(Villian story)
[Within Prison Island, several metal doors are closing shut throughout the base while an alarm blares loudly.]
Man (intercom): There is a man trying to break into this place. Lock him in so he'll starve. This is the most logical course of action.
[Eggman bursts through the door with his Eggwalker.]
Eggman: Did you see that hot JPEG footage that was just-[Eggman fires shots at another metal door.] Ooh-hoo-hoo baby. I'm gonna blow the walls off o' this place!
[the eggwalker gets ready to jump]
Eggman: Goin' uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup! [Eggman goes down, and three figures walk into the scene as they burst into a fit of laughter]
[Cut to Eggman traversing (and being tortured by) Iron Gate and its robots.]
Eggman: It's been seventeen days. I'm still tryin' to get out of here!
Robots: Please. Stop. Ouch. Ouch.
Eggman: Oh my god. If you say "please stop" one more time, I'm going to piss my own ass.
Robots: Please. Stop. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
Eggman: Get out of my way! ARRRRGHH!! (heavy breathing) Day 58.
Robots: Please. Stop. Ouch. Ouch.
Eggman: The robots are becoming more sentient. They've started to know my name! They don't even say-
Robots: Please stop, Ivo.
Eggman: Whuh... How did you know my middle name?! (fade out, then fade in)
Robots: I remember everything.
Eggman: Three years. I've been in here for three years!
Robots: Please. Stop. Your mother would be very disappointed.
Eggman: AAAAAAAAAAAA! Get out of my way! Everyone move! Get out of the way, I need to get through!
Robots: Remember fifth grade, Robotnik.
Eggman: Level 5! No... Let me out! Ohh, I gotta get outta here...
[Dr. Eggman reaches the Level 7 security door.]
Eggman: (heavy breathing) Level 7.... The luckiest number... (more heavy breathing, mixed with relieved chuckles) Is that a module? (chuckles) The door opened!
[The door opens and he enters a room with a computer inside.]
Eggman: (chuckles) I can finally leave!! Martha, I'm coming home, sweetie! Oooooh, I can't wait to see her beautiful face!
[as eggman made his way in the three figures from before are standing in front of him as they looked like they've been waiting for hours]
???-2: bout time slow poke. We've been waiting forever for your fat ass to get here
???-3: did you run into hatsune miku... if you did tell her I said hi and that she's a very pretty lady
???: Knux come on man don't be stupid
Eggman: thanks Nick now I'm gonn-
Grim sonic: hatsune miku would never go for a fatty like him, he's got no sponsors with him
Eggman: okay first fuck you, second shut up you three..
Grim sonic: screw you two fatass
???: Nick shut up and knux... please try to focus on the task at hand please
Grim knux: okay mrs Ames
Grim amy: [groans] you can continue doctor
Eggman: thank you now. Let me check her Twitter (and yes I still call it that sue me) page on my holographics. Mm... Hm... Mmmm forgot my password account... mmmm, don't wanna log into the NSFW one, mmm... let me just... (he types on the keyboard) E-G-G.
[Twitter doesn't accept Eggman's password and plays a buzzer sound.]
Eggman: Aw, that didn't work. Shit. Now I have to log in with my... diamond. Well, emerald, but it looks like a diamond. I see how it is. Alright, unlocking secret account. In 5... 4... 3... 2-
[His password is rejected again, playing the buzzer once more.]
Grim sonic: HA sucks to be you right now
Grim knux: (covers his hearing receptors) IM BLIND!!
Eggman: I'm fucking PISSED OFF, IT DIDN'T UNLOCK! It's okay though, 'cause the secret is unlocking. Oooooh, aaaaaaah.
Grim sonic: cooool~
Grim Amy: whoa.
Grim knux: [looking the wrong way] OH MY GOD!!
[A pillar is raised and the one the only the hot-sauce himself Shadow the Hedgehog appears in the frame as he is standing on it.]
Shadow: And so, birthed from the critical pillar, and from- uh, Robotnik's Twitter account... I'm Hot Topic.
Grim sonic: lame....
Eggman: (maniacal laugh) Who is this red striped mohawk-- why you got hot sauce on yo' head, cuz? What's wrong?
Shadow: I put hot sauce on everything, from Twinkies to milk. It's what I do, as the ultimate lifeform.
Eggman: Well honey, your mascara's on fleek. We gotta get the fuck out of here though, because, uh, the building's gonna explode. RED STRIPES? JET BOOTS?! OH MY GOD.
Shadow: Don't worry, I can fly. This won't be brought up ever again.
[Cut to a gameplay footage; a fight between Shadow and B-3x Hot Shot.]
B-3x Hot Shot: I heard that you like the hot sauce. I'm going to blast you out of this dimension.
Shadow: Well I'll eat you right up, baby. (slurping)
B-3x Hot Shot: I am the red hot sauce, there's no-one who's allowed to eat me. I'm going to have to destroy you immediately, unless you give me the password and your social security number.
Shadow: The password is "eat my asshole".
B-3x Hot Shot: Awwwwwwww, that's not an actual password..........
Shadow: And my social security is 69.
[The cast starts laughing. Shadow stands triumphantly. Cut to a shot of him and Eggman face-to-face from a distance.]
Eggman: Wow! I'm gonna have to use that to get into your social security account~. Shadow the Hedgehog, please join me by my side and we shall, uh, rule the Earth together, ho-ha-ha! You can stand by me, Doctor Eggman, even though my body used to be a regular shape.
Grim sonic: ugh I don't wanna have that image in my head
Grim Amy: for once moron I agree with you
[Shadow creates an eerie and chilling silence between every sentence.]
Shadow: Yeah? (beat) Well, no. (beat) You're fat. (beat) Lol. (beat) Get rekt, you fat scrub man. (beat) I'm gonna go fuck your wife now.
Eggman: What?! You are not allowed to fuck my wife! (Shadow exits the frame) Shadow, come back here right now! Shadow! What the fuck?!
Grim Amy: something tells me this is gonna be a long day
[Cut to black. Cast bursts into a fit of laughter. Within his Pyramid Base, Eggman enters, now without his Eggwalker.]
Eggman: You didn't think I had legs, did ya? I'm like Gru, except I'm the one before Gru. I'm... Egg-Gru. Uwa, gottem!
[He approaches his computer.]
Eggman: Now, to try to log onto my Twitter account once more... Let's see if this computer works. (deep exhale, inhale) E...-G-G.
Computer: (machine humming) Welcome to Twitter,com
Eggman: (gasp) Martha... What have you been tweeting about...? (a beat, then in loud shock) What the fuck?! Is that Shadow's DICK!? WHHHHHA-
[On Eggman's computer, live news footage can be seen of Shadow at the top of a bridge (resembling San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge) in Central City. He addresses Eggman through the broadcast.]
Shadow: (through computer audio) I fucked your wife!
Eggman: (in shocked disgust) Wh... Wha.. Owwah...!
Shadow: (through computer audio) Now if you'll excuse me, I've got more ladies to go bed with. Isn't that right, Dr. Ivo Robotnik?
Eggman: What in the Sam hell is THIS???
[Cut to Shadow standing on top of a bridge on Radical Highway, surrounded by police cars.]
Shadow: I fucked your wife. Now, there's some other- Whoa...
(rapping) "Whoop whoop, that's the sound of the police! Whoop whoop, that's the sound of the beast!"
Shadow: That rap... it reminds me of her...
[the voice fades into "Sound of da Police" by KRS-One, which plays in the background. The scene changes to a flashback of Shadow and Maria running aboard the Space colony ARK (ark ark im a dog). Cut to a room, where Maria is standing next to a control panel, Shadow is just off-screen.]
Shadow: Maria!
Maria: This is me. Hey, Shadow.
[With the press of a button, Maria locks Shadow in an escape pod.]
Maria: Bye Shadow.
Shadow: No! I-
Maria: I'm gonna kill you now.
Shadow: I promise I didn't fart! You don't need to contain it!
Maria: It smells so bad.
Shadow: That's just you!
Maria: It smells like garbage... covered in fire.
Shadow: But Maria, you smelt it! Therefore, you are the one who dealt it! You absolute thot!
[Maria deploys him out of the ship. Alfred laughs, as the scene cuts back to the present.]
Shadow: I can't believe it... she betrayed me.
[Cut to the end of City Escape, with Shadow, standing on top of a defeated F-6t Big Foot, confronting Sonic.]
Sonic: Hey, that's...
Shadow: That blue hedgehog again, of all places! (breaks into a chuckle)
Shadow: Finally, I have the Weed crystal. The weed diamond. The weed-
Sonic: Hey! Give that! That looks really scrumptious!
[A beat.] (so how was your day)
Shadow: No.
[The music stops. Sonic walks slowly towards Shadow]
Sonic: Please? What if I say "pretty please" with a cherry on top, covered in a banana sundae?
[Sonic starts running towards Shadow.]
Sonic: How 'bout that?
[Shadow harnesses the Weed Crystal's energy to teleport.]
Shadow: Za... WARUDO! (yelling in an uninterested monotone) aaaaaaaaah.
[He disappears and farts. He reappears next to Sonic, as their paths cross in opposite directions in slow-motion.]
Shadow: See ya, nerd.
Sonic: Huuh? Huh? Za Warudo? More like Za Waru-dumb.
[Shadow reappears on the rooftop of a building.]
Sonic: This guy's a real knucklehead! Unlike my friend Knuckles.
Shadow: I'm here to show you what Ninten-can-do, and what Za Waru-DON'T!
[The JoJo's Bizarre Adventure sound effect for Za Warudo plays.]
Sonic: That doesn't even make any sense.
[Abrupt cut: Rouge the Bat is at Eggman's Pyramid Base. Gary Jules' cover of "Mad world" by Tears for Fears starts playing in the background.]
Rouge: Huh. (gasp) His Twitter account. Heh, interesting. Let's see... E-G-G.
Computer: Welcome to Twitter,com.
Rouge: Well, that was easy!
Grim amy: [walks into the room through the front entrance] you don't know the half of it. Heck even his bank account has the same password... (a beat) wanna run his bank account dry
Rouge: oh you know me too well girl
[Cut to Eggman and his Eggbreaker on a platform inside a dark chamber.]
Eggman: (singing to the tune of Gary Jules' cover of "Mad World" by Tears for Fears) ♪ All around me are familiar Eggmans ♪ [Penny laughs.] ♪ Worn out Eggmans / worn out Eggma-a-ans... / Bright and-- ♪
[only for Eggman to see he's in the Lost Colony, much to Eggman's dismay. He stops singing.]
Robots: Please stop. Ouch. (ROUND TWO BITCHES)
Eggman: Ohhh no, they KNOW, NOT AGAIN!
Robots: Please stop. Ouch ouch.
[Fade to black, and then to Shadow and nick in the Eclipse Cannon's control room.]
(aka everyone's favourite scene)
Shadow: Well. I've learned so much from his Twitter...
Grim sonic: and not one has a sponsorship on them
Shadow: I guess there's only one thing to do now.
Eggman: I told you not to FUCK MY WIFE.
Shadow: And I did anyway. Whatchu gon' do, binch? As you can see, Twitter went through a bunch of updates. This one is the one that makes me go away from yo bitch ass.
Eggman: I'm going to kill you... (A beat.) and THEN kill you again.
Grim sonic: that was the worst come back ever.... It's only good as some kind of meme if you ask me
Shadow: Anyway, now that I have this emerald, I'm gonna... put it right in there!
[Shadow inserts the Weed Crystal into the control panel of Twitter,com. The room briefly glows green.]
Shadow: And yet they still can't figure out how to get Nazis off their site.
Grim sonic: don't forget the idiots that spoil things for people
Eggman: You son of a bitch. I'm gonna log into your Twitter and I'm gonna tell everyone what you said.
Shadow: Go ahead. I have 50 alternate accounts. My finger's right on top of the "delete" button, Eggman. What are you gonna do to stop me, with your long, toothpick legs?
Eggman: (maniacal chuckle) You fool! I have SEVENTY ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNTS!!
[thousands upon thousands of twitter accounts appear on a screen behind eggman]
Shadow: Are you referring to "eggfucker1", "eggfucker2", "eggfucker3"--
[rouge and Grim amy decided it was time to make themselves noticed]
Rouge: Hey bitches, what's up?
Grim amy: hope we're not missing anything
(TITS!! I mean uh?)
Rouge: Eggman, I found your weed supply through your Twitter account. Thanks, man.
Eggman: I told you, I have alternatives!
Rouge: Anyway, I also saw that, uh, this.. this guy over here fucked your wife. That's pr— that sucks a lot, dude. Must be, uh, pretty uh, shaken up about that.
Eggman: How do you think I feel being cucked by a HEDGEHOG?!
Rouge: Well, it might upset you to know that I also fucked your wife.
[Rouge pulls out a Blue crystal from behind her.]
Grim amy: dang girl where did you find that?
Eggman: And she had a DIAMOND in her VAGINA?
Grim amy: ew
Shadow: Good job.
Grim sonic: note to self. Don't touch nor let Knux touch the blue one until it's cleaned
Grim knux: don't touch what?
Everyone: (-knux) AAAAH!!!
[Cut to Eggman, Shadow, nick, Ames, knux and Rouge meeting up in Hawaii at the Green Forest. As Eggman speaks, the camera inexplicably dollies too close to his face.]
Eggman: Alright, since "team FurAffinity" fucked my wife, I'm going to have to have you both be a part of my team. Why is the camera zooming in!?
Grim knux: (looks at the camera and waves) hello readers do you have any marshmallows?
Rouge: I mean, I guess that's fine, as long as I get my weed back, I don't really care.
Grim Amy: me and my team is only doing this because you're going to pay in money.
Shadow: I don't have a character motive.
Grim sonic: I just want to sponsor my newest drink project.
Eggman: Listen. We're going to explore this island. You're going to find Sonic. He has all the weed that you need. The ganja, that Mary Jane. Mari-jamij. All in his pockets. He is your local drug dealer, and I'm going to Blow Up The Island. Now go look for Sonic. And hurry up, you... fucking... (music stops) cuckhogs.
Grim knux: hotdogs...
[Cut to Shadow near Prison Island on a G.U.N. battleship. Shadow is enjoying himself with the view of the sea which stuck looking after knux, but Amy runs up to hug him from behind, thinking that he is Sonic.]
Shadow: Ah, summer break. A time for leisure-
Amy: A time for rela- oh... wha- wha- a man~! Hi there, big boy! What are you doing on this little ol' aircraft-- (Screams, noticing Eggman.)
Grim knux: hi pink lady
Eggman: Oh, Amy-- Amy, what are you doing here?
Amy: Uh... Nothing! I... was... GOODBYE! (She runs away.)
Grim knux: bye pink lady
Eggman: Get outta here, you thot ass bitch, you still owe me a hundred dollars! Anyway! We need to go.
[Amy stands on the edge of the battleship, looking towards the bottom of the sea. Eggman unpromptly approaches her again.]
Amy: Should I jump...? Yes.
Eggman: Yeah you're gonna jump, bitch, walk the plank. Yeah, yar har, me-- wha--?
[Tails in his Tornado Cyclone lands from above in between Eggman and Amy.]
Amy: Mom?
Tails: Hey, Eggman! Hey, Amy!
Amy: Are you my mom?
Tails: No? (music stops) What... the fuck?
[the Camera zooms out a little to reveal knux standing next to Amy]
Grim knux: are you my mom?
Tails: the fuck! who are you!?
[Meanwhile, in Hawaii.]
Shadow: Eggman.
Eggman: (over walkie-talkie) Shadow! Have you found that goddamn blue marble motherfuckin' son of a bitch?!
Shadow: I'm gonna change frequency to your wife.
[as shadow changed the frequency of the radio all it was playing a song with grim knux and Amy singing a song together]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Shadow: ...that's a little Annoying let's try that again
[Quick flashes back to a memory of him and Maria as she is ejecting him from the Space Colony ARK.]
Maria: (grunts) It smells so bad...
[Flash forward to the present.]
Shadow: Rouge, what if you had like, human hair. Would that be weird?
Grim sonic: (over the walkie-talkie) why would you ask that?
Rouge: (over walkie-talkie) Probably.
Shadow: Alright, cool, bye.
[Cut to Shadow and Sonic battling in Green Forest.]
Sonic: So you've been looking for me, huh?
Shadow: Yes. I've been looking to stick my quills right into you, just like a [ch-kuh!] situation.
Sonic: Please, PLEASE rephrase.
Shadow: No. Right in there.
Sonic: (over Shadow) PLEASE rephrase, I'm beg--
Shadow: Right in there.
Sonic: Oww... You killed me.
Shadow: Directly in. There was penetration, Sonic.
[The fight ends and Shadow pulls a victory pose. Post-battle, Sonic and Shadow are seen panting.]
Eggman: (over walkie-talkie) You have one minute and 25 seconds to get the fuck off of this goddamn rock before I blow it up like Krakatoa blows up a fucking volcano.
Sonic: Huh?
Eggman: It's about to be Mt. Fiji in this bitch!
Sonic: (gasp) "Blows up"?!
Shadow: You weren't supposed to hear that. Pretend he said "nose up". (I'd be surprised if that actually works in real life)
[elsewhere on the island an hour ago team rebel was following a strange lady who was leading them to a specific location in the G.U.N. Building]
???: and that's why I want to blow this place up
Sarge: well lady your in luck I keep a good amount of explosives in my backpack
Belle: um exactly how many explosives sarge?
Sarge: a lot...
[this left them with an eerie silence for a few minutes]
Y/n: sooo~ we never got your name mrs?
Sticks: sticks. Sticks the badger and any enemy of the government and their mind controls is okay in my book
Y/n: well sticks my name is Y/n, the big guy is sarge
Sarge: I'll kill you one day if you keep calling me that Y/n
Y/n: and the girl next to sarge is our sister in arms belle the tinkerer.. she's not that much of a violent person
Belle: that's kinda true, I mostly prefer helping people out than doing harmful things to them.
Sticks: well your three as long as you stay away from the government I'll be by your side every single step of the way
Y/n: um thanks sticks
Sarge: (snickers) simp
Y/n: you say something sarge?
Sarge: oh nothing importa-
Sticks: we're here (lifts open a hatch) this leads to the main power room where the core of this building lays with it gone so shall the governments rein over this island!!
Y/n: cool.... Soooo how bombs do we need?
Stick: ......
[Back to the present as the island begins blowing up across various spots. As a voice is singing a little ditty.]
Voice: (singing) ♪ There goes Hawaii, there- there- there goes Hawaii / Oh there goes Hawaii, the island is gone. / There goes Hawaii-- ♪ [flashbang, cut to white]
[cuts to sticks who made it off the island] GRRRR YOU ASSHOLE GOVEEERRRMEEEEENNNNTS!!!!!
[Cut to a flashback of Shadow and Maria on a room of the Space Colony ARK. Maria looks upon the Earth from the glass window.]
Maria: Doesn't it look wonderful, Shadow?
Shadow: I wanna pee on it. I just... wanna piss on it.
(That's a disgusting way to start a conversation)
Shadow: Find a rock... get it nice and, you know, [pissing sounds]. You feel me, Maria? You get where I'm coming from, right? It's like I'm... marking territory. It belongs to ME. When I do that. A sign of power, if you will.
(I'm wondering just why this shadow wants to do it)
Shadow: I'm gonna pee in a Hot Topic, Maria. It will be mine, and I will own it.
[Cut to ten years later in the same room.]
Shadow: Well, ten years have passed and I feel the same way, Rouge.
Rouge: You still wanna pee in a Hot Topic?
Grim Amy: please don't tell me he actually wants to piss on a hot topic.
Shadow: Yes, Rouge. Thank you for listening to my insane ramblings about peeing in a Hot Topic.
Rouge: Listen, I'll take you to a Hot Topic.
Shadow: Finally... A place to release myself.
Grim knux: I feel your pain mr ketchup man
Rouge: I know you've been holding it for so long...
Grim sonic: Thats just disgusting I'm so many levels
[Eggman appears at the door behind them.]
Eggman: What are you two fucking talking about?
Grim knux: gumm bears
Rouge: Fucking your wife again, (A beat.) and peeing in a Hot Topic. Because, y'know, what else do you do on a Saturday night?
[Shadow walks past Eggman and towards the door.]
Shadow: I peed on your wife, Robotnik. She's mine now. That's the law.
Eggman: What the actual shit? WHAT?!
[grim sonic walks past eggman, tosses him a canned drink and heads towards the door as-well]
Grim sonic: I'm gonna go start a sponsorship for my new brand grim sonic chaos tonic
[Day X, 18:00: Cut to Eggman, broadcasting to every TV screen in the world.] (ITS THE BEST THING TO EVER BE)
Eggman: I've come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog's a bitch-ass motherfucker.
[Cut to Central City and all of its residents seeing the same rant on a large TV screen.]
Eggman: He pissed on my fucking wife!
Eggman: That's right, he took his hedgehog fuckin' quilly dick out...
Ugly Little Girl: Mommy...?
Eggman: ...and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was, (mocking Shadow and stretching his arm out) "this big," (normal voice) and I said, "that's disgusting"! So I'm making a call-out post on my Twitter,com;
[A large and rocky, walnut-shaped object is in the middle of Earth's orbit.]
Eggman: Shadow the Hedgehog, you got a small dick, it's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller, and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like; [He blows a raspberry to imitate an explosion sound, as part of the walnut-shaped object blows up to reveal the Eclipse Cannon of the Space Colony ARK. It is shaped like Eggman's face, with the cannon being shaped like his nose.]
Eggman: That's right, baby! All points, no quills, no pillows- look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong!
Eggman: He fucked my wife, so guess what?! I'm gonna FUCK THE EARTH!! That's right, this is what you get: MY SUPER LASER PISS!!!
[The Eclipse Cannon fires, its laser seemingly headed for the Earth, but...]
Eggman: Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth; I'm gonna go higher... I'M PISSING ON THE MOOOOON!!!
[The Eclipse Cannon is aimed at, and destroys half of the Moon with its laser piss.]
Eggman: How do you like that, Obama?! I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT!!!
[The TV screen in Central City now shows a countdown ending less than 24 hours from now.]
Eggman: You have 23 hours before the piss (trilling his R's and L's a la Long John Baldry's Robotnik) drrroplllets hit the fucking Earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too!
[the broadcast cuts to the sponsorship of the announcement]
Grim sonic: today's announcement was brought to you by chaos tonic a drink that's brings the chaos to the next level!
Rouge: you know you want it, the more you buy the better chance of getting the girl or guy of your dreams~
[Fade to the Eclipse Cannon's control room, where a drunken Eggman doesn't remember his speech.]
Eggman: Ugh, oh God.. Urgh, what the fuck happened last night? Wha-- whaa...?
Shadow: You pissed on the Moon, Eggman.
Rouge: We're really worried about you. This is an intervention. We're here to help you.
Grim Amy: well almost everyone here's to hell you. I'm just here to make sure your able to pay my team later on.
Eggman: What are you talking about, I didn't piss on the Moon-
Shadow: When you piss on the Moon- look at the Moon, it's in half now from how hard you pissed on it. I'm telling you, this has been a problem for a long time.
Grim sonic: I'm kinda surprised you even had enough poss or the strength to even do that.
Eggman: I did nothing su- I, I ju- I woke up, and-
Rouge: You did, you pissed on it.
Shadow: Listen, we're doing this because we care about you and your wife.
Rouge: Yeah, you pissed on it and you cursed out Obama, it was, like, really bizarre.
Grim knux: I think mr lama would like an apology.
Eggman: Obama is a strong figure to the.. America, I would never say such a thing! (A beat) No way! I'm gonna log onto my Twitter--
Rouge: Uh, it's right here, in the news. They-
Grim sonic: news really gets out fast?
Eggman: What the fuck?! Why does Tails have all the fucking weed?! Why does he have the weed?!
[He awkwardly moves his body and points at seeing Tails with the Chaos Emerald.]
Eggman: Why is my body doing this thing?! I'm like a puppet on a string.
Grim knux: I'd like to play with the mr broom puppet
Grim Amy: no knux
(He makes a light creaking noise to imitate the sound of his arm moving.)
Eggman: You see that?! Look at that! I put the thing, and I pull it out, and then, (extended pained grunt imitating the sound of a string in the back of a doll) pull it out again, and then I look at you and I'm like (deeper grunt). Okay I'm logging on to Twitter, I'm gonna- I- I- I'mma see what's up.
[He yells at Rouge and Shadow with a steadily increasing raging volume.]
Eggman: Okay everybody, shut up, shut up. shut up. Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!
Rouge: None of us were talking, Robotnik.
Shadow: I can't believe he came to his intervention drunk.
Rouge: Sometimes it just be like that.
Grim knux: (sniff) I made a cake for everyone
Grim sonic: come on knux me and Ames will get you some some marshmallow plushies.
Grim knux: with the little pink mini's
Grim amy: with the mini's
[they all leave the room leaving rouge alone to herself]
Rouge: about time
[She picks up her walkie-talkie, calling Sonic. Blue giggles over what she's about to say...]
Rouge: Hey Sonic, what's up?
Sonic: (over walkie-talkie) Hey, Rouge baby, what's going on?
Rouge: Nothin' much. They don't- still don't know I'm a double agent.
Sonic: (over walkie-talkie) Oh, yeah. Double agent and double...
Rouge: Anyway, my one polygon is waiting for you.
[Cut to Shadow standing atop Sky Rail.]
Shadow: I'm in the middle of nowhere again. I can't find my key- Hey, you know what this place looks like? (A beat.) ... Looks like PUMPKIN HILL!
[He doots along to the song "Pumpkin Hill theme". A sped-up version of the original song plays behind him.]
Shadow: [notices tails flying his plane in the sky] Hey look, it's Tails. Hopefully he didn't hear me call his name. (To Sonic on walkie-talkie) Hey, Sonic. I found Tails.
Sonic: (thinking Rouge is on his line) What's up? What's up, baby?
Shadow: I found Tails. He's flying without your permission again. Do you want me to ~punish him~?
Sonic: No, don't do that, he's had enough.
Grim sonic, grim amy: (over the walkie-talkie in the background) KNUX NO!!/STOP KNUX!!
Eggman: (over the walkie-talkie) Why is SONIC on the same line as the VILLAIN LI-
[A half-effortedly rendition of The Legend of Zelda's overworld theme plays as the space shuttle launches towards the ARK, laughing afterward.]
Rouge: Hey Sonic.
Sonic: Hey, baby... (breaks into laughter)
Eggman: (catching onto Sonic and Rouge's relationship) WHY IS THIS-- NO. Don't do that. You CAN'T be talking to Sonic anymore. You're not talking to Sonic.
Rouge: You're not my DAD, don't fucking tell me what to DO!
Eggman: Stop calling Sonic on our evil phone line!
[cuts to rouge and knuckles somewhere in the ark]
Rouge: So, thanks for saving my life. I owe you one.
Knuckles: (as the pieces of the Master Emerald fall in front of him) Weeeed!
Rouge: Yeah, take this weed!
Rouge: It's all yours. It's- I don't need it anymore.
Knuckles: I'm gonna make a ganja sandwich!
Knuckles: Yeah, extra mayo! [A loud wheeze is heard] Just the way I like it!
Rouge: Have at it.
Knuckles: You're- I love you. You're the best woman... ever.
Rouge: I love you too... I'll meet you... behind the Denny's.
Big: Ahh, I'm gonna need to check my dick!
Sarge [above on a railing] FOUND YOU DIRTBAGS!!
Grim knux: (pops up behind knuckles) hello red me.
(Cut to Eggman looking at his screen, waving his arm around, upset)
Eggman: WHO posted my NUDES on Twitter dot-com?!
Eggman: Ohhh no. Ohhhhh no, they put it all the way on the fucking islands. Now everyone's gonna know about my secret egg dick. (to Shadow) Where do you think YOU'RE going, cucker?
Shadow: I don't talk to people whose dicks are less than three inches.
Eggman: Listen to me motherfucker, I know about yours 'cause I crea- I MEAN, Listen, you don't need to talk about my dick like that, listen, I just take pride in my egg-shaped dick, okay? Now I'm gonna go leave because... my dick is actually the nose of this fucking machine. Please behave yourself.
(Cut to Amy and grim knux)
Amy: Aaahh... Hum-dee-dum-dee-dum-dum-dum.
Grim knux: sneaking-sneaking-sneaking.
Amy: What? Oh... Where are we?
Grim knux: i don't know (looks out the windows) but it's definitely not candy land?
Amy: [realised shes on the ARK] Why am I in a ship? OH!
[Eggman now has his gun pointed towards Amy.]
Eggman: Bitch you are gon' get in this car or I'm poppin' between ya' eyes.
Amy: Wait, I know you! I saw your dick on Twitter!
Grim knux: (wasn't paying attention and just reposted it on Twitter and it instantly got a lot of spams) I reposted it
Eggman: OH, GOD DA-
[Cut to Shadow brooding in front of a window elsewhere in the Space Colony ARK.
Shadow: Maria.
[A low-resolution explosion fires off behind the window the moment he says this]
[Cut to Rouge and Ames in the Eclipse Cannon control room.]
Rouge: Guess what, Robotnik? I have access to the Twitter headquarters.
(Don't know how that's possible but it's fandub so what the heck)
Rouge: I'm gonna not only post your nudes on your Twitters, but on EVERYONE'S Twitters.
Grim Amy: it could go two ways but my team's about to get paid so it doesn't matter
[Shadow appears.]
Shadow: Don't do it! His dick is too disturbing for the world to see. Trust me, I've seen it in person. And the one you leaked? Photoshopped. The real thing is worse, Rouge...
[The camera awkwardly and suddenly zooms into a menacing Rouge and cuts right back to Shadow.]
Shadow: Th- what was that zoom for?
Rouge: I have this manual of how to hack into the Twitter headquarters, just so I can post it to the whole world, so you'd better hurry the fuck up with your explanation before I just DO IT.
Grim amy: Im on board with rouge with this I wanna see how this plays out for him
Shadow: It somehow looks like every single Tetris block at once. Wait, hold on... Is that Eggman-
Shadow: Yeah, piss off. Anyway... begone, thot's.
Rouge: Hey, that's not how you're supposed to speak to a friend. I thought we were FRIENDS, Shadow.
Shadow: Maybe friends with benefits.
Rouge: Really?
Shadow: No. You got a gross bat face and she's just a off brand toaster.
Grim Amy: what the hell is wrong with you!
Rouge: What the fuck, you Hot Topic hot sauce motherfucker? Who are you to say anything?
Shadow: There's nothing hotter than hot sauce, Rouge.
[shadows walks off leaving rouge and grim amy behind]
Grim amy: what a dick!
[Cut to Sonic at the end of Final Rush once again.]
Sonic: What the- I'm here again? It's like a dream-
[a wild shadow, Y/n, grim sonic appear]
Shadow: Welcome to Funland, Sonic. Also, welcome to the "Fucked Eggman's Wife" club.
Y/n: we got snacks, drinks and good music especially for new members
Sonic: Oh, heyy! I'm glad to be here! Do we have jackets?
Shadow: No. But we do have shoes. And they let us run really, really fast.
Grim sonic: but my merch is still on the line make sure to buy some, I got a half price deal for the last few hours.
Sonic: Okay. How fast do you wanna run? Two fast? Three fast? Twelve fast.
Shadow: That's not grammatically correct, you insolent fucko.
Grim sonic: Ha burn got anything to say back?
Sonic: what about twelve and half fast
Y/n: ....yep we're gonna kill him
[cuts to the four running and fighting] (idk Why but it doesn't make sense at this point so just enjoy the talking)
Shadow: And so then I told Eggman, "I swear, it looks like all of them at once, you big Gru-looking bitch."
Sonic: Oh my God, really? Are you telling- that's, that's the truth? It really- every single one of them at once?
Y/n: please say no
Shadow: It's true.
Grim sonic: DISGUSTING!!
Sonic: So if I were to put it in a blender... would that like...
Shadow: Yes, that's right. It would still look exactly the same. It defies nature like that.
Sonic: Oh my god. that's... that's Lovecraftian!
Shadow: Also, perish. [hits sonic]
Sonic: Okay.
[Words previewing the Final Story quickly appear onscreen.] (wait what?)
???: Space cuckholdry. (making a pun on "space colony")
???: Prayer.
[a strange voice vocalizes a tense tune to accompany the words appearing on screen.]
???: Prayers, tears-- what the fuck is this-
Voice: Maria.
???: Crisis of- end of the world-
[Someone starts vocalizing Pumpkin Hill.]
Voice: The truth about 50 years ago...
[Cut to Eggman in the Eclipse Cannon control room.]
Eggman: Finally... Y'know what? My nudes are up, my Twitter logged on, and my boners are turned off.
[A computer screen shows an image of Gerald Robotnik.]
Eggman: I'm gonna fu- what the hell is going on. Who is THIS?
[Gasps in shock as he comes to the realization of the identity of Gerald: his father.]
Eggman: D... d.... daddy? Daddy, is that you?
[cuts to the main room of the ARK]
Gerald: It seems... that as all come today... that I... must... destroy you all... for leaking my son's nudes. I cannot believe that this has happened. It is time... for you all... to see... the last thing that you will ever see. As you are destroyed... and as you see my son's Tetris dick... I will make sure... that every waking moment... until the very last... is the last thing that you will ever breathe. Make sure...
(The tone that was used made it sound so intense despite being a funny thing and I'm imagining)
Knuckles: Whoa! But I wanted the last thing I breathed to be pot!
Eggman: YOU DONE DID IT NOW. I'm so sick. My father's here-
Knuckles: I'm so sick of fuckin' your wife! She's a tired old hag! ...Wait. ...Where am I?
Grim knux: I hope it's somewhere with lots of candy [knux says as he's holding a jumbo marshmallow plush completely unaware of what knuckles said]
Sonic: Eggman... We can make amends-
Eggman: What the fuck, shut the fuck up. Shut the FUCK up. Everybody's fucked my wife!
Grim sonic: not everyone.... She's not my nor Ames type and knux doesn't even know how to even do "it"
Sonic: [mid-laughter] Yeah, but we can fix it, I promise. Just join us!
Eggman: NO. I'm divorcing her ass, I'm throwing yo' ass in the garbage, I'm throwing ALL yo' asses in the garbage. I'm taking yo' CDs and weed...
Y/n: [trying his hardest to hold it together] well folks eggman's close to breaking (snickers)
Grim amy: (notices something on the screen) hey rouge what's that say?
Rouge: I'm not really sure what this says, I... I can only read basic English.
[many things appear on the screen as several words pop up]
Voice: Destroyyy...~
???: Destroy.
****: Deny-- this is the last thing that you will see.
[a chorus chant Maria's name.]
Voice: Maria, Maria, Maria...
######: Maariiiaaaa!
[Several voices break into a form of religious singing of some sorts.]
Voice: Stereotype--
???: Prototype.
Voice: Prototype, prototype, Shadow's a prototype...
****: That's not really a surprise!
???: [In Kermit-like voice] ARK!
Voice: ARK, ARK, ARK... [turns into a mating call]
Grim knux, Amy: "ARK! ARK!/meow meow" We're a dog!
???: Engage, engage, engage, engage...
Voice: Proto.
****: [hacking noises] Hacking the systems.
???: ARK!
Voice: A R !
Eggman: She fuckin'- he fuckin'- she.. they fucked my wife!
Voice: They all vanished!
Eggman: The animals fucked my wife! And then everybody fucking left because the fucking ship was gonna be destroyed. She was able to escape because I designed a robot that would be able to pleasure her in such an intense way that I would be able to finally fuck her. BUT IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! BECAUSE SHE DECIDED TO BECOME A FURRY FUCKER AND FUCKED THE WHOLE SONIC THE HEDGEHOG AND SHADOW TEAM!! WHICH DIDN'T EVEN FUCKIN' MATTER SINCE IT WENT INTO A NEW ARC! (in a deep, glitchy, distorted voice caused by Alfred's mic) And then she fucked the world. THE WORLD WAS HER NEXT TARGET. BECAUSE HER JUSSY WAS NOT EVEN PLEASED ENOUGH. SO SHE HAD TO HOE HERSELF OUT AND BE THE BIGGEST (trilling) THRRRRRRROT THAT YOU'VE EVER SEEN. THE WORLD IS GOING TO BE DESTROYED RIGHT NOW. I'M LOGGING OFF.
Rouge: You shouldn't talk about your wife that way.
Belle: I agree think about what she say about you saying all that about her
Eggman: I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK. That bitch can fuck off, I divorced her ass three hours ago. I'm so sick. My body's doing things. THAT thing. And you over there? Shut up. (pointing to Tails) And YOU? Take off my pants. You wanna see some weird shit?
Grim knux: dr broom man please stop saying bad things about your wife.
Sarge: he's a lost cause guys we gotta put him down
Tails: Eggman! You need to calm down.
Eggman: I AM- I'mmmmmm [his voice turns into something akin to that of Animal's voice] tired of bein' calm all the god damn time! I wanna live my life! (to Tails) And you! You, (vocals distorted and bass-boosted to near incomprehension) YOU, YOU, I'M SO SICK OF YOU...!
Rouge: It looks like we won, everybody. We... broke him. Finally.
Belle: I hope this is reversible.
Knuckles: Alright! Do we get to have a big furry orgy now?
Grim knux: is it like a slumber party?
Grim amy: no and you don't want to know knux
Grim knux: okay mrs Ames
Sonic: Okay, everybody... Let's stop talking about his dick, okay. It looks like all Tetris pieces at once. Thumbs up!
[a vent panel falls next to sonic as sticks drops down]
Sticks: [points a spear at eggman] found you, you government asshole (to Y/n) we got a problem when I was travelling through the vents trying to find in this place I came across some sort strange room with these weird crystal's in it
Belle: if those crystals are what I think they are then this Space station is going to crash into earth!
Grim sonic: I'm sorry WHAT!?
Sarge: if that happens this thing could cause a massive explosion that would end all life on the planet
Knuckles: [grabs and shakes sonic aggressively] WE NEED TO STOP THIS THIMG BEFORE IT TAKES ALL THE WEED!!! WE NEES TO SAVE THE WEED!!!
Sonic: alright just chill out man, let's go do some shit.
[Brief cut to Sonic posing at the end of Cannon's Core, followed by a fade to black]
Sonic: To make a long fuckin' story short, I put a whole bag of jellybeans up my--
Grim sonic: [recognizes the joke] --beans up my a-- (guffaws)
[Cut back to Amy and knux on the ARK.]
Amy: Doo do doo do doo...
Grim knux: de. De de de Dede I just stepped in some gun got to find some peanut butter🎵
[Big runs by Amy and knux.]
Grim knux: hello fluffy kitty
Amy: What? I feel like there's a pervert here. Nope! No-
[Big runs by again.]
Grim knux: bye fluffy kitty
Amy: Wait. IIIII knew it! I'm the pervert! Hooray! [relieved breathing] Okay.
Grim knux: (spots shadow) Bestie. look... it's the hot sushi guy
Amy: Hey Shadow! Whatcha thinkin' 'bout? Thinkin' 'bout peeing on the worrrrld? Thinkin' 'bout-
Shadow: More than anything that I've ever thought about in my entire life.
Grim knux: I think about big puffy clouds
Shadow: Just imagine it. Warm liquids...
Amy: Well, I have a story for you! When I was a little girl, I used to wet the bed. But that- didn't mean it was my bed! 'Cause I was a renter. I started renting my first apartment when I was six years old 'cause I'm a self-sufficient woman, and my mom kicked me out for being far too obnoxious. And that's why I... am the TRUE owner of the world. That's right. All of that you see before you? Everything the piss touches? That is your kingdom. And you, my son, shall go forth and inherit it.
Grim knux: .....dibs on being president of Disney world... that mouse still owes me cotton candy
Shadow: I made a promise to Maria... that I would pee on everything on Earth. [A tear rolls down from Shadow's eye.] Wait. Did I just cry...?
Amy: Whoa, no, hang on, that's not what I saw in the flashback.
Grim knux: i saw a lightbulb in it
Shadow: I don't give a shit. I'm gonna go pee now.
[Cut's to sonic, knuckles, grim sonic and Y/n]
Sonic: Yeah. I've seen something like that before... but only... y'know... in certain circles.
Knuckles: FurAffinity, yeah, I know. I-- wha--
Sonic: Hey Knuckles, I'm gonna go up and touch 'em.
Knuckles: Yeah me... me too.
[Biolizard emerges from the light.]
Biolizard: You shall revel in nothing but destruction. Shadow could've been a true beast- and NOW YOU SHALL DIE!
[time skip to shadow fighting the biolizard]
Shadow: No, listen, brother, I'm not into this.
Shadow: No. They're my funyuns.
Shadow: Why do they taste like cherries, brother?
Shadow: I'm going to grind on you.
Biolizard: NOOOO. MY BUTTON! (monstrous groaning)
Shadow: That's right. I'm going to take all those ropes you have... and I'm going to make sure there's some knotting going on.
Biolizard: [In a different, higher-toned voice from being hit] Brother! I need you to stop trying to hit me! Brother! You've reset my voice module button! Brother! AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGhhhh! I gave birth!
Y/n: (offscreen) that voice sure is annoying, almost reminds me of a small guy with a mushroom hat
Shadow: Well, time to use these bowels to get up there.
Biolizard: No, not my babies! AA- [Wookie noise]
Shadow: There's only one more baby for me to dispose of...
[cuts to sonic, y/n, Nick and knuckles]
Knuckles: Oh my god, that was the hottest shit I've ever seen. Aaagh!
Sonic: Yeah, I know, it was crazy!
Y/n: meh I've seen worse
Knuckles: What is this?
Sonic: It's a pad of some kind...
Knuckles: it looks like a butt.
Y/n: nah looks more like a bunch of ball sacks.
(Cut to Shadow and Sonic about to join Chaos Emeralds)
Y/n: alright you guys do whatever cringe thing you gotta do, me and knuckle's
Will head back to the others once you use the pizza stones.
Shadow: Alright, Sonic. Let's touch dicks.
Sonic: Alright. As we know, my dick is on my hand.
[Sonic and Shadow's clenched hands quickly move back and forth as they begin to power up with the Chaos Emeralds.]
Grim sonic: (rushed) And then they jerk off.
Sonic: Oh my god, what are we DOING?
[y/n and grim sonic laughs Loudly.]
Y/n: Whoa! Whoa!! Calm down you two.
[Shadow and Sonic gasp dramatically.]
Shadow: Sonic, do you like getting peed on?
Sonic: Yes, I do!
Grim sonic: (off screen) Gross
Shadow: Do I have good news for you!
[Sonic and Shadow transform into their Super form.]
Sound effect: Woooo! [wheezes]
Sonic: Whoa, Shadow, you're dehydrated, buddy!
Shadow: A little bit.
Sonic: What have you been drinking?
[A long pause. Cuts to the fight with Biolizard.]
Biolizard: I have a question for both of you.
Sonic: What's up?
Biolizard: If I gave Shadow... fifteen apples... and then Amy gives Shadow...
Sonic: Bam!
Biolizard: ...another (pained) sixteEEN... and Tails took away three... My question is... what's the total mass of the sun?
Shadow: As Obama told me, it's THREE!
[Biolizard screams as it gives its final breath.]
Biolizard: You figured it oouuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu u u u u ut...
Sonic: Why does it sound like he's getting farther away.
Shadow: This is incredibly dumb.
[cuts to sonic and shadow trying to stop the ARK from crashing into earth{
Sonic: We have to do it together!
Shadow: Let's blow up the moon.
Sonic: Let's blow it up!
Shadow: Wait, hold on...
Sonic: Wait, that's no moon, that's a space station.
Shadow: Nice reference. I also love Star Trek.
[small time skip]
Shadow: Well, good thing all of Sonic's friends were on that ship... Bye.
Sonic: Yep! See ya!
Shadow: I'm dead for real, I promiii-...
[cuts to sonic back in the ARK entering the room with everyone else in it]
Sonic: Shadow didn't deserve to die for his piss.
Amy: Yeah, he did!
Grim Sonic: he made fun of my merchandise!
Y/n: he was a dick
Grim amy: asshole call me a hoe
Sonic: But here we are...
Rouge: Are you sure about that?
Sonic: All of you are responsible... He was a good man, with a good heart...
Sarge: starting to to understand why not many people like him
[The credits to Sonic Adventure 2 start rolling]
Grim knux: hello credits... oooh those are a lot of people
[cuts to Sonic as he hands Rouge a thick orange ring.]
Sonic: Take this ring in remembrance of him.
Rouge: I'm gonna eat it.
Sonic: Please d- I mean you can eat it if you want, but I guarantee that that's... not gonna be... (beat) partake of the ring.
Rouge: Thank you, Hedgehog Jesus.
Sonic: Hey, wait a minute... (beat) Doesn't that mean he's gonna come back to life at some point?
Sarge: [off screen] I'll say this tho (reloading his weapons up) well if he does come back.. I'm gonna fight him
Eggman: Aw, that piss-lovin' son of a bitch, I'll miss him... (speech becomes slurred) Aw, Tails, hand me another drink...
Tails: I think you need... a therapist, and not a bottle.
Eggman: (slurred) I think you need to shut your mouth with your three tails... f- nine-tailed fox Naruto-looking motherfucker. WeeeeeeOOOough, gottem! Whoop!
Tails: God, I wish that were me...
Grim Amy: you and me both.
Belle: I can book you a therapy appointment if that helps
Tails: I'll hold onto that.
Knuckles: Now that all this piss and scaly porn's goin' on, you wanna... I don't know...
Rouge: What?
Knuckles: Get... get high or somethin'... behind a Denny's-
Rouge: Oh, fu- I thought you'd never ask.
[ Knuckles reads from the Music and Lyrics credits.]
Knuckles: Yeah... Fumie Kumatani, he knows what's up.
Eggman: (slurred) Guys. Guys, guys, guys. I gotta... tell you something.
Knuckles: What?
Grim knux: OH is it something about a princess.... (A beat) She was a nice lady
Sonic: Eggman... stop, okay.
[Amy starts interrupting Sonic while he tries to finish his sentence.]
Sonic: You've been broken ever since you spent three years in that building.
Amy: Sonic. Sonic! Sonic, can I-
Sonic: What?
Amy: Sonic. Can I jump on that-
Sonic: What?
Amy: Can I jump on that (extended sound) D......?
(Record scratch effect)
Y/n: wtf
Sonic: No.
[Amy takes note of a rendering glitch in the nearby window and says her line quickly before leaving. Sonic shortly follows suit and we cut to him at the door.]
Sonic: You can't, okay.
Amy: My shoes... my shoes in my reflection are opaque, bye.
Sonic: Okay. I don't know what that means but that's fine. Alright, everybody, I'm gonna bounce. I'm gonna go to Chipotle, I'll see you all later! Uh, if-
Eggman: (slurred) Bring me back a burrito.
Sonic: Nope. If you want something, go get it yourself, buddy.
Grim knux: (waves bye to the audience) goodbye! thank you for the ride! You are all my new best friends and I will never forget you!
[the camera was slowly zooming out from view]
Grim knux: you probably can't hear though because everyone knows there is no oxygen on roller coasters. I am yelling quieter now because I am further away from you!
[Cut to a shot of the Space Colony ARK over the Earth.]
Eggman: SONIIIIiiiiic!
[Eggman's voice fades to an echo as the Story ends.]
(I claim no ownership to any of the characters, videos nor the art they all belong to their rightful owners)
(Extra context)
[somewhere in a lab on a distant island]
????: (looking through many different files on a computer screen) hmmm it seems that my little project might have a second chance after all these years..
[???? opens up a specific file that opens up with loads of notes, blueprints and photo's of two separate entities and a relic]
????: heh funny that the same thing I need for my project, is where it all start....
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