Chapter 15- Returning Home
Thorns Pov
The wisps were gathering up ready to head back as the Wisp leaders bsaid goodbye to the wisps which lived on Earth. "Are we ready" Yacker chirped as Thorn floated along on his back. "Our wisps will take care of getting the trees and nature back to normal" Yacker chirped to Sonic and Tails who nodded as Thorn floated over pumping out his spikes on his head.
"I suppose we better go back now and teleport our planet's" Yacker chirped as the other wisps gathered round. "Thanks for the help Yacker we'll work on protecting the wisps here ad well so Eggman doesn't get his hands on them" Tails Explained as Yacker turned back to the group. "Are we all ready?" He chirped as he lead the wisps back to where the planet's were and the Wisps were already outside ready to teleport the planet's as the Leader Wisps joined them as the planet's were teleported back to their positions back in the universe and as the wisps went back to their planet's the Leader Wisps joined together again. "Now at least we can all relax for a while" Thorn grumbled as Flash and Digger looked at each other. "And you and Drake can talk to the wisps more" Star chirped at Fracker who chirped and got Drake and headed back to Asteroid Coaster as the other wisps headed back to their planet's and Thorn and Yacker went back together as the wisps on Planet Wisp were acting as nothing happened. "For the actual first time we can relax" Thorn chirped. "Well it was nice helping Sonic take back his home planet as he did help us" Yacker added as Thorn nodded. "I'll see you around okay?" Thorn chirped as Yacker nodded floating off as Thorn went to join a group of Pink and Orange Wisps.
Burners Pov
Burner floated along with a bunch of Red Wisps along the chocolate river where White Wisps were sliding down with some Green Wisps and Cyan Wisps were relaxing on the sides along with some Yellow Wisps and Blue Wisps. Burner saw Galaxy and Digger floating around each other and a few Yellow Wisps digging into the ground and back out again while some Pink Wisps shot themselves at walls.
Stars Pov
The Green Wisp rested on one of the ships while Blu was stacking with some Blue Wisps and Star flew over "You having fun Blu?" She chirped as the Blue Wisp nodded floating up. "Yeah I can actually stack with my wisps again" He cooed as Star chirped.
Flashs Pov
Flash dived in and out of the water as the Pink Wisps floated in circles with each other as the white wisps were mixing with the Yellow and Cyan Wisps, Flash sighed happily and joined a couple of Cyan and Green Wisps.
Drakes Pov
Drake floated around with Fracker and two Blue Wisps going around the meteors. "Having wisps hanging around with you again is really nice" Fracker chirped. "Yeah I forgot that feeling" Drake added twirling around. "Maybe next time we go back to Earth maybe we should stay longer" Drake added. "Yeah" Fracker added as the two floated off as something in the sky of Asteoid Coaster smirked and flew into space.
Okay! And that's the end of the book! I'm now going to start on the new book when this book manages to get to 50 or 55 reads
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