Family Member
Amy's sister shows up...
The sky was turning dark and Sonic who was lounging on the beach with Tails and Knuckles looked up.
''Rain again?'' He asked.
''Yeah, it's supposed to rain all week.'' Tails said working on a gadget.
''Perfect time to work out.'' Knuckles replied.
''I'm going to see Amy hangout with her.'' Sonic said.
''By hangout you mean have your tongue down her throat.'' Tails laughed.
''We do more then that and besides at least I have a girl.'' Sonic smirked as he took off.
Sonic ran until he made it to Amy's hut. Yes, they were together, and they usually ended up staying at her place he has his stuff there, but he also kept his shack just in case.
''Hey Ames!'' Sonic called going in and stopped when he saw a pink hedgehog with curves and wearing a purple tight tank top with blue shorts and her quills in a braid.
She turned and ran over and hugged him. ''Hey sonic! Glad your back.'' She smiles.
''Uh I think you got the wrong place see I'm looking for my girlfriend Amy.'' Sonic said scratching his head.
''Well, here I am, and have I ever told you how handsome you are.'' She said moving towards him.
''Ok, funny story where is Amy?'' He asked.
''Tara! Leave my Sonic alone.'' Amy said coming through the door.
Sonic turned and saw Amy. ''Ames! There you are!'' He ran over and hugs her. ''So, who's the girl?'' He asked.
''Oh, this is my sister Tara.'' Amy said with a smile looking at Sonic and Tara.
''I didn't know you had a sister?'' Sonic replied looking at Amy as it started to rain.
''Yeah, we aren't on the best of terms.'' Amy said sitting down. ''But she needed a place to and is here.''
Tara nodded. ''You got a loyal boyfriend Amy, and to think Sonic was a player.''
''Nope, I gave all of that up when I met Amy and I know my Amy from a look alike.'' Sonic said holding Amy's hand.
''Really? Well, I mean there is still time to leave Amy and be with more sexy, refined girls.'' Tara winked at Sonic.
''Ok, well um I was actually here to spend some time with Amy.'' Sonic shrugged.
''Ok we can spend it together.'' Tara said giggling going in between them.
Amy rolls her eyes and Sonic raises an eyebrow.
Later Amy and Sonic were on the couch watching tv and making out as they pulled away. ''So where is Tara?'' Asked Sonic holding Amy.
''She is taking a shower.'' Amy said laying back and looking at him.
''You know, I never bought that she was you.'' Sonic replied.
''I know... it's just she's better then me and prettier always going after the guys I like.'' Amy sighed standing up.
''I got to admit she is hot, and she would be fun to take out, and probably good in bed.'' Sonic said.
Amy rolls her eyes shaking her head as he went over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. ''But she just a girl who would make a guy happy for a night, maybe for a week before finding someone new.'' He whispered.
Amy chuckled he was right about that.
''But you are the whole package sexy, beautiful, a wonderful fighter, and a girl who has my heart and I'm not leaving you for anything.'' Sonic turned her head and kisses her.
Amy kisses back cupping his face. They jumped when they heard the door slam shut and turned to see Tara coming down with a towel around her body.
''Hey Amy, your all out of hot water.'' She said shaking her quills.
''Well then I guess me, and Sonic can't take a shower together tonight.'' Amy said loudly.
''Say Sonic want to help me pick out an outfit?'' Asked Tara winking at him.
''Sorry Tara, I'm not good at picking out clothes.'' He said going and sitting on the couch.
Tara rolls her eyes and goes upstairs to change. Amy sat next to him laughing.
''You made her upset.'' Amy giggles.
''I know, so how long is she here for?'' Asked Sonic.
''Don't know. She usually just comes and goes as she pleases.'' Amy said.
''I can see why you never mentioned her. Maybe we can hook her up with Knuckles.'' Sonic chuckled.
''Maybe, she's my older sister. I just don't want her to steal you from me.'' She sighed.
''You don't have to worry Ames.'' He smiled.
That night Amy grabbed her blankets and pillow going into the living room. Sonic was watching tv.
''You are sleeping down here?'' He asked.
''Yep, I figured I'd let Tara take the room.'' Amy replied.
''Alright, mind if I stay the night here?'' He asked grabbing the pillow placing it behind his head and grabs Amy laying her on him.
''I would ask if I had a choice.'' She teased giggling.
''Well now you are.'' He held her as they watched tv.
''So, can I ask why you're on the bottom? Normally you like cuddling on me.'' Amy asked.
''Because I figured you should get to cuddle with me and that way if Tara comes out and tries anything I got you on me and not her.'' He said smiling.
Amy smiles and kisses him on the lips. Sonic kisses back deeply, his arms around her back as they lay there quietly making out and holding each other.
The next morning Sonic woke up and rubbed Amy's back smiling and felt her lips on him, he opened his eyes and saw Tara on him, and he shot up and shoved her to the floor as she giggles.
''TARA WHAT THE HECK!? THAT WAS NOT FUNNY! WHERE IS AMY!?'' He asked looking around.
''Taking a shower.'' She giggles.
Amy came down dressed up and frowned. ''What is going on?''
''Oh, Sonic was just rubbing my back thinking it was you.'' Tara giggles.
Amy brought out her hammer. ''Tara leave now!''
''Oh, come on Amy just for one more night?'' She asked.
''You leave, or I will toss you out.'' Amy growls.
''Why?'' Asked Tara.
''Because I won't have you messing with my boyfriend or my friends.'' Amy demanded.
Tara frowns and grabbed her bag from upstairs and went over and kissed Sonic on the cheek.
''I'm always around if you get tired of miss goody too shoes.'' Tara winked and left.
''I'm sorry Sonic, I thought we were in the clear.'' Amy sighs.
''I'm the one sorry Amy I rubbed her back, and she was kissing my cheek I thought it was you honest.'' Sonic said hugging her.
''I know. I'm not upset.'' Amy wraps her arms round him and kisses him as he kisses back.
Their communicators came on. ''Sonic Amy hurry it's Eggman he's attacking.'' Tails called.
The two looked at each other and took off.
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