December 21st - The Day That The World Ends
I ran alongside the barriers that separated the forest and the rest of the world. Pouring rain touched my back as I shed tears along with the sky.
I was in my human disguise form, yes.
My blue 'fur' (That's what I call it, anyways.) jacket, unzipped with my short sleeved star dress-shirt underneath. I wore my brown shoes along with my black and white star pants.
I held my hands out, behind my back as I ran. This increased my speed, which, I needed at the moment... I had to get to Nightpack. Today was the day... The day I had awaited for my whole life.
This was the day I had visions about.
I didn't know that my two other journeys before this one would happen, but they did....
I always knew that this day was going to happen, though. I knew about this path- I knew about this future. I had everything planned, even to the smallest detail. My visions mainly focused on this day...
...Our final days.
It finally came. The world was ending.
This was the final ending.
This was everyone's tragic end that no one had planned for...
Except me.
I planned every single detail of this last adventure.
This was where my true promise came in... The promise that I had stayed alive for.
This was it.
I had to make it count.
I promised Nightpack: my friends, my family, my chosen family... That I would bring them to Paradise.
As soon as I woke up, I knew that it started right then and there. I had prepared for this my whole life-
...Paradise was in my reach.
My friends deserved this, honestly.
This was my purpose.
I was sent into that parallel universe that I had brought the others into. My wound recovered, and I knew right away, I had to get to Nightpack. It started... Right now.
I was doing this for them.
Even if I had to sacrifice myself, so be it. I made a promise, and I am not going to break it.
A hint of pink appeared on my cheeks as I gained more and more speed.
At this point, I was basically running with the wind. My flowing brown hair didn't even touch my face while I ran... Well, except for the piece of hair that is always covering my right eye. Somehow, it just stays there at all times.
Probably a good thing, if anyone saw my right eye, they would flip.
Except for my pack mates. They would understand.
Underneath my piece of hair, there is an eye... It's not apart of my human disguise form, though. It was a wolf eye... An icy blue wolf eye. I had to hide it from any human that wasn't used to seeing me, so I always kept my hair like that. I guess that it was sort-of like my style.
The right side of me, it's all the regular wolf form, but it appears like a human disguise form body.
However, the left side is the human disguise form which appears like a human body... Though, I'm full wolf, not human.
...I would never ever be human. I knew I wasn't human... In the back of my mind, I knew it all along.
I hated humans.
But I forgive them. I forgive them for everything that they've done to me...
However, I cannot forgive the things that they have done to my friends or other creatures.
That will never be forgiven.
My blue Lapis Lazuli necklace bounced back and forth while I ran.
I remembered how I had gotten that necklace... It was special. Blackout had gotten it for me.
The necklace wasn't no ordinary necklace, no. It harnessed great power. I kept that necklace with me wherever I went. It never left my side. The necklace could summon my weapons, it could form weapons on it's own and it could also give me immense power.
....You see, there's something that humans believe which sets them apart from me.
They believe magic and everything else that they can't see, isn't real.
...Oh, it's real alright. It can be incredibly dangerous, too.
....It can also save lives.
Everything is real.
Nothing is not real.
Because they don't believe it, and because they are humans, they will never ever see it.
They are living in the beautiful lie, while I'm living in the painful truth.
In a way, humans have it easier. But that doesn't mean that I want it easier. I took the rocky road, the unknown path... I took the truth, and I kept it with me. Humans live their ordinary and boring lives as they find fascinating ways to waste their time. They don't have to worry about poison, the wars, the world ending...
In fact, the world was ending right now and they didn't even know.
They didn't even know that they would go extinct when the night ends.
Yes, you heard me correctly. Humans would all die out when the moon crossed our paths.
No more humans.
This is the truth.
This is reality.
This is my reality.
This is my life.
Quite the interesting one, I might say... But I wouldn't trade it for the world. I loved this life that I was given. I wouldn't ask for anything better.
Though I may only appear as your average teen - wolf girl, I'm much more than that. I was wise, wiser than most. I was older than most. (You could say... Over 9,000 years...) I've lived countless of other lives, but I knew, this was my final. This was all of my friend's final lives as well. I knew it was. I was awakened during this life... I realized that it was my final life, and when you realize that, it indeed, is your final life. And, this was mine.
And, heck, I would make it count.
No regrets.
Not ever.
Everything that happens, happens. I will cherish in my memories...
And I will cherish this life.
This was the best life I've lived.
I observed the pine trees, the oak, the birch, and the spruce trees...
I caught sight of the opening to my territory.
Immediately, my speed quickened, I jumped, and I transformed.
What? No humans caught sight of it. I couldn't transform, nor use my powers in front of any humans or any human range. Infact, my pack's territory was far beyond human civilization. It was in the unknown - unexplored territory that many wolf packs lived in.
Nightpack was a quiet, unknown, hidden and secretive pack.
That's how we liked it.
We would only roam in the night, as it was called 'Nightpack.'
During the day, we would have to spend time with the humans...
Go to school (I only went there for my friends.), try to act normal (Which we weren't.), and live hidden among the humans. We never let any humans find out our secret... It was too risky, plus, we didn't trust them and we hated them. If the humans did find out, however, we would play it off as if it was a joke. They would forget it, and move on.
What my wolf form looks like: My wolf form has a mixture of a grey wolf, dire wolf, black wolf, and arctic wolf. My wolf name is Snowpaw, but that's formal. I appear as a grey wolf but a mixture in markings. The markings are like clouds on the back, and patches on the feet which are dark grey. The cloud patches go all the way to the tail, and then on the head there is a big grey fire mark surrounding the eyes and snout. Then there is a light grey line going to the nose. The ears are light grey but on the outside tips are dark grey, the nose is black, and the eye on the right is ice blue while the other on the left is a dark blue. The chest is a big patch of white, the left front paw is white, and the right front leg is dark grey. The left back paw is white and the right back paw is grey. The end of the tail is grey and white, and my tongue is light pink, I have two large canine teeth and the rest are the normal large canine teeth. I have a Lapis Lazuli necklace on my neck all the time. I am a she wolf. I also have large angel wings that are purple, pink, and blue, mixed together with black little stars on the wings.
I took a sharp turn and darted into the trees. The trees passed me like a blurred vision, and before I knew it, I was there. I halted and I seen Blackout...
He was also in his wolf form.
I looked at him, as I knew he would be the only one to currently understand what was happening. I mean, we were wolf mates, we shared the same emotions. We both knew this day all too well. This was the day that we were waiting for.
Blackout turned his head toward me, and he grinned happily.
He was happy.
I was glad.
Blackout had been teaching Multipaw, one of the pups of Nightpack, how to fight and battle. Multipaw was the next alpha of Nightpack, he had to learn. Multipaw was apart of the three chosen pups which included: Lucky, Moonis and Multipaw. They were the three next alphas.
Blackout's wolf form: Blackout's wolf form, is a full white arctic wolf, this wolf has one light red on one side, and one dark red eye on the other, he has one paw that is splintered which would be his left paw, he has demon dragon wings that are a black grey on the inside, the horns on the wings are black, and that's it for the wings. He has black claws, and is fluffy. He has razor sharp teeth, and a black nose. This wolf is male, and is sometimes seen wearing headphones.
I smiled my fake, broken smile to him.
Because that's all I could do.
...I pretended to be okay for the others.
I was strong for the others.
"Blackout, the end is right now. We need to get prepared." I spoke quietly to him. I observed the Night Pack territory... It was filled with small lakes and rivers, multiple dens that had collected memories of our time spent here, the trees and the nature... It was a great place. I knew that our territory was going to be in Paradise as well.
"Okay... Slighttt probbleem." He stretched the last two words out, as he usually did. These were one of his very many quotes. He looked around for something... "Actually, never mind." He said, finding what he was looking for.
"Alright. We need to give the warning howl to everyone..." I explained. Blackout was right by my side as he always was. He nodded... He always seemed to have this determined, optimistic mindset on life. He had this fiery passion that couldn't be replaced. ...He was just this extroverted, burning flame that never went out. You could always see this fire in his eyes... The flame never burnt out, even in desperate times.
I admired that. I wondered how he could keep such an optimistic outlook on life, even through everything that we were going through. He reminded me exactly of three people I knew: Evelyn, Xander and Eli. I mean, they were all Geminis, so maybe that was why.
...I was just a pessimistic Aquarius who needed stability.
He was my stability. He was the reason I was fighting. He was why I am the person I am today...
Or, should I say, the wolf that I am today.
He was such a complex character...
I liked that.
It always made me wonder why we got along so well, and now I understand.
He was a Gemini and I was an Aquarius, both air signs and both signs that get along extremely well. I mean, we were more than just best friends that were there for eachother no matter what...
We were wolf mates.
I suppose you could say he was my partner, but I would like to think of it more than that.
Wolf mates means that we are bonded for life. We couldn't betray of be disloyal to each other. We had to stick by each other's sides 'til the end.
....And that's exactly what was happening.
Blackout and I both howled to our pack.
The energetic spike of noise, mixed within a sorrowful howl, that's what it was.
The howled basically conveyed: "The end of the world is near, we must all gather to hear, yes, Paradise is in reach, do not be feared." This was my way of being metaphoric, and getting the message across.
"Multipaw, you and the others, retreat to Fantasia." I alerted. Multipaw nodded and ran off further into the trees to alert the others.
I sighed. Today would be eventful.
...Yes, very eventful.
"If anything happens: Until our paths cross again, in Paradise. Farewell, Nightpack. I love you all." I thought in my mind. These would forever be my final words... I blinked back tears as I thought of losing my friends before leading them to Paradise. 'No! That will not happen. You made a promise.' A little voice that I thought had died out had come back into my mind.
...It was the one voice that gave me hope.
It was back...
I couldn't believe it.
I would always be battling those screaming voices inside of my mind without a single hope or a single thread of happiness... I faught my demons when they tried to drown me in my own sorrows, I battled with my life.
It is a cruel world, but it's still beautiful.
Endless battles and wars... Pain and suffering... That's all I've ever known.
I was my greatest enemy.
I was battling myself.
...But these things made me stronger.
I always wondered where that happy girl from the past had gone. I missed her... I missed the happy me. I missed that tiny silver lining of my past. It all started three years ago, and it hadn't gotten better. I was getting worse everyday while I promised my friends that I was getting better.
They believed the broken smile and the so called: 'I'm fine's.'
Whenever they were gone, I would cry rivers. Nobody knew, because I always did it behind locked doors. I was labeled as unemotional and I pretended that I didn't cry at all.
If only they knew...
During late hours of the night, I would stay up. Not because I wanted to, but because I was an insomniac that couldn't sleep even if I tried. (As the Owl City, Fireflies lyric goes: "Leave my door open just a crack (Please take me away from here) 'Cause I feel like such an insomniac (Please take me away from here) Why do I tire of counting sheep? (Please take me away from here) When I'm far too tired to fall asleep," and "A foxtrot above my head.") During these hours of the night, I would have flashbacks to painful memories, I would also have visions of the future... (Yes, indeed, I am Garnet from Steven Universe.) (Fun fact: My birthstones are actually Garnet, along with Lapis Lazuli and a bunch of others.) I would mainly cry myself asleep all the while, I would scratch myself on my left wrist with my claws until my skin bled... (That's another story for another time... Actually... You don't want to find out...)
...Actually, I'd rather spare them the details. They don't deserve to know... I don't want to hurt them anymore than I already had.
If I hadn't had the past me taken away from me, I wouldn't be me.
I suppose it was for the better, right? I mean, here I am, fulfilling my promise that I had made.
...Fulfilling my purpose...
This was the only reason why I was here, I knew.
This promise had saved me from countless of times...
Even so, I still had the thoughts back to my past...
That night... The first time....
Why didn't my attempt work?
What stopped me?
If I were to have done it, then no one would be in pain nor would they be suffering. They would much more happier without me, they wouldn't of been hurt by me and their lives would be so much better... My enemies wouldn't be my enemies because if I hadn't of done it, we would have never met and became enemies and everyone would be living in peace! Because of me, all of these wars have started and ended!
Because of me, my enemies that were once my friends were poisoned to the point that they couldn't be saved.
It was my fault they were like this.
They couldn't be saved.
I am a humanitarian, therefore, I can see the good and bad in everyone...
Once I don't see the good anymore, you can't be saved.
That happened which each and every one of my enemies.
It was too late. The poison fully had control over them.
It is my fault.
I forgive each and everyone of my enemies. It wasn't their fault they were like this...
It was mine.
I blame myself.
...But I still cannot forgive them for the things that they've done to my friends.
Oh, how I wished for my enemies to be my friends again.... I wish we could all live in peace, but that simply isn't the truth.
"Ready?" I asked Blackout, hopefully smiling through the tears.
He had a determined look as always, "Yep."
"Let's do this." We both said in unison, and parted ways.
Blackout took off in the northern direction where the rest of Nightpack's territory was. From there, he would gather all of the pack members, and he would make sure everything was prepared for the end of the world.
...And for me? It was time that I collected my friends who deserved it the most.
The Paradise Keepers.
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