Chapter 13
Trying to keep myself calm, I look toward my phone and play one of my games, a simple connect three game that is way too simple but way too addictive to give up. My heart beating nervously, regardless. A slight small voice in the back of my mind beginning to nitpick it's way into my brain, telling me that it's going to go horribly. However, Momo's constant chatter, trying to help me keep distracted, helps me relax as she goes on and on about baby stories of Ryoku and Kōri. A little smile plays on my lips as I nervously bounce my knee in the car as Momo drives us to the afternoon tea place.
Despite the anxiety swirling in my stomach, I couldn't help but feel excited. I was going to meet eight Pro Heroes! All of them being people that I've admired and looked up to ever since I saw them on tv! I couldn't wait! I get to spend lunchtime with eight amazing female pro heroes! This is something that people could only dream of! I'm living some people's biggest dream! It's unbelievable, almost.
See! This is why you babysit!
Smiling gently, Momo reverses the car into a parking bay and clears her throat with a small hum as she pulls up the handbrake before making sure she's in the correct gear and switching the car off. The black haired woman sending me a reassuring smile as I take a deep breath to psyche myself up, telling myself that I can do this. I can do this! I can! I will! I am!
After checking herself out in the mirror, making sure her eyeliner and her mascara are perfect, Momo nods to herself before sending a smile toward me as I make sure that I'm suitable for meeting the heroes. Clearing my throat, I place my phone in my pocket and push myself out of the car, my throat going dry when I notice how expensive the cars around me were. This is insane! There was a pink Porsche! Some sports cars that looked way too expensive to exist.
I'm so going to stick out like a sore thumb!
Gulping nervously, I look toward Momo who gives me a reassuring thumbs up and leads me through the parking lot and into the back entrance of the afternoon tea place to avoid paparazzi. My eyes widen as we walk into the place, the sheer decor of it made my apartment look like a poor mans bungalow. There were marble pillars dotted around the main eating area, expensive painted pinned to the cream white walls. Tables had eccentric centrepieces, assorting from a mini sculpture to a mini plant in beautiful plant pots.
As we weave through the main area, Momo sends me a final look to make sure that I was still with her and didn't erode into anxiety before looking toward the table full of girls. My eyes widening at the sheer amount of them.
Oh my god this was really happening! Oh god!
As we near the table, Pinky (Red Riot's wife!) jumps in excitement and claps her hands. Her bright yellow eyes glittering with joy as she bounces toward Momo and wraps her arms around the taller woman with a giggle. Pinky was so much beautiful in person compared to on tv. Her hair was a soft pink colour and was curly, with adorable yellow horns poking out of her ringlets. The heroine was clad in a black galaxy print cropped hoodie with ripped jeans, Red Riot merchandise pins were clipped to her hoodie making me whine at how adorable that was! She was so supportive of her husband!
"Is this her?" Pinky asks, a big playful grin on her lips as she points toward me while Momo nods and winks toward her. The pink skinned woman squeals excited and suddenly glomps me making me squeak nervously and try not to implode on sight, "Hi! I'm Mina! I've heard so much about you! Kat doesn't stop talking about you!"
"H - hi... I'm (Y/n)," I stammer, sending her a little smile as the girl pulls me toward the table and sits me down between her and Momo making my stomach knot up as all eyes were on me, "It's really nice to meet you all,"
"She's so adorable, Momo!" Pin - Mina exclaims happily, giggling to herself before groaning as the baby next to her in a pram begins to fuss, "Yeah! Yeah, mommy's coming my princess,"
While Mina tends to her daughter, my eyes widen slightly as she pulls the girl into her lap and peppers kisses all over her daughters face. I didn't realise they had a kid?... Then again, now that I look at it, Red Riot and Pinky weren't often in the news (because they were so good at avoiding paparazzi when they wanted to be). I guess news of having baby would lead to the internet to explode and people would begin harassing like they did with Momo and Shoto.
"Izuku's mentioned you once or twice actually," Uravity pipes up, sending me a bright smile as I look toward her with wide eyes. Oh my god she's acknowledging my presence! She's in the top five in the hero rankings! The brunette giggles gently at my agog face, "So what do you do, (Y/n)? And you can call me Ochaco! No need for formalities,"
"Well, I'm currently a student at Fukuoka University, majoring in catering and food studies," I explain, sending her a small smile as I slowly become more and more comfortable with the girls around me, "And when I'm not at college, I'm babysitting Kōri and Ryoku for Momo and Shoto,"
"You babysit?" Mina asks intrigued, bouncing her daughter on her lap while letting her daughter gnaw on her baby car keys, "What's your hourly rate? When are you free? Do you baby sit babies?"
"I'll send you information Mina," Momo says, sending her a small smile to her pink friend before turning her attention to Earphone Jack who's sipping at her cup of tea, "So~ What's the news, Kyoka? Tell me! Tell me!"
"Well, as you all know, Denki and I have been trying for a while," Kyoka explains, smiling toward the girls around me making them all buzz with excitement as they anticipate Kyoka's big news, "And two weeks ago, I found out that I'm three months pregnant!"
"Oh my god! Kyoka! That's amazing! Hold my baby," Mina squeals, handing her daughter to me making me giggle gently and try to calm down the little baby girl who's fussing while I watch Mina dart to her friend and wrap her arms tightly around the mother - to - be, "Oh I'm so happy for you! Our babies can be friends! This is so exciting!"
"Congratulations!" Momo squeals, hugging Kyoka on her other side and kissing her cheek. A small happy feeling stretches across my chest at the fact that I'm involved in this, that I'm a part of something amazing, "Oh! This is marvellous, Kyoka! You're going to be great mom!"
While the table buzzes with joy, showering the mother - to - be with love and excitement, I make sure that Mina's daughter is comfortable. The little girl's bright red eyes stare up into my face making me relax completely as I gently bounce her up and down and hum a soft lullaby as she fiddles with my hair and pulls on it gently. The baby babbling gently as she giggles and wriggles in my arms.
As the table settles down, a suit clad male struts toward our table and sets down platters full of cupcakes making my eyes widen. There were so many! Cupcakes with red velvet batter and vanilla frosting piped to perfection with red sprinkles. Funfetti cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles. Chocolate cupcakes with a chocolate flake poking out of the icing. God... they all look so good!
"Ooh! Cupcakes!" Mina squeals happily, instantly grabbing a red velvet cupcake and digging into it with a smile, sitting back down onto her chair and watching me agog, "How are you so good with her?! You're a natural!"
"Oh... I... I majored in child development in high school," I explain gently, placing Mina's daughter back onto her pram as Mina pushes it toward me so I can buckle her in before Mina begins to push the pram back and forth to get her child to sleep, "I studied it alongside food and catering for two years,"
"Sorry to interrupt, ribbit," Froppy interjects, catching both mine and Mina's attention as the green haired girl pokes her cheek in thought, "But aren't you the girl that's been pictured with Bakugo?"
"Oh yeah! That's where I recognise you from!" Ochaco says, clicking her fingers and pointing toward me with a smile, "You're the girl that's apparently gotten Bakugo around her finger!"
"Is it really true?!" Invisible Girl asks, her clothes bouncing excitedly as I clear my throat and look toward Momo for help, but the woman just giggle and smiles making me whine, "Are you and Bakugo together?!"
"Girls, settle down, don't scare the poor girl," Battle Fist hums, the orange haired girl sending me a small apologetic smile as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, "But, honestly, we need to know,"
"W - well... we're not togeth -"
"Yet!" Momo interrupts making me gawk toward her with wide eyes as she erupts into giggles and covers her mouth, shrugging as I stare at her, "I'm sorry, (Y/n), but you're both so cute,"
"I've only spoken to him twice," I explain in disbelief, clearing my throat nervously as I look toward the many girls who are staring at me as if I've just invented the next best thing, "Plus... I don't think he likes me... I kinda... kicked him in the stomach the other week and he seemed extremely pissed off with me,"
"Wait... you were the girl that managed to push him down?" Mina speaks up looking toward me with wide eyes as I nervously nod, worried that Dynamight has already spoken shit about me to anyone he can because of the shit I pulled. However, the girl grins and looks toward Momo who giggles and nods, "Well, I can say for a fact he isn't pissed,"
"What do you mean?" I ask nervously, looking at all the girls who are giggling between each other and sending them knowing looks, "I'm so confused? Does he like girls beating him up? I thought he was above that?"
"Oh honey, you don't know the half of it," Mina says with a laugh, taking a bite of her cupcake and gulping it down with a smile as I nervously lick at the icing, listening to her nervously, "Bakugo has been going on and on and on and on about you since it happened and every time Eijiro asks what's wrong with it, he goes silent, bright red and then curses at Eiji before storming out! He's totally into you!"
"I - I don't think he is," I protest nervously, my stomach churning as I nibble at the cupcake with a small sigh, "I just... he could do so much better than me so I doubt he'd like someone like me..."
"Honey, why wouldn't he want you?" Mina asks tilting her head as the other girls look toward me with a small smile, "You're adorable, you're so sweet, you're a natural with his goddaughter and the twins, you're strong, you don't let him get away with shit, you're the perfect woman for him..."
"Well, we can't exactly force her to date Bakugo if she doesn't want to," Battle Fist interjects, batting Mina's shocked face away with a small giggle, "Bakugo isn't exactly the most sociable person nor is he one for dating someone... I mean, you can't force people together,"
"The golden question is, ribbit, if you like Bakugo," Froppy exclaims, licking off the icing from her cupcake as she looks toward me, "If she does then we can help her, if not we should drop it,"
"I don't get why someone would like Bakugo anyway," Kyoka speaks up, twirling one of her earphone jack lobes around her finger with a small hum, "Sure, he's quite attractive but his personality is garbage. Have you seen how he treats civilians? You'd have to find someone that likes his personality and that in itself is a chore,"
"He's gotten better," Ochaco points out, her mouth full of cupcake as she speaks making the girls giggle between each other, "I guess anyway... but every girl we've tried setting him up with, he's pushed away,"
"Maybe you should let him do it in his own pace," I pipe up, looking toward Ochaco who tilts her head and swallows her cupcake as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, "I mean, maybe he's pushing the girls away because you guys are pressuring him to date someone? So maybe let him do it in his own time... he seems like a person that doesn't want anyone to help him with anything so why would he want someone to try and help him date someone? Let him give the phone number. Let him initiate the conversation and the dates and maybe he'll get a date,"
"Perhaps," Momo wonders with a small smile before leaning toward me and poking my arm making me whine, "So? Do you like him? We won't tell him but please tell us! Come on!"
"Give me the tea," Mina exclaims happily, clapping her hands excitedly while Kyoka grins leaning her chin on her clasped hands, "Come on~ You know you wanna~"
"W - well..." I stammer, gulping gently as I look down in my lap and bite my lip, my cheeks feeling hot as I fiddle with the hem of my shirt, "H - he's really good looking... I'm not denying that at all... but... I haven't really gotten to know him that much... but if he were to ask me I wouldn't object to it,"
"Oh my god! That's adorable!" Ochaco coos, giggling happily, "I can't wait for you two to hit it off!"
Blushing gently, trying not to make myself look like a blushing school girl, I clear my throat and shake my head while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I very much doubt Dynamight will so much as look my way. He could do so much better than me... he doesn't need a stress pot to date, after all, it could make him even more angry... which would make me even more worse...
"Well... I doubt it'll happen but you never know,"...
"Honey, trust me, it'll happen!"...
"I'm so planning your wedding!"...
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