Chapter 16
"Are you sure you want to go back to babysitting, (Y/n)?" Sakino asks as I stand in front of the mirror wearing a simple jeans and t shirt combo while brushing my hair, debating whether or not to put it into a braid or just a low ponytail, "You don't have to go back right away, you can call Toya? I'm sure he wouldn't mind picking the twins up again,"
"Sakino, I need to get back to some sort of normality, I spend five days in the apartment doing nothing," I reply, swallowing down the phlegm in my throat as I grab a hair tie and brush my hair back into a ponytail, grabbing a scrunchie to secure it in place with a small hum, "I need to go out and I need to do something instead of wallowing in my room all day,"
"If you're sure... then okay," Sakino hums, sending me a small smile as I tuck my phone in my pant pocket and tuck my shirt into my jeans with a smile, "But, I'm driving you to the school, to the Todoroki estate and back home. Okay?"
"If it makes you feel better, yes," I reply, looking toward Sakino who watches me clip some earrings into my ears and clear my throat before heading toward the bathroom to spit out the bile in the back of my throat, "I just need to get back to normality, I'm gonna do some catch up work too,"
"Okay, let's get going then," Sakino hums, grabbing my car keys and sending me a reassuring smile as I pick up my books and note pad and pencil case and follow her out the apartment, "You got everything? You need to take your weighted blanket?"
"I'll be okay," I reply, tucking a stray hair behind my ear and letting her lock the door shut. Taking a deep breath to centre myself, I unwrap a cereal bar with a small hum and take small bites of it as we head down the stairs toward the exit do the complex, "Thank you Sakino,"
"Hey, no problem, I'm here for you whenever you need me," Sakino hums, rubbing my back as we head down the stairs and past the lobby reception, to the double doors making me smile, "You're my girl,"
As we step out of the comfort of the apartment complex, my stomach begins to coil. My throat threatening to bring my cereal bar back up as I tighten my grip on my bag and walk through the parking lot toward my car. Sakino rests a reassuring hand on my back as we walk to the car and get in, I throw my bag in the back and clear my throat, buckling myself in with a small hum.
Sakino gently turns on the ignition and pulls out of the parking lot with a small smile, the girl turning on the radio with a giggle while I look out the window and smile to myself. My eyes watching the people we drive by and even trying to look at the registration plates on the cars we drive past. Trying to keep myself as calm as possible, not wanting to bail out on the twins after I promised them that I'd pick them up today after having a very long phone call with them both.
Despite not seeing the twins or Shoto or Momo for the past few days, they still take time out of their busy day to make sure that I'm okay and that I'm getting better. The twins tell me all about their day and what they get up to with their Uncle Toya and their cousins. Ryoku telling me that him and his oldest cousin, Hiro, went to the ice cream shop and Kōri telling me that he and Toya did some colouring with his other cousins.
Shoto and Momo would tell me all the latest gossip, Momo more than Shoto. Momo telling me that Kyoka went in for her scan the other day and she has a sonogram pinned to the fridge for me to see when I come over.
I even had Mina and Ochaco contact me! Which totally made my brothers jealous!
Other than talking to Momo, Shoto, the twins, Ochaco and Mina, I was stuck at home doing absolutely nothing. I would watch tv. I would try to do some coursework for my degree so I didn't fall behind before giving up and getting annoyed with myself for no reason. I would try to make something in the kitchen before getting too impatient and settling for a sandwich instead.
I just needed to go back to doing what I do!
Sakino parks up at the parking lot and watches as I grab my phone and take a deep breath. Butterflies mix in with the nervousness and the excitement bubbling away in my stomach as I push myself out of the car and shut the door. I send Sakino thumbs up with a bright giggle before walking down the path toward the twins' classroom. My eyes lighting up as the twins look out the window and stare at me with big smiles.
As the classroom door opens, the twins don't waste a single second and dart toward me before their teacher can dismiss them. Giggling happily, I kneel down onto the ground and opens my arms up for them to run into. Both of them snuggling into my arms as I hold them close and rub their backs as they hug me tightly with a flurry of giggles. Kōri and Ryoku sending me big smiles.
"Hey you two," I hum, running my fingers through their black locks before nodding toward their teacher as she reassures me they've been checked out, "Ready to go home? We can get into our pyjamas and watch movies?"
"Yeah! Yeah! Can we have takeout too?" Kōri asks excitedly as they both hold my hands and we head toward the car, the pair of them resting against my sides as we walk through the parking lot, "I want pizza!"
"We'll see," I hum, giggling as the pair of them cheer, their bright smiles melting my anxiety away as I open up the car door and help them into their car seats, "Boys, this is Sakino, my roommate, she's just going to drop us off at home okay?"
"Hi Miss Sakino!" Ryoku says waving toward my roommate who giggles and waves back toward him while Kōri's eyes shimmer at her glowing antennae, "I'm Ryoku! I'm the oldest twin!"
"A - and I'm Kōri!" Kōri says waving as I buckle him into his car seat and poke his nose gently making him giggle, "I like your antennae! They look so cool!"
"Awww, thank you!" Sakino gushes and pulls out of the parking lot as the twins giggle and play with one another in the back of the car as Sakino drives to the Todoroki estate, "They're so adorable,"
"How was school you two?" I ask turning toward them from the front seat, giggling as they turn toward me with big grins on their lips, "What are you two hiding? Huh?"
"Nothing! It's a secret!" Kōri blurts out and wincing as Ryoku hits his arm with an angry pout, obviously Kōri spilt the beans that there was something they were hiding, "Owie! Ryoku! That hurt!"
"Ryoku, we don't hit do we?" I ask looking toward the older twin who pouts toward me and huffs out an apology to his brother making me giggle, "Good, now, what did you get up to at school?"
"We learnt about heroes!" Ryoku exclaims happily, a big happy grin on his lips as I smile toward them, "Uncle Deku came in to talk about heroes too! It was so fun! Tomorrow we're gonna play capture the flag with him!"
"Wow!" I hum, smiling toward them before giggling as I see Sakino trying to contain her excitement, her antennae glowing a bright yellow colour. The girl buzzing with happiness as she manoeuvres into the driveway of the Todoroki household and pulls up the handbrake, "What do we say to Sakino for dropping us off?"
"Thank you Miss Sakino!" The twins chirp happily in sync before getting out of the car with a fit of giggles.
"You'll call me if you need anything or you need to go home, right?" Sakino asks as I grab my bag from the back and send her a reassuring smile with a nod, "Okay, have a good evening, I'll see you later,"
"Bye!" I hum, sticking my tongue out toward her before leaving the car and shutting the door, waving her off as she pulls out of the driveway and beeps the horn as she drives off, "Let's go inside then boys,"
After grabbing the keys from my bag and unlocking the door, I usher the boys into the house and giggle as they slip their shoes off and race into the house. At least the twins didn't treat me like I was going to break every second of the day. Setting my keys on the side, I slip my own shoes off and head into the kitchen where Ryoku and Kōri were fumbling with a big big banner.
As soon as their eyes land on me, they pull it up and give me a huge smile as they unravel it. Their heterochromic eyes sparkling with happiness as the words 'Welcome Back (Y/n)' written in multicoloured lettering scream out at me making me gasp gently and smile toward the twins as they giggle happily. The pair of them jumping up and down as I walk toward them and give them a big cuddle.
"We missed you!" Ryoku says, snuggling into my arms as I hold them close and rock us gently from side to side, "We don't get nice dinners when you're not here!"
"Uncle Toya can't cook," Kōri says with a giggle, sticking his tongue out as I giggle at them, "Can we have spicy curry tonight? Pretty please?"
"I thought you wanted pizza?" I ask arching a brow as Kōri shakes his head and sets on the idea of curry now, "Are you sure you want curry?"
"Yeah! Curry!" Kōri confirms, giggling as I ruffle his hair and pull away from our cuddle, the two boys then standing on their tiptoes to grab something from the island, "These are for you too!"
Sending the twins a smile, I take the cards from their hands and admire the front pages of them both. The front page of the cards sporting hand drawings made by the twins. Kōri's card had a picture of me in the middle with stars dotted across the page with the words 'Best Babysitter Ever' at the top making my heart squeeze happily. On Ryoku's card, there's a picture of what I'm assuming is me punching a villain in the middle with the words 'World's Coolest Babysitter' on top.
Thanking the boys for their handmade cards, I ruffle their hair and let them run to the living room to put a movie on while I set the cards down by my bag and pull out my textbook and notepad. Setting up an area on the island for me to work, I push myself onto the stool and look through the email that my professor had sent me. With a small smile, I write down what I need to do on a sticky note so I don't have to go back and forth between emails.
Once I have a clear plan, everything planned out perfectly with timed breaks in between tasks, I begin my work. Opening up my book to topic six of the specification, I write down my title and begin taking notes. My pen writing against the paper as the background noise of the twins' movies fills the air to serve as white noise. Smiling to myself, I highlight key words and relax in my environment.
This felt right...
After spending most of the week apprehensive about doing every single thing, finally managing to work helped me feel sane again. A hum leaves my lips as I shade in a diagram of a lipid, a small giggle leaving my lips as I hear Ryoku and Kōri mimic the words being said on the tv. The pair of them are so adorable!
As I record some more notes on my notepad, someone knocks at the door making me squeak nervously and jump out of my skin. My eyes widening slightly as I look at my paper and groan at the big line I made when I jolted... Dammit... I'm gonna have to rewrite them now!
Cursing under my breath and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I push myself away from the island and head toward the door. My brow arching as I notice the twins giggling between themselves with a big grin on their lips.
"What are you two giggling about?" I ask, grabbing the keys to the front door and got to unlock the front door as they both peek from the living room, "Are you two hiding something from me?"
"Just open the door!" They chirp in unison, giggling as I unlock the door with a small hum, slightly nervous about who's behind the door.
It couldn't be Shoto or Momo, they have keys and they couldn't have lost them. Although Shoto does have a tendency of losing things (which made Momo often store keys in pots by the front door that only Shoto and I know about just in case).
Taking a deep breath, I pull the door open and giggle to myself as I notice the twins grinning from ear to ear. My stomach in butterflies as I turn toward the person at the doorway. My eyes widening and my words catching in my throat at who it is.
"Hey Baby Face,"...
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