Chapter 33
Kiba waited patiently, his back against the wall, twirling his dagger. Any second now a couple of soldiers would be dragging the Black Paladin out. Kiba had complete faith that Zora had managed to command Haggar to send the human for execution.
He could hear footsteps, and he gripped his dagger tightly, his whole body coiled like a spring. Then the whole ship shuddered suddenly, and he was thrown off his feet.
The ship shook again and the wall next to Kiba exploded inward. Flying chunks of rock and metal slammed into Kiba, pinning him to the ground. A chunk of rock slammed into his head, he felt hot blood dripping down his face, then everything went black.
Zora sprinted through the ship, there had been a massive explosion. Perhaps Voltron trying to free their Black Paladin. The main explosion had been near the Prison section of the ship, where Kiba was.
She shoved soldiers out of her way, going against the tide of people running toward the center of the ship. Desperation lancing through every fiber of her body.
Coming to a skidding halt, Zora saw a pile of rubble. One of Kiba's hands protruded from underneath the rubble pile. Letting out a muffled sob, Zora grabbed one of the larger rocks and tried to lift it away.
But she wasn't strong enough. Letting out a sob of frustration, Zora began picking up the smaller chunks of rubble and tossing them away. Bit by bit uncovering Kiba. The pieces she couldn't lift, she rolled to one side.
Soon Kiba was free from the rubble, his black armor covered in dust, dented from the rocks impact. Zora pressed her ear against his chest, unable to hear a heartbeat.
Tears stung her eyes, welling over and then running down her cheeks. She let her head rest on Kiba's chest, still trying to hear the faintest sound of life. He couldn't be dead. This was all her fault, if he hadn't been trying to free Shiro, he wouldn't have been this close to the explosion. Zora didn't know if she could go on without Kiba, without the steady calm he brought to everything. He was the only friend she had left, and now he was gone.
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