Battle Scars
This song was suggested by Killeroftheswearjar, so here you go! I finally finished something! XD Hope you like it.
A voice? A voice of a girl. A familiar voice. Who's there?
Can you come out?
Come out? Come out of where? There's nothing around me except darkness. There was a flash of light.
Stop hiding in the shadows.
A hand reached out to me. It had this warm glow to it, like a lamp. I could see my own hand reaching for hers. Once I laid my hand on hers, I immediately felt the warmth flow into my stone cold body. Her fingers wrapped themselves around mine as a felt a force pull me off my feet.
The more I crawled out of my ball, the closer to the light. The bright light blinded me, so as everyone else would do, I closed my eyes.
"Hey, you can open your eyes now, Sarah," I heard. How did the girl know my name?
I opened my eyes slowly and came face to face with a blonde haired girl with bright green eyes. "Vivian?" I asked. Everything was the same about her, except for the dim glow surrounding her.
"It's me alright," she replied with a smile. "I was wondering when you were going to stop hiding in the shadows."
I looked behind me. There was a wall with rose thorns encasing a corner looking as if there was no way out once inside. Was I in there? I looked all over me, not a scratch in sight. The only other thing I could see besides myself was Vivian and the corner, the rest was fogged up like a blanket.
She took my hand suddenly. "C'mon, let's go!" Go where? But before I could ask, she was dragging me around the place, weaving through the thorns that randomly sprouted, as if she knew beforehand where they were going to appear. She suddenly stopped in front of a wall and turned around. "You remember when we learned to fly?"
I shook my head. "I'm not Peter Pan nor do I have, what was that called, pixie dust." I stated.
She chuckled, "try to remember. We used to play make believe?" She told me more like a question than a statement. Vivian sighed, "we were so young and had so much time on our hands."
I put my hand on my chin and started thinking. The more I did, the more I thought of when we were young and Vivian would come over, we'd play fairy princess all day, how girlish.
"You do remember, don't you?" She looked at me. I just nodded. "Good. We need our imagination to get over this wall." Imagination? "Just imagine us a pair of wings."
My mind went blank. All I could think about were my lame suicide attempts and self harm. I could almost see the knife in front of me. I remember the pain. The cold metal that impaled my skin and as I lifted it, a warm feeling flowed through my arm. I could feel the warm liquid flow down my numb arm. It was wrong, but it felt so right, like I actually wanted to hurt more. I shook my head and the memory faded. Vivian wasn't beside me anymore. A pebble fell on my head, therefore, I lifted my head and found Vivian on the top of the wall.
"Come on! Just imagine you have wings and it's easy," she told me.
I did what she asked. I remembered that my wings were always blue while hers was yellow. We jumped up and down on the bed, pretending we were flying all over the city. We were so young and innocent.
"You're fast," I heard Vivian say. I looked next to me and there she was. Guess I was too lost in thought. "Let's go!"
"Where?" I asked, there wasn't anything on the other side. She pointed to the other side which just looked like clouds and more clouds, just like that Jack and the Beanstalk fairytale we read as kids. "Are you nuts? We'll fall for sure, or even die." I said plainly.
Vivian made that pfft sound. "Don't be afraid to fall. Hope is stronger than fear. You have to take a leap of faith, okay?" I shook my head repeatedly. I had a death wish, but this wasn't the way I wanted to die. "Just trust me. Take a deep breath and close your eyes."
Vivian was a trustworthy friend, so I decided to listen to her. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes like she said, hoping land wasn't too far down.
I could feel the rough stone brush against my skin. I regretted wearing shorts. I could feel my hair fly up slightly, but the feeling of falling didn't last long. Thud. We landed. As I slowly opened my eyes, I found that we were on a platform that was just below the wall.
"Told you it wasn't too far down," Vivian chuckled, "let's get out of here." There she goes again, dragging me around, but this time it was into a dark cave.
When I say dark cave, I mean dark cave. I could barely see anything in front on me, the further we went, the darker it got, obviously.
"It's so dark," I mumbled.
"Light up the dark then," she said plainly.
I raised an eyebrow even though she couldn't see, just a habit I guess. "How? You got a flashlight or something?"
I could hear her giggles. "No, silly." A little then appeared next to me. It slowly got larger and brighter. It took me a while to realize it came from Vivian's heart! "This light," she said, pointing to her liten heart. "You can light up the dark with the fire in your heart."
I looked down at my chest, there was indeed a speck of light. A faint light. "Hm, your heart is full of misery, but there's still a little hope there," she concluded, examining my chest. (No dirty thoughts please!) "Hope is stronger, even that little bit of hope is stronger than all that misery. Misery's just a little quicker. Try to have more hope, find your happy place."
"Don't have one," I replied bluntly, not turning to face her. "Why are you even trying to help me get out of this place? You can easily get out yourself. Why do you keep asking how I feel? Why do you care so much?"
Once I looked at her, I found that she was facing me. "Because," I watched as she lifted the left sleeve of her top, "we all have battle scars." She pointed to a scar made clearly by a knife, imprinted in her left arm. There were thin slits and scratch marks. I also saw some parts of her skin that were darker than the other parts, those were the remains of bruises. "You're not alone, and that's why I think you're worth fighting for." Vivian pulled it back down. "That was enough to give you hope."
I looked down at where my heart was and it was glowing, just like hers. Guess I just needed someone who went through the same pain as I did.
"There was this girl, she was my babysitter and her name was Lena." Vivian started while walking, I followed. "She helped me through it, unfortunately, she died in a car accident. I wanted to go back to how I used to be. I wanted to hurt myself," she paused, a tear slid down her face, "but I knew she wanted her life to have some sort of meaning. I remembered her words, I'll carry you home, you're not alone, you're worth fighting for."
I didn't know what else to say. I had no idea someone as perfect as Vivian would've experienced the same things I do now.
"Before she passed away, she was also a singer. Her last song was dedicated to the people lost in their depression. It was called Soldiers." That was the last thing she said before we reached the end and the light at the end was brighter than ever before.
There was a door next to a sakura tree. A wooden door, just like the one to my room. I went over to open it. Locked.
"Come over here and sit," I heard from beside me. Vivian was sitting under the sakura tree, patting a spot next to her. I sat down and hugged my knees. She sighed, as if she wanted to tell me something. "You overdosed."
You overdosed.
You overdosed.
Those two words repeated themselves in my head. "W-What do you mean?" I asked hesitantly.
Vivian took a deep breath before continuing. "You overdosed yesterday night and are currently in the hospital. This is all in your head."
I was in shock. Was I dead? Why was Vivian in my head? I had a bunch of questions.
"You're still alive and I'm here because your self conscious wants me here," she stated. I guess I said those questions out loud. "You'll wake up when you pass through that door." She pointed to it.
"Sorry to say, but it's locked. I'm not going anywhere." I leaned my head against the trunk. "What's the point anyway? Life's just playing me. Why bother playing when it's unfair? Luck will just travel anyway."
Vivian shook her head. "You just lack belief. And yes, luck will travel, but that's why we have feet." Good comeback. "This could be your last chance to fly. You really want it to pass you by?"
"Stop talking like that, it's confusing," I said, annoyed.
"Fine," she said, giving up. "But still, who knows what's in store. Will you be twice as strong? What would you sacrifice?"
I rolled my eyes. "Help me open that dang door and maybe I'll consider it."
She shrugged and walked over to it. Just one turn of the handle and it opened. "Was that so hard now?" Vivian closed it again. "Have hope. Better days are near."
"Is this whole dream supposed to teach me something?"
"Maybe," Vivian said in two syllables.
I got up and walked over to the door, but no matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't budge. "I give up!"
"You've had enough, but just don't give up," There she goes again, trying to inspire me.
Maybe I should take her advice. It worked back in the cave. I closed my eyes and thought about the things that meant everything to me. My friends that have stuck by my side no matter what. My dog that stopped me from harming myself. And the songs I loved. I heard a click, the door flew open.
"See?" She gave me the I told you so look.
"Fine, you win," I chuckled. "Do I have to go back?"
"That's up to you."
I thought about it. Though my life was a mess, there were things I liked about being alive. Vivian showed me those things. Thing was, they were always there, I just never noticed them. Most people don't. Just goes to show how oblivious they can be.
"Thank you, Vivian," I said. She just nodded.
"Remember that you're still alive, you're not alone!"
I traveled through the light as I saw the door close behind me. I kept a smile on my face when the light blinded me. I always had a smile, but this time, it was a real smile.
You're not alone.
Her voice was so clear.
I reopened my eyes, only to come face to face with Vivian again, but this time was reality. I was in a hospital bed with that annoying beeping sound beside me.
"You're finally awake," she smiled.
"Thank you," I whispered.
She seemed to know what I was talking about. "Just keep marching on, okay?"
That voice echoed through my head. That sentence was on replay.
I promise I will continue living.
I will keep marching on.
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