World Of Tiny Creatures
Sonic and Amy meet the trolls in a crossover story. A request for Chipmunklover16...
One afternoon Sonic and Amy were lounging on the beach in their beach chairs enjoying the day.
''You noticed someone is missing.'' Amy said.
''I'd say three of them but that is ok just you and me.'' He kisses her hand and she blushes.
''Sonic you flirt.'' She flirted back.
Sonic smiles and leans over and kisses her. She kisses back her arms around him. They enjoyed their moment before Sonic pulled away and groaned.
''What's wrong Sonic?'' She asked.
''Oh I forgot I'm supposed to meet Tails at his workshop.'' He said almost forgetting Amy had that way with him.
''Oh well then you should go.'' Amy said.
''Yeah but I want to stay with you, say come with.'' Sonic said.
''Ok.'' She smiles as he takes her hand picking her up and sped over to Tail's work shed as they went in.
''Hey buddy I'm here.'' The blue hedgehog said.
''Hey Sonic hi Amy.'' He said.
''Hey Tails.'' Amy said.
''So what is it buddy?'' Sonic asked.
''Well glad you asked I was exploring the forest this morning and I found these.'' He said holding up a couple strains of some sort of pink and ultra blue small strans.
''Amy took one studying it. ''So what is it where did you find it?'' She asked.
''Not far away from where we explore do you know it Amy?'' Asked the young fox.
''No never seen it.'' She said.
''I figured as much so I've been testing it it and turns out its troll hair.'' Tails said.
''Those big ugly things that scare everyone?'' Asked Sonic.
''No sonic according to my computer here they are tiny creatures that are colorful and they sing and they are somewhere in this area but they are so small I don't think I can find them.''
''Well too bad buddy.'' Sonic said.
''But maybe if I can get a couple to let me turn them to into small trolls you guys can find them.'' He said.
Sonic looks at Amy and she smiles. ''Are you gonna be able to turn us back Tails?''
''Duh yes Amy I will trust me now I need you guys to stand here and wait while I shrink you.'' He said.
Sonic and Amy held hands and they shrunk and they looked at each other. ''Sonic you looks so cute.'' Amy said.
Sonic looked like himself only thing he had brown shorts on and his spikes was troll hair and no shoes. ''Huh cool and you look amazing as well Amy my love my one true love.'' Sonic said and he covered his mouth. ''Did I just sing?''
''Yes you did as trolls they like to sing appearently.'' Amy said she was just like herself only no shoes as well and her spikes are pink troll hair.
''Now you guys are good to go see what you can get and bring them here if possible.'' Tails said.
''Got it.'' Sonic said as he picked up Amy and he was speeding until they came to the forest the grass came up over their heads as Amy holds his hand as they walk for a bit.
''So where are these guys again?'' Asked Sonic.
''Somewhere I don't know.'' She said.
Suddenly Amy heard noise and they walked towards the music and came though a bunch of willow tree and saw a big open area where there were so many little trolls it was insane. ''Dang and I thought I've seen all the colors of the rainbow this is nuts.'' He said he looked at Amy and saw her looking wide eyed.
''Wow that looks like fun I do love dancing.'' She said dreamily and then went down and started dancing to music. All Sonic could do is watch and went down to the crowd it was busy and all the noise made him flinch he then went up to Amy.
Suddenly they saw two trolls that looked like them dancing together as he twirls the pink troll and they dance with him dipping her.
''Huh what a couple.'' Amy said.
The couple came down and over to them. The blue troll got in front of the pink troll and looked at them. ''Hello travelers who are you guys?'' The blue one said suspiously.
''Branch be nice. Hi guys I'm Queen Poppy of the pop trolls and this is my boyfriend Branch.'' She said smiling.
''So are you guys from another dimention?'' Asked Branch.
''No we are from our own home town we are actually hedgehogs my buddy found your hair and wanted us to find you guys.'' Sonic said.
He was tackled by Branch. ''Ha you are here to sell us out!'' He shouted.
''Poppy pulled Branch off. ''No we are not its nice to meet you guys I'm Amy Rose and this is my boyfriend Sonic the Hedgehog a hero in our small village.'' Amy said.
''Well its nice to meet you let us show you around.'' Poppy said.
''Ok.'' Amy said.
''So first this is Pop Village and these are our homes.'' Poppy said pointing to the bright pods.
''And over there were we were is where most of the parties take place at.'' Branch said.
''So is all you do is party?'' asked Sonic making a note of that.
''Um yeah that is our jam we sing, dance and hug.'' Poppy said.
Then Sonic and Amy heard a ping and Poppy smiles. ''HUG TIME!'' She hugs Branch who hugs her back.
''Aww is that a ritual you do?'' asked Amy.
''Yep every hour is a special hug time.'' Branch said.
''You know you seem very handsome for a troll.'' Amy said smiling and batting an eyelash at Branch.
''Sorry but he's taken.'' Poppy said growling.
''Don't worry me and Amy are a couple besides she loves me.'' Sonic said.
So they all explored and Amy and Sonic learned so much of the trolls and that they reunited a lot of the troll kingdoms and how they made peace to the bergans. Sonic and Amy watched in amusement and smiled.
''So what do you guys do?'' asked Poppy.
''Me and Sonic are heros we have this enemy of ours.'' She said.
''More like annoying guy trying to impress us and outsmart us.'' Sonic said.
''Named Dr. Eggman and he always has some robots after us.'' Amy said.
They all sat down and enjoyed some berries and chilly dogs. ''I didn't know you guys made chilly dogs.'' Sonic said.
''We don't but it sounded easy enough.'' Branch said.
So the four talked and they walked around the village. Sonic and Amy got to meet the snack pack and then they got to join a small get together party and they all had fun.
Sonic and Amy learned from Branch and Poppy to use their hair for swinging and getting stuff walking on their hair and they sang and they all danced. Sonic and Amy had a dance off with Branch and Poppy it was a great time and they were close and were sad to leave.
''Well thank you for showing us around it was nice to meet you guys.'' Amy said.
''Yes you too I hope you come again soon.'' Poppy said.
''Maybe and if we do you can meet our group.'' Sonic said.
''You know you guys look just like me and Poppy.'' Branch said.
''I've noticed but we will hopefully see you guys soon.'' Amy said.
Poppy's bracelet went off her and Amy looked at each other. ''HUGTIME!'' They screamed and hugged each other.
Sonic and Branch just high fived each other is all. And Sonic and Amy went back home and went to Tails workshop and Sonic looked at Amy and then kisses her she wrapped her arms around him.
Suddenly they find themselves back to their normal size and Tails with Sticks and Knuckles were there.
''So are the trolls nice and did you learn about anything?'' Asked Tails.
''Oh yeah it was fun next time you guys are coming with us.'' Sonic said.
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