Chapter 36
Shiro managed to keep his balance as the ship rocked again. He'd managed to escape during the first explosion, and was currently sprinting up to the top deck where he hoped the other Paladins were waiting.
Encountering a bay door, Shiro activated his arm, slicing through it like it was paper. He continued running, slamming open doors and sprinting for his life. He wasn't going to get caught by Galra again.
Once he was on first level, Shiro glimpsed someone standing in his path. A figure nearly twice as tall as he was.
Emperor Zarkon. Who had been in a comma was of a few hours ago. Shiro's first though was, Oh my god. You've got to be kidding. I just needed one little break.
Shiro quickly reigned those thoughts in, focusing on what needed to be done. Zarkon was holding his bayard, and Shiro wasn't carrying any weapons, except of course, for his arm. He activated it quickly, holding it out in front of him. This wasn't going to end well.
Zora sprinted up a flight of stairs, her heart pounding in her chest. She coud hear Kiba behid her, following her closely, as always.
Dodging a flying piece of rubble, Zora ducked through a door that looked like it had been smashed in completely. She kept running until she reached the top floor of the warship.
What she saw made her freeze in the doorway, and Kiba nearlly collided with her. Her father was awake, and very much alive. Her joy at that was buried when she realized that he was doing his best to kill the Black Paladin. Light flashed and sparks flew as his bayard connected with Shiro's arm, again and again.
She had to do something, she couldn't stand here and let them kill each other. Zora stepped forward, shouting, "Father! Stop!"
Zarkon swung his bayard one more time, sending Shiro flying into a wall, where he crumpled to the ground, not moving. He spun on Zora, "Well... I always knew you were weak, but I never thought you'd be stupid enough to betray me."
"What are you talking about?"
"Haggar told me when I awoke of your treachery."
"She lies."
"No." Zarkon moved toward her, lifting his bayard, his eyes alight with hate. He slashed towards her with it, but Kiba moved faster, wrapping an arm around Zora's waist and rolling with her to one side.
"Run Princess!"
Kiba darted forward, bringing up his sword to clash with Zarkon's bayard. Kiba was a skilled fighter, Zora had seen this first hand. But Her Father was bigger, older, and Kiba was already injured.
Zarkon slammed his bayard hard onto Kiba's sword, and Zora could see Kiba's arms shaking with the strain of holding his own sword up. Taking advantage of Kiba's weakness, Zarkon slammed into him, throwing him across the ship. Kiba slammed into a wall, joining Shiro bleeding on the ground.
Zora finally snapped back to her senses, she broke into a run, moving to get between her father and her fallen friends. She grabbed Kiba's sword off the ground, holding it out in front of her.
"Please stop."
"Haggar warned me you would betray me, I tried to train, to teach you so you wouldn't. But it appears I failed."
"Father Please."
Zarkon swung his bayard and it connected with the sword, sending it whirling out of Zora's grip. He hit her with the flat of the blade, knocking the air out of her lungs and sending her collapsing to the floor.
"I'm going to kill you, then I'm going to take care of the Black Paladin and your precious guard."
"No", She whispered.
Before Zora could move the bayard was brough slashing down, a bolt of shock ran through her. Her father was going to kill her. She squeezed her yellow eyes shut, waiting for the pain. But there was none.
She opened her eyes, and found herself staring at Kiba's back. The bayard had gone straight down into his shoulder, and it was wedged in his armor. Blood splattered the ground, dripping off Kiba's armor.
Zarkon tore the bayard free, and Kiba fell to his knees.
"Kiba!" Zora screamed, rushing forward.
"I'm alright Princess," Kiba coughed.
Zora stared up at her father, who was preparing to strike again. This was her father, her blood. But he was also the man who'd beaten her, locked her away, and was about to kill the person she loved most. She pulled Kiba's spare sword lose from his armor, and as Zarkon swung the bayard down, she jumped up. He ran right into the tip of her sword.
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