Hangout Day
Team Sonic hangs out...
One afternoon Team Sonic was at the beach, Sticks and Knuckles were playing volleyball, while Tails was working on an invention, meanwhile Sonic was resting in the sun lounging on the beach chair next to Amy who was writing.
It was a lot of fun for the group to hangout sure they hung out a lot but this ay was because Eggman was gone for the week and they got to be free. Soon Sticks and Knuckles got tired of playing and went over to Tails.
''So what are you working on?'' Asked Sticks.
''Nothing a broken remote to my tv.'' He said.
They noticed Knuckles lifting weights. ''So when do you think they will become a couple?'' Asked Sticks to Tails as she was watching the hedgehog couple.
''I don't know whenever Sonic mans up and asks her.'' Tails said.
''Hmm.'' Sticks looked at the couple.
Amy closes her book. ''Say who wants to go to my place and I'll make us some supper.'' She suggested.
''Cool I'm down for it but lets go to my place.'' Sonic said standing.
''Great Amy's cooking you know it will be good.'' Knuckles said.
Yeah.'' Tails and Sticks said togther.
So they went to Sonic's and they were playing video games while Amy was preping stuff for supper and decided to do burgers and a special surprise for Sonic. She went outside to her grill on her porch grill.
''Hey Amy.'' Tails said coming out.
''Oh Tail's what brings you out here I thought you'd be video gaming?'' She asked.
''Oh I was but decided to let Sticks have a turn.'' He said.
''Ahh I see.'' Amy said looking out in the distant.
''So I saw Sonic talking to Stacy yesterday sounds like they might go on a date.'' Tail's bluffed watching Amy.
She shrugged and continued to flip the burgers. ''Good I guess why tell me this? I mean its not like we are together or anything.'' Amy said.
''Just what I heard.'' Tail's said going back in he made a note she seemed cool but he knew it worried her.
A few minutes later she came in with the food. ''Its ready come and get it.'' She said.
Knuckles turned off the game and they all went and sat outside on Sonic's porch eating and talking.
''Man I kind of miss Egghead I wish he would hurry up and get back so we can beat him again.'' Sonic said.
''I for one am happy I don't have to deal with him.'' Amy said.
''Um Knuckles what are you doing?'' Asked Tails.
''Only making animals out of napkins.'' He showed them.
Everyone laughed and then when they were finished they went to the village.
''So who is ready to watch the kids talent show?'' Asked Amy excitedly.
''I don't see why I mean they stuff anyone can do.'' Sonic said walking with his hands behind his head.
''I think its good.'' Tail's said.
''Suck up.'' Knuckles said laughing.
So they all sat down and watched the talent show. Sonic sat next to Amy and they smile at each other.
''So how long is this again?'' Sonic asked Amy.
''About 20 minutes Sonic.'' She said as it began.
The kids showed off all kinds of things, the walrus older kid was about to sing when lazer were shooting everywhere.
Sonic and his team stood up and saw Eggman.
''HEY i get back exspecting a big welcome and this is what I get kids singing?!'' Eggman yelled. ''Robots attack!''
The bees and crabs came out shooting lazers and Amy ran on stage and pulled the kids away to safety however a young girl was frozen and Amy picked her up and ran only to be surrounded by the crab and she used her hammer the little girl was impressed and once she was safe Amy went over and destoryed two more crabs and jumped covering Sonic's back as they fought side by side.
Finally Eggman retreated and the kids all gathered around the group.
''You were so great!'' A kid said.
''Woah are you really that strong?''
''Can I try to use your hammer?'' A little girl asked.
Team Sonic answered questions and all the kids got a picture with team Sonic and got autographs.
Once everyone left the team went to Meh Burger to celebrate as they all sat down.
''I'm glad everyone is safe.'' Amy said.
''Yep teamwork saved the day!'' Tails said.
The team stayed their for the evening enjoying their time together.
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