Last Time on Sonic Railgun...........
"What is that hedgehog up to now?" Asked Esper Killer.
Sonic continues to do what he is doing. When he was about to reach the middle of Academy City again, a sonic boom was heard. A burst of electricity and a bright blue light was seen in the middle of Academy City. And a blue electricity wave begin to spread out everywhere in Academy City.
When the Anti-Espers saw this blue wave coming, they tried to outrun it but it was too late. The moment the blue way went through them, all their weapons were short circuited. All their tanks suddenly stopped working. All the Anti-Espers helicopters begin to slowly lose power and crash onto the streets. All of the Anti-Espers Exo Suits begin to shut down and impossible to get back online.
"Oh no.......Thats not good......." Said Esper Killer
Esper Killer quickly flied to a sewer lid entrance and lift it up and dived into the sewers to avoid the blue wave. When the blue wave has spread out through out Academy City, it slowly disappear. In the middle of Academy City, Sonic was on his knees and taking deep breaths.
"Well..... that was a rush..... phew...." Said Sonic. Sonic then begin put his hands near his ears to hear any sounds.
He didn't hear any explosions or gun fire. That means his plan work. "What do you know? It actually worked! The score reads Sonic The Hedgehog: 1! Anti-Espers: 0. I am so awesome and I rock!" Said Sonic as he did a little happy victory dance for this success.
"You....." Said a familiar male voice. Sonic turned to his left just in time to see get grabbed by the neck by Esper Killer.
"You are going to pay for what you have done!" Said Esper Killer as furious look on his eyes before tossing Sonic to the ground.
"I am going to make you beg for mercy for ruining our plan Sonic!" Said Esper Killer.
Sonic had a plan to stop the attack on Academy City. Alan was against it but he slowly started to accept the plan. Sonic had to run at extreme speeds through each School District before creating a large EMP blue wave. The plan work but Esper Killer is angry is planning to punish Sonic for stopping the attack on Academy City.
With Sonic..............
"You little annoying hedgehog!" Said Esper Killer as he picks up Sonic again by his neck.
"Hehe.... hi?" said Sonic.
"So you have any idea what you have done?" asked Esper Killer as he slams Sonic into the ground. "You have ruined our plan to destroy this city and all the Espers!"
"Hehe..... Sorry not sorry." Said Sonic.
"You have set back everything now! It would take months to set our plans back into motion. Years even!" Said Esper Killer before picking him back up and slamming him back at the ground again and then throwing him about a few feet away from him.
"This is the end for you! Any last words?" Esper Killer asked the hedgehog.
"Your name.... I still don't get it." Said Sonic before passing out.
Esper Killer didn't notice that something was opening up behind him. "I don't have to explain how many chances a person like me will get to eliminate someone that annoys them to much." Said Esper Killer.
Esper Killer then felt someone poking on his shoulder. He turned around to see a giant golden ring portal and inside of it was Alan and Mikoto.
"Yo." Said Alan.
"Hello there." Said Mikoto.
"What the...?" Was all Esper Killer said before the two Misaka siblings jumped attacked at Esper Killer.
The surprise attack has made Esper Killer get launched into the air with the two Misaka siblings still on him. He keeps trying to shake them off.
"Just who the hell do you two think you are?" asked a angry Esper Killer.
"We are the Misaka siblings you monster." Said Alan.
"And you are getting the karma you deserve." Said Mikoto.
"Not likely." Said Esper Killer as he spins around and it finally shakes of the two Misaka siblings.
The two Misaka siblings were sent off of Esper Killer and crashed into the ground. They slowly got back up to see Esper Killer slowly hovering back to the ground.
"Why? Why would you risk your life for this thing?" asked Esper Killer as he points at the knocked out Sonic.
"Its not that hard to understand." Said Mikoto.
"See? See right there? That is why I have a hard time understanding you Espers. Especially you Railgun. You are a Level 5 Esper and yet you treat others like they are your friends and never once look down at them." Said Esper Killer.
"She doesn't let her power go to her head. Unlike you who let their anger and rage control their life." Said Alan.
"That anger and rage I have as got me to where I am today. And no one else has the motivation to wipe this city off the world! Now where we? Oh yeah.... you two are about to die." Said Esper Killer as he points his arm at them and a hiding rocket launder pop out of his metal suit arm.
Suddenly, a small metal pin appeared in the rocket launcher, causing it to exploded but not damage the person controlling the suit.
"Get away from them." Said a female voice that appeared right next to the Misaka siblings. It was Kuroko, Saten and Uiharu.
"Yeah! Leave them alone you bully." Said Uiharu.
"You say that this all for the sake for the world but you are acting nothing more but a adult having a temper tantrum!" Said Saten.
"Silence! If you just understand the pain I have, you would why me and the others want this city gone!" Said Esper Killer.
"Alan...." Said Mikoto as she looks at the still knocked out Sonic. Alan had a look of sadness to see Sonic like that.
"Don't mean to be rude but you all might as well get to say your farewells soon. You will join him in the after life." Said Esper Killer.
Alan continues to look at the state Sonic is in. "That hedgehog is nothing but a silly little alien. He didn't belong here! He didn't belong to get involves with matters that have no business with him!" Said Esper Killer.
"That 'silly little alien' knows more about being human than you will ever be." Said Alan as he turns his attention back to Esper Killer. Esper Killer was not happy by that statement.
"His name is Sonic. Sonic The Hedgehog. And he is more than that. He is my best friend." Said Alan.
"And he is our friend as well." Said Mikoto, Kuroko, Saten and Uiharu as they see Sonic as their friend as well.
Suddenly, Sonic eyes opened up and his pupils were glowing blue.
Suddenly, the group turn around to see where Sonic is, blue lightning was forming around Sonic.
Esper Killer put his hand infront of him to block the blinding lights. The lighting strikes begins to stop as something inside of it begins to stand back up. It was Sonic as his quills were now glowing blue and when he opened up his eyes, they were glowing blue.
Sonic begins to narrow his eyes at the Esper Killer. "He is all yours. Back up everyone." Said Alan with a smile as they begin to back up away from the upcoming final showdown.
"I think you should be taught a lesson about me Esper Killer." Said Sonic before he suddenly disappears and reappear infront of Esper Killer without moving.
"What the.....?" Said Esper Killer. That is all he got to say before Sonic kicks him away about five feet.
Esper Killer gets back on his feet to see Sonic back where he was originally. 'I didn't even see him move.' Thought Esper Killer.
"This is my power. And I am not using it to run away anymore. I am using it to protect my friends!" Said Sonic as he is now in complete control over his powers.
Esper Killer only raised his hands to his sides as he created tons of red energy orbs of hate. Sonic slowly got into his running start position.
Esper Killer can' show it but behind his mask, he has a furious look on him. Sonic look straight ahead of him with a determine look.
"You are going to die hedgehog!" Said Esper Killer as he launches his red energy orbs at Sonic.
Sonic begins to run at Esper Killer and stylishly dodging each attack. He jumps at a nearby by building and Homing attacks at Esper Killer.
Sonic then did it again as he ran towards him. Sonic continues to run and Homing attack at Espers Killer and he keeps getting faster and faster. To the point he is hard to see. Each time he strikes Esper Killer, it gets brighter in the area.
Sonic stops and rolls back away from Esper Killer and gets into running position.
"Oh... Now you have done it you rat!" Said Esper Killer.
"Guess what Esper Killer?! I am not the one who will lose here today! You are!" said Sonic.
"No! I can't lose here! Academy City and all Espers must SUFFER!!!!!" Said Esper Killer before he was surrounded by a blinding red light.
When the light disappeared, the land and everything around them has transformed into a chaotic illusion version of Academy City. And Esper Killer has turned into a huge red demon with his mask now his demon face and his horns are glowing red.
"Whoa...." Said Mikoto as she see the demon version of Esper Killer. The girls were terrified of what they are seeing. Sonic on the other hand was not scared at the least by Esper Killer new demon look.
The demon version Esper Killer raised his hands into the air and across the city, all of the Anti-Espers were getting drained of all their negative emotions for Esper kind. Once he has absorbed enough, he looked down at Sonic with a kill look in his glowing eyes.
"You got to beat the demon version of him Sonic!" Said Alan.
"Beat the demon? I AM THE DEMON!" Said Esper Killer as he slams his foot down at Sonic, who easily dodges it by side stepping to the left.
"That is a big demon though. Really big demon....." said nervous Mikoto.
"Hehe. Size doesn't mean any thing you know?" Sonic mocked.
"I WILL SHOW YOU THAT IT DOES!!!" Said Esper Killer as he tries to grab Sonic but Sonic jumped on his arm and Spin dashed all the way up his arm and attacked his chin.
"OW! You little........." Said Esper Killer as he hold his chin in pain and took some giant steps back.
Sonic then curled up into his ball form and attacked the knees of Esper Killer. It causes Esper Killer to fall to his knees.
"Is that all you got?" Sonic mocked again.
"Why you!" Said Esper Killer as he tries to grab Sonic again. Sonic easily jumps on his arm and run straight up near to his face.
Sonic then jumped straight into Esper Killer mouth when it was open. The moment he did, Esper Killer closed it. Then Esper Killer felt something was wrong.
He felt a suddenly pain in his right side. And then his left side. And when a pain happed on his chest, a small cracked was formed on it, and blue light was leaking out of the crack. Inside of him, Sonic was curled up into a ball and was bouncing everywhere at high speed.
"No...." Said Esper Killer as a small cracked was formed on his left side.
"No..." Said Esper as a new cracked appeared on his back. Soon, more cracks begin to appear everywhere on his demon body.
"No...! No....! No....! NOOOOOOO!!" Screamed Esper Killer. That was the last words he got to say before his demon body exploded and a blue pillar of light was shot straight into the sky.
The area around the group turn back to normal. Where the demon version Esper Killer was originally is now huge crater.
Tons of lightning was leaked out of it before disappearing. They walk to the edge of the to see Sonic powered down. And beside him was the defeated Esper Killer. His suit mask was damaged, to reveal a bald head and his eyes were white. Signaling that he was knocked out cold.
And that is not all. Across the city, all Anti-Espers soldiers were passed out as well. The city is saved!
Sonic begins to run out of the crater and appears next to the group. "I did it you guys!" Said Sonic with a smile on his face.
"You did." Said Mikoto as she smiles back.
"Thanks." Said Sonic.
"But from now on, don't do something so dangerous like that again." Said Uiharu. She is talking about the crazy stunt Sonic did to defeat Esper Killer.
"True." Said Saten
"You know that I can't promise something like that." Said Sonic.
"So..... what is going to happen to senior former demon down there?" Asked Sonic as he points as the defeated Esper Killer.
"Anti-Skill will take him away and his army into a maximum cell just for them with their names on it." Said Kuroko as she contacts Anti-Skill to arrive here where the defeated Esper Killer is.
"And possibly to make sure that they never try to break out as well." Said Uiharu.
"That is nice to know." Said Saten.
"And that is our cue to leave." Said Alan.
"Yeah." Said Mikoto as the group and Sonic begins to walk away from the scene before Anti-Skill could arrive.
Sonic and Esper Killer had a final showdown. Sonic has learn to control his power and used it in the final battle against Esper Killer. Esper Killer had turned into a demon version of himself. Sonic was able to beat his demon form from the inside. With Esper Killer defeated, the attack on Academy City is no longer happening and the Espers and the city is safe once more.
To Be Continued..............
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