"Ugh, finally, now we can get onto the last chapter," you sigh. It has been nearly three hours and you and Yoongi are still finishing the work you missed yesterday. You would really like to know how the others did all of that work in just the one hour provided. Hopefully, you can finish today's studying quicker than yesterday's.
"Jesus Christ, do we just slow them down when we attend?" Yoongi remarks. "I swear I've never had to do this much work with them for the entire time I've been in that group."
"I wonder if they're annoyed because we're so slow," you mutter. You stretch your arms up and let out a yawn. "I'm so tired."
"Three more chapters to go and then we're done for the day," Yoongi says. "Then I can go home."
"I'm getting water." You stand up and head to the kitchen across from the living room. "Want some?"
"Yeah sure," Yoongi says, flipping the page in his textbook.
You say nothing to each other for the next couple of minutes until you return to the living room with two cups of water. Yoongi mutters a short thank you without looking up from the book on the table.
It's so hot inside this apartment.
You set your water on the table and pull your jacket off, then set it aside and lean forward to pick up your pencil. Before your fingers can reach it, Yoongi grabs your outstretched arm.
His hand is cold and firm.
You look at him and raise an eyebrow.
"Where did you get that?" He asks, nodding to your arm.
"Get what?" You look down as Yoongi turns your arm a little so you can see the back of your forearm. On it are three long, angry red scratches extending from your elbow to your wrist. They're still bright red, and the skin around them is smeared with small traces of blood.
It looks scary, but the cuts don't sting.
"Oh," you mutter. "That was from one of the Spice Girls."
"Does it hurt?"
Yoongi lets go of your arm but his eyes don't stray from yours. You stare back with both eyebrows raised, waiting for him to either say something or forget about it.
For a moment, he does neither. He's thinking, though you don't know of what.
"Why do you let them bully you?"
"I told you I don't want to talk about it."
"Have you tried to get help?"
"I don't need help."
"Clearly you do, if you come home with wounds like that."
"This doesn't happen often," you argue. "I said I'm fine so leave it alone."
Yoongi presses his lips together and looks away.
Right at that moment, the front door opens and your parents walk into the house, already arguing.
"We don't have the money for that, honey, that's what I'm trying to tell you!"
"We would have enough money for that and everything else we need if you would just do better at your damn job!"
"It's not my fault I didn't get the promotion! It's not like I got a downgrade!"
"The promotion is all we needed to be financially stable! You would have gotten it if you weren't such a pushover!"
You feel a sinking feeling in your gut. Turning red in the face, you close your text book and stand up.
"Uh- you should- you should leave," you mumble, embarrassed for your parents. Yoongi stares at you, his eyes a little wide and his lips parted.
"It's not because I'm a pushover! Do you understand how hard it is for me to be gone all day only to come home to more work? I don't get any free time the way it is!"
"Don't tell me about time you don't have when you should be at work right now."
"I was let off early, and it's not like that equates to free time anyway, since I have more goddam work! I'm so sick and tired of my job and my life already, and the last thing I want to hear is how you don't appreciate what I do! If you want more money to spend, go get your own damn job!"
"I hardly have enough time myself as it is!" Mom shouts. "I have kids to take care of and a house to keep clean."
"You don't even do any of that!" Dad retorts. "Don't think I've been so blind as to not notice that Y/n is the one who takes care of Dohyun and the house. I haven't seen you lift a finger to help her out."
Oh god please shut up.
You look at Yoongi, who is staring at your parents with blank eyes and parted lips.
"Uh, hello?" You deadpan, careful not to interrupt your parents- though it seems they haven't even noticed you at all. Yoongi blinks and shuts his mouth.
"Uh... right," he says. He quickly stuffs his work into his backpack and gets up, swinging it over his shoulder. As your parents slowly make their way down the hall to their room, you and Yoongi slip out of the living room. Yoongi pulls his shoes on hurriedly as your parents continue to shout at each other.
You open the door for him but before he steps out, he looks at you uncertainly, biting his lip as if debating whether or not to say something.
"Go," you say, annoyed. You don't want him in the house while your parents scream at each other. Yoongi turns away and leaves without another word, and you shut the door behind him.
He's gone.
You sink to the floor and cover your face.
Couldn't your parents have picked a better day to argue? In just a few minutes, they walked in and revealed your entire family situation to Yoongi, and you're going to have to deal with the consequences of that. What is he going to say to you when you walk into the school tomorrow? Or is he going to ignore you? Is he going to tell anyone?
You uncover your face and look up when you feel a warm, tiny hand on your shoulder. Dohyun peers at you with his big eyes and wraps his little arms around you.
"It's okay noona," he mumbles, though he looks like he's about to cry. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing Hyunie," you sigh. "It's okay. Let's get you something to eat."
The next day at school, you can hardly pay any attention at all during class. You stayed up all night finishing whatever you and Yoongi didn't get to, and you ended up going to bed at four. The teacher has to wake you up a couple of times and threatens to send you to the office.
For lunch, even though you really want peace and quiet and a place to nap, you go to the cafeteria. You don't want to find out what Yoongi has to say about yesterday. You go straight to the table where Seokjin and his friends sit.
"Y/n! You're here today!" He exclaims when he sees you. "I thought you would hide away a lot more."
You press your lips into a firm line (an attempt at a small smile) and sit down at the end of the table next to no one, where you sat last time.
"Anyway, we've been missing you here," Seokjin continues. "How are you today?"
You stick your thumb up, since you don't really feel like talking, and lay your head down in your arms on the table.
"Oh, you must be tired," Seokjin says. "Did you end up finishing all that work you missed?"
You nod a little without lifting your head up and close your eyes. Can he just stop talking to you? You would appreciate it greatly.
Someone pulls out the chair next to yours and sits in it.
"Hello Y/n! Nice to see you today!"
It's the ever-cheery voice of Jung Hoseok.
"She's sleepy," Seokjin says. "She had a late night."
"Oh," Hoseok says. "Well I dunno how much rest you'll get here, since it's loud, but we'll make sure no one bothers you."
How kind of him. You nod again to let him know you heard him.
He keeps his promise for all of five minutes before the cafeteria chatter finally gets to you. You stand up and grab your backpack.
"I'm going to the bathroom," you mutter, and you leave before either of the boys can say anything.
Instead of going to the cafeteria bathroom, you leave to find a quieter one after telling one of the teacher supervisors that you don't feel good and want to "go to the nurse."
You just want to be alone.
When you're in the piano room, even though Yoongi is in there, you feel alone. Alone but comforted.
And now you've ruined it.
You knew you shouldn't have brought him home with you, even if you had to.
You notice that their is someone in the hallway with you, far behind. You hear their footsteps. You ignore it, thinking it's probably just some other student walking the halls in the same direction as you. They'll disappear soon, right?
You enter the girls' bathroom and head to one of the sinks to splash cold water on your face.
When you stand up, you see their reflections in the mirror.
You close your eyes and let out a pained sigh.
Please not today. You think. I'm so tired.
"You ran away from us yesterday," Anise says. "Didn't give us a chance to say hello."
You turn around to face them. The whole gang's here. Even Wonho. And the door is closed.
"Guys, please leave me alone," you mumble. "I can't deal with this today."
"You should have thought about that before ignoring us," Pepper says. "You upset us. Don't you wanna hang out?" She glances to her left. "Wonho, if you would please."
Wonho passes them and walks across the room toward you. You sigh and look at the ground as he grabs your wrist and drags you toward the girls.
"Ew she reeks like a depressed poor girl," Nutmeg says, wrinkling her nose.
"I think we should give her a bath, shall we?" Anise suggests. "Wonho." She snaps her fingers and points to one of the bathroom stalls. Wonho obediently drags you into the stall, letting out a low, rumbling chuckle.
"Guys please," you beg. "I don't have it in me to do this today."
"Aw listen to her," Ginger coos. "She's begging."
"It's annoying," Anise says. "Maybe this will teach her."
"Look at her hair," Nutmeg says, pushing you to your knees on the floor. "I think we should start with that." She grabs a fistful of your hair and holds your face above the toilet seat.
The rest of the girls crowd around you, shoving through the open stall door to watch you suffer.
You shut your eyes tight. Please just stop.
"Take a deep breath Y/n," Anise taunts. "This may take a while."
You breathe in as quickly as you can, and without much warning, Nutmeg shoves your head into the toilet water.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you struggle to lift your head back up. How are you going to get out of this one? Lunch just started and the girls have twenty minutes to do whatever they want to you. It isn't even the end of the day, meaning you can't just go home to recover.
What do you do?
You're running out of breath.
As the air in your lungs wanes down, your heart pounds faster and your chest heaves, urging you to breathe again. You begin to panic. Why isn't Nutmeg letting you back up? It's not like she plans to kill you, right? She can't do that here, she can't.
You slap the side of the toilet seat, desperately signaling for you to get back up. You let out all of your air in a scream that no one outside of the bathroom can hear.
You can't hold off any longer. You inhale a mouthful of toilet water and begin to choke. It is only then that Nutmeg yanks your hair and pulls you back up for air, cackling with the rest of the girls. You splutter and choke and desperately search for air, but you don't even get another breath in before Nutmeg shoves your head back into the water.
Your head hurts, and your throat hurts, and you can't breathe, you can't see, and you can't reach for something to pull yourself back up. You don't dare touch any one of the girls, because you'll only make the punishment worse for yourself.
Nutmeg pulls you back up out of the water and lets go of your head, letting you drop to the ground.
Coughing and spluttering, you curl up on the ground and begin to cry, because there isn't anything else you can do.
"Aw look, she's crying!" Ginger snickers. "I think we hurt her feelings!"
"She's getting tears all over the place," Pepper says disgustedly. "And shes leaking water everywhere."
"Should we put her back in then?" Nutmeg suggests. "Hey, Y/n, do you wanna go back in?"
You shake your head wildly, unable to open your eyes.
"No, no please stop!"
"She said yes guys!" Anise squeals. Wonho guffaws from outside of the stall, peering over the girls' heads to watch. The rest of them cackle, thinking of more clever jabs to throw at you.
Nutmeg grabs a fistful of your hair again and pulls upward. You get up, because if you don't it'll hurt worse, and inhale as much as you can before she stuffs you back into the water.
You can't take it anymore. What did you ever do to deserve this? You have never done anything to these girls to warrant what they do to you, and they have absolutely no reason to hate you so much.
Is this really all you will ever be? The ugly loser girl that gets her clothes ruined and her head shoved into toilets? Who gets chased through the school and made fun of for everything she does? Whose family doesn't seem to care about what happens to her or her well-being?
You're so done. Done with all of it.
And as you grasp at Nutmeg's hand, hopelessly trying to get yourself out of this, you wonder if you even should.
You run out of breath again and begin to choke on the water, chest heaving, fingers weakening around the rim of the toilet seat and Nutmeg's hand.
Nutmeg lets go of you again and you lift your head out of the toilet.
"What the fuck are you all doing!?"
You have never been so glad to hear Min Yoongi's voice echo around the bathroom.
You whirl around in enough time to see the girls scramble out of the stall, avoiding an enraged Yoongi on their way out like a stream parting around a rock. Wonho gets up off of the ground, rubbing his ass, and follows them. You wonder what he was doing on the floor.
You bunch your knees up to your chest and fold your arms around them so you can duck your face into them and hide yourself in your protective shield.
For a while, it is quiet as you try to control your breathing and your crying. You feel Yoongi's stare on you, and now that the girls are gone, you wish he was too.
Yoongi places a hand on your shoulder, and you flinch away.
"Relax," he says. "I'm not going to hurt you."
"Go away."
"I'm not going to leave."
"You've already witnessed every terrible aspect of my life," you blubber. "I don't need you to make fun of me."
"I'm not going to make fun of you," Yoongi says calmly. "I've already decided to forget about yesterday, if that makes you feel better."
You lift your head out of your arms and fix him with a glare. "What the hell do you want."
"Right, nothing," you sneer. "I'm not a poor old pity case for you to fix to make you feel better about yourself. So leave."
"I told you I don't want anything," Yoongi says, still abnormally calm. You're surprised he hasn't gotten annoyed with you yet. "And I'm not pitying you, if that's what you think. I'm trying to get you out of here, because if you don't leave, someone else will find you and you don't want that." He gets up and holds out his hand. "So are you coming?"
You stare at his hand.
"Where are we going?" You croak, looking up at his face. He wears no expression.
"To the piano room," Yoongi says. "And then out of the school."
Out of the school?
"Are we skipping again?"
"Do you want to stay here?"
Ah, there's the attitude. It was only a matter of time before he lost his patience with you.
You look at his hand again.
You don't want to stay here.
There will be consequences for this.
But... you don't want to walk around school for the rest of the day freezing because your head is sopping wet. You smell like toilet water.
"My hand's getting tired," Yoongi says.
You take his hand and let him pull you off of the ground. Because you're in a tiny stall, you're in close quarters with each other. Yoongi doesn't let go of your hand, only holds it tighter between your chests.
"You know how to not get caught, right?" He asks you seriously, boring into into your eyes with his own.
"Yeah, just don't get seen," you snark.
Yoongi rolls his eyes and lets go of your hand.
"Just stick with me and do what I do," he mutters, stepping out of the bathroom stall. He grabs your backpack off of the floor and hands it to you. You take it from him and sling it on over your shoulders, then follow Yoongi out of the bathroom.
"How did you know I was in here?" You ask.
"You didn't come to the piano room for lunch and I thought it was because of yesterday, but I decided to check the cafeteria anyway," Yoongi says. "Jin said you went to the bathroom."
"So you... walked in?" You ask. "It's the girls' bathroom."
"Would you rather I left you?" Yoongi scoffs. "You don't sound very grateful."
"Well I just thought it was weird."
"The girls aren't very quiet you know," Yoongi says, rolling his eyes. "If they weren't laughing like witches I wouldn't have come in."
"Why did you even come here anyway? Obviously Seokjin told you I was eating lunch with him."
"I didn't come here to look for you," Yoongi says. "I was only on my way back."
You sigh.
"What, not the answer you wanted?"
"Shut up."
You walk with Yoongi in silence to the piano room, water dripping onto your shoulders and drenching your school jacket. He grabs his backpack from the floor by the piano and then climbs onto a desk by the wall, where he unlocks and opens the window.
"Coming?" He asks, glancing back at you.
"You want me to climb out the window," you say incredulously.
"How else do you wanna leave, through the front door?"
"No I just... won't someone see us? You know, through another window?"
"No," Yoongi says, shoving his backpack out the open window. "This entire hallway is filled with empty classrooms for construction work. If we just walk straight off of the campus from here, no one should notice. Now come on or Seokjin will get curious and look for us."
You climb onto a chair and step onto the desk next to Yoongi's, then slide your backpack off of your back and fit it through the window. You hang it down as low as you can so it doesn't drop too far, since you have a school laptop in there you don't want to destroy.
Yoongi pats the windowsill, urging you to climb up. You lift yourself up with your elbows and swing a leg over the edge to hoist yourself onto the windowsill, then your other leg until they're both hanging from the window. Adrenaline begins to rush through your veins. You're really about to escape school.
You shimmy yourself to the edge of the windowsill on the other side, heart pounding, and lower yourself until you're hanging just by your hands.
You drop to the ground.
You did it.
You just snuck out of the school.
You pick up your backpack and watch the window for Yoongi. He appears right there, sitting up on the window ledge, and pulls the window closed before scooting off and dropping to the ground. He picks his backpack up off of the ground and throws it on over his shoulders.
"You ready?" He asks. You nod. Yoongi suddenly grabs your hand and starts sprinting away, dragging you along with him.
When you woke up this morning, you did not think you would be running away from school like a couple of prisoners that just broke free.
You're skipping school.
You are actually skipping a good half of a school day.
And though you did something like this the other day, this feels different. This makes you nervous, but excited, and a little piece of you likes Yoongi just a little bit more.
You are in so much trouble.
So what do ya think? :D How do ya like the story?
I'm involving more of Y/n's outside life apart from her interactions with Yoongi, but I don't know if it's too much and it gets boring. Is this a good balance for you guys or would you like me to add more Yoongi and less of Y/n's friends and family issues? Just asking because I'd like to know. I'm not changing anything here.
Have a good day/night?<3
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