Shadow's P.O.V
What does she have behind her back..? I was confused at what Rose might've been holding. I didn't like that she was here. I didn't trust her. And I didn't trust whatever she was HOLDING. That's your PROBLEM! You're too distrusting. RELAX a little... whatever it is couldn't kill ya. But what if it could..? It's like I could HEAR the voice in my head facepalming my thoughts...
???'s P.O.V
Seriously, I think you're overthinking it. I swear, taking his body will make this WHOLE THING worth it... He's so annoying! He's always negative, suspicious of EVERYONE, and hates EVERYTHING! I think I'm doing the right thing because he OBVIOUSLY needs this... he's not happy.
Shadow's P.O.V
No I'm NOT! I SWEAR this thing's gonna make me go crazy! I HATE this damn voice in my head... "Hey um- Rose?" "Hm?" "...What's behind your back?" I HAVE to know. 10 Rings says it's not deadly. Fuck YOU! I'm not giving you 10 rings! Why? Afraid you're gonna lose?~ Grrr... See?! That thing's so ANNOYING!
Rose looked surprised. "Oh um- well... as you know, yesterday I went shopping... And I found something I'd like to give to you... as a peace offering. Since I can tell you don't trust me yet." What is it..? Oh, lemme guess, you're gonna say it's some kinda nuclear weapon? SHHH!
Rose slowly brought it into my view... and I saw that it was a doll. But not just any doll... it was a doll that looked like... her.
I slowly took it in my hands, a tear pricking at my eye which I quickly wiped away, looking down at the doll in my grasp. "I tried to get it to look as close as possible to how you describe her, but it was hard without a photo..." I suddenly jumped up and hugged her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Rose was surprised. "Oh!" She caught me and giggled. "You like your gift?" "Uh-huh!" She giggled again. "Breakfast is ready whenever you are, ok?" I nod as she exits the room.
I looked down at the doll she gave me... it was perfect.
I couldn't believe it looked so much like her! Down to the last detail... I HAVE to do something in return for her, there's no doubt about it!
I shoved the doll in my quills and jumped off the bed, racing down the hall to the kitchen where we ate. I was about to run in and make my presence known, but then I heard Faker and Rose talking, so I listened in.
Faker turned to Rose while cooking. "Hey, Ames?" "Yeah?" She replied. "How'd it go with the doll?" "Oh, he loved it! Just like you said he would! He even hugged me!" "Really? That's great!" "I didn't tell him it was your idea yet, but I will soon!" "Ehh- don't bother. It wouldn't matter."
Wait... the doll was FAKER'S idea? Wow... who knew he cared so much? Everyone except YOU, apparently! The READERS know better than you! Shut up! Anyways, I took the doll out of my quills and hugged it close. I then put it back in my quills and entered the kitchen, acting excited because of the doll I was given.
My tail was even wagging slightly. Not a lot, but it swayed side-to-side as I walked. "Hello!~" I greeted them with a little smile. "Hey, Shadow!" They replied in unison, each giving me a smile. "So, you liked your surprise?~" Rose teased.
I nodded. "Yeah!!" She giggled and helped me into the embarrassing high chair, but I didn't care because I was too happy about the doll. It may seem a little stupid to some, but that doll reminds me of Maria... and to think about her makes me smile... I felt like a child given a toy I'd been begging to get for months and finally getting it. Technically, I AM a child getting a toy, but I hadn't been begging for it... and I do love it.
I'm not in little space either, though I feel like a child. What's WRONG with me? I dunno, what IS wrong with you? Why don't you ever shut UP?! Because that's boring. I mentally sighed at the voice. So annoying... Hey! I heard that! I know.
After breakfast, Rose went to buy more baby supplies. As if it's not embarrassing enough already, I heard Faker tell her to buy diapers. DIAPERS! It was ONE. ACCIDENT. You people in the comments might be like "wHaT aBoUt ThE bAbY tOiLeT y'AlL bOuGhT?" Well, guess what? Faker put in the wrong SHIPPING address, so that's coming NEVER. But DIAPERS?? I can't believe it!
I was laying down on the couch, using the armrest as a pillow, playing- uh- I-I mean OBSERVING the doll I was given. "It really does look like her..." I mumble to myself. I looked around, making sure Son- ...Faker wasn't around. I then hugged the doll tightly.
"Thank you, Sonic..." I whispered to myself before drifting off to sleep.
3rd Person P.O.V
Sonic walked into the room to see Shadow. He was about to greet him until- "Thank you, Sonic..." The blue hedgehog was stunned. How did he know?? He thought to himself. He went over to his small rival and watched him hug the doll before falling asleep.
Sonic smiled at the sight and grabbed a blanket to put over Shadow as he slept. He stroked the young one's quills and sighed.
"You're welcome, Shadow..."
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