Mono No Aware
I knew exactly whom it was from the voice... It was indeed, that Demon, Conor. I jumped down from the tree with no hesitation, and I faced Conor. "Alright, let's get started."
"There is much that you need to learn..." I quietly said. He nodded.
"First, prove to me that magic is real."
I summoned a weapon out of my Lapis Lazuli necklace, which was the Alpha Staff. I then used a bind spell with it, and all of a sudden, a rock below us shattered into pieces. Though, the Alpha Staff wasn't my true wand, it worked as one.
I then used my Lapis Lazuli to summon it's own weapon, which was the water wings. All of a sudden, with a burst of light, drifting water wings appeared and I used them to fly within the air... As if that wasn't enough, I shot a water bolt at the ground and I fluttered down onto the land. The water wings disappeared, and my Lapis Lazuli necklace stopped glowing.
"Does that prove it?" I ask him.
"I guess." He shrugged. At least he accepted it...
"Welp, now you know another puzzle piece. Heh. Oh no." I muttered to myself and he smirked.
"I'm getting closer to revealing everything... You better watch out." He chuckled.
"That's what is scaring me..." I said mainly to myself, rather than him. I felt the silence of the night, and I had realized what had happened. The humans were gone.... I didn't know how, but I knew they were gone.
"Well, I better get back to not-sleeping." I sighed as I began to walk to the tree...
"You don't have to be alone."
"...I'm always alone. I'm forever the lone wolf." I stated, not looking back at him. I gripped tightly onto my left arm, making my claws dig deeper, even past the sleeves of my jacket.
"I'll make sure you're not-" He tried, but I cut him off as I faced him.
"It's my fate, you can't change that." I said through tears. I then walked back over to the tree, as I sunk down and sat on it's roots. 'You've taught me to be strong. You've taught me to become someone knew. You made me who I am... Every memory lives in my heart. ...This fate... Will I even be able to enter Paradise? ...Or will I have to walk this miserable planet alone?' I smiled at the bitter sweetness of the moment. I would be able to complete my promise, but there was this chance, since I was immortal (Yes, you heard me correctly. Blackout is, too.), I wouldn't be able to enter Paradise. 'Why must destiny be so cruel?'
I try to remember what it was like to smile, but I cannot find the memories that I actually truly smiled... I am always drowning in my sorrows. No one realizes, and no one tries to save me. "I can't go on without you-" I whispered through pain. I folded over my hands and I looked at them... These broken parts... They cannot be fixed.
Conor approached me, "I can stop your fate." He said in all seriousness.
"No you can't. No one can...
....Believe me, I've tried." My broken smile was breaking. 'Why couldn't I be strong? He's breaking me!' ...I've been hidden from the others. I do it on purpose. I make them happy because I know that I can never truly be happy myself, and I NEVER want them to experience that feeling, and so, I try to prevent that. Every living moment on this planet is all for them. Not for me, not for the humans, but for them. That's it.
If I didn't have them, I have no idea where I would be.
I probably wouldn't be here at all.
'I'm weak... I can't...'
I hid myself in my knees. There was nothing that anyone could do. I didn't want anyone to try and do anything, either. "I-I just want to go home..." My home was Paradise.
What is Paradise?
....It's a place where you spend eternal life with your friends- your pack.
I wondered, even if I reached Paradise, would I truly be happy? Or would these sorrows always hang over my shoulders? ...Would the pain ever end? Would there ever be a truly happy ending?
He sat by me. He planted his hand on my shoulder, as some sort of a comfort tactic... It kinda helped.
"For a moment, I really felt like things were different. ...But no matter where I go, I'm trapped."
"But you're not trapped." He replied, sort of confused by my sudden usage of metaphoric quotes. 'What you, don't know, is your real advantage... When you live for someone, you're prepared to die.'
"O-Oh, sorry... I tend to use metaphoric quotes to help convey my feelings."
"I know what you meant." He stared off into the distance. The wind brushed against both of us. The sky was filled with millions of stars, the moon was full, and everything was just... Perfect.
"Fun fact: The only way for me to fall asleep on nights like these is for me to be hugged." I realized what I had said and I... Ugh. I didn't regret it, because I had no regrets, but I was quite disappointed with myself. 'I really need to stop giving out fun facts.' I added that to a list of things that I needed to stop doing.
"Oh, really?" He emphasized on 'really.' I immediately knew that what I had done, was wrong.
Oh snap.
Please no.
He hugged me.
The last thing that I remember was trying to fight going to sleep, but I lost.
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