Chapter 26: Back to School
The next day, they all dutifully wrote their formal letters of thanks to their friends. The Malfoys hired a large number of owls for the day to deliver all the letters. They all finished in time for lunch, after which, Harry finished his star chart with the help of Greg's gift.
Harry couldn't believe how quickly the holidays were going. They were more than halfway through. The days seemed to be passing more quickly now as well. Before he knew it, they were preparing for the New Year's Eve party. Draco explained that the honor (and the cost) was taken in turns by the most notable wizarding families in England. This year, it had fallen to the Nott family. They all dressed in their best robes and Apparated to Nott Manor.
It was a great party. Harry was surprised by the similarities it held to muggle New Year's Eve parties. Although Harry had never attended any, he had heard plenty from his cousin about them. They counted down the New Year, all pulling crackers as the New Year hit. They then moved to the ballroom to dance the night away.
The Malfoy party finally returned home around five in the morning. Harry slept until noon, and probably would have slept later if his mother hadn't woken him for lunch.
The holidays continued to fly by until, finally, it was time to return to Hogwarts. Harry packed up his belongings and enjoyed his final formal meal with the Malfoys for the time being.
The next morning, Harry and Bella shared a tearful good-bye. Harry the said goodbye to his little sister as well. As did Alexander, who had grown rather attached to her. The Malfoys then Apparated Harry, Draco, and Alexander to King's Cross. Bella didn't think she'd be able to say good-bye at the station without revealing their relationship, so she was staying behind with Violet. Harry finally managed to calm her down by reminding her of the mirrors. Finally, at half past ten, they made it to King's Cross.
Harry, Draco and Alexander gleefully greeted their friends, and even managed to introduce Draco's parents to the Grangers. It went better than expected, the Malfoys mostly asking the Grangers about their work and feelings about Hermione being a witch.
The Grangers admitted that the revelation was quite a shock, but they were very proud to have a witch in the family, and considered it an honor to be able to experience even just a part of the wizarding world with her.
Finally, the conductor called for everyone to board. They all bade good-bye to the Malfoys and the Grangers and clamored onto the train and the compartment they had claimed.
The five friends relaxed and shared stories about their holidays. Finally after the food trolley had passed, Hermione acknowledged that she had received Draco's message. She pulled out a piece of parchment.
"I didn't want to respond in case it was read by the wrong person, but I found this in my research. Listen: The ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making the Sorcerer's Stone, a legendary substance with astonishing powers. The stone will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal. There have been many reports of the Sorcerer's Stone over the centuries, but the only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicolas Flamel, the noted alchemist and opera lover. Mr. Flamel, who celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday last year, enjoys a quiet life in Devon with his wife, Perenelle (six hundred and fifty-eight). See?" said Hermione, "The dog must be guarding Flamel's Sorcerer's Stone! I bet he asked Dumbledore to keep it safe for him, because they're friends and he knew someone was after it, that's why he wanted the Stone moved out of Gringotts!"
"A stone that makes gold and stops you from ever dying!" said Harry. "Anyone would want it."
"And no wonder we couldn't find Flamel in that Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry," said Greg. "He's not exactly recent if he's six hundred and sixty-five, is he?"
"Very true, Greg," said Hermione.
"D'you suppose Professor Snape was truly after it, though?" asked Alexander. "I mean, there's sure to be another explanation, right?" They all looked at each other, unwilling to admit what they were all fairly certain was true.
When they arrived at Hogsmeade, they all piled into one carriage again. As they exited the carriage and scurried inside out of the cold, they heard the voice of the last person they wanted to see at that point.
"Harry, I need to speak with you."
"I'm really tired, Professor Snape. Is there any way it can wait until tomorrow?"
"No, Harry, I'm sorry. It needs to be now. Miss Granger, perhaps you should come as well." They looked to each other, confused, then followed him to office. He waved them to the chairs, then cast several spells, before sitting behind his desk.
"So, what is this about, Professor?"
"Well, Hermione, as Harry already knows, and you may be aware, Bellatrix asked me to continue your education in Occlumency. Harry, Bellatrix said you have moved on to projecting false images. Hermione, how far have you progressed?"
"Last time I saw Mrs. Riddle, she said I did rather well at blocking her. However, she warned me that it would be much harder to keep you out."
"Very well, I would like to test each of you, to ensure you will be able to withstand the Headmaster should he call you in for a meeting. I will start with you, Harry. Legilimens." The moment Harry heard the word, he fortified his already strong mental walls. He called forward an image of himself having an argument with Hermione. He could feel when Professor Snape withdrew from his mind.
"Very good, Harry. You should have no problem keeping Dumbledore out. However, your false memories aren't entirely convincing yet, so try to avoid him if possible. We'll work on those next time. Otherwise, well done."
"Thank you, Sir."
"Now, for Hermione. Legilimens." Hermione did not need to fortify her mental shields. She always kept them at their strongest so she could not be caught off guard. She knew that her magic would adjust, and that with time she would not even notice her shields in place.
She could feel Professor Snape poking at her mental walls, so she created a door for him to enter and planted a false memory of having met the Malfoys, one in which they turned her out of the house. She knew when he found the false entrance. She could even feel his disappointment at having found one—until he saw the memory. He immediately withdrew from her mind.
"That was brilliant Hermione."
"Thank you, Sir."
"That memory was very believable. We may be able to move you on to Legilimency soon. Harry, please work with Hermione. Hermione, I'd like you to walk Harry through how you created that false memory. We need to adjourn for the evening. If your housemates ask, we were discussing the event with the headmaster. That reminds me, ten points to Slytherin, Hermione, for such perfect recall. We shall meet once a week for Occlumency lessons. I will let you know they are to be held at breakfast the morning of our meeting. Next week, Harry, I will show you the differences between your memory and Hermione's memory so you understand why yours seemed unbelievable. It was not the content of your memory. However, well done, both of you. I am very impressed. Now, let me escort you back to your dormitory." They all stood, and he removed the spells cast earlier in the evening.
When Harry and Hermione were safely ensconced in the boys' dormitory with Draco, Greg, and Vince, they explained why Professor Snape had asked to speak to them.
"Why aren't you three in the lessons with us?"
"Well, we were taught Occlumency from a very young age, Mia. Most pure blood families teach their children Occlumency."
"Oh, that makes sense." Hermione left for the girls' dormitory soon after, wanting to be at her best for their first day back to classes. Following her example, the four boys got ready for bed and went to sleep soon after she had left.
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