Chapter 16: Relaxing Sunday, Or Not
Sunday passed quickly and uneventfully for the group of friends. Draco, Gregory, and Vincent began teaching Harry and Hermione several different wizard games. They started with wizard's chess. Hermione especially enjoyed it. She was fascinated with the "live" pieces and how they could give advice.
Harry, having never played muggle chess, was less enthusiastic. He quickly moved on to learning Exploding Snap and Gobstones with Vincent and Gregory. They took all of the games back inside and left them in the boys' room before heading off to lunch. Alexander made his way over to the table and sat down besides Harry. Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall had both given him permission to do so, given that he was going to do it whether or not they said he could. As they piled food on their plates, Hermione spoke.
"What should we do this afternoon?" They all looked at each other. Vincent and Gregory shrugged and continued eating. Hermione's eyes narrowed. "Well, if you can't come up with anything, perhaps we should spend some quality time in the library."
"Well, we could take a walk around the lake," said Alexander. Harry nodded.
"We could explore the grounds," said Draco. Even Vincent suddenly had an idea.
"Why don't we ask Professor Snape if we can use an open classroom to practice spellwork? We could get ahead of everyone and earn extra house points." They all stared. Hermione was the first to recover.
"That does actually sound like fun."
"If we practice defense, we can put the Gryffindors to shame. No offense Alexander." He said sheepishly. Alexander just winked at Harry.
"Good point, Harry. I vote for Vince's plan," said Draco.
"We can talk to Professor Snape after dinner." Harry suddenly turned to Vincent. "Do you prefer to be called Vince?" Vincent smiled.
"Yeah, I do."
"Oh, well, good to know, Vince. Anyone else have a preferred nickname the rest of us should know about?"
"I prefer Greg."
"I go by Flea."
"Flea?" Harry asked. Alexander nodded.
"Flea was Pop's nickname, and I like it."
"Okay. You're Flea."
"My parents call me Mia."
"Ok, Mia it is then," said Draco. "If I said I preferred 'Your Majesty' would you call me that?" Harry snorted.
"No, but I might compromise at your royal arse-ness." They all laughed heartily.
"Ok, ok, it's a bit much, I'll admit. I'll just have to stick with Draco.
"Good choice." They finished dinner relatively quietly, keeping an eye out for when Professor Snape left. The six friends surrounded him just outside the Great Hall. They had elected Harry as spokesman for their group, as Professor Snape obviously had a soft spot for him.
"Professor, may we speak with you a moment?"
"Of course, Harry. What can I do for you all?"
"Well, we were wondering if we might make use of one of the empty classrooms to practice our spellwork."
"On a Sunday afternoon?"
"Yes, Sir." They all nodded emphatically.
"Very well, follow me." He led them to a classroom near the Slytherin common room. "You may utilize this classroom until dinner time. I will stop by on my way to the Great Hall to lock it."
"Thank you, Professor."
"You're welcome, Harry." As Professor Snape left the room, Vince and Greg started moving the desks out of the way. Hermione excused herself to get her books.
"Wait, Mia! I'll go get mine."
"Are you sure, Harry?"
"Positive. I'll be right back." Harry raced to the dorm, muttered the password, and dashed to his room to collect his books. He grabbed The Standard Book of Spells and Magical Theory.
He hurried back, but was stopped just around the corner from the room when someone stepped in front of him.
"Hello, Harry."
"Professor Quirrell? Um...can I help you?"
"I'd like a quick word, Harry." He looked down at the books Harry was holding. "My, you are dedicated, aren't you?"
"My friends and I are practicing our spellwork."
"Well, quite admirable. I am sure you are going to continue to do very well, Harry."
"Thank you, Sir. If there's nothing else..."
"Actually, Harry, there is one more thing. You lived with Muggles before you came here, correct?"
"Yes, sir. My aunt and uncle."
"They're not!...Er...That is to say, they are not magical in any way?"
"No, Sir. They despise anything relating to magic."
"The fools. Well, I imagine you are enjoying living at the castle, then."
"Yes, Sir." Harry wondered where the conversation was going.
"Harry?" It was Draco. "Oh, hello Professor, I was looking for Harry. He was supposed to be back in the room ages ago so we could practice."
"Oh, forgive me. I detained Harry. You two had best head back to the room. I'll be on my way." Draco waited until he and Harry were with the other three to ask questions.
"What did he want this time?"
"He asked about where I lived before Hogwarts."
"Why did he ask about that?"
"I don't know."
"Harry," said Hermione. "I think you should tell Professor Snape about this. It's getting very odd. A professor should not ask such personal questions."
"I don't want to cause any problems."
"Harry, don't worry about that. You're uncomfortable. That's unfair to you. Talk to Professor Snape when he comes back." Flea said firmly.
"You guys are right. I will. Now, let's get to work, we've wasted enough time." The five friends practiced levitation charms, door locking and unlocking charms, the severing charm, disarming, and stunning. Professor Snape came by to lock up as they were practicing stunning. They all stopped and looked up as the heard clapping.
"Impressive. For your dedication and aptitude, I award you five house points." The six friends grinned, already their plan was working. "Now, come along, it is time for dinner."
"Draco," asked Harry. "Would you please take my books?" Realizing what Harry planned, Draco acquiesced. As soon as his four friends were out of the room, Harry turned back to Professor Snape.
"I'm going to guess there is something you wish to speak to me about, Harry."
"Yes, Sir. I don't want to cause trouble, but Hermione and Draco both thought it would be best for me to speak to you."
"This sounds serious. Do we need to adjourn to my office?"
"No, Sir, this should be fine. It's about Professor Quirrell, Sir. He's cornered me alone several times to ask very, personal questions. He's asked me if I remember my parents, and about living with my aunt and uncle. He also asked if I remembered anything about the night my parents were murdered."
"Is that precisely what he asked?" Harry thought Professor Snape sounded strained. However, now that he thought about it, it was not how Professor Quirrell had asked.
"No, Sir. He asked if I remembered anything about the night I got my scar."
"I see. Well, Harry. I take it these questions made you feel uncomfortable?"
"Yes, Sir. I hope I'm not being a bother in having come to you."
"Of course not, Harry. I am your Head of House. You should come to me with concerns like these. I will see what can be done about this. Somehow, I doubt simply speaking to Professor Quirrell would do the trick. And besides, I'd like to understand why he is asking these questions of you, especially as they are of such a personal nature. Now, it is time for dinner, Harry. Why don't you go join your friends?"
"Thank you, Sir. I will." Feeling considerably better, Harry made his way to dinner and sat down between Draco and Vince. He told them all about what had happened with Professor Snape and they ate dinner in relative silence. Near the end of dinner, Marcus Flint stopped by and handed Harry the schedule copy he had provided Marcus the day before. It now had Quidditch practices added.
"I had you excused from flying class, Harry. It seemed rather superfluous under the circumstances."
"Oh, ok. Thanks, Marcus."
"I'll see you later Harry."
"Bye." Harry took a good look at his schedule. Quidditch practices were Mondays from 10:15 to 11:45, Thursdays from 1:15 to 2:45, and Saturdays from 9 to 12.
"Goodness, Harry, you're going to have to work extra hard to get all of your homework finished. Are you sure you can handle it all?"
"Well, Marcus offered to help, and to give me some pointers if I need it. And besides, I've got you, Mia. I'm sure I'll make it through. You'll make certain I get my work done." Hermione smiled.
"Good point." They all made their way to the common room after dinner. They had a pleasant conversation with the rest of the students in their year, speculating about what else the year would bring.
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