It had been months after Sonic and Tails had Saved the Wisps from Eggmans grasp and their planets and even though some had joined the pair on earth the rest stayed back on their home planets living peacefully again. Along with new leaders alongside Yacker.
Drakes Pov
Drake floated across the plain of Asteroid Coaster watching the Wisps float alongside each other. Since Yacker had entrusted Him and Fracker with leading the Wisps that didn't decide to turn back from their Nega Wisp forms which the Wisp race had grown accustom to. Some from Planet Wisp and Sweet Mountain had come to live on Asteroid Coaster and some of the Negas had gone to live on the other planets, The Nega Wisps had helped the other wisps out in the past like the time when space monsters attacked. The Leader Wisps also had special abilities that allowed them to transform into their hyper go on forms without needing Sonic. "Hey Drake!" Fracker gurgled floating up to the Violet Wisp who smiled. "Hey Fracker what's up?" He asked as Fracker was joined by a Cyan Wisp and a Orange Wisp. "Yacker has just called for a meeting at Starlight Carnival. "She cooed as Drake nodded following the Purple Wisp to the Giant Ship that beheld The Starlight ships as Flash zoomed by "Sorry Guys!" He called as Drake and Fracker were joined by Thorn and Digger. "Hey guys!" Digger chirped as they all arrived at the ship where the other wisps were waiting. "Sorry I flew past you two so fast I'm a Cyan Wisp so yeah" Flash chuckled. "It's fine Flash" Fracker chirped as Yacker back flipped. "Okay then everyone how's your planets doing?" Yacker asked. "Sweet Mountains alright" Galaxy pointed out. "Starlight Carnival is good" Star added. "Planet Wisp is doing good" Thorn grunted. "Aquarium park is doing well!" Flash chirped. "Asteroid Coaster is alright as well" Drake added as Yacker nodded. "That's good," Yacker nodded again. "Yacker how's the recovery of Planet Wisp doing anyways?" Burner asked as Yacker tapped his tentacle on his chin. "We're still in the process of De contaminating the water but it's going well all the wisps helped out and we've gotten rid of the excess buildings that Eggman placed." Yacker explained. "And we're still getting used to the home planet that Eggman built" Blu added. "We've gotten rid of all the buildings that he did as well. Because of my Yellow Wisps and Frackers Purple Wisps" Digger added. "Okay I think that's all we have covered" Thorn added as Yacker thought for a second. "Hmmm I have a idea! How about we go pay Sonic and Tails a visit!" Yacker added as all the Wisps looked at each other. "That's a great idea! They should see how we've gotten on lately!" Burner added as all the Wisps nodded. "Okay everyone go tell your planets to assemble outside of them and get ready for some teleporting!" Yacker chirped.
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