I paced around the others, I looked at all of them, as I knew much work had to be done.
There were many problems...
1. They haven't transformed at all. 2. They don't have any experience with any of their weapons or their elements. ..And 3. We're starting right now...
...But then, out of nowhere, Danny and his group teleported to exactly where we were. I knew this was bad, since the others were in danger.... Except for Blackout. Blackout and I have faught Danny too many times to be weak against him. We knew our weaknesses, and we knew Danny's weaknesses...
...Danny was all-too powerful, though...
It was my fault he was like this.
I couldn't save him.
There was one person missing from Danny's group, and that was Lupa. I knew what had happened to Lupa, and I was still shattered from it. Lupa, my true mother, the queen of all wolves, had died right after I saved her.
I was too late.
It was my fault.
The poison had consumed her, and she had lost herself. Once she was saved, there was nothing left of her... She was gone... She had already moved on to Paradise...
...Making me, the queen of all wolves.
Blackout and I looked ahead at our enemy, and we both growled. We would not let Danny and his group hurt our friends! He would pay. I couldn't forgive what he had done to my friends... It was simply unforgivable. Blackout and I both knew that we had to protect our friends, and each other.
We both transformed.
"Stay back." I alerted the others, as Blackout and I both raced toward Danny with incredible speed. We both took on multiple members of the group... We leaped up, and we did everything that we could... We bit, we clawed, we did everything we could to keep them away from the rest of our pack... Blackout and I, vs. Danny, it was like two scorpions in a bottle.
Blackout and I both used our elemental powers to try and make the others disappear.... Once we thought that everyone had disappeared, including Danny, we turned around to face our pack...
...Everything can happen in an instance.
Blackout, he was on the ground and in the cage. It looked like he had blacked out, and a spell was cast to bind him to the ground and inside of the cage. Blackout had these new scars, bruises, cuts and everything else that made him look like he had just lost an epic battle... He was down, leaving me and the pa-
I turned my head from Blackout, to the pack...
What I saw, it was horrifying. Collars were put on each and every one of my pack members... This not only ensured that they were poisoned, but they were also brainwashed, mind controlled and hypnotized... By Danny. I mean, he could've done all of that without the collars, but, he ensured it with those collars on.
....I was doomed.
With the power of all my pack members, they could destroy me...
...But not fully destroy me. I couldn't fight back, since they were my friends. All I could do was defend, dodge and heal them. That was it. ...I knew the power of each of my friends, and combining everyone together like that... Oh boy, it was dangerous.
I looked back at Danny, and he stabbed me with a knife.
I transformed back into human disguise form.
All of a sudden, my mind forced me to the ground. This made Danny think that I was blacked out, when in reality, I wasn't blacked out... I was completely fine...
He laughed evilly as he had thought he had won. "You fool! Paradise is mine, MUTT!" He shouted.
"Shadow.EXE, loading..." I said.
"...What the-?" He had questioned, as he stared at my body plastered to the ground.
"Shadow.EXE, loading complete..." I sat up, in my Shadow.EXE form and laughed...
Shadow.EXE Human Disguise Form: The only thing that changes is that my eyes turn blood red, my teeth get sharper, my claws get sharper, and a black and purple stripe appear in my hair.
I opened my blood red eyes and looked at Danny straight into the eyes... "Haven't you learned anything? Knives don't affect me..." I pulled out the knife, as the wound instantly sealed itself back up. I smirked, showing my teeth.
Danny gasped...
"We've met before... Remember me? I'm Shadow.EXE!" I grabbed him by his left arm, and I threw him. He recovered and he came straight for me...
"YOU MUTT!" He shouted, getting angry.
"Heh." I transformed into my wolf form, and leaped up into the air when he tried to tackle me. He looked back and forth, as he didn't know where I went. I was already ten steps ahead of him, but he didn't need to know that. I flapped my wings as I stared down at him, awaiting the perfect moment...
"SHOW YOURSELF, MUTT!" It must've been like I came out of the shadows, because when I brushed up against him, my claws grasped on him, tightening as I skyrocketed back up into the air with him in my grasp. He flailed around in the air...
"Never hurt my friends." I said, with a scary emotionless face.
I let him go, but I didn't truly let him go...
Once he was spiraling in the air, and once we were a far of enough distant apart, I flew down to him, but this time, I was not above him, but by his side.
With all the wind power I could get, I flew he fastest that I could toward him. I crashed into his side, as I also re grasped him within my paws. I then threw him in the air, which sent him flailing into another direction... I chased after him, as if I were playing a game of catch with myself.
It must've looked like we were shooting stars in the sky because of how fast we were going.
When I finally had him in my grasp again, I shot him down toward the ground.... There was no avoiding the impact of the ground...
I fluttered down safely, as the Shadow.EXE form departed me. I panted as I had used a lot of energy...
Danny teleported away, leaving me with the others...
I faced them, as I had hardly any energy left...
I couldn't hurt my friends. Even if they were poisoned, I just couldn't hurt them..
I backed away as they came closer.
I looked at the cage where Blackout was still in, and I noticed that it hadn't let up, meaning that Danny hadn't disappeared and that he teleported away. He was still here, lurking somewhere. He had a lever... The lever to release the cage and the collars attached to my friends.
"No... No..." I quietly pleaded...
"Reveal yourself!" I shouted, looking straight past all of my friends...
Danny slowly appeared...
Little did he know, in the seconds that I had shouted 'Reveal yourself!' I had also gotten out my bow...
"Kagome's arrow!" I released the arrow, and it had missed Danny, but it did release the lever... Danny laughed and looked at me as he knew that I missed him, "Hah! You missed me! So much for being an archer." He laughed.
"I know I missed. I wasn't aiming for you, Sherlock." I set my determined look on the lever. I had shattered the lever with my bow... The cage released itself, but Blackout was still passed out. It had made the collars disappear, but everyone was still poisoned...
Danny had realized what I had meant, and he looked at his hand which was holding the lever, and he went wide-eyed. He looked back at me, as if he were about to say something...
"MU-" I cut him off. I had already put another arrow back into my bow...
"Kikyo's arrow!" And I had already released the arrow, aiming straight for his heart.
Danny had disappeared, but I was left with an even bigger problem.
My friends were still poisoned.
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