Chapter 25
"Princess, are you ready to go?" Kiba asked quietly.
Zora nodded, standing up and straightening her dress. Today was the day that she and Kiba would meet the Blade of Marmora at a Secure location to share information. Since she was currently one of the Galra in charge, it was easy to tell the Druids that she was just taking a transport out to one of their far bases to clear her mind. They believed her, as they were unable to read her mind, Zora had trained with the Druids long enough to Shield both her mind and Kiba's from them.
Kiba walked out to a transport, and Zora followed him. She noticed Kiba was limping slightly, but decided not to say anything. Kiba seemed to get irritated when Zora pointed out that he seemed injured.
Half an hour later, they had entered the black Hole and were walking through the Blade's headquarters.
Zora became increasingly worried about Kiba's limp as they continued walking, deciding to say something. "Kiba, when we get back your to see the Druids and have your leg looked after," She ordered.
Kiba nodded, "Yes Princess."
Zora caught sight of two masked Blade of Marmora members, as well as two of the Voltron Paladins. She smiled slightly and called out a greeting, "Hello!"
Antok stepped forward, "Princess, I trust you have information for us?"
"Yes, as per our agreement."
Allura stepped forward, "Don't think I'll trust anything you say without verifying it first."
Zora's yellow eyes narrowed, "Princess Allura I have been nothing but cooperative. I returned a human that was a Galra prisoner, did i not?"
"Yes, but we still aren't sure that your Druids haven't brainwashed him!"
Zora drew herself up to her full height, though she was small compared to her Father, she was much taller than the Altean. "Princess Allura, I would like to remind you that your Paladins have put my father in critical condition!"
Zora glanced at Antok before turning back to Allura, she forced herself to calm down. Telling herself that slapping the Altean Princess or shouting at her was not a good way to achieve peace. She could feel Kiba bristling behind her. Taking a deep breath, Zora said, "Princess, both of our races have suffered at the hands of the other. Don't let this be something that drives enmity between us. I love my father, despite what he has done."
"Both our races? The Alteans have done nothing to the Galra to deserve being wiped out!"
A jolt of shock ran through Zora, did Allura really not know? Perhaps this was why the young princess hated the Galra so much, because she saw Alteans as completely innocent. "Princess Allura, your father was responsible for my mother's death. He was responsible for the destruction of the Galra homeplanet."
"What?" Allura asked sharply.
"A meteor was on a course for my home world. If Voltron was formed, it could have stopped the comet's course, saving thousands of lives. King Alfor refused to form Voltron, saying it wasn't a justifiable cause. As king of the Galra, my father begged him to reconsider, but he would not." Zora paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, "So my father began evacuating. Hundreds of Galra on ships were docked a few hundred yards away from the planet. Before my father realized that my mother hadn't gotten on a transport. She was still on the planet when the meteor struck. My mother along with hundreds of Galra that hadn't evacuated yet were killed." Zora's voice broke, she hated telling this story. When her father had told her, Zora had sobbed for hours. Because Zora couldn't remember her mother, because her mother had chosen to stay until all of her people were safe.
Allura stepped back, shock written plainly on her features, "I don't believe you. Your lying!"
"It doesn't matter what you-" Zora broke off with a gasp, clutching her side and falling forward. She was coughing, unable to breath, and she couldn't sit up.
"Princess!" Kiba was at her side in an instant, and his scarred face was the last thing she saw before darkness clouded her vision.
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