Chapter 17: Halloween
The weeks continued to speed by for Harry and his friends. They continued to excel in their classes, amassing house points thanks to their hard work. They continued the Sunday training sessions, and were eventually joined by their fellow housemates.
As originally anticipated, they began working on spellwork in Charms by the end of September. Their first assigned spell was 'Wingardium Leviosa', the levitation charm. Harry, Hermione, Draco, Greg, and Vince earned their house ten points for all accomplishing the charm on the first try.
They had moved on to disarming in defense. Needless to say, the five friends mastered that on the first try as well. They earned another five points for that. There had been no repeat of the odd questions from Professor Quirrell, although Harry swore he saw the Professor staring at him sadly several times.
Quidditch practices continued to go well. Marcus had specifically set practices during class times so others couldn't watch them train. He'd even managed the have the flying class moved. It now took place on the field near the Forbidden Forest. It transpired that Hermione was not particularly fond of flying, despite some natural aptitude. She still found it odd to ride a broom.
When Harry woke on Halloween morning, he found it hard to believe that he'd been at Hogwarts two months. The castle felt more like home than Privet Drive ever had. His lessons, too, were becoming more and more interesting since they had mastered the basics.
As they emerged from their dormitory, they were greeted with the delicious smell of baking pumpkin wafting through the corridors. As it was a Saturday, the first Hogsmeade weekend of the year was being held. Draco was rather put out that first years were unable to visit Hogsmeade.
"It doesn't matter much anyway, Draco. I have Quidditch practice."
"Actually, Harry, you don't. I've cancelled it for today." Harry turned to look at Marcus.
"Really? Ok then. I guess I'll see you at dinner."
"Sure. Bye, Harry." Marcus joined the line of students queuing up to head to Hogsmeade. As Harry and his friends walked back to the common room, Draco started complaining again.
"I don't see why first years can't go!"
"Draco, it's the rules."
"But they don't give us a reason for those rules, Hermione."
"Well, I suppose we are considered too young."
"Do you really believe that?"
"Well, they must have a good reason."
"Come on, Hermione. You must be dying to visit the only entirely non-muggle settlement in Britain." Hermione's eyes were sparkling. Harry had a bad feeling he knew where this was going.
"Is it really? That does make it more exciting."
"Oh yes. And it's the site of the Shrieking Shack, which is rumored to be the most haunted building in Britain."
"Goodness, that sounds wonderful. I suppose it is a shame we can't see it."
"Well, we could. But I'm sure you wouldn't risk breaking the rules for something as silly as the site of the goblin rebellion headquarters."
"Oh!" Harry could tell Draco had been planning this for a while. He shook his head and sat down on his bed to await the inevitable conclusion. He watched as Draco pulled out the map, activated it, and started pointing out the hidden passageways.
"There's even this awesome passageway that leads right into Honeydukes. No one would see us." Harry could see the mental battle Hermione was having with herself.
"Come on, Mia," Draco urged. "I'll take you to the bookstore."
"Oh. I'd love some new books. But what if someone sees us?"
"Don't worry about that, Mia. We'll wear hats, no one will look twice."
"You've really thought this out, haven't you?"
"Of course. Now, will you go? Please, Mia?"
"Ok." Before Hermione could change her mind, they were all in heavy jumpers and walking up to the entrance to the secret passageway. Using the map, they avoided everyone and managed to make it into the passageway unseen.
None of them spoke much as they hurried along. Finally, after ages of walking and what felt like hundreds of steps, they emerged in the basement of the sweet shop. They carefully made their way up to the shop proper, carefully blending in with the other students as they emerged. They all quickly pulled on the hats they had brought with them.
They all bought some sweets, careful not to buy anything only available at Honeydukes. They decided to claim the sweets were from Draco's parents. They visited the bookstore next. Hermione purchased several books which she had sent as a birthday present to a "friend" at school. They would be delivered on Tuesday.
Their last stop was the Three Broomsticks to try some butterbeer. They changed their mind when they saw how full it was. They even saw several instructors. They were sure to be spotted if they went in.
"I saw another pub by the bookstore." They backtracked, looking for the pub Hermione had spotted. It was, indeed, just two shops down from the bookstore. They took a quick peek inside. They didn't see a single person from Hogwarts, despite it being slightly crowded.
Once inside The Hog's Head, they all sat in a dark, shadowy corner. Not long after they sat, another group came in. Draco obviously recognized several of them. He quickly turned so his back was to the group.
"What's wrong, Draco?" Harry whispered, not wanting to draw attention to his friend.
"Those are friends of my father. I can't let them see me." To his horror, the men sat relatively close to the friends.
Harry was about to suggest they try to leave unnoticed when the men started speaking.
"Do you suppose it's true? Do you truly think he may rise again?"
"Hush! You fool! Now is neither the time or place."
"He must want to be reunited with his son."
"Well, of course. I'm sure he's as anxious to see the boy again as his wife is."
"How do you suppose he'll take it?"
"Well, Dumbledore's got his clutches on the boy, and none of us knows why he has such an interest in him. It is said he even took the boy school shopping. He has never done such a thing before."
"But the boy is destined to..."
"Forgive me."
"Do you think he will believe the truth when it is told to him?"
"Merlin only knows. The entire wizarding world believes him to be the son of the..."
"AVERY! What have I said?"
"Of course, I will stay silent." Harry turned to his friends, confused.
"Did Professor Dumbledore take you school shopping, Mia?"
"Why would he do that, Harry? The headmaster doesn't take students school shopping."
"He took me." Harry spoke so quietly that his friends could barely hear him.
"What?" They were all staring at Harry, incredulous.
"Do you think they're talking about me?" Harry nodded at the group of men, leaving his friends with no doubt about whom he was referring to. Draco nodded slowly. Harry listened in on the whispered conversation more carefully.
"Who is charged with informing him?"
"I'm not sure. I had thought Severus, surely, but that does not seem to be the case."
"Has Be..."
"You are not to mention names!"
"Forgive me. Has our mistress said anything?"
"No, she has not given any orders. However, she has been more cheerful of late. She says she can feel that her husband will soon return."
"As a bonded pair, she would know. Does she know where we can find him?"
"If she does, she has told no one. She wishes to meet her son first. She expects to meet him at Christmas. She has asked her nephew to invite him home for the holidays."
"It will be a joy to have the young master returned to us. He needs to meet his family, his real family."
"We must leave. She will be expecting us soon." The men rose and left, leaving a stunned group of friends in their wake. Harry turned to Draco.
"Was all of that true? Do I have a real family?"
"I cannot tell you, Harry. I am sorry."
"So you don't know?" Draco remained silent. Harry remembered what Draco had said about his Aunt Bella. Was that who that man had been about to name? "Draco, are you my cousin?" Draco once again did not answer. "Are you unable to answer because you don't know, or because you aren't allowed to tell me?" As Draco remained silent again, Hermione took over the conversation.
"We should get back before anyone misses us." When neither Harry nor Draco made any move to leave, Hermione grabbed Draco's hand and pulled. "Come on, Draco, let's go." She finally succeeded in pulling Draco to his feet, and moved around the table to pull Harry up. However, Harry stood on his own and they walked slowly back to Honeydukes.
No one said a word as they snuck back down into Honeydukes' basement and back into the secret passageway. They were silent during the entire walk back to Hogwarts. Draco checked the map at the exit, and nodded that they were ok to climb out.
"With the professors all visiting, not to mention the possibility of coming across other adults who know us," here Mia stopped to give Draco a pointed look, "we'd best not visit again until our third year and we're allowed to. I think it's too risky."
"I agree with you, Mia," said Draco. "I wouldn't want to risk the punishment we're sure to get if we're caught."
That agreed upon, they kept quiet as they walked down to the Great Hall for dinner. Harry's mind was still on the conversation they had overheard at the Hog's Head. Their problems were momentarily forgotten, however, as they walked into the Great Hall.
A thousand live bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling while a thousand more swooped over the tables in low black clouds, making the candles in the pumpkins stutter. They sat at the far end of the Slytherin table, not feeling like talking much. The feast appeared suddenly on the golden plates, as it had at the start-of-term banquet.
The baked potatoes had just reached Harry when Professor Quirrell came sprinting into the hall, his turban askew and terror on his face. Everyone stared as he reached Professor Dumbledore's chair, slumped against the table, and gasped, "Troll — in the dungeons — thought you ought to know." He then sank to the floor in a dead faint.
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