Sonic has a nightmare about Amy...
It was horrible Sonic looked around to see the destruction everywhere Eggman was actually winning for a change.
''Hahaha bow before me Sonic looks like I will defeat you and your horrible team.'' He gloated.
Sonic ran to take out 3 crab robots and he looked to see Tails struggling to knock out a robot and another one came behind him and Sonic zoomed over spin dashing it away from Tails.
''Thanks Sonic!'' Tails called as he took down the one he was fighting.
Knuckles was busy throwing boulders and smashing the robots but was failing big time. ''Uggg there are too many of them!'' He roared and got zapped as he fell down still fighting.
Sonic looked to see Sticks with her Boomer rang hit and knocking out the bots but more came out of nowhere, and Amy his girlfriend trying to take out the bots and Amy was swinging her hammer like a mad hog she jumped and destroyed one.
''Sonic! behind you!'' She screamed.
He turned and kicked the bot he looked to see Eggman grinning. ''I'm winning today Sonic my bots are faster and stronger then yours!'' He said.
Sonic ran faster and he went over and smashed two bots aiming to shoot at Amy. ''Thanks Sonic.'' She grins as she hits it.
Eggman saw this and knew it. He then send a bunch to distract Sticks, Tails, and Knuckles leaving Sonic and Amy by themselves. He wanted to win and the only way to do that is to take what Sonic loved the most. He then focused his lazer on Amy and as her back was turned he pressed the button that exploded right at Amy's feet throwing them all back.
Sonic coughed and looked around to see the others fighting he looked to the side to see Amy on her side. His whole world stopped and he sprinted over to her on his knees lifting up her body.
''Amy no.. no, no, no please wake up! Don't do this look at me!'' He begged freaking out.
He held her in his arms and saw her stir he looked to see blood leaking though her torso she was breathing hard and she smiles weakly at him. ''S-Sonic I- I l-l-love you.'' She whispered as he leaned over and she planted a soft weak kiss before her head fell back and she was emotionless.
Sonic was scared he was sad he had tears out. ''Amy! no AMY!!!'' He screamed.
He felt anger and rage building up he looked up and he started glowing he turned dark and his eyes were red and glowing he ran full speed knocking out out and destroying all the bots Eggman looked scared finally Sonic looked at the Guy his eyes red and he growls. ''EGGMAN YOU WILL DIE FOR THIS!'' He spin dashed and blew up Eggman he ran over to Amy and held her crying.
''AMY NO, please don't I love you, you can't leave me here like that.'' He cried holding her close.
''AMMMMYYYYY!'' Screamed Sonic as he woke up with a jolt he looked to see he was on the floor hugging a pillow. He looked around to see himself in his shack and he ran out the door to see everything looking peaceful.
He couldn't believe that dream and he had to check on Amy. He ran over to her shack still in tears and ran inside her shack. ''Amy.'' He called.
The light came and he heard a tired voice. ''Sonic?''
He turned and saw Amy standing their in a large t shirt looking concerned. ''Are you ok?'' She asked looking at his tears.
He wipes them and pulls her into a hug holding her close to his body and she hugs back and he then plants small kisses all over her face, her cheeks and then one to her lips. This threw Amy off guard she kisses back though and pulls away looking at him.
''Sonic what happened? Are you hurt?'' She asked.
''No I'm just happy to see you are alive.'' He said.
They walk to her couch to sit down. ''Ok Sonic what happened?'' She asked as they held hands.
''I had a nightmare we were fighting Eggman and he had a huge army of bots and we were struggling and some reason I think he knew we were dating and he blasted you and you died in my arms and I lost you it felt so real and I don't know what I would do if I lost you.'' He said crying again and she pulled him into a hug and he hugs her resting his head on her shoulder.
''Oh Sonic I'm sorry you went though that but as you can see I'm here and there is nothing we can't do together does it bother you we are dating?'' She asked.
He looked at her and places a hand on her cheek. ''No it doesn't I don't regret dating you, I just don't want you to get hurt.'' He said.
''Um you know Eggman already knows we are dating, he called it before we were dating. Eggman is dumb and is so slow he already teased us of dating before we were.'' She said placing both hands on his cheeks. ''And not even he can ruin what we have. Not just a relationship but a friendship as well.''
''Oh Amy I love you so much.'' They lean in and share a sweet kiss his arms around her pulling her to his lap and she kisses back her hands feeling his chest as they fell back on the couch.
''I love you too my Sonic.'' She whispers and she gets up and goes to the closet pulling out a blanket. ''Why don't you stay the night here we can hold each other.'' She says smiling.
He grins and pulls her in his lap and she rests her head on his chest and they snuggle as they fell asleep together dreaming of each other.
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