A Journey Pt. 2
Sonic and Knuckles goes to get the cure for Amy before it's too late.
'I can't lose Amy she is the most important person in the world to me, please hold on Amy. I won't let you die, if only I had my speed.' He thought to himself.
''Don't worry Sonic, Amy couldn't be in better hands then Eggman.'' Cubot said.
''Huh what? You sure he won't do anything to her?'' Sonic asked.
''No Eggman maybe your enemy but he knows what he is doing, and Black Blaze is not to be messed with when he is involved Eggman will do anything to make sure Blaze doesn't win.'' Orbot said.
''What happened between them?'' Asked Knuckles as Cubot was watching the controls on auto control.
''Well Blaze and Eggman went to the same school and became geniuses and well Blaze wanted to be the top inventor in the world and there was a competetion and Eggman came in first well Blaze was mad and so he cut the breaks of Eggmans moms car and there was a crash and she died and Eggman knew who did it but there was no proof.'' Orbot said.
Sonic and Knuckles listened. ''Woah I feel bad for teasing him about his mom.'' Sonic said sighing.
''So will Blaze be there?'' Asked Knuckles.
''He might be watching us so the way we will do it is we will use the invisiblity shield on this and then we will split up I put the cordinates on your watches so you will be able to see where it is located and we will split up Sonic you and Orbot will go one way and me and Knuckles will go another way we will then meet in the middle of the Island Mountain, chances are Blaze will follow only one set so the other set can get the Gem Flower we have to be quick.'' Cubot said.
''Don't worry that is why I'm here we'll get it.'' Knuckles said. ''Oh Sonic here I grab this before we left you don't have your speed so here is Amy's hammer she can't use it.''
Sonic took the hammer and looked ahead, he was trying to stay calm and cool but in all honesty he was losing it the others noticed. Sonic went to the back of the car and turned on his communicator.
''Come in Tail's how is Amy?'' Sonic asked.
Meanwhile back at the lair Stick's was watching over Amy and Eggman was working on something in the kitchen, Tail's was pacing around and heard his communicator going off.
''Sonic what's going on? Have you got the flower yet?'' He asked worried.
''No we are about 3 hours away, how is Amy doing?'' He asked.
''No improvment Sonic she still laying there honestly if you put a black wig on her she could be Snow White.'' He joked.
Amy was still laying there moving a bit. ''S-Sonic..'' She said weakly.
''She awake.'' Sticks said.
''Tail's put me on.'' Sonic demanded.
Tail's did. ''Amy honey its ok hang in there we are gonna cure you just hold on, Amy I love you.'' He said.
Before she could respond she pased back out. ''EGGMAN!'' Shouted Sticks.
He came in. ''She passed out again.''
''Good, good here I got soup when she wakes up give it to her, it should slow down the posion.'' He said as he pulled up the monitor on the screen. ''Sonic how close are you?''
''About 2 hours away now.'' Sonic said.
''Good keep it up everything is ok here.'' Eggman said and hung up.
The journey to Island Mountain was quiet and when they were close the car turned into a boat and they turned on the invisible shield and make there way to the rest of the Island and their communicators were active.
''Ok you know what to do.. 'Banana's' is the code word for help.'' Orbot said.
They took off as fast as they could Sonic was running at a normal pace and he felt he picked up a bit of speed. ''My speed is slowly coming back.'' Sonic said.
''Yes in a couple days you will be back to normal.'' Orbot said.
They were on their way and a dark figure was watching from the trees. ''So they came jokes on them.'' The figure whispers.
Knuckles and Cubot make it up the mountain by a bridge and it broke and Cubot lifted Knuckles up as they went across and continued on. ''Blaze is watching.'' Cubot said.
''Well lets hurry.'' He said as they took off.
Sonic and Orbot made it to the top of the mountain and they came to a tunnel and looked at the map. ''According to this map the flower is right over there.'' The robot said.
Suddenly traps were set. ''Really?! We have to go though this we don't have time!'' Sonic growls. ''If I had my speed I could zoom across there no worries now I can't.'' Sonic whined.
''Oh its easy follow my moves.'' Orbot said.
He went in and Sonic followed almost getting hit by a flaming arrow... and Orbot rolled forward avoiding two swinging axes. Sonic did his spin roll and grabbed Orbot as they came to the other side.
The flower was right there and Sonic ran after it only to be shoved back. He looked up to see a dark shadow figure and stood up. ''I take it your Black Blaze?'' He growls.
''Correct and your Sonic the Hedgehog, you know that poison was for you not your girlfriend.'' Blaze said smirking.
''I know and now I need that flower.'' He said.
''Too bad it won't work because I'm about to crush it.'' He held it up.
''No please don't.'' Sonic said.
''To bad your girlfriend will die.'' Blaze said.
Suddenly it was zipped away and they saw Cubot had snatched the flower away and Knuckles tackled Blaze who fought back and Sonic took out Amy's hammer and knocked Black Blaze into the mountian as the rocks fell covering the opening. ''That will hold him.'' Cubot said.
''You got the flower?'' Asked Sonic.
''Right here but lets head back.'' Knuckles said as they took off and were on their way back to their home.
Back at the lair Amy woke up feeling weak.. what's going on?'' She asked.
''Oh good Amy your up here drink this.'' Eggman said handing her a drink.
Her arm shook and Sticks helped her. ''Eww what is this?'' She asked.
''A recipe I came up with don't ask what's in it.'' Eggman said.
They heard a noise and saw the four came back. ''We got the flower!'' Sonic said giving it to Eggman.
''Good, good give me that cup and I work on mixing it up.'' Eggman said.
Sonic ran over to Amy and looked at her. ''Hey Ames.'' He said quietly.
''S-Sonic.'' She smiled at him.
He pulled her in a hug her body limp against his. ''Your safe now.'' He said cupping her face.
Eggman came over with it and gave it to Amy. She drank the rest of it and closed her eyes and then she sat up eyes wide.
''I don't feel weak.'' She said standing up and nearly falling over but Sonic caught her.
''Yes there now lets go back me, Orbot and Cubot will go get rid of the pest so in town want a lift?'' Eggman asked.
''No that's ok Eggman but thank you.'' Sonic said smiling.
''Well just give me one victory someday and we'll call it even.'' Eggman said.
''Lets go home.'' Sonic held Amy bridal style.
''Thank you Sonic.'' She smiled.
''Always for you Amy.'' He then kisses her lips and she kisses back arms around him and they went back to their normal lives.
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