Meeting Amy
This is my take on what happened after the post credit scene when Amy reveals herself to Sonic... A request for TrollsBrozonefan2736
A blue blur was running in a race and came to the finish line, and he turned and stopped when he didn't see Tails or Knuckles and he looked around.
''Guys?'' He called.
He looked at the sign and saw it said New York and the blue hedgehog sheepishly smiles. ''I guess I overran.'' He said to himself.
Suddenly he heard something and looked to see a cool looking version of himself only this one was metal with red eyes as he stared at Sonic.
''Oh, I see I love the cosplay outfit, but you should do better if you want to be me.'' Sonic ran at Metal Sonic and then metal held up a gun and started shooting as Sonic ducked and dodged.
Suddenly he was surrounded by a dozen of these metal Sonic's, and he was ready to fight but then out of nowhere a blur came out and hit one of the bots and a hammer in a flash hit every metal bot and Sonic saw the hooded figure in the air with a hammer he jumped back and was curious.
''W-Who are you?'' He was scared and curious.
The figure landed on the ground and pulled down her hood to reveal a beautiful pink hedgehog with bright green eyes and she had a smirk with a raised eyebrow.
''I'm Amelia Rose, but you can call me Amy Rose or Amy whichever you prefer.'' She smiles at him.
Sonic gulps and was shocked. She was so pretty, and he had a love-struck look on his face. He then remembered her talking as she looks at him.
''And you are Sonic the Hedgehog.'' She grins.
''Yes, I'm known as the protector of Green Hills, beloved by everyone and the fastest hedgehog.'' He replied proudly. ''How did you know my name?''
Amy smiles and laughs. ''Well, you've made the news about saving everyone and taking down Robotnik I'm just happy I'm happy there is another hedgehog around my age.''
''Well, there was 3 of us but one I encountered Shadow didn't survive.'' Sonic replied.
''Oh? Well anyway it's nice to see another who is around my age.'' She smiles.
Sonic smiles and loved listening to her talk and found himself smiling. ''Yeah, wait you live here by yourself?'' He asked.
''No, there are others my friends and my family.'' She replied.
''Wait there are more then just you?'' He asked.
''Yeah, follow me I'll show you.'' She smiles as they walked.
''Say how about I give you a ride on my back and you tell me where to go we can get there faster.'' He replied.
She looked at him. ''Um or you can just follow me.''
She giggles as she took off and he followed. Sonic was curious about Amy she seemed so brave and took down an army by herself.
Later they arrived at an old apartment building and Sonic followed Amy to the back of the building where a camouflaged door was as Amy opened it and motioned for Sonic to get in first.
He went in and down the stairs and came to another door and Amy went past him and he got a whiff of what she smelled like, and he loved that strawberry smell she had as she opened the door and let Sonic in.
Once inside he was shocked to see a brightly lit room, it was like his cave home only its was much roomier and had different hole around and he looks to see a bunch of other creatures A bat, a cat, a cute bunny, and a badger of some kind.
''Guys! I would like you all to meet Sonic the Hedgehog!''
They all came over.
''Hello Sonic!'' Big replied coming over and picked Sonic in a hug.
''Um nice to meet you too.'' Sonic replies being in the hug.
Big put him down. ''I'm Big.''
''I'm Rouge, and your pretty handsome for a hedgehog.'' She winks.
''Um thanks.'' Sonic nodded and looked at Amy who smiles.
''I'm Cream.'' The small bunny smiles and shakes Sonic's hand.
''Nice to meet you, I think you would get along great with my buddy Tails.'' Sonic smiles.
''I would love to meet him!'' Cream smiles.
Suddenly the honey badger came over sniffing and checking out Sonic. ''You're not one of those robots, are you?'' Asked Sticks.
''Nope I'm the real deal, those were just copies of me.'' Sonic smiled a bit freaked out as Amy came and got between them.
''Alright Sticks.'' Amy nodded.
''You know, I think you and Knuckles would be great friends.'' Sonic smiled.
Suddenly 3 other hogs came out and the friends all went back to doing what they were doing.
''Sonic I'd like you to meet my mom Mary, my dad Arnold, and my big sister Piper. Family meet Sonic.'' She smiles holding Sonic's hand without realizing it.
Sonic smiles and shook hands with the family but he very much enjoyed Amy holding his hand.
''Sonic? Hm nice to meet a hedgehog. How old are you?'' Asked Arnold.
''I'm 15-year-old.'' He replied.
''Ahh the same age as Amy.'' Mary smiles. ''Make yourself at home.''
Sonic nodded and looked around as Amy smiles at him. ''Well, there you go you met the group.''
''Nice group are you the leader of them?'' Asked Sonic.
''Nobody is a leader we all work together as a team.'' She smiles and let her hand slide from his.
''Same here with me and my crew.'' Sonic replied.
Amy sat on a beanie chair and Sonic sat next to her on another beanie chair.
''So, your crew as you call them are they your family?'' She asked.
''Yeah, there's Knuckles the echidna, and Tails the two tailed fox. Then there's Tom and Maddie and little Ozzie!'' Sonic smiles speaking highly of them.
Amy smiles listening to Sonic. She had to admit he was pretty handsome for a hedgehog.
''Tom and Maddie are your parents, right?'' Asked Amy.
''Yeah, they are. They are humans but they took me and my friends in.'' Sonic replied.
All of the others were quiet and looked at Sonic and he looked around.
''Um why did it quiet all of a sudden?'' He asked.
''You're friends with humans!?'' Asked Stick shocked.
''Yeah, I mean don't you guys usually see them? They are right outside.'' Sonic replied.
''We don't associate with humans. They have been proven to hate us.'' Piper replied coming over.
''Well, they don't know you guys and Tom and Maddie are the best! You'd love Maddie Amy!'' Sonic smiles taking her hands.
Amy grins with a smile looking at Sonic. He smiles and let's go of her hands.
''I have to go back now, but how about you come with me Amy and see for yourself.'' Sonic suggested.
''Sure, I never thought humans were dangerous sure I'll go, and I'll be back guys.'' She smiles.
Sonic and Amy left, and Sonic looked at her.
''Here please climb on my back nothing funny will happen it's just I can get us there in no time.'' He smiles.
''Alright.'' She smiles as she jumped on his back, and he took off with her to meet his family.
Here we go. I got more coming up.
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