A Wedding
Sonic and Amy's Wedding... Part 2 of Big Surprise
It was a beautiful day in Bygone Village, all the villagers had shut down there shops for a bit as today everyone was talking and excited and found there seats outside waiting for the wedding of a lifetime.
Meanwhile inside Amy and Sonic's place Amy was nervous as Sticks was helping her with her wedding dress.
''Oh, Amy calm down why so jumpy it's not like you have frogs in your pockets.'' Sticks said fixing the dress.
''I know Sticks I'm just nervous I mean I've waited for this moment for forever and now that it's happening what if Sonic gets cold feet and decides its not worth it?'' She asked.
''Are you kidding me he loves you Amy, Sonic is a smart guy, and he wouldn't of asked you if he wasn't sure.'' Sticks said.
''I know I'm just nervous.'' Amy said.
''Well to me you're the most beautiful pink hedgehog here!'' Sticks said smiling.
''Thank you Sticks though I'm the only pink hedgehog here.'' She said as she looked at her reflection and she was impressed and hoped Sonic liked her wedding dress.
It was a white off the shoulder ball gown dress with a white laced bodice and part of the back exposed she had her quills down and she had a white wedding headband, her cheeks were slightly pink with blush, and she looked like a beautiful bride.
''Oh, Amy you look so perfect Sonic is gonna flip.'' Stick said happily.
Meanwhile at Tail's place Sonic had on a black suit jacket and he was looking at himself. ''So Sonic ready to get going? The wedding starts here in about 5 minutes.'' Tails said waiting next to Knuckles.
''Yeah oh man.'' Sonic mumbled.
''Are you nervous Sonic?'' Asked Tail's grinning.
''W-What no of course not I'm great I'm ready for it.'' He said trying to hide it.
''Its ok to get nervous Sonic, I bet Amy is just as nervous.'' His fox friend said.
''Yeah but its different she a girl she is supposed to be nervous I'm Sonic the Hedgehog I don't get nervous.'' He said.
''Take it easy Sonic your lucky there are a lot of guys out there who want to have Amy.'' Knuckles said.
Sonic nodded and was thinking. ''What if she says no?'' He asked.
''She won't she loves you Sonic she wouldn't' of said yes if she didn't care about you.'' Tails said.
''Hate to break it up but we need to go.'' Knuckles said.
The three left and made it to the outside stage Tail's and Knuckles stood behind Sonic and the hedgehog looked to see everyone here even Mighton and Bolts the robots. Suddenly they looked up to see Stick's and Zoey Tail's girlfriend who was also a best friend of Amy they stood on the other side facing the boys and the music played as everyone stood up and saw a beautiful Amy Rose walking down the aisle.
Sonic looked at her and was shocked, she was a vision now he was nervous she was perfect and was smiling at him, he smiles back and as soon as she was close enough, he held out his hand as they held hands.
Mayor E was acting as the Preacher.
''Citizens we are gathered here today to celebrate the love that these two young hero's in Holy Matrimony now for the vows
Amy and Sonic turned to face each other and held each others hands. ''Sonic when I first met you, I looked up to you, you were the hero I wanted to be you fought off Eggman and his robots and saved everyone no matter how much danger you put yourself though. ''When you asked me to join your team I was excited and wanted to show you I can handle myself, though that time I had a small crush on you, and thought it will pass as time went on I found myself falling in love with you, but never thought you'd pick me and I can't wait to spend the rest of my days at your side fighting off enemies and going though life with you having kids and growing old together.'' She said smiling and staring at him.
Sonic didn't think it was possible for him to love Amy anymore then now, he felt a lump in his throat and he took both her hands looking at her.
''Amy Rose having you come into my life was a surprise and gift I never thought I need, I had a crush on you when you first wanted to join the team and its part of the reason I let you join.'' He said.
Some of the audience laughed. ''But thoughout the time we spent fighting enemies and spending time together I got to know the real you, and yes you have all the emotions of most girls but you are a brave fighter willing to put yourself in harms way to save others, you also have been there to keep me in line and because of you I have changed I have become a better hero and friend and I can't imagine being with anyone else, if you left I would be hurt and life wouldn't be the same, I love you Amy Rose and I want to share a life with you as my partner to keep me in line, be there for me as I will be there for you and I want to see what life has in store for us I know I can face Eggman with you at my side and we will be stronger when we fight together.'' He said.
Everyone awwed at that and the Mayor looked at them. ''Now for the rings.''
Once Sonic and Amy had the rings they put them on each other and held hands.
''So you Sonic Hedgehog take Amy Rose as your wife?''
''I do.'' He said holding her hands smiling.
''And do you Amy Rose take Sonic Hedgehog as your husband?'' The Mayor asked.
''I do.'' She said.
''And now I pronounce you Hedgehog and wife you--''
''Look out shouted a resident they all looked up and Sonic jumped pulling Amy against him and they looked to see Eggman with his bots.
''EGGMAN!'' Shouted Sonic.
''A wedding why wasn't I invited?'' He asked glaring at the group.
''Because you were welcomed.'' Amy said.
The doctor looked and saw Amy in a white dress and Sonic in a suit in a defensive pose. ''Wait you two hedgehogs are gettting married and DIDN'T INVITE ME I'M INSULTED!'' He raged.
''Sorry no villians welcomed.'' Amy said.
''Robots attack!!!'' He shouted.
All the residents took off scattering and Amy took out her hammer only to be stopped by Sonic. ''Don't Amy you look great in that dress you shouldn't ruin it.'' He said.
''This is my wedding as well.'' She said as they charged at robots.
5 surrounded Amy and she started flipping and hitting the robots, the others joined in as well. Sonic did a spin dash and jumped missing the lazer coming in way.
He used an exploding robot and Amy went flying back as she fell against Sonic's chest, and she looked down to see a smudge on her dress.
''Oh, heck no THIS IS NOT HOW I WANTED MY WEDDING TO GO, YOU RUINED MY DRESS!!!'' Amy shouted and grabbed Sonic's hand. ''Throw me.'' She demanded.
Sonic spun and threw Amy who used her hammer and bashed Eggman and his floating bot far away to the mountains. ''CONGRATUATIONS BY THE WAYY!!!'' Screamed Eggman. Everyone came out of hiding and they all cheered gathering around the team.
The mayor came over and Amy threateningly pointed her hammer at the mayor go ahead and finish now.'' She said not wanting him to go on a rant about how great they are.
''Ok, ok, you may kiss the bride.'' He finished.
Amy ran up to Sonic as he grabbed her waist and dipped as they shared a sweet passionate kiss she had her arms on his shoulders.
The crowd all cheered and Amy while still kissing Sonic threw her hammer and Zoey caught the hammer and her and Tail's looked at each other blushing.
Later everyone was celebrating, and Amy was sitting on Sonic's lap as they watched everyone dancing.
''So how do you feel Mrs. Sonic Hedgehog?'' Her husband asked.
''Happy and so in love.'' She smiled as she places her head on his shoulder.
His hand went up behind her and felt her back was bare. ''I can't wait to get you out of that dress.'' He said as they kissed each other excited to start life together.
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