Kids In The Dark
This song doesn't belong to me. And please excuse my awful writing, I'm still learning :p. Just wanted to do this for fun.
Keep running
That was all I had in mind.
"Stop in the name of the law!"
There was that voice again. Sirens followed. Blinding lights were coming in all directions.
Building past building. Road after road. Alley through alley. I was running out of places to hide. "They" were gaining on me. Midnight. It was just after midnight, meaning that everyone was tucked in their beds, safe from outside harm. No one ever dared to set foot outside their homes after 12, if they did, they would have to pay dearly.
Left, right, right again, the directions I was going, but they weren't leaving me alone without a fight. Who would expect less?
Left. Dead end. I could feel my heartbeat getting faster as the heavy footsteps grew nearer. My eyes scanned the area, hopelessly trying to find a way out. Nothing. The massive brick wall prevented me from moving any further. I touched every brick, trying to find a secret passage as if this was like a detective movie.
The light caught me and for a split second, I felt as though I was back at school, getting humiliated on stage at our play as the bright spotlight beamed on me. I used my left arm to cast a shadow onto my eyes, it was the only way I could see.
"Put your hands up and you won't get hurt." One of the men in blue shouted.
I had my back against the wall as I was too afraid to move. My heart raced and my legs were getting numb. They started getting closer. The sound of handcuffs, that was what I feared the most, getting locked up.
Black smoke. That was the next thing that happened. I could hear the officers coughing and gasping for air as the smoke clouded up the alley. Surprisingly, I could breathe just fine.
"Hurry, before they come back." Someone in a deep voice warned.
I looked upward only to find a boy, who had a mask covering up his mouth, hanging upside down on a rope like Spiderman. I hesitated when he extended his hand to me, but grabbed onto his arm as soon as I heard the voices appear.
Next thing I knew it, I was being dragged from roof to roof by this mysterious boy. Best way to get a full-body workout. I could tell that he was getting annoyed when I kept tripping, but his firm grip stopped me from escaping.
"Mind telling me where you're taking me?" I said, out of breath.
"You'll find out soon enough, kid." Wasn't the answer I was looking for, oh well. "Sector C, coordinates G2." He was talking to... his watch?!
In a blink of a second, I could feel myself fading, as if I was being rearranged. The next thing I saw were two other kids, both like nothing I'd seen before. It took me a moment to find out that I was somehow teleported to this strange location.
"I did my part, you're up, Rabbit." The boy that "escorted" me here stuffed his hands in his pocket and turned to leave, his white jacket swaying left and right.
A taller boy with a rabbit mask covering up his face walked towards me and roughly grabbed my arm. "What a shame, beautiful scars on critical veins."
I snatched my arm back and covered my wrist. This was creeping me out. Not only were his actions strange, his voice seemed digital.
"You're too quick to judge. Don't look at us like that," she sucked on the red lollipop she held, "you may not look like us, but you wouldn't be here if you weren't."
Rabbit continued to observe me, circling around my whole body.
"And where is "here" exactly?"
She chuckled. "The end of the road," the hazel-haired girl paused, "Our loved ones, they left us alone. Just like your mother did."
I didn't dare question her about how she knew my mother. "If this really is the end, then what are you doing here?"
The rabbit boy stood up suddenly. "So we can build a new road. We all have a choice, to burn out forever, or light up a spark."
"Many of our kind have burnt out, we are the only ones fighting." The blond boy returned. "But we'll never surrender."
"Our kind?"
I watched the girl roll her eyes. "The kids in the dark. Gifted with abilities beyond human knowledge. We are feared by everyone, to them, we are just monsters."
I scanned the room. They were all different, I'd admit that, but who isn't. Just because someone acts and looks different, doesn't make them monsters.
"Come on, I want to show you something." I took her hand, feeling my soul being dragged out of my body once more.
I opened my eyes only to find myself standing on a small hill. The wind blew through my short black hair. It was a clear night and the stars were shining as bright as ever.
"Now, tell me what you see."
"Stars and a few hills, why?"
She shook her head and sighed. "You don't see it, do you?"
I shrugged.
She picked up a pebble and tossed it to the hill next to us. In a minute, half of it came collapsing down. "See that? It's crumbling and no one notices. Quietly crumbling. It will eventually disappear one day if not helped. Just because it looks fine on the outside, everyone automatically thinks it's ok, but the truth lies underneath."
A shooting star flew by, and burn everything in its path. Even something as pretty as that can be deadly. From that moment on, I gave things a closer look. All because of them.
A few years have passed since our meeting, and our group number grew since then. And even though I feel alone sometimes, my friends are always there to back me up. We come together and we'll never surrender.
We all have a choice. To burn out forever or light up a spark.
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