Chapter eleven: Survive.
You See Big Girl/T:T : Hiroyuki Sawano.
He couldn't tell if it were thunder or cyan rays crashing down to the battle ridden ground, either setting something else aflame or stealing yet another citizen. He couldn't fathom how many cried out for someone to save them as he fought his way through the ocean of killing machines. He couldn't tell whether the blaring alarm of war still boomed (having possibly been drowned out by battle cries or screams of terror) or if it had slowed to an end in the midst of the fight.
His sword crashed and his arm shook with every hit he'd make against another vigorous chassis of powerful steel. His other arm (despite being badly wounded with burned fur and deep scratches) protected his eyes from the thick dust caused by trampling robot feet and soldiers boots. His once spectacular white and grey striped fur was now drenched and dumped in grimy mud- his brilliant blue uniform torn and stained.
The storm only made the fight more challenging. Whilst swiping at any enemy possible, he also had to weave and swerve to avoid slipping due to the growing number of puddles. The roaring thunder above simply added to the noise of explosions, cackling, stampedes and desperate screams. His ocean blue eyes glanced skyward to capture the blood coloured sky, mixed with heavy, dark grey clouds. He observed the vast, heavily fortified flying vehicles that sent missiles raining down on Mobotropilis below (either those or countless more deadly robots- small or large).
Perhaps the white tiger had taken in the catastrophic weather for too long as a single slip seemed to capture the attention of a terribly dangerous group of machines. His wide eyes watched as red optics slowly turned to face towards him. His heart pounding whilst the enemy began to approach, thus he searched for his sword that had left his grip from his tumble.
Shaky breathing, twisting ears and scattered thoughts clearly wasn't assisting him as the tiger reached around him on the mud. Occasionally, he'd look up to see the well-armoured machines near or the burned flags of the Acorn Kingdom or the many buildings of the city that once stood proud now reduced to nothing but their empty shells. He could hear the ever so determined yells of courageous soldiers run to what was perhaps their deaths. The sound of eruptions, expeditious bullets, clashing swords and terrified mobians. But most of all, the arrogant giddy laugh of Emperor Robotnik.
Sir Tig Stripe knew that as long as he heard that maniacal roar Mobius would never be free. And as long as he was still breathing, he was absolutely set on making sure the world he loved would live to another day. So, as he finally found his sword, he readied his grip and rolled onto his back with a steely expression. As he turned, he sent his weapon swinging through the torso of the nearest robot that reached for him- giving his own ferocious roar.
Sir Tig Stripe refused to die a coward. He refused to leave with his King in danger. He refused to have his last moments in anything but battle. He refused to leave Mobius at war. Even if it would kill him.
It had been six hours. Six long, agonising, disastrous hours. And even if his white gloves weren't drenched in red, it still felt like they were stained with the blood of the lives that had been lost at war. He twisted and fiddled with the grey sleeves of his smoky service uniform whilst watching the charred fields that stretched for miles beyond Mobotropilis.
He stood stiffly atop a hastily built guard post- rusty metal and logs tied together with wire. On the front border, he faced what had once been a thriving forest. But then, it was nothing more than burned bark and gnarled wood. At his sides lay a row of cannons with a stationed pair of soldiers per one- sending off hundreds of round projectiles at his simple command.
Six hours ago he had been given word from one of the patrols about a sighting of Robotnik. The mad doctor arriving in his Egg Carrier- the first of it's kind. And there were three more tailing the one he seemed to occupy, with hundreds more Eggpods surrounding the larger flying machines.
He left the Royal Army HQ swiftly after, sending instructions to the soldiers in sight. A collective ordered to find the Royal Family, a secondary group commanded to get the citizens of Mobotropilis safe, a third hurrying off to turn on the warning alarm, a fourth organised to gather weapons and other preparations whilst the fifth group followed him- straight for the front border.
It was when they arrived they noticed they were already too late. Robotnik's army had already begun their attack- somehow expertly coordinated with hitting the weakest points of the city. The ruthless machines tore down the least fortified edges of Mobotropilis as more continued to rain down from above. Missiles and bombs begun to erupt, sending anything they touched in disarray.
As the booming siren started it's warning call, the mobians in Mobotropilis knew war had come knocking on their door.
Thus, the green and brown eyed human ordered for them to fight back. Guard posts were put into place around the city, cannons were slowly set up and flags representing the Acorn Kingdom stood proud. His black combat boots took firm position on the centre post at the front border as the robots and soldiers began to collide.
He watched as the sky swirled madly into a blood red, dark clouds formed and rain started to crash down on the burning grass. His grey hair sent in a tangled mess as powerful winds ran through the battlefield, letting the flames climb and swallow more infrastructure.
But as the nightmarish, unforgettable sight of Robians began marching onto Mobotropilis grounds Abraham Tower could only hope the Royal Family was somehow safe. Therefore, he yelled and pointed firmly ahead once again.
M.P Bull Bones would be a liar if he denied he loved weaponry. But he had also hoped he'd never have to use one due to war, yet there he stood handling a cannon at the newly formed Commander's side. His assigned partner, Sir Peckers, assisted in loading up the machinery whenever necessary. He wore a deep routed frown as he did so and hardly ever made eye contact, returning to crouch and observe ahead between loads.
At the commanding roar, the two did as ordered and sent another round projectile hurtling towards a charging wave of ruthless machines. The blood stained sky was decorated in black dots of death as the bullets swiftly came crashing down once again, the majority successfully hitting their target. MP Bull Bones watched the explosions that followed with his grimy arm raised to protect his eyes. Only when his clothing was tugged on did he face his left, meeting the stony expression of his partner.
"Concentrate! We don't have time for sight seeing!" Sir Peckers bellowed over the sounds of war before returning to filling up the cannon with more projectiles.
As the hotheaded bulldog went to assist the forward bird, the former couldn't help but ponder on how exactly this overwhelming attack crashed on them with such calculation, for information must surely have been given to Robotnik himself. Or perhaps a ruthless killing robot (an army which still ripped apart Mobotropilis with the goal to leave nothing behind) had informed the madman, but even so how would the machine know in the first place?
Thus, MP Bull Bones chewed on his lower lip as he absentmindedly stared at the black sphere in his hands. The question had popped into his mind when the attack on the front border had begun. This location in the city wasn't the most fortified, barely having any defences at all- so the likelihood that Robotnik's charge flooded this way was highly foreseeable. At the present, at least.
He pushed the midnight bullet down into the cannon as his mind wondered to where they were then. Robotnik's plan had been clear from the start- world domination. Every village, every town and most cities had crumbled already- now replaced with vast factories or left deserted or where new polluted bases were being constructed. But it had been more vague on how he went about to do so, drawing from the fact he never exactly had any sort of specific ideas on how to carry out a takeover. The maniacal emperor had seemed to simply dive in first and rain down an army on each poor habited collective of homes he wished.
But this assault on Mobotropilis was far more orchestrated than Robotnik's previous attacks. Not only had he flooded in from the weakest sides of the city, the deathly metal army had divided into groups and set off for different buildings- seemingly assigned a specific task. The obvious being the Acorn Castle, the Royal Hq, the-
Wait. How did Robotnik even learn of the army headquarters? Only the Royal soldiers themselves were knowledgeable and citizens who were close to the fighters were lucky to gather such information. Did he somehow succeed in getting footage from the inside? A planted camera perhaps? Even so, the building was hardly complete due to how new it was. The exterior was finalised, but left without any obvious signs of it being a fortified base for the army. The interior was still cramped with boxes and building equipment, the top floor and main reception room being the only finished spaces (apart from the few training quarters). Even then, the top floor was the most fortified place in the entire city- accessing without permission was deemed impossible. The reception most certainly gave nothing away.
The call of his name shook the bulldog from his thoughts and he dropped to crouch behind the cannon, gripping onto the rope firmly. He faced his partner expectantly, ready for the Commander to call for them again. Or for Sir Peckers to scold him for zoning out again. Though, he raised a brow moments after when neither occurred.
In fact, ahead of them seemed to feel far more heavier and eerie then. Behind, the city was still in heavy disarray- a complete disaster stained with blood. Explosions lit up the stormy red sky as screams and yells filled every living being ears. Rain continued to crash onto the charred ground as beaming cyan rays smashed onto the land, snatching any citizen of Mobotropilis they could.
MP Bull Bones could recall Sir Peckers double take as the beams first begun, then the absolute horror that washed over his face. It had been three hours into the war when the population of the city had really began to decrease, and the rays sought out for lives. Hopelessness hadn't felt so heavy and drowning in that moment. The war seemed to temporarily freeze as loved ones watched their family's vanish into blue light. Soldiers had stopped in their tracks to watch in defeat as Mobotropilis truly began to crumble.
But the simple sound of Robonik's victorious laugh seemed to ignite a roaring fire in those who remained. Any who still stood gathered the closest weapon they could and charged for what was possibly their final stand. All giving a cry as they held their rapiers and other sources of artillery up high.
And three hours later, they continued to struggle for victory. But MP Bull Bones felt something far worse than absolute hopelessness.
The usual headstrong soldier let his arms fall as he stared wide eyed ahead of him. The overwhelming sense of failure and loss grasped at his heart, forcing it to constrict and somehow pound harder. The tears that pinched at his eyes only added to the pain that chained him to the ground where he crouched.
The wind had slowed to create more of a thick fog presently, yet the sky was still stormy and red. Through the heavy mist piercing red optics began to glisten through, followed by a dark outline all slanted in the same position. The synchronised thuds grew in volume and became the more prominent noise over the catastrophic battle behind. Metal arms dangled in front of flashing torsos as the new wave of opposition came solidly into view.
And the sight of what stood across from MP Bull Bones was what gifted him such feelings of loss, anger and disgust. Yet any emotion of rage was crushed by the suffocating melancholia. When the bulldog saw the Commander's arms drop, he knew why the human hadn't called on them to fire.
Sir Peckers was the one to breathlessly whisper what nightmare flooded the royal soldiers' heads, "Robians."
Once, it had only seemed like a distant worry. A mere rumour. A simple myth. But then word spread that distant towns even reaching the other side of the world had witnessed this same horror firsthand. And as more inhabited places were taken over, the story of this inexcusable act spread too. But still, there was always a cloud of doubt hovering over Mobotropilis' citizens, for until this moment they had never seen such a horror.
MP Bull Bones' stomach dropped when he saw the Commander hesitantly raise his arm, followed by one word that crushed the headstrong bulldog.
There was a pause after his command, until the torsos of the Robian Army lit up so bright it was almost blinding. A deafening whir came after prior to bangs. Lightning fast projectiles came flying straight for the front border just as cannon bullets shot for the enemy missiles. The majority met in the sky, lighting it up almost like fireworks. The others came crashing down on opposing sides, sending large chunks of the ground flying as explosions were set ablaze. Many Robians and soldiers were sent bursting into horrific pieces or flying back.
"BONES!" Sir Peckers roared as he took hold of the rope his partner was previously stuck to.
The bulldog just watched in frozen horror as the bird delivered their cannons projectile. The former couldn't even stomach the idea of fighting against the Robians, for they were innocent mobians forced to do treacherous crimes. Even as the army of zombie-like machines began charging forward (albeit slowly) with steaming torsos, only the majority of soldiers could set off their cannons at the Commanders instruction.
Those that failed to do so found themselves meeting their sudden demise. Robians tore through any that froze or hesitated and went to travel deeper into the city. Lacking any sign of remorse or regret, they were utterly lifeless and slaves to their controls. The shrieks of Royal Army members joined with the mobians situated deeper in the city, and the sudden end to a scream was all the more chilling.
MP Bull Bones was harshly shook from his horrified trance when a very familiar choked yell rushed through him from his left. He swiftly turned to see Sir Peckers pinned to the ground as he struggled against an elephant Robian, the metal slave that grasped the birds throat and scratched at anything it could.
"Peckers!" The bulldog's face warped into terror as he swiped his neighbouring sword, shooting up onto shaky feet.
But even as the city he loved around him began to crumble to it's demise, the headstrong bulldog could only stand frozen with his sword shakily held before him. He was torn, for he couldn't be a coward and let his partner be ripped apart yet he found himself unable to take the life of someone who had no control.
"BONES! Help me!" Sir Peckers shoved his arm skyward, blocking the swipe the Robian sent for his face.
MP Bull Bones could not. Until he heard the cry of his feathery friend when the Robian yanked on the birds leg with such force a chilling crack ran through the limb. The bulldog's eyes narrowed and he immediately charged, raising the sword up high as he yelled. Yet his shout ended suddenly when he was sent tumbling to the grimy ground, splashing in a shallow puddle.
Losing grip of his sword, the bulldog could only utilise his hands in defending himself. Wrapping them around the thick metal arm that pinned his head to the muddy land, squishing the side of his face further into the water. He was forced to watch as his partner, Sir Peckers was agonisingly torn limb from limb. Gurgling and choking on blood that struggled to spill as his cries drowned in the red liquid. The red birds eyes were wide as they watched the stormy sky, catching the desperate pleas of the bulldog laying beside him.
"Cannon...!" The bird choked out prior to falling silent, a last crack in his neck signalling his death.
MP Bull Bones watched in indescribable horror as hot, thick tears poured from his eyes- rushing down dirty cheeks. His attempts at breaking free fell weak and he stared into the side of the birds head, before his gaze widened from the blood stained Robian clambering up.
As the grip around his own leg tightened, the bulldog recalled Sir Peckers' final word. With all his might, he tore the arm from his head and looked above him, catching sight of the cannon. He inaccurately kicked at the large Robian above him with any strength he could conjure before rolling onto his front. First he hissed, then he roared out a curse as the tight grip before slipped away, taking halve his leg with it.
But even as he choked and cried, the bulldog crawled heavily towards the cannon and grasped shakily at the rope. He paused for a moment, letting his sight gain control over the blur, prior to reaching for the side, employing the last of his strength in rotating the artillery. He let his arm drop when the cannon was facing him and grimaced as another claw grabbed hold of his last leg. With gritted teeth, MP Bull Bones hauled another black projectile inside and closed his eyes as he pulled on the rope for a final time.
Spot Long limped as fast as he could, holding onto his side as the tip of his sword dragged across the stampeded, charred ground. He shook his head occasionally to get rid of his swirling surroundings and breathed irregularly. His mind in utter turmoil, but none of it mattered for he had one task ahead.
He was trying to locate the Royal Family. After the Royal HQ had been overrun along with the Civil Centre, neither were an option for hiding. The Acorn Castle itself was cast in shadow due to Emperor Robotnik's Egg Carrier looming over the vast structure. From where the giraffe was, mere black dots dropped from the grand vehicle but he knew it was an entire new fleet of killing machines.
He glanced to his side to see a broken Mobotropilis flag neighbouring a brown bear before ducking from an incoming claw courtesy of an Egg Pawn. Spinning around despite the protests his body bestowed upon him, he slashed through the robot with his sword- giving as much strength into the attack as possible.
Seeing the success of his strike, the robot tumbling to the ground with a thud, Spot Long set off limping once again. His sword continued to drag behind him as he blinked rapidly, making his way through the sea of bodies (alive, metal or dead). Swerving and ducking when necessary and fighting when needed. Avoiding the flames' attempts to lick him and battling against slipping over puddles.
Eventually, the giraffe dropped his sword as his walking grew more staggered. His blurry vision was becoming more difficult to control and his body pleaded to rest. Nevertheless, he progressed even as the swarm of Robians joined with their metal brethren- aiding in the takeover. Ripping apart any mobian they lay hands on without even a second of hesitation.
But then he found them. The Royal Family. Except they weren't alone, accompanying the four's side was a rabbit and five hedgehog's. The King led the group as the First Lady carried her eldest, the rabbit kept the Princess close as the hedgehog parents held their children too. All seemingly aiming towards the- oh Chaos- the castle.
"King Maximilian!" Spot Long called with little energy he had left, cupping his bloodied hands around his mouth.
"King Acorn! Please!"
Despite King Maximilian Acorn's lack of hearing the giraffe, a little cobalt blue hoglet lifted his gaze from the ground and stared right at him. Large emerald green eyes, glassy and heavy. The hoglet watched him for moments too long prior to spinning his head around, squishing it beside his mother's.
"Max! Max!" The young boy cried. "Someone wants you!"
Alas, the King finally turned and slowed when he saw Spot Long. The giraffe offered a weak smile as he soon caught up to the group, courtesy of them decreasing their pace, and went to holding his side again. Grimacing at the movement.
"Oh Chaos, Spot! You're terribly injured!" The First Lady scanned over the Royal Army member with worried eyes.
"I-I'll be alright. But I have to tell you something! We've been betrayed!"
King Maximilian went to wrap an arm around the giraffe as they ran, offering some means of support. "We've gathered, but we can't figure out who!"
"Let me tell you! I saw him! And I've had my suspicions for a while but...." Spot Long shook his head and steered the King left, thus the group.
"You can't go to the castle! Robotnik's there!"
"Then where else?!" Bernie cried from behind.
"Haven't you seen?! There's nowhere!" The giraffe stumbled and gasped for air. "You n-need to leave here!"
He was suddenly forced to stand upright, a firm grip holding onto his upper arms. He grimaced but made no sound as he watched the eyes of the King narrow.
"We will not leave. Especially as my city is at war. Tell us who this traitor is and take us to the castle."
"But-!" Spot Long stopped himself when blue eyes constricted further. "...alright. It's Trey Scales, your Majesty."
"Pardon?" The First Lady stood at her husbands eyes, expression in utter bewilderment.
"I-I saw him. Fighting at the-." Spot Long spluttered and gasped. "At the enemies side. H-he was with Robotnik's machines!"
"...but did you see him actually...hurt anyone?" Jules interjected.
The deeply wounded giraffe glanced between the five children's eyes. Terror and fear deeply routed in them. He swallowed prior to facing the King and First Lady.
Nothing more was needed to be said. His Royal Highness watched the giraffe's eye colour fade and tightened his grip, ordering for the other's to aim for the castle. Protests expectantly followed, but with a promise he would meet them there they set off. Spot Long smiled as he was gently laid down on the ground, hands settled atop his wounded chest. His eyes caught sight of the King mouthing something too quiet for him to hear- too muffled. Even so, Spot Long closed his eyes with the final hope they would survive.
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