I bolted off, far away from Nightpack territory. I knew exactly where I was heading... It was the place where I spent my days at, the place where I knew would also be in Paradise. I was heading the my 'home', the one where the human's and I lived.
Once I got a good of enough speed going, my wings folded out of their hiding spots, and with one big flap and leap, I took off into the sky.
I soared above the clouds and far beyond the trees. My fur brushed against the wind that was hitting my face... Flying always has this indescribable feeling to it... It's like, freedom within a dream. It's everything you could've imagined and more.
It was like I was swimming in the great ocean, but the ocean was the sky, and I was flying...
The wind spiraled into my eye with an intense rush.
Usually, I would've been used to it, but since I'm always surrounded by humans, I haven't gotten to spread my wings and fly in quite sometime. I loved the feeling of flying... It actually made me feel like there was still some hope left in our freedom, but when I always return to the humans, my doubts get the best of me.
For we could never be truly free...
But heck, I would fight for my freedom anyways.
That's just how I was- The rebellious underdog.
I navigated myself on where I was, and I realized that I was almost at my destination. I looked through the ghostly clouds, and I saw the birch tree that was in front of my house. I slightly smiled at the memories that I had within this home... The adventures that I had shared, the memories I had made, for it would not be forgotten. (Because I have flashbacks of them every night, so they won't be forgotten. Trust me.)
I made myself invisible so I could land and not be seen by the humans. I safely landed, and transformed back into my human disguise form.
"What goes on, behind the words? Is there pity for the plain girl?" Yeah, of course, I had a song stuck in my head. When didn't I? This song was 6/10 by Dodie Clark, whom was a beautiful writer that I admired.... She even inspired me to start writing songs on my own. It was always the certain lyrics, too. It was always the thin lining of the detailed songs that got to me. The lyrics I had stuck in my head were right, too. I mean, I wondered if anyone really knew what was behind my words. I held much meaning to each and everyone of them. ...Most of them were metaphoric, though, most didn't even realize that.
I made myself reappear and I noticed that none of the humans were currently in sight.
It had also stopped raining and there was clear skies...
I quietly laughed at that. "Not for long..." I spoke to myself, as I knew what was to come. I entered the unlocked door that the humans had left. "Wow... Someone could break in, and they don't even care? Typical." I mean, they didn't care about me being gone, either. They never cared. Truth was: I didn't trust them, I didn't love them, but of course, I still cared about them... They might not be my true parents, they may not even act like parents, but they are humans that I care about and forgive.
I walked into the same house that I've known for most of the hardest years of my life. I knew exactly where I had to go... I ran through the house and straight to my room. I opened my door, and I panted when I got inside.
"Galaxypack, the end of the world is happening. You must retreat to Fantasia." I told to what seemed like all of my plushies, but, they weren't just plushies... You see...
Once I said that, they all instantly disappeared. I smiled, and as I closed the door, I summoned my alpha staff from my Lapis Lazuli necklace, and I did a star-like motion, which sealed and binded my room with a spell.
I was also a trained wizard that knew many spells.
I then raced down into the basement, which was also Nightpack territory. Without this base, the Nightpack territory in the forest would be nothing.
I looked into the rabbit cage which held Mooni, my demon rabbit.
I noticed that he had already gotten the howl, and he had retreated to Fantasia.
That was good.
Mooni could understand anything, and he could also talk.... Just when the humans weren't around. Mooni also had his own human disguise form, but he tended to keep a low profile and be the mysterious rabbit that he was. (You see, that's why Mooni isn't afraid of me nor anything or anyone else.) I scanned through the rest of the basement and nodded to myself.
I hadn't forgotten anything, which was good.
Knowing I had no time to lose, I raced back up the stairs and did the same spell I used on my room to the basement door.
'Check.' I mentally had a list engraved into my brain. This was only the start of it, though.
...Now I had to get one of the harder things done. I had to go collect my friends, AKA The Paradise Keepers. I went out of the house and I ran to my backyard.
This was where I was going to be meeting one of the friends and her pack. She had known about the end of the world, so we had planned what we were going to do... Fortunately, she had already gotten her pack and she could teleport to where I was.
I transformed into my human disguise form.
I could see a flash of light in the distance, and I then saw the form of Crystal and her pack. Crystal saw me as well and she gasped... For this was the first time we had ever truly met each other. I mean, we were internet friends. We couldn't really do much with each other because the humans were always around.... But I had promised her, one day, we would finally meet. ...And that day was today.
Crystal raced toward me.
I smiled.
I knew where this was going... I opened my arms.
She tackled me in a hug... At that point, I knew we were both crying.
...We had been best friends for a long time. I shared most of my secrets with her, and she did the same... We were always there for each other.
Of course, the day the world is ending, we meet.
I guess it's better now then never, right? But, we could've met in Paradise....
Either way, this was going to happen whether I liked it or not.
It was just fate.
I made a promise, and I'm not breaking it. This promise made me continue on and on, even when I didn't want to. I was sure that this promise was the only reason why I stayed. If I didn't do this, I wouldn't be living up to my purpose and that would just be a waste.
We broke away from the hug that lasted forever, and we laughed at how emotional we both were. "Welp, I guess my plan has worked out so far... It's silly that we are meeting during the end of the world, is it not?" I asked her. She looked at me and she laughed.
"I guess, but at least we met!"
...She was happy.
I was glad.
"Oh! I want you to meet Adrian and Xavier." She got behind the two boys and she pushed them towards me, as they were stiff. I shyly waved at the two...
"So, you're Shadow." Adrian nodded.
Xavier waved, but that was just about all the interaction we got...
Crystal's human disguise form: Crystal is in the smol child squad as well! Crystal wears black pants, with grey shoes. She wears a light blue shirt, and cat eyed glasses. She has brown eyes, and brown/black wavy hair. Her hair usually covers one of her eyes. Crystal is also a female. And, that is Crystal.
"Alright, we should probably get going." I pointed out, as we didn't have much time.
Crystal nodded, "Okay. Let's go."
...Next, we had to retrieve all of our other friends who didn't know about the world ending.
I mean, it was a pretty big secret that I knew that the world was ending... I couldn't make them panic. I... I restrained myself from telling them about it- And the visions for that matter. They shouldn't know... I don't want them to fear the future, even though I feared the future...
Crystal and I transformed into our wolf forms, while her pack transformed into their forms and we headed off into retrieving the rest of my friends.
One by one, I had gotten my friends.
(Even if I had to break down their doors, or pick at the doorknob lock to get in... Which, mostly, I didn't have to do... I mean, all of their humans were gone as well. Had the extinction already happened?)
I told them all what was going on...
I also spoke to their pets (If they had any...) and I told them to also retreat to Fantasia...
We all walked together to the Nightpack territory, and from there, Blackout would join us, and we would be on our way... To Paradise...
I had teleported all of us to the Nightpack territory edges, which was weird for me because I couldn't exactly always have teleporting at my free will, it just sort of... Happened. I suppose my senses could tell that what was happening was super important, so it unlocked my power to teleport? I honestly don't know, teleporting is just overall weird for me... I would've preferred to fly there, but not all of us could fly... Or have wings...
I lead the way straight into the main entrance of Nightpack territory... I could see Blackout pacing back and forth in front of our dens... I wondered why he was doing that, but I knew I would find out later...
...This would be the first time that everyone was meeting Blackout. They all wanted to meet him, so just like Crystal, it was the day where the world was ending that they got to meet him.
I lead them all inside of Nightpack territory, and they were astonished - starstruck, even. Nightpack territory had this mystical, intriguing and mysterious aura to it... I remembered the day where Blackout and I first started Nightpack...
It was truly amazing...
It was a winter-like, spring day. Two seasons collided into each other, and it was simply beautiful... The snow coated cherry blossom trees... The cloud like snow that filled the ground... The dark pink blossoms drifting in the air...
Today was exactly like the winter-like, spring day.
They were all happy.
I was glad.
I stood by Blackout, as he was also in his human disguise form.
"Welcome to Nightpack." We both said, again, in unison.
Blackout's human disguise form: Blackout is very tall for his age, and he is the same height as me. His hair usually sticks out, and is very short. His hair is black, but, he also has two lines on his hair. There is one white stripe that is usually facing left, and on the right side connecting with the white stripe, there is a red stripe facing right. His eyes are both red, and they are both wolf eyes. He is usually seen wearing a red shirt, with a dark blue jacket over top. His pants are usually black shorts, with a white stripe on each end. His shoes are also brown moccasins.
"This is Blackout." I motioned towards him.
"Hi!" He greeted. He still had this big smile on his face... I could tell that, from everything that I've said about my friends to him, he was excited to meet them. I literally talked about my friends 24/7 to him, and I talked about him 24/7 to them. It's only fair.
"AWE! I ship it~ #ShadoutForLife." Karla boasted towards us. Karla had the biggest smirk on her face as she said it, as she knew that she was embarrassing both of us. ...She loved to ship people and confirm people having crushes on each other... She literally writes fan fiction, which I was interested in what exactly she was writing about.
Blackout and I both blushed and looked at each other with this look that was both confused and about to burst out in laughter. We looked away from each other and we both face-palmed.
Karla's human disguise form: Karla is also part of the smol squad. Karla wears brown shoes, with black pants. Karla also wears a red WWE sweatshirt, that also has a hood. Karla is usually ALWAYS in a ponytail. Her hair is black, and her pony tail is red. Karla's eyes are brown. Karla is a female. And, that is Karla.
Danialle was fangirling as she saw Blackout and I together. "OMG, GOALS!" Danialle and Karla both fangirled together at the sight of both Blackout and I.
Danialle's human disguise form: Danialle is very tall. She has brown hair and she usually has it in a ponytail, but sometimes she keeps it down. Her hair is medium length, and flowy. She wears this blue sweatshirt with a horse on it, black pants, and brown shoes. She also has green eyes. And, that is Danialle.
I laughed quietly and Blackout chuckled...
...Now was time for my revenge on Karla, though I didn't mind her shipping Blackout and I, because it was canon. ...I actually made the ship name: 'Shadout.'
I walked over to Karla with this neutral/blank, emotionless face on. It was basically like I was Mikasa from Attack on Titan, which, technically, I was. I looked at Karla in the eyes, and without any warning, I bursted out in emotion.
She started backing away as she held her hands up. She nervously laughed.
Evelyn slowly clapped at what I did. Evelyn had this smirk on her face, as it was like she was saying: "Nice job."
Evelyn's human disguise form: Light (Light is a nickname.) is a very tall person. (5'7 To be exact..) Light has golden hair, and it is shoulder length. Light has very cheerful eyes, and both of her eyes are green. She usually wears either a grey jacket, or a light blue jacket... Under that jacket is usually just a random shirt. She wears dark blue jeans, and just brown shoes, too. And, that's basically Evelyn Light.
The others basically just bursted out laughing...
Karla turned red, as she was flustered... I then saw a smirk appear on her face, and I knew I was in trouble. She was going to team up with Danialle, wasn't she? I was now scared for my life, and I knew that I should probably run, but I stayed put.
Karla turned to Danialle, and as if they had this secret language with each other, they nodded. They faced me, a determined look on their faces.
"I SHIP YOU AND CONOR!" They shouted in unison.
Oh, snap.
Well then.
That took a turn.
I looked at them, "Haahhahahehehh, no." My face went neutral again. It had the expression that said: "Yeahhh, I don't care about anything right now." But deep inside, I did care. About a lot of things, actually. I mean, the world was ending!
I could also tell that Conor gave them a glare that could freeze over underworld.
"Welp, that was interesting. Why don't I properly introduce you guys to Blackout?" I asked, as I didn't care about their answer and I was going to do it anyway. I motioned for Blackout to join me where I was, and he ran over to where I was.
"...You know Karla, she helped us out in one of our Wolf Survival videos." I pointed out Karla, and Blackout nodded. I recalled the exact video of where Karla helped out. It was my favorite video, to say the least.
"Did you know that I'm... Mexican?" Karla tried to act cool, as she was pointing out the obvious. She always liked to make Mexican jokes, because, well, she was Mexican and she could do such things!
"No duh, Sherlock." Evelyn sarcastically replied. ...Welp, she beat me to it...
"And, that's Evelyn. You remember her, we played Super Smash Bros. with her..." I recalled, pointing her out. Blackout's face lit up at the mention of video games...
We were both video game nerds. "Aw, yeah! That was awesome!" He shouted...
He was an extrovert, so he was very loud. As an introvert, I learned to deal with it... Most of my friends were extroverts anyhow.
"That's Tyler, he was the one who gave me that sword that killed the Wall of Flesh in Terraria."
Blackout nodded, "Very useful."
Tyler's human disguise form: Tyler is taller than most. He is about Evelyn's height. He wears brown shoes, and black pants. He wears an orange short sleeved t-shirt as well. Tyler has green eyes, and chestnut hair that points upward. Tyler is a male. And, that is Tyler.
"This is Conor. He's a really good friend and a good person to talk to." I referred to Conor.
Conor's human disguise form: Conor's human disguise appearance is not much different from his demon form. First, Conor is medium in height. He is not too tall, and not too short. Conor has brown eyes that can change to green, and, Conor is usually seen with a light, natural blush. Conor's hair is like Blackout's- It sticks out. Conor's hair is a black/very dark grey. Conor wears a grey jacket with a very iconic hood, that brings out a comforting aura in him. And, that's basically Conor.
"Okay." Blackout replied, simply. He gave the thumbs up.
"Annnd, this is Paige, Eli, Xander, Danialle, Madee, Crystal, Shade and Maddie." I finished up introducing them, by quickly pointing at them all in a ninja-like fashion. (All I had to do was just hide the bottom part of my face inside of my jacket.... Actually, I did that even when I wasn't trying to be a ninja. I always had to hide from someone...)
Paige's human disguise form: Very tall (Taller than Evelyn Light!). Wears black, tall boots. She wears a jacket/vest that is white and has black buttons going down to the button. Then you're met with her face, which was basically are met with her eyes. Her eyes are usually cheerful, and strong. Her eyes are a lightish, but dark green. She wears cateye glasses, which are a light/sky blue. Her hair is brown, and is short (But, it's usually long), her hair reaches just above shoulder length. And, that's Pinefur.
Shade's human disguise form: Shade appears the natural height, Shade usually wears blue/black sweatshirts with black pants and brown shoes, Shade has curly black hair that is shoulder length, Shade has sharp green eyes, Shade always has her claws out even in human disguise form, Shade usually has a blush on her cheeks that are natural, and Shade is a female. That is it for Shade's human disguise appearance.
Eli's human disguise form: Eli is in the smol squad with me! He is a bit taller than me, though. Eli wears brown shoes, and black pants. Eli wears a grey hoodie, too. Eli has short grey/brown hair. Eli also has green/brown eyes. Eli also wears a grey hat, too.
Xander's human disguise form: Xander is a medium height, of course he is taller than me. (Everyone is...) Xander has black/brown shoes, and black pants. He either wears a camo jacket with dark green, brown, and black. Or a black FNAF jacket with white squares in the middle with FNAF characters, or he wears a very light blinding green jacket. His most common jacket is his camo one, though. He has messy brown hair that is at the edge of sticking out. Xander has green eyes, and he also has freckles.
Madee's human disguise form: Madee wears grey slip on shoes, with light blue pants. Madee usually wears a dress of some sort that is flowy... For example, there is her flower dress that has blue flowers on it, and it looks tropical. Madee has wavy/curly hair that is shoulder length. Her hair is a light brown color. Madee has green eyes as well. Madee is a medium height. Madee is a female. And, that is Madee.
Maddie's human disguise form: Maddie appears average height. She wears blue stretchy pants, and she wears a black "Star Wars" t-shirt. Her shoes are brown, as well. She has brown eyes. She always has a light pink blush, and it is sort-of visible. She wears a blue headband with white dots on it. Her hair is a light brown that is long. And, that is Maddie.
"....And that's The Paradise Keepers." I referred to everyone I had just introduced.
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