I'm assuming that's your older brother," Bakugo muses, letting me into his house and shutting the door behind me with a small chuckle as I nod sheepishly and slip my shoes off, "Well, I'll keep that in mind,"
Standing in the doorway, clad in a rather hot get up, stood Bakugo. A black button up shirt was wrapped around his toned abs with some jeans that perfectly shaped his ass (not that I was looking or anything!). God he looked good! This should be a crime to be this hot!
"Thank you for inviting me over," I hum, blushing as I take his appearance in, my ears feeling hot as he smirks toward me and takes the bottle of wine from my hands, "So... where shall I sit?"
"Well dinners cooking away, shouldn't be for another twenty minutes," he explains, leading me further into his really expensive place and into his kitchen where I gawk at the sheer size of the room. It's so much bigger than the kitchen at the Todoroki estate! It's huge! Forgetting the fact that I'm absolutely agog, Bakugo chuckles and pokes my cheek, "Like what you see?"
Nodding dumbly, I look around his home while sorts out dinner. The male smirking playfully to himself as I marvel at his home. His living room was something out of a movie, I swear. Beautiful big couches that seem comfier then my bed! A huge ass tv too, in the middle of the wall. There were a couple of photos on the coffee table, some of Bakugo with Deku when they were kids (which is adorable!) as well as some of Red Riot, Chargebolt, Pinky, Cellophane, Earphone Jack and Bakugo. There was another of Bakugo with the twins hanging off his arms.
For a guy so hard up on emotions and closed off, he sure was sentimental...
Before I could go anywhere else, a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a body pushes up against mine making me freeze for a second. My eyes widening slightly as Bakugo rests his head against my shoulder and chuckles gently as I lean into him and look up at him. He squeezes my hips softly before clearing his throat and beckoning me into his kitchen. As if I were under a trance, I follow him and lean against the kitchen counter as I watch him go back to the oven.
The kitchen, as beautiful as it is, was full of amazing decor. There was a cute little Red Riot cooking apron (that I'm assuming is a gag gift) hanging off the hook. As he opens his cupboards, there was an All Might mug standing out from the other mugs he had as he pulls out a wine glass for me and fills it up. The blonde chuckling as I open up his fridge to see what food he has and to see how neat it is.
"You know, I always thought people would be interested what's in my drawers and not my fridge," Katsuki teases making me roll my eyes playfully and stick my tongue out, "So, do you want to know what's for dinner?"
"Ooh! Yeah!" I hum, shutting the fridge and looking toward him with a sparkle in my eyes making him snort and look toward the stove, "What's for dinner?"
"Well, I thought I could make us a nice curry," He explains, his ruby irises glimmering with pride as I smile up at him and take a sip of the wine in my hands, "Spicy chicken curry with some rice and then I have a cheesecake in the fridge that we can fill ourselves with,"
"That sounds amazing," I hum, setting the glass down and clearing my throat as I watch him grab two plates and begin to dish up making my stomach grumble happily, "Do you cook often?"
"Yeah, I used to cook a lot with my parents when I was younger," He explains, heading to the dining table and kissing my cheek as I sit down, the male pushing my chair in once I'm seated, "It's the one thing that keeps me level headed and I can just let loose and relax, how about you?"
"I'm pretty much the same," I reply, smiling as he sits down at the head of the table. We both say our thanks and smile toward each other before digging into our meal, the curry sauce was beautifully seasoned making me moan out at how delicious the chicken was, "Oh my god, Bakugo, this food is so good!"
The curry was absolutely gorgeous! Seasoned rice neatly shaped into little domes beside a beautifully coloured curry. The chicken wasn't dry either, it was succulent. It was a perfect dish! It must have been his favourite food with how delicious it looked and how much worked he must have put into it...
"Of course it is, I cooked it," Bakugo boasts, despite how prideful and bigheaded his comment his cheeks were bright red as we dig into our meal, "Bet you never had a curry this good, huh?"
Arching a brow at his competitiveness, I nod gently to him before wolfing down the curry with a small hum. The pair of us sending each other little looks every now and then as we dig into our meals. Whenever our eyes meet, I can't help but snort as he chuckles. The blonde smirking to himself as I finish up my meal and look toward him happily.
"Thank you Ba... Katsuki," I correct myself with a smile, giggling as he freezes and stares at me with wide eyes and drops his fork to gawk at me, "What?"
"You... what did you call me?" He asks, watching as I tuck a strand of hair behind my eyes and look toward him with a smile, "Did you...?"
"I called you Katsuki, Katsuki," I hum, poking his cheek before grabbing my plate and heading toward the sink to put it in the soapy water already ready with a giggle before squealing as Katsuki races toward me and pulls me back into his chest, "Can I help you?"
"I hate what you do to me..." he mumbles to himself, nuzzling his face into my neck making me giggle softly and lean into his warmth, my eyes looking into his cheek as he takes a deep breath, "You're so beautiful and you don't even know it... you're so... I can't even put it into words... I..."
"You're such a sap," I tease, turning around in his arms and slide my arms around his neck making him scoff and rest his chin on my forehead, "Who knew big, bad Dynamight could be a softie? Huh?"
"I'm not a softie to just anyone, Baby Face," Katsuki replies, clearing his throat and holding my chin in his hand making me gulp softly and stare up at him, butterflies fluttering in my stomach as we lock eyes, "God... who made you so beautiful..."
"Well," I begin, going to answer his question with a sneaky grin although I knew it was a rhetorical one, a giggle leaving my lips as Katsuki pulls me into him and squeezing my hips, "I believe my mom and dad made me beautiful, I mean, I'm the lucky one out of my siblings. My two brothers are very —"
Before I could say anything, he presses his lips against mine making me squeak nervously. My eyes widen for split second before slowly fluttering them closed and pulling him into me. A groan leaving his lips as he pulls our hips flush against one another. My lips mould against his, my fingers slowly sliding into his blonde locks to pull him as close to me as I can, his fingers drawing circles on my hips.
Slowly, we pull away and take a deep breath, a goofy smile on my lips while I go bright red and hide my face in his chest. Swelling with pride, Katsuki chuckles to himself and holds me to his chest while I cover my face in his shirt.
"That was good," Katsuki hums making me snort and look up at him, a small blush dusts across his cheeks as he looks toward me, "Wanna go eat cheesecake and cuddle?"
"Ah — Yeah!" I squeak out with a nervous laugh, sliding toward his living room while mentally screaming at myself that I just kissed Dynamight.
After getting the cheesecake for us, Katsuki walks in and hands me a plate of a slice of cheesecake before grabbing a blanket from the side and draping it over me. He slides in underneath and kisses my cheek before wrapping an arm around my shoulders as I snuggle into him and dig into my cheesecake. A giggle leaving my lips as Katsuki turns on the tv and lets me rest my head against his shoulder.
As we both dig into our slices of cheesecake, my eyes fall upon a bit of cream cheese that's stuck to his cheek making me snort to myself. Without giving him a warning, I slowly wipe my thumb over his cheek catching his attention before I swallow the topping with a smile making him release a small strained groan.
"You okay?" I ask innocently making him curse under his breath and clear his throat while I snuggle into him, "You seem distracted,"
"You're such a tease," he grumbles, grabbing his fork and wiping the cream against my cheek making me gasp and stare up at him with wide eyes while he smirks, "What? You seem distracted,"
"You did not just do that,"...
"And what if I did? Hm? What are you gonna do about it, Baby Face?"...
"Where's the rest of the damn cheesecake? I'm gonna smash your face in it,"...
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