- 1 -
A knock on the front door and I hurriedly put on my shoes before opening it with a silly grin plastered on my face. My twin sighs from the porch as he finds me struggling to gather my stuff with a toast in my mouth while Namjoon chuckles behind him.
The both of them are used to it after all this time. It doesn't happen often, but it's also not that rare that I'll wake up late and do everything in fast forward. Such as this morning, which is a result of my bad habit.
Once I've managed to grab everything, Jungkook closes the door behind me and grabs my keys from between my fingers to lock it while Namjoon takes pity on me, bags taken from my loaded arms so I can eat properly.
"Thanks, Joonie" I mutter with a bashful grin, I was starting to get a mess on my chin with the melted peanut butter. There was a hole in my bread so I know the spread is just slipping in there and making a run for it.
Jungkook joins us after making sure my door is properly locked, then sighs when he sees me in my current state. Dishevelled and eyes still full of sleep.
"Goodness, bubs, look at you" he chides as he wipes my chin with a tissue before moving onto my hair and clothes, his tongue peeking out as he focuses on his task while I simply grin in contentment. His soulmate gazes at us with an eye smile, we still have some time so we're not really in a hurry right now.
"My alarm failed me this morning" I explain as he steps back with a satisfied nod, "I tried to do everything in speed three but you know how it goes when I do that".
"Don't lie to me, Y/N. You forgot to activate it before going to bed yesterday, I know you by heart. Let's go, I hate being late to the shop and we have plenty of things to do today, you remember that, don't you? We also need to arrange the flowers so they'll be fine for the weekend" my dear brother stresses over each tasks that await us as he pulls me towards the car, back door opened for me before he goes over to the driver's seat while Namjoon takes the passenger's seat.
I lick my fingers clean once done with my toast and wipe them on my skirt, after which I pull on my safety belt to click it shut.
"I know, Guggie, no need to be so nervous about it. We've done this for years now, we'll be fine" I speak with assurance before thanking Namjoon when he transfers my bags to the back seat, after which he slides a hand over Jungkook's thigh in a comforting manner.
"She's right, baby. Take a deep breath. We're not new to this, we'll be fine" he soothes his soulmate who sighs before nodding, a hand patting Namjoon's before he turns on the engine, which awakens with a weary rumble.
"Yeah... sorry, you two. I'm just so nervous, our parents are coming over tonight so we can spend our birthday tomorrow together and we haven't seen them in forever. I just hope we can finish as early as I have in mind so I can clean the house. I didn't even prepare the room they'll be staying in. What if they get here sooner than they said?"
"Jungkook, it's fine!" I insist with a deep sigh, "they can always stay at my place if needed. We literally live right next to each other, it's not like they can't go and knock on your door to see you at any given time" I tell him as the car gets moving, though my words only make him huff before he finally relents.
"Yeah, okay, that's true, but I still don't get it. You didn't want to stay with Namjoon and I, but you also didn't want to be too far away. What's even the point of you living in a separate unit when we're always together? We live in the same building, it's a waste of money. I still believe you should move in with us, do you even eat properly when you're alone?"
He begins to rant as he does most of the time, his voice a grumble of nerves and displeasure. I grin before shrugging, eyes turning to the beautiful town that always makes me feel like I'm in a dream.
"That's called personal space, Guggie, and I will not answer that last question. What's more, I don't want to feel like the third wheel at home. You're soulmates and I'm not going to get in the way of that. AND! I don't want to hear you f-"
"Okay, that's enough!" Namjoon cuts me off with blushing cheeks, cheeks that Jungkook desperately wants to bite. "Y/N is right, it's not a waste of money if she needs her personal space, baby. I'm sure she knows what food is and how often she should eat it, she's not a kid".
"Yeah, hear that, Guggie? I'm not a kid".
Jungkook rolls his eyes but remains silent, his focus now on the road that splits into different directions so he can take the right one. Getting this part wrong will get us to the shop ten minutes later and that's a no go.
The rest of the trip to the flower shop happens without trouble if not for the usual bickering that happens when we're all in the car together, and when we reach the physical manifestation of our hopes and dreams, Jungkook parks behind the rented building before turning off the engine.
"Alright, let's get started with this day. We have to make sure that the flowers are in good shape and that any wilted petals are removed, can you take care of that, bubs? Namjoon and I will gather the flowers needed for the floral arrangement that needs to be done for the Jung family in the meantime" my very serious brother requests, to which I nod easily. That's something I can do.
"That's fine with me, I'll also change the water and trim any stem that requires it" I answer as I open the door to step out of the vehicle, bags grabbed with both arms once more. I worked on some sketches like they asked of me last night, and I believe some of them will please their eyes. I may also have compiled notes of the current trends when it comes to flower arrangements, which is why the bags are heavy.
Just like earlier, Namjoon takes everything from me to carry inside while Jungkook takes my hand in his, and we start walking towards the door that he's already unlocking, lights turned on to reveal the nice interior that we worked hard on decorating together, something we're all very proud of.
It's large and luminous, and I know we couldn't have done a better job. The view we have from the windows is breathtaking, the little hill on which we stand allowing for a grand sight of the town below us.
I have to admit that sometimes, it distracts me from my work. It's too beautiful to ignore.
"You let us know if you need help, okay? Don't break your back for something that we can do easily" my sweet half asks as he turns his gaze at me inquisitively, and I nod with a smile.
"I'll be fine. I'll ask you if I need help, so you focus on your own tasks" I mutter as I swing our hands back and forth. I know he'll be keeping an eye on me either way, so what more can I say? There's no breaking his focus when it comes to me.
Knowing what his job is, Namjoon nods at me before taking Jungkook away to select the flowers in the storage room's fridges, and it's as if a part of his heart detaches itself from the source to stay behind when my poor brother stares at me with an outstretched hand and a fake sob until the door closes behind them.
I chuckle to myself and shake my head before making my way to our work table where I left my apron. That silly man. The pockets are ridiculously useful for storing my equipment without having to hold them or lose them all the time, which happens more often than I can count, especially with Namjoon.
That, or he breaks the tools. We don't have a drawer full of extras for nothing.
The door opens again with them two holding the containers of flowers that will most likely remain there for the entirety of the day, and just like that, we fall into a comfortable silence as we start working our tasks, the soft music that Namjoon puts on the speakers our companion during this early morning.
My body moves all by itself as I follows the usual routine while humming along the melody, gaze falling on the mark on my hand every so often, the triangle surrounded by three dots letting me know that I must have two soulmates waiting for me somewhere in this world.
Are they older or younger than me? I sincerely hope that my turning twenty-five tonight will allow us to finally communicate, because I've been waiting years for this moment. If it ends up that they're younger than me, I'm going to cry.
No one knows how it works exactly, but the soul is a complex thing and so, soulmates who have not met by the time the youngest turns twenty-five are to receive a consequence for it, which appears more often like a blessing than a curse to those who receive it.
The gift of Soul Voice. That is what I'm expecting tonight, considering that I am the youngest of my own soulmate bond. I'm crossing my fingers that I am. I'll pray all night if I need to, I don't think I'd have the patience to wait any longer.
To have your voice reach out to your soulmate no matter the distance, from one soul to another, is truly a blessing. It's the last push that your soul gives you to do what fate failed in doing, the final way to connect soulmates to one another.
I can't wait to hear their voice. What will they sound like? I really want to find out and I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that tonight will be it for me.
I know that my family knows of my impatience, which is why they don't talk about it often in my presence. They don't want to make it worse for me and I appreciate that. I know that Jungkook feels bad that he met his own soulmate before I could meet mine, but I love Namjoon and I could never be mad at him for that.
He couldn't know that us moving into this town would end up with him tripping directly into his soulmate's arms. Beyond their bond, it was love at first sight and I'm so thankful that I could see it happen with my own eyes. They're perfect together.
Not looking anymore at what I'm doing, I turn my gaze to the large window showing the outside world while removing the missed thorns from the rose's stem I'm holding. Would my soulmates come here, once we connect? Or will I have to go to them?
I suddenly let out a gasp of pain when one of the lone thorns enters my thumb in a clean in and out. I look down at my thumb in shock, the hole barely visible except for the blood that begins to fill the wound.
I don't even have time to say anything that feet are rushing over from the atelier. The flower is taken from my hands, and the next thing I know, Jungkook is gazing down at my thumb and pulling me up to my feet and right to the sink where Namjoon is already getting the water warm and ready for me.
"Seriously, Y/N, you can't look outside when you're holding a knife, especially with a rose in your hands, damn it! This is why I'm always worrying about you, there's not a single week that goes by without you getting hurt" my twin brother chides as he grabs the disinfectant soap before making me rub my hands together until foam forms.
I purse my lips at his statement, I don't get hurt all the time, do I?
But as they both rinse my hands carefully, when my brother's soulmate proceeds to dry them with a towel so that he can put a bandage on my thumb, I get to see the other faded scars of all my distracted moments and...
Yeah, I do get hurt a lot, in fact.
"Sorry... it's just hard to not get pulled into the sight once your eyes fall on it, I can never get used to it" I mumble sheepishly.
Jungkook sighs, my hands grabbed from Namjoon to make sure that there isn't another hidden wound that we might have forgotten, he always frets too much when I get hurt. Actually, he frets over anything and everything, all the time.
"We should close the curtains, then. No more outside when you're holding a knife" he lets out, not a possibility but a certainty.
Rightfully so, I gape at him, ready to counter his claim, yet he puts a finger on my lips before I can share my dislike with his idea. "But I won't, so you go help Namjoon with the flower arrangement instead. I'll finish what you were doing".
Without wasting a second, Namjoon pulls me along with him while Jungkook takes over my task with a shake of the head, something mumbled that goes along the line of - she'll be the death of me one day, how can she be so damn reckless?
I don't get to comment on that when his soulmate instead gets my attention on the project at hand to avoid a fight that would be completely useless.
"The customers requested something elegant for their mother's birthday, as you know, so we went with your second proposal in the sketch book. The main flowers are dahlia, baby's breath and roses. We'll add lavender button poms and eucalyptus to fill in any holes, and we should get this beautiful end result that we're looking for" he explains while showing me how far they've gotten already.
I hum as I take in everything on the table, then the beginning of what will end up being a splendid arrangement. It looks just like the sketch I drew up for them, and I'm certain it'll look prettier in real life than on paper. I did good there.
"You two did good" I muse with a smile. "I knew you were going to make good use of my drawings".
"It's because you're such a good artist, pumpkin" Namjoon praises back with a head pat that weighs heavy over my hair. "Come on, let's get started. We have two hours left before the Jung siblings get here, let's show them that coming here for their mother's birthday was the right decision to make".
I chirp out a "Yes sir!" under Jungkook's endeared gaze, and we get to work in perfect harmony.
Seeing his twin and his soulmate get along this way is everything he always dreamed for and more. He can only hope that it will be the same for my own soulmates when the time finally comes for us to meet.
"We'll put them under our spell so that they come back here for every flowers they ever need. They will make us rich".
"That's the spirit, bubs".
"Oh my gosh, Hobi, look at this!"
Jungkook, Namjoon and I can't stop the wide smile that stretches our lips at miss Jung's delighted expression and gasp. It always feels so good when we get to see such a reaction from our customers.
The man named Hoseok steps closer to inspect the flower arrangement we got ready for them, and we get to see as his eyes light up progressively the longer he takes in the different flowers we used. A wide hearty smile finally takes place on his face, a clear sign that we did our job well.
"This is perfect, it's even better than what I had in mind when I told you what we wanted for our mother. She's going to love it so much, thank you, seriously" he says with a bow that his sister mimics and we all bow back with giggles, this is why we love our job.
"She's definitely going to stare at it at least once every ten minutes, you have no idea how much this is going to brighten up her days. She's always so bored at home, so it's hard for her to get any inspiration for painting, but now? I'm pretty sure we're going to end up with a replica of this very soon" the woman says with a chuckle as she brings her gaze back to the flowers.
"Flowers are always a good source for creativity. If it can bring her comfort and inspiration, then I'm very happy that we put in as much effort as we did" Namjoon answers for us, and I nod quickly with a grin.
"Come back to us for any other projects you have, I promise you'll always leave from here satisfied" I chirp, and the siblings chuckle with a nod of the head, their eyes creasing in amusement.
"Oh we'll definitely be back in the near future. Jiwoo noona insisted that we come here after seeing your pictures on your social media and now I see why. You've got to be one of the bests in this town".
After the initial excitement has passed, Jungkook leads them to the cash register to settle the bill, and Namjoon and I both hum happily as we clean up the work table.
This project was the biggest one we had for the day, but we do have a customer who made an appointment to prepare for a funeral in half an hour, so we need to keep things clean, they'll be in grief most likely so we'll have to be careful.
"We should make a list of the flowers we can have shipped here during this season, along with their meaning to help them decide what they want for the funeral" I let out after waving goodbye to the siblings as they walk outside. Namjoon makes a sound as he too thinks about it.
"There are some flowers we can have shipped over, with an extra of course, if they want something out of season, but if what they want is simple, we can show them what we have in the shop. If they choose something we can easily get, that would definitely make things easier for us".
Jungkook joins us after ending a call and heaves a breath. "Let's prepare just in case. I'll take care of the list so in the meantime, can you two get started on three bouquets for a birthday party? Someone just called, purples and pinks, small, simple" Jungkook demands, and we both nod before going around to see what we can use. At this pace, the day will go by quickly.
I smile to myself at the thought, because that means Jungkook and I will get to see our parents soon and that's something I'm really excited about. It's been too long since the last time we got to reunite for such an occasion!
I truly cannot wait to see mom and dad!
Jin's POV
Honestly, getting out of bed has become so hard, as of late.
There's this longing in my heart that I can't get rid of and it pains me, my soul crying constantly for the soulmate that we don't have by our side. It's starting to feel like we'll never meet at this pace and gosh, it hurts, it really does.
I stare at the mark on my hand, the two purple dots and the one black dot a sight that I want gone, I want it gone soon, that black one needs to change to purple now before I go crazy. Is it normal that I'm starting to resent it?
Yoongi and I are both respectively thirty-one and thirty-two. We've been together for four wonderful years, and while having him by my side has so far been the best thing to happen to me, I need that second miracle. I need our second soulmate, one we have longed for, for way too long.
Where are you? Where in the world are you?
"You're here... I've been looking for you all over the house, hyung. You're still thinking about our missing one, aren't you?" Yoongi murmurs as he sits on the edge of the bed with a cup of some warm drink in hands, a sad look on his face. "I'm sure the day we meet them will come sooner than we think. We can only get closer to them".
I used to have the strength to think positively like that. I used to have the strength to smile at my mark, then cuddle with Yoongi while hope would flood my heart, but I just can't manage the same effort anymore.
My body feels heavy all the time. Everyday, life looks tern and colourless. I know that I'm probably paying too much attention to the fact that we are still missing one, we obviously can't do anything about it until they turn twenty-five, but I can't help it.
I just really, really want them here, with us. I want us to be finally complete, it's been too long.
I try to fight the tears that burn my eyes but ultimately fail as I hug his waist from my lied down position, why is this so hard? Why can't I keep pushing forward like I used to? I used to be filled with hope and now I always want to cry, when did that happen?
Yoongi settles the cup down on the bedside table and puts a hand on my head to brush his fingers through my hair softly, his heart weeping at the sight of my tears, he doesn't know what to do to help anymore and it pains him more than he would ever say.
He wishes he could resolve everything with a snap of his fingers and find our missing one, but he's powerless and he hates that. All he can do is stay by my side and stay strong, as much as is possible.
"It hurts, Yoongi, it hurts all the damn time, now. I don't know how to make it stop. I've started to feel bad for being happy, like having a good time is the last thing I'm allowed. I don't like feeling that way but I can't help it. Hell, the very sight of our mark is starting to make me feel angry. What's wrong with me, Yoongi? Tell me what's wrong with me" I plead with a wavering voice, I need to know why this is happening.
Yoongi sighs softly, and he gently removes my tears before continuing to comb his fingers through my hair.
"I informed myself with our doctor earlier, after I finally managed to reach him. Apparently... it's a form of soul sickness. Your soul needs our missing soulmate so badly, that it feels like waiting a single second longer will bring about the end of the world. It should stop once the bond is complete, but until then... all we can do is wait".
I close my eyes as he dries my tears again, lips pursed into a pout. "That soul sickness sucks" I mutters weakly when he presses a kiss onto my forehead, and Yoongi chuckles lightly before managing a small smile.
"It does... but it also comes with a positive bit of information. Maybe I should have started with that, all things considered".
My whole being latches onto that word, positive, like it's my redemption, my miracle. Anything good is desperately needed right now. I look up at him through my remaining tears, and his smile grows slightly bigger as he cups my cheeks.
"What is it, Yoongi? You can't just stop there, what's the positive information?"
"It's a sign that the time is nearly there. Your soul can feel it, that's why you're finding this very hard all of a sudden. The doctor said that it's a common side effect of being the oldest in a bond".
"Oh thank god" I whimper beneath my hands, tears turning fatter as they roll down my cheeks. This time, not due to pain, but relief. I'm like this because the time has nearly come for us to meet our last soulmate? I can endure anything if it means we'll find them soon, anything.
Being the eldest might not be all fun and games all the time, but if this pain means that the time is near... I can't bear myself to hate it anymore. I just wish it wouldn't last for too long, how near is near? Days? Weeks? Months?
"I'm sorry that you have to feel this way on your own" Yoongi apologizes with a sad wilt to his eyes. "I really want to help you, hyung, I just don't know how. I was told that all I can do in the meantime is to stay by your side, but I know that's not enough. I don't like seeing you so depressed".
I shake my head and pull him into a strong hug, stronger than I felt able to do earlier. Hope really does make one feel stronger amidst the darkness of one's soul.
"It's not your fault, Yoongi-ah. I'm sorry that it fell on you to deal with me like this. I'll try to stay strong, okay? Knowing that this pain can lead to something good... I'll focus on that, it's hard but I'll try" I assure him, and he nods before kissing my lips softly.
"It's okay, hyung, I got the better end of the stick. At least I get to take care of you without you complaining about it all the time. I made you a hot chocolate... well it was hot, it might have gotten a little cold but..."
He hesitates about offering it to me despite really wanting to cheer me up, and the sight makes me smile lightly. He's my adorable soulmate, no matter what happens, I'll always see him as my adorable younger soulmate.
"Give it to me, I don't feel like drinking something hot anyway so this is perfect" I muse with a sincere chuckle, a sound that has his lips curling up slightly before he nods, his free hand helping me to sit up in bed before he hands me the cup that might help me feel better.
What he said about the soul sickness, about it meaning that our missing one is close to ridding the gap separating us, it already alleviated some of my pain. It feels less... final and more temporary.
If all I need to do is hold on a little longer... then that's what I'll do.
For the sake of being complete.
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