Boyfriend- Momojiro (Mha)
Tw: mild spicy. It's not shown, there's no nudity, or actual seggs, but there's some mild flavor to it.
This one's quite the mouthful, but please read the whole thing. I'm very proud of it and I promise it's good.
Don't be shy to let me know what mistakes I've made! Grammar, spelling, a typo, whatever. I want this to be as good as it can be!
I checked my phone again. The car garage was right around this corner, I could just cut through the back alley to my left and take a shortcut to the entrance.
I pulled a pocket knife out and flicked it open. You could never be too careful in the city, especially in shady back areas like here.
There were muffled voices coming from around the corner to the parking garage and I slowed down, holding the knife up and gripping it a bit tighter.
There wasn't moaning, so I assumed they were probably modest, but it could be a drug deal going on.
Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
Now I heard a voice I recognized, a male's voice.
"I can't believe we're finally alone. I could barely get away from my roommate today!"
He whispered excitedly to another person.
Said person responded very deliberately, like they thought about every letter before sending it out into the world.
"And I can't believe I almost went home, if not for you showing up."
So this mysterious other appeared to be a man.
I finally rounded the corner, dreading the confrontation I was inevitably about to have.
"Denki, please take me home? We've been meeting like this for weeks and I still don't know anything about you! Why are you so secretive?" The second man whispered after a second of what sounded like a brief kiss.
"I-it's not safe in my part of town, I don't want you getting hurt, love." I could see exactly what Denki was doing, the way he leaned down to this secret man and whispered in his ear.
"You know where I'm from, I don't know why you worry." I was hidden in the shadows now and could see what the two looked like.
The man Denki was with was very obviously attractive, albeit a bit plain. He had straight black hair, sharp features, and one modest black piercing through one ear.
Denki, on the other hand, seemed to have gone all out. He wore a thin spiked choker, thick eyeliner, and had a whole array of piercings. I knew how long those all took to get in, and how he would save them for special occasions.
The other man seemed to like the piercings, however, as he stood on his toes and sucked at Denki's Cupid's bow piercing before moving up to bite a small hickey behind the blond's ear.
I almost gasped at this point. What was Denki doing? He was supposed to be at work, he should be calling me to check in about now!
I'm his girlfriend, shouldn't he be... not here? With a man, nonetheless?
I've always known he was bi. I'm pan myself, but I didn't know about this!
It had obviously been going on for some time, as the other man said, they'd been seeing each other for weeks, at least, maybe more.
The shorter man whined a bit when Denki stepped away, and again when a finger was placed on his lips.
He tried to bite at it, but received a glare instead. Denki pulled out his phone and I panicked.
Of course he would call me now, of all times!
"Who are you calling?" The mystery man had dodged the finger and asked this question now.
Yeah? Who are you calling, you liar?
"My roommate, his cat's been sick and I wanted to know how the vet visit today went."
Smooth, I have to give him that.
I slipped away in the direction I came to take the call before my ringer revealed my hiding place.
I had just reached the other sidewalk when my phone went off.
"Hey, babe, how are you?" I used my most sickly sweet voice as a cover up for how
hard I wanted to cry.
"Not bad, work's been pretty crazy today. Some asswipe came in demanding his money back for a broken Lego figure. He hadn't even assembled it!" A quiet giggle in the background I wouldn't have noticed earlier.
"That's dumb, glad you could get a laugh out of it." I felt like my brain wasn't working and that my mouth was moving in its own at this point.
"Yeah, yeah. Me agh~ me too." He grunted and I cringed, imagining the mystery man biting at his neck, or his piercings again.
"What was that?" He chuckled. "Stubbed my toe behind the counter, damn thing seems to move an inch every day!"
How much smoother could this man get?
"What're you up to right now?" I could hear him shuffle his foot and a quiet moan erupt from beside him, followed by a quick hiss.
I ignored that. "Just at the store, it'll probably be a bit before I'm home though, I'm going to head to the mall first." Catch him trying to bring a man home, two can play this game.
"Anyway, I'll talk to you later, okay? Bye Kyo!"
"Bye." I took note of how he didn't say baby when he said goodbye to me.
I stalked off in the direction of my car, biting back the angry tears that began to prick at my eyes.
I parked near the entrance of my apartment building and stormed into the elevator. "Roommate. Is that all he thinks of me? I'll show him. That son of a bitch"
I was muttering angrily to myself as I jammed my key into the lock at the apartment I shared with my BOYFRIEND, Denki Kaminari.
I wasn't really mad, it was just easier than being upset was right now.
I thought back at the way Denki looked at this strange man, and a single tear snuck out of my eye and shot down my cheek.
I began to push open the door right as my neighbor, Yao-Momo came out of hers.
"Kyo, honey, what's the matter? Did something happen with Denki?" She shot towards me, the purse she had on her shoulder hitting me in the side when she came in for an embrace.
I hugged her back, finally letting my tears out. Crying, I nodded slowly into her shoulder. (Not her boobs, this is a mostly pg operation)
(Jiro is kinda a boob height) *this was my friend when i shared with him the draft, but imma keep it cause it's funny*
"Oh honeyyyyy, do you want to talk about it?" She spoke gently, as if I was going to break if there was too much volume. Which, honestly, I felt like I might.
Then, I realized that she probably had somewhere to go, so I asked her this.
I looked up at her, arms still wrapped tightly around her torso. "You were leaving, don't you have to be somewhere?"
She smiled. "Always so considerate. But no, I was just going to get some quick groceries. Thank you for asking though."
I finally pulled away. "If you're alright with it, do you mind maybe... talking in my apartment? It's more private, anyone could hear us out here."
She cocked her head to the side and tucked her bangs behind her ear cutely. "Of course, love. Whatever makes you comfortable."
That made me feel all tingly and giddy. Now that I knew what Denki had been up to, I was basically free real estate, and besides, I had always had my eye on the famous Yao-Momo.
She was curvy and fair-skinned sure. She had lovely hair, a great taste in music, yeah that was important. But really, it was her shy demeanor. The way she smiled and the way she talked, so softly and gracefully. It was like a whole genre of music all on its own.
I finally managed to unlock my door and stumble inside, shoving a keyboard out of the way of the couch, the one I had been playing before I left about an hour earlier to get a new string for my bass.
I sat on the couch and began to bounce my leg, my fingers crossed and in my lap.
Momo sat beside me and placed her hand on my knee, calming my nerves.
"Okay, Kyo, go ahead. I'm all ears." She leaned into me quietly and closed her eyes as though it would help her listen better. It was cute. Pretty, even, if I was willing to go that far.
I began explaining what happened, not sparing her a single detail, as uncomfortable as some of them were to mention. She listened the whole time without saying a word.
"A-and then I came here. That's about all. I'm not really sure what else to say." I frowned and looked at my lap, on the verge of tears again.
"Hey, love. Look at me." I listened, raising my head and making eye contact with those beautiful Asian eyes of hers(don't come at me I love Asian eyes and would like to incorporate them. So sue me).
"I know this hurts, it will probably take a long time to feel better. But let me promise you this. It will heal. Time is all you have right now." She took my chin between her pointer finger and thumb, wiping my cheek with her other sleeve.
"If I could give you some advice, I'd dump him as soon as he walked in the door, but I am a bit biased in that sense." She chuckled to herself quietly.
"How so?" I tilted my head quizzically.
"Because, I've always been jealous of Denki, how he ever deserved such a wonderful woman like you."
I smiled.
"And I can't tell you what to do, but I don't think he deserves you."
I nodded. "You know, I think I've known that for a long time."
She smiled at me sadly. "If I were you, I'd leave with me tonight. We go have some fun! Somewhere to take your mind off of that- that jackass!"
I gasped. "The great Yao-Momo just suggested going to a bar AND cussed, in the same sentence?!?? Heinous, absolutely heinous." I giggled and she joined me after a moment, snorting cutely.
"It's very important, you know. Live life on the edge sometimes." She was red in the face now after we had cracked up for so long.
"I think I'll take you up on that offer. It sounds nice to have a distraction." I'm glad I could at least crack a smile.
We had already begun making plans on where to go when I heard a key turn on the lock, followed by muffled giggles.
Yao-Momo and I shared a look, and I pointed to my bedroom door. She understood and we bolted into my room before Denki could catch us.
I was just avoiding the inevitable at this point, but being with Yao-Momo was intoxicating, and I couldn't help but try and extend this moment.
"Oh come on, hurry up. My roommate will be home soon and I don't want him catching us." I feel bad for the mystery man, he doesn't even know that he's helping my boyfriend cheat.
Momo and I share a look of disgust and she whispers to me. "You're gonna have to end this soon, I don't know how much more I can bear." We laugh quietly.
"I know, I know. Give it a second."
I can hear Denki slamming the man against the wall beside the front door and whisper something in his ear. I knew the walls were thin but damn... is it really that bad?
I can almost see the man starting to lick at Denki's piercings again and I'm over it now.
I kiss Momo on the cheek before I think better of it and rise from where we were crouched, ears pressed against the wall.
I twist the knob and take a deep breath before pulling the door open, grabbing a glass on my way out.
I step into the kitchenette/living area and Denki freezes, trying to hide the man I already know is there.
"Heyyy, Kyo. Wha-what's up with you? I thought you were at the mall?" I turn to fill my glass with water from the sink and can hear the man whisper to Denki.
"I thought you had a MALE roommate? Is this your... girlfriend?"
I turn back and smile sweetly at the man. "Yeah, I was. Isn't it weird. We're both being used? How's that feel?"
He begins to stutter out excuses and I wave him off. "I'm not mad at you, I promise. You didn't know any better. If you could just leave though, that would be nice."
"Ye-yeah." He slips away faster than I thought was humanly possible.
"So, bitch. What've you been up to?" I take a sip of my water, making a face when I realize it's warm.
"I can explain-" Denki puts his hands up defensively, and I cut him off.
"It doesn't require explanation. I happened to show up at your 'secret spot' earlier, and heard everything. Don't defend yourself, it's just a waste of time."
He begins to stutter again, and starts shaking his head. "No, no. Kyo, I'm so sorry. I'm so so so so sorry, I love you, please!" He was begging now, and it felt great.
"You can pack up your things. I'm going out with Yao- Momo, and I expect you to be gone by morning." I beckon Momo out of my room and she saunters in my direction.
"Why is she here?!?? I thought I was the only one in the wrong!" Momo cringes and I shake my head.
"She was here to comfort me at a very convenient time this evening. A time when you weren't here. I don't need to explain myself anyway. Nothing happened. Now start packing, we're going out now."
I pick up my keys from the coffee table and swing them around my finger as I sashay out of the apartment.
Momo tails behind, smiling like a maniac.
"I think you did pretty well handling that." She nudges my shoulder.
I laugh, but a sob-ey laugh. Starting to cry right as the laugh begins.
"Sorry." I sniff. "I'll be fine, I just need a sec."
She nods thoughtfully. "You know what?"
I look up. "What?"
She grins. "I bet I could be a better boyfriend than him."
I gasp. "Are you- asking me out?"
She nods. "Yep, though I hope you don't say yes as a rebound thing, I know how you look at me."
I crack a smile. "You caught that, Huh?"
"Yep. I'm a bit of a people-reader."
I pretend to contemplate her offer. "Well-"
She cuts me off. "Plus, all my clothes would fit you. No more oversized sweatshirts!" I snort.
"I didn't think you even owned sweatshirts, first of all. Second, I bet they're all stretched out around only the chest, and third, I was going to say yes, anyway."
We're both blushing now, and she squeaks excitedly. "Okay! I guess, this outing will be like our first date, as official girlfriends, if you're ready to call it that?"
I'm giddy at how she still manages to be her shy self through all this. "Of course, I love that. It has a nice ring to it, 'girlfriend'."
She tangles her fingers with mine and the two of us practically skip down the sidewalk, only pausing to share a quick kiss every few minutes.
"This is already soooo much better than being with Denki." I sigh and Yao-Momo almost explodes in laughter.
"Not even ten minutes, love, and I'm already being compared to him. Such high standards you have, princess."
I laugh with her and then smile, wiping away a stray tear of pure joy.
"Princess. I like that. Maybe I'll call you boyfriend." We giggle unceremoniously and stumble, almost drunkenly, down the street.
Drunk with love, a princess and her boyfriend.
Over 2000 words, my longest work yet.
Well there's that! My first lesbian oneshot, finally done! This may be my favorite thing that I've ever written, and I'm extremely proud of it.
I'll pin the two buttfaces that made me do this (don't worry I'm glad you did), so make sure to thank them.
That's about all I have to say, other than the fact that I'm very proud of this (again, I know) so thank you for taking the time to read all of it, if you made it all the way!
I know, this one's long. But I hope it was worth it.
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