Chapter 6
"Princess Zora, can you hear me?" Someone was shaking her shoulders. Zora blinked, and found herself staring into two pairs of glowing yellow eyes. Kiba and Sanja were alright, thank goodness.
"What happened?"
"We had to swerve to avoid the ship that must have teleported right in front of us, the engine couldn't take the pressure, and we crashed right into the planet. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to land it properly Princess."
"It's alright Kiba, everyone's alive."
As Zora's eyes adjusted to the light, she saw pieces of the ship had broken off. There was nothing but darkness outside the window.
As if in response to her unspoken question, Sanja spoke, "We've been buried in the planet, probably just sand. Kiba says we should be able to dig through the surface easily."
Kiba's ears twitched and he narrowed his eyes, "Do you hear that?"
Everyone was silent, as all three strained their ears. Sure enough, Zora's keen ears picked up the sound of digging, and voices.
"Whoever nearly killed us must be trying to dig us out," Sanja said.
"Princess, you said that Haggar had given you a spell, now may the time to use it. Most people aren't going to look kindly on three galra," Kiba said quietly.
But why? Why wouldn't someone want to help them just because they were Galra? The Galra empire had restored order to an otherwise chaotic universe. That was a good thing. But Zora trusted Kiba's instincts, so she pulled out the chains, handing him one, and putting the other on herself.
The stones glowed slightly, and then went dark again. Zora heard Sanjana gasp.
"What is it?"
"You two, you look like humans." Sanjana held up a piece of glass, and sure enough in her reflection, Zora looked nothing like how she had previously. Her hair was still black, but that was where the similarities ended. Her skin was pale white, like metal on a warship, and her nails were flat, not the sharp and useful claws she was accustomed to. Zora's yellow eyes were light green now, and her ears were gone- replaced with tiny ears that were lower done on her head. It was horrifying, she could barely hear anything.
Zora glanced at Kiba, his spiky black hair was still there, but he too had pale skin, with blue eyes. His scars which normally glowed a yellow, were simply pale white lines. Kiba glanced down at his hands and sighed, "Of course Haggar spell would turn us into humans."
"I think you two look nice as humans, let me see what I can do for myself," Sanjana said. She close her eyes, and her brow furrowed as though she was deeply concentrating. Then her hair lengthened, and her skin changed color. In front of Zora sat a human girl with deep brown eyes, tan skin, and black hair.
"You look nice as a human Sanja."
"Thank you Princess."
The digging was close enough now that Zora could hear it even without her Galra hearing.
"Hang in there guys, we're going to get you out!" An unfamiliar voice called down.
"Princess, Miss Sanjana, please let me do all the talking. Princess if you truly want to see how it is for other creatures under the Mighty Emperors rule, then it would be best if they thought of us as friends."
"Alright Kiba. If we are going in disguise, you can't call me Princess. Zora will do just fine." It wasn't widespread knowledge that Emperor Zarkon even had a daughter, Haggar had said that it was for her own safety. So using her real name wouldn't be a problem.
"Yes Princess- er, I mean Zora."
The last of the sand was cleared away, and everyone was thrown off their feet as they were pulled into the light. The top of the ship was peeled off and Zora stared up into two human faces. One with tan skin, who looked very much Sanjana, and the other with a scar running across his nose.
"Hey, is everyone alright down there?" The one with the scar called down.
"Yes, thank you!" Kiba called up.
"No thanks to you," Zora heard Sanja mutter, and she resisted the urge to laugh.
"Let's get you guys up out of there."
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