Sanjana was singing again, her soft melodic voice echoing around the room. Shortly after Zora had taken control of the Empire, one of the Paladins had shown up with Sanja in tow. Sanja had said she'd had enough of earth and wanted to be with her best friend. Besides, Sanja had argued, it wasn't like Kiba could braid Zora's hair, and someone had to do it. So Sanjana had stayed.
"Empress Zora, will that be all?" The soldier asked, drawing Zora's attention back to reality. She'd been giving orders about supply shipments.
"Yes thank you."
The soldier saluted and scurried off, leaving Zora free to close the door and toss her crown onto the bed. Then she unzipped the heavy cloak she was wearing and tossed that off too. In her thin gown, she walked past her bed and into the small room off the main room.
Sanjana was sitting in a rocking chair singing and mending one of Zora's dressed. She stopped singing and stood up when Zora walked in, "Empress Zora."
"No need for that Sanja. Please continue, I love to hear you sing, and I know Astra loves it too."
"Yes Empress."
Zora went to stand beside Kiba, who was leaning over a crib, spinning his dagger so that it reflected patterns of light down onto the blankets.
He smiled when he saw Zorra, "Hello My Princess."
She smiled back, before reaching down into the crib and scooping her daughter out of it. Astra giggled happily as she grabbed onto a piece of Zora's hair. "Hello beautiful," Zora whispered, tickling the baby face with the end of her ponytail.
"I was just telling her a story about the Brave Empress of the Galra Empire," Kiba said, hugging Zora from behind.
"Have you mentioned the part where the foolish Empress would have crashed and burned with her faithful husband and bodyguard?"
"Not quite yet." Kiba kissed the top of Zora's head, "Sanja's been singing to her about all our 'adventures'."
"Has she now?"
Zora sat down on the quilt Sanja had spread out on the nursery floor, reclining against Kiba, holding Astra to her chest. She would have been lost without all of them. Without Kiba, who'd stayed faithfully at her side for all these years. Who protected and loved Zora even when she didn't feel she deserved it. Who held her when she woke up crying from nightmares. Without Sanja who told Zora when she was about to make a mistake, who cared for Astra when Zora and Kiba were too busy trying to keep balance in the Empire.
It had taken Zora five years to put the Empire back together, five years of visiting small planets and undoing the damage her father had done. There was still lingering hatred for the Galra, wounds that would take much more time to heal. But after five years of running around the Cosmos trying to put pieces back together, Zora had finally taken the time to get married. Kiba had waited patiently for her for all those years. Just a year after they'd been married, Astra had been born.
It was exhausting, balancing being a wife, ruler and mother. There wasn't a doubt in Zora's mind that she couldn't have managed it without Kiba and Sanjana. But though it was tiring, Zora had never been happier in her life.
Closing her eyes with a contented sigh, Zora listened to Sanja's singing. It was a song about trial and error about mistakes and healing. It was the song of life and freedom. It was a song about joy and sadness. Right and Wrong.
It was the Song of the Cosmos.
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