Alone Time
Sonic and Amy want alone time will they get it?
''Hey beautiful.'' A blue hedgehog said wrapping his arms around his pink wife and kisses her cheek.''
''Haha Sonic.. I'm working.'' She shivered at his kisses and arches her back.
''You've been doing that all morning Amy besides, I didn't get a chance to make out with my sexy wife.'' He whispered biting her ear.
''Sonic..'' She stood up and turns around and kisses him her arms around him as he held her waist.
''Mmm, I love you.'' She moans.
''Not as much as I love you.'' He uses his hand to swipe the papers off her desk sitting her on it and he leans in and kisses her she giggles and their tongues start to meet he leans forward about to take off the wrap around her waist then they heard the door burst open and they pulled away.
''Knuckles!'' They called.
''Sorry I messed up, you should fix that door Amy.'' Knuckles said.
Amy rolled her eyes. ''What's going on?''
''Well I was lifting weight and decided to try to lit both ends on fire to look cool and it backfired.'' He said.
They ran to where Knuckles had been training. ''Really seriously you know you could of gotten hurt pulling stunts like this?'' Amy scolded.
''I know but it was worth it I was trying to impress Stacy over there.'' He winked at her.
''Just be more careful Knuckles you can't date a girl if your all burned up.'' Amy said shaking her head.
''True.'' He went over to Stacy.
Amy turned around and was pinned to a tree and Sonic kisses her picking up where they left off she kisses back and pulls away.
''Sonic can we go somewhere more private?''
He smiles lifts her up and carries her as he ran back to their shack and they continue kissing and then he undoes her wraps and unbuttons her dress as it slides down her shoulders and he kisses her lips then the side of her neck to her shoulder.
''Hmm Sonic.''
He smiles as he watches her dress fall to her waist and he kisses her lips and picks her up as he places her on the couch and he ran his hands over her as he felt her body and he lines himself outside winking at her..
''Do it.'' She mutters.
''SONIC AMY ITS AN EMERGENCY COME QUICK!!!'' Tails yelled though the comunicator.
''On it.'' Sonic sighed annoyed.
''Never a moment huh?'' Amy teased.
''I swear we will find a place and time.'' Sonic said as they got up and she got dressed as they ran to the workshop.
''What happened?'' Asked Amy.
''My plane its gone!''
''How did you lose it?'' Asked Sonic surprised.
''I don't know I took it outside to clean it and I went to help Sticks and when I came back it was gone.'' Tails said freaking out.
''Take it easy um lets see.'' Amy and Tails started looking, onic ran around looking as well to find the plane and he came to Sticks and saw the plane and Sticks looking it over.
''Tails I found your plane its here at Sticks.'' He said though the communicator.
''Sticks! What are you doing with Tail's plane?'' He asked coming over.
''I swear I heard this plane talking and I'm making sure the goverment hasn't sent in spies!'' She said.
Sonic rolled his eyes as Tail's and Amy came over. ''Sticks! Why did you take my plane you could of said something.'' He said breathing.
Sonic and Amy watched them talk and Sonic grabbed Amy's hand as he pulled her away from them and they ran into the forest. ''This feels so intense like we are doing something we shouldn't.'' Amy giggled.
''Well we are trying not to get caught because I want to spend time pleasuring my wife.'' He said quietly.
''Like the honeymoon wasn't enough.'' She said as they continued running.
''I just can't keep my hands off of you and I'm tired of doing it at night.'' He said.
They came to small private area and he pulls her in a kiss and removes her wrappings and dress and they fall to the ground as he kisses her neck his hands cup her butt and he kisses her lips as he thrusts into her soft warm pussy and she moans quietly.
''Sonic! Eggman is attacking!'' The communicator.
''S-Sonic!'' She grabs his shoulders looking at him with pain. ''No please don't leave me.'' She panted.
''I'm not mind if I?'' He asked.
''Yes go for it.'' She grabs him as he thrusts super sonic speed they kiss and he sucks on her breasts as she wraps her legs around his waist as he thrusts with everything her body moving and her moans getting louder and panting.
Finally she let out a scream and came all over Sonic and he did as well both panting and kissing, he helped her up and she got dressed and he looked at her. ''We will continue this tonight.''
He picks her up and they went to defeat Eggman and he looked at the two hedgehog and smirked. ''Did I interrupt something?''
''Yeah you did but no matter get out of here!'' Amy hit Eggman with her hammer as he went flying into a tree.
Everyone celebrated and Sonic and Amy were at the beach watching the sunset or more making out and groping each other.
''I love you Sonic.'' She kisses him.
''I love you too.'' He kisses back.
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