The office was quiet then again at three in the morning I guess that was to be expected. I sat at my desk and was finishing typing the story of the day. Drugs bust in salem bay. It was the largest seizure ever and occurred forty odd minutes ago. I was down there myself in the cold wind and rain.
My week was done or so I thought. I was looking forward to spending some quality time with me dog scarlet a take out and a glass of malt for a really happy hour before bed.
Entering the room was the honest yet troubled night watch man ivan yan. Ivan was a nice man who did his job well. He like all had his demons and his biggest flaw was the fact he was a vodka obsessed gambler.
Anways ivan approached me and I noticed in his hand was a light brown a4 envelope. Not sure what it was but I was curious.
Still at it? Ivan asked me in his husky voice. His pink hair was different to say the least in a progressive new world.
Still at it I say back what's that you have there?
This came by when I was taking a leak. Ivan went on to say some hooded man left it for you I checked the cameras but there was no clear shot of his face he also wore gloves.
Thats for me?
It has your name on the front ed I examined it put it through the xray machine you know the usual checks found nothing suspicious so I bring it to your attention.
It was then did ivan hand me the envelope that had piqued my curiosity.
Will that be all? Ivan then asked.
I guess was my candid reply. I'll probably be gone soon so you and earl will have the building all to yourselves.
Well best get back down and have the cup before it gets cold. See you ed.
See you ivan.
I waited until ivan had left my eyes pursued him to the elevator and when it was just me i opened the envelope.
It was a sheet of line paper with dire writing I could just make out the words before my eyes.
Dearest ed
How are you?
I'm a fan of what you write and what you write is often the truth. So i suppose you would appreciate an introduction. I am the individual who will bring about the first wave of terror. Please stay calm. What do I hope to accomplish. A free state here in the republic of salem. A state where anything goes. You do have an option or two. Keep this letter to yourself and bring it to your editor and chief or feel fear and approach the police. Personally I'd like you to choose the former. I see you as a co collaborator. The first crime has been committed. The assisination of jefferson slick.
Make of that what you will.
Fondest regards
Son of Salem.
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