~Chapter 3~
As, I hung up I sighed deeply. I might as well jump in the shower. And, here I am, singing my sorrows away in the shower. Somehow, singing is the only thing that can comfort me when I'm depressed like this. I jumped out of the shower and blow dried my hair. I put it up into a messy bun and slipped into a pair of jeans and black converse. I threw on a grey top with a black hoodie over it.
I walked out the door, preparing for the 5 block walk to Cream's house.
I finally reached her house from what seemed like forever. I haven't been outside in ages and it feels as if the world keep changing and didn't need me anymore. I knocked on the door and Knuckles opened the door with a slight smirk. "Hey Amy. Where's your gift for Cream?" I face palmed, with made Knuckles smirk wider. "Oh give her a break, Knuckie." Rouge says pulling me into the house. "Besides you shouldn't be talking. You didn't bring a gift either" Knuckles blushed a deep scarlet red as Rouge pulled me through our crowd of friends.
I bumped into Cream. "Amy! So glad you could make it!" "I wasn't going to miss my friends 13th birthday. What kind of friend would I be?" Cream laughed. "Hey! Did ya want to see Sonic?" I nodded my head and just as his name was mentioned, my boyfriend Sonic appeared. Gee, I haven't seen him in, what, 2 months because of my depression? "Ames!" Sonic says practically tackling me in a hug. "How are you? I've missed you" "I'm okay, I guess" Sonic smiles at me knowingly. "I know you've been going threw depression. I hope your a bit better" I nod my head as he smiles.
"Hey! Who wants to play motha?" Tikal says as everyone already starts to form a circle. Sonic looks at me. "Do you want to play? I'll be beside you the whole time" So, I reluctantly sat in between Sonic and Amber. The game went on until it was only me and 5 other people. Then, everyone died, but me. Thi- this situation ju- just reminds me too much of my past. I am the only one that isn't dead, like me being the only one left in my family. I started to tear up. I quickly stood up. "Ames? Where are you going?" But, I didn't listen, I bolted out of the party. I didn't want anyone to see me cry.
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