Chapter 27: Meeting with the Headmaster
Professor Snape's fears were proven valid the next day at breakfast. Hedwig delivered a note to Harry with the morning post.
At your earliest convenience today, please visit me in my office, I have some things to discuss with you.
Albus Dumbledore
Headmaster, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Hermione and Draco read the note over Harry's shoulder. They all made sure to keep their expressions neutral.
"You'll have to go after dinner, Harry. The rest of your day is full." He nodded at Hermione.
"Will you help me with the false memories?"
"Sure, but if they aren't ready, don't use them."
"Won't he be more suspicious if my mind is blank?"
"True. Come on, we can work on it." They returned to the Slytherin common room early, leaving them about twenty minutes to work before they had to race to Charms. Hermione tested the Legilimency she had been secretly practicing to view Harry's false memories. She immediately understood what the problem was.
"Harry, you can't just toss a memory forward. Real minds don't work that way. You need to imagine creating a room to house the false memory. The person looking will find the door and the memory. The quicker you create the door and memory, the less protected your mind seems." Harry nodded. That made sense. They decided to let Harry practice making the rooms during class. He was to make a false memory about whatever the instructor was discussing, similar to what he would need to do during a conversation.
He practiced throughout Charms, Quidditch Practice, and lunch, even attempting to keep it up while eating, although that was far more difficult. They left lunch early, ready to put Harry's impromptu practice to the test. Draco began speaking to him, while Hermione attempted to probe his mind. She found that this attempt garnered much more believable results.
"It's much better, Harry. It's not perfect, but I wouldn't expect it to be after a single day of practice. Your best bet, of course, is to try to avoid eye contact in a non-obvious way. Look at his eyebrows or nose for example."
"Won't that make me look guilty, as though I have something to hide?"
"Not if you're focusing o something so close to his eyes. You could also try looking at things around his office. That's just curiosity. Speaking of which? Where is the headmaster's office?"
"I was going to ask Professor Snape to show me. He might be allowed to stay." Hermione gave a noncommittal shrug.
After dinner that evening, Harry had Professor Snape lead him to Dumbledore's office. They took the moving stairs together, and Harry knocked on the door.
"Enter." Harry did so, with the Professor directly behind him.
"Ah, Severus, thank you for escorting Harry here, I appreciate it." The dismissal was obvious, so Professor Snape had not choice but to turn right back around and leave. "Harry, I wanted to apologize for the situation at Hogsmeade. My intention was only to keep you safe. You must forgive an old man for occasional over-protectiveness and forgetfulness." Harry nodded, his eyes taking in the office. He had yet to sit.
Harry turned when he heard an odd squawking. Behind him, seated on a perch, was a gorgeous, red and orange plumed, regal looking bird. He smiled at the bird's beauty, and slowly walked toward it, amazed.
"You're gorgeous!" The bird lowered its head in response, an obvious invitation. Harry reached forward to pet the bird. He was surprised by the jolt of heat that ran up his fingers and arm. Suddenly, he felt a small intrusion in his mind. It was not like when Hermione or Professor Snape had tested his Occlumency skills.
"That's because neither of them are phoenixes. I wanted to ensure you are safe against the mad one who considers himself my familiar. Your mental shields are strong. You should do well." It had taken every ounce of his willpower for Harry to maintain a neutral facial expression. Dumbledore spoke as Harry continued to pet the bird.
"That is Fawkes. He is a phoenix. He must have taken a liking to you. He doesn't usually let people pet him."
"That's because he's an amazing bird. So beautiful."
"Thank you, young one. I sense amazing power in you. Perhaps someday I may become your familiar, but for now it would be too dangerous for you." Harry smiled at Fawkes.
"Harry, please sit, we have much to discuss." He sat.
"How was your visit with the Malfoys, Harry?"
"It was fun, sir. The Malfoys form such a close-knit family. It's great. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy were really nice to me and Alexander."
"Did you by any chance meet Mrs. Malfoy's sister?"
"She has a sister? Why wouldn't she have mentioned that to me? Or Draco, why didn't he mention he had an aunt?" Thus far, Harry had made sure to avoid direct eye contact.
"I'm not sure, Harry. So you never met her?"
"No, sir. Is she important in some way?"
"No, of course not, Harry. I'm just surprised is all. How were the Christmas parties?"
"They were a lot of fun, sir. It was nice to meet everyone." Harry finally met Dumbledore's eye, knowing he could give him a bit of the parties to minimize his suspicion. He had created the false memories before meeting the headmaster's eyes. Almost instantly, he felt the intrusion in his mind. He could feel the headmaster's joy at finding the memory, and then his disappointment at the lack of useful information.
"What did you get for Christmas?"
"Well, lots of candy, books, a cloak, and a couple of other things. Alexander made me a custom ink and quill set." Harry created a false memory of his gifts, mixed in with real memories of his gifts, and planted it for the headmaster to find, which he did.
"That's good, Harry. I also wanted to ensure your classes are going well. You aren't having any problems are you?"
"No, sir, not at all."
"That's good, Harry." He took a quick glance at his desk. "Goodness! It's gotten late; I'll ask Severus to take you back to the Slytherin common room." He threw some Floo powder into the fireplace and called for the Potions master.
"Severus, would you be so kind as to escort Harry back to Slytherin house?"
"Of course, Albus. Come along, Harry." Harry said good-bye to the headmaster, still somewhat surprised that Dumbledore had been so obvious about what information he wanted. As soon as they were off the moving staircase, Professor Snape spoke up.
"How obvious was he, Harry?"
"Very obvious, Sir. He asked several times if I had met her." Professor Snape nodded.
"Well, he didn't seem very suspicious, so you must have done well.
"Yes, Harry?"
"Why doesn't Fawkes like the headmaster?"
"I wasn't aware that the bird felt that way. Fawkes has been with Albus as long as we can remember. How were you made aware of that fact?"
"He spoke to me. Well, sort of. He said he would like to be my familiar when it won't put me in danger of the headmaster."
"Then you have acquired a very powerful ally, Harry." They had arrived at Slytherin house. "Have a good night."
"Good-night, Professor Snape." Harry spoke the password and met his friends inside. He told them all about his meeting with the headmaster, giving them all a good laugh.
"He's so transparent."
"What an idiot."
"I'm proud of you, Harry. That was some excellent use of false memories."
"Thanks, Mia."
"He must have been really surprised, or disappointed, or both." They kept up the conversation until Theodore joined them in the room, ready for bed. Hermione politely excused herself and went to her room to sleep. The boys followed her example, wondering what the next day would bring.
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