Chapter 2
Sitting in my dorm, resting my back against the headboard of the bed with a small lap table resting happily in my lap, I look over the textbook beside me. Reading over the explanation of many ways of catching fish, reading up on the provenance of food. Taking notes on different ways to catch fishing before answering the questions below, explaining which ways are more ethical and more humane and which ways are rather destructive not only to the fish but to the environment they live in. Tapping my pen against the small table as I bite my lip, debating what to write about overfishing and how to present it.
There was already seven bundles of scrunched up paper by my trash can, each of them presented in a way that I thought would look attractive but then ended up looking rather ugly. I was very fussy about the presentation of my notes. If it didn't look nice, in my opinion, then I wouldn't be attracted to read it again. Therefore forgetting everything about that certain topic. So it ended up in the bin. My aim was slowly getting better, only scoring three out of seven so far.
My favourite playlist gently singing into my ears while I work, softly humming along to the tune and muttering the words from time to time. My head bobbing along to the beat as I write up about fish farms before grabbing my pastel highlighters and beginning to highlight key words and phrases. Then making quick notes in another notepad about revision cards, writing down to buy more next time I go shopping for Sakino and I.
The door opening catches my attention, a small smile on my lips as Sakino, my roommate, flops onto her bed as soon as the door shuts. A tired and annoyed groan leaving her lips as she screams into the pillow. Her light blue hair splayed across her back and the bed as she whines. Obviously not having a very good lecture. Her vibrant purple eyes looking toward me as I slip my headphones off to listen to her.
"Everything okay, Sakino?" I ask with a soft giggle, setting my work to the side and sliding off my bed, gently pressing two fingertips to her arm to help calm her stress, watching her tense stature slowly relax at my touch. My eyes glowing as my quirk seeps through my fingertips to her bloodstream, "Rough day?"
"Damn teacher threw my script in the bin and gave me a whole new one," she complains, rubbing the bridge of her nose with a small sigh as she smiles thankfully toward me as I pull away, more calm, "So I have to relearn a whole new part before Tuesday... which is a pain in the ass..."
"Hey, you'll be fine," I reassure her, sending her a smile as I open our fridge and pull out the chocolate cake I made at my own lesson, cutting her a slice and handing it to her, the blue skinned girl eagerly eating it up, her antennae glowing bright yellow to show her happiness, "I'll help you out if you want, my assignment isn't due til Friday,"
"Lucky," she mutters, wiping the plate clean from the cake before handling me the plate for another slice, which I gladly give her, giggling as she devours this slice too, "So how's babysitting?"
"It's amazing, they're so adorable and well behaved," I say with a smile, gently packing my notes and stationary away, placing them in my bag, "And both Mr and Mrs Todoroki treat me like I'm part of the family. I love it so much,"
"So, met any heroes yet?~" she asks with a grin, knowing my soft spot for guys who fought bad guys, who had a strong persona and who could take charge when we got a bit frisky, giggling as I blush a bright red, "Spill the tea,"
"I haven't met any heroes, per say," I reply rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly with a small giggle, "Well... I met Deku-"
"The Number One Hero?! You met the Number One Hero?! Oh my god! Have you got pictures?! Did you get his autograph?!" She asks, fangirling as she was a rather huge fan of the awkward greenette, "(Y/n) (L/n). Tell. Me. Everything."
"It wasn't long, just for a brief five minutes," I reply with a smile, giggling as she deflates, pouting my way, "He's really nice though, he's married though so he's off limits,"
"Damn it! Why do things always happen to me?" She whines, flopping onto her bed a groan, being dramatic as ever, "Izuku Midoriya is a literal god! He could take me anytime, any place... I'd even let him cheat on me,"
"Of course you would," I reply with a nervous laugh as I place the cake back in the fridge after getting myself a slice, gently munching down on the chocolatey goodness that was chocolate cake, "I'll try get you an autograph from him next time I see him, I promise,"
"Oh my god! I love you!" Sakino squeals, pulling me into her arms tightly before giggling and pulling away, "See! This is why you babysit hero's kids!"
Rolling my eyes playfully, I finish my chocolate cake and wipe the crumbs off my lips. Grabbing the two dirty dishes and begin to wash them, setting them on the drying rack to dry when I finish and look toward a grinning Sakino. My stomach churning as I worry about her plan of action.
"What are you thinking?" I ask cautiously, crossing my arms over my chest as her grin begins to grow larger and larger and larger, groaning as she giggles, "Sakino..."
"You wanna go out tonight? Me, you and the girls?" She asks with a smile, showing me the group chat she's in with her friends, all of them agreeing to go, "You know you wanna~"
"I can't... I'm babysitting tomorrow," I reply with a small apologetic smile, giggling softly as I watch her deflate into her bed with a loud sigh of frustration. Once a drama queen. Always a drama queen. Sakino always wanted her way, "I'm sorry, but I can't be hungover or tired tomorrow. I'm taking the boys out for a movie while Mr and Mrs Todoroki have time to themselves,"
"Ugh! But who's gonna do shots with me?" Sakino whines, her antennae glowing a soft purple as she pouts angrily my way, "No one else does shots like you do, (Y/n)! Pretty please!"
Internally sighing, I run my fingers through my hair and look toward my notes biting my lip. I needed to have my priorities straight. I knew that for a fact. Do I miss a night out with friends to drown myself in notes and possibly get more frustrated with myself? Or shall I screw it and just go out? Shall I be the irresponsible girl tonight or the sensible girl? A small groan leaves my lips when I look back at my roommate to see her puppy eyes. My stomach crumbling and my heart twinging at her cute eyes. A small whine leaving my lips. Why am I so weak to puppy eyes?! Why is this so hard? I had to work tomorrow! I shouldn't go out! I shouldn't!
But I really want to...
Biting my lip, I take a deep breath and place my notes to the side, slipping off my bed. I run my fingers through my hair as I open my wardrobe, pulling my phone out from the shelf inside (I kept it hidden so I could actually get to work without distractions). Sakino looking toward me with hopeful eyes as her antennae slowly begin to glow a bright yellow. Happiness shining through her. Already knowing what I'm doing. A grin on her lips.
After unlocking my phone, I open the messages and click onto Mrs. Todoroki. My heart beating in my chest as I try to write out a text message about going out. It felt like texting my mom permission! Thing is, I can't go out without telling them just in case I do drink. I don't want to put the boys in danger if I'm hungover (I'm not a lightweight in the slightest but I do go hard with my alcohol when I want to). I'm like a second mother to those twins after all, I'm there when the Todoroki parents aren't. So I need to be about myself when I'm with them otherwise something bad could happen! Once happy with the message, I send.
Hi, Mrs. Todoroki
I just wanted to know what the rules
were on going out the evening before
working? I've been invited out and I
don't want to commit to anything if I can't
Sent : 21:24
Sweetie, don't be so worried about it
Shoto and I are more than happy for
you to go out and have fun with friends.
Far be it from us to keep you from your
college life. You worry too much sweetie.
If you want, Shoto could pick you up so
you can spend the evening over? It'll be
easier for you.
Read : 21:25
Really? I don't want to be a bother
I don't want Mr. Todoroki staying up
late to pick me up...
Sent : 21:25
Don't be silly! We're more than happy
to pick you up. It'll ease Shoto and I too,
we wouldn't want you getting hurt or
taken advantage of. It's just so we know
you're safe.
Read : 21:26
Thank you very much, I'll see you
later, Mrs. Todoroki.
Sent 21:26
Of course, sweetie, I'll see you
soon. Have fun! Xx
Read : 21:26
Sakino looks toward me hopefully as I place my phone down. A small hopeful gleam in her eyes as I turn to look toward her. Her purple eyes sparkling as I send her a big smile with a nod before squealing out in happiness and jumping up and down. The girl ignoring the banging of a broom against the ceiling from the apartment beneath us. She didn't care. She was just happy I was coming along to join her.
After all, someone had to be with her to face the girls.
Without a care in the world, she jumps up and down. Clapping her hands. A bright smile on her lips. Already anticipating what we could do tonight. However, I was going to try and swerve away from the alcohol if I could. I needed to be the responsible adult sometimes, despite wanting to be a rebellious teenage time and time again.
"Thank god, you're coming!" She says with relief, doing a little dance as she heads toward her wardrobe, muttering the words to herself, "I love our friendship group don't get me wrong, but I can't stand some of them,"
"They're not that bad," I try to reason, rubbing the back of my neck gently as she scoffs shaking her head, "Really,"
"I find that hard to believe," she replies with a small hum, looking over her party dresses, "Now! Shall I go with the black or shall I go with the red?"
"You're so excited about this aren't you?"...
"Fuck yeah! When was the last time we went out?"...
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