Estelle Bronwyn
I knocked on Rio's door, ready for another day of school. Feint noises of exclaims and shrieks were on the other side along with loud footsteps; Rio said his mornings were usually hectic. Waiting, I admired his leaf infested garden. The pond fountain in the middle had been engulfed by fragmented yellow and orange leaves. I hope the frogs, who made it their home, were okay.
The door swung open and soon after came Mrs Valdez. The first thing I noticed was her frizzed her that was usually straightened and also her wild and fiery eyes that stared upon me,
"Oh Estelle," Her eyes softened, "How can I help you?"
"I was wondering if I could get a ride to school, at least for a few days" Truth is, I couldn't stand my father now. I'm not that petty to get angry at someone for not answering my calls and messages but since it's my father we're talking about, I am annoyed.
She tilted her head, "What about your father? Is his car not working?"
"It's working perfectly fine," I said angelically. She was expecting more of explanation as we stayed in silence. It wasn't for long however when she nodded her head,
"That's fine, we can stay in the car whilst you wait. He may take a while"I nodded and we both made our way to her car, hearing crunched noises beneath our feet.
Rio did take his sweet time, to the point we were almost running late. Mrs Valdez was about to call him but fortunately made his appearance jogging over to us. He sunk next to his mom, buckling his belt.
"It's not good to keep Estelle waiting," His mom warned him. I even told him the day before so he wouldn't be late but life does happen.
He let out a heavy sigh, "Sorry it was just my Abuela and-"
"Your sisters, yes I understand" I cut off, smiling warmly. The car began to move and sparked a question I wanted to ask him,
"Oh yeah, how's your driving lessons going?" The question also peaked the interest of Mrs Valdez.
"I've only failed my theory twice," He shrugged.
"Only twice?" I reiterated. Mrs Valdez exhaled deeply, I had a feeling she's already proclaimed her thoughts.
"But a theory test ain't gonna stop Rio" He said smugly, speaking in third person. Thinking about it, maybe I need to start driving so I don't need to call my dad every time I'm out. It'd be much more beneficial for both of us...but with what money?
At the end of the school day, I made my way to the swimming pool. Levi confirmed the first coaching session with Theo was today and, of course, I had to be there. Julia chose to follow me also to keep me company she said. I didn't mind; I was mainly going to sketch and do my homework anyways.
When we arrived, Levi was in the pool with Theo only wearing shorts and a whistle hanging around his neck. Theo flickered a smirk at me as we sat on the first benches, close to the them.
"Thanks for coming again," I whispered to Julia.
"Don't want you and Levi left alone with Theo of all people," She nudged my shoulder. We watched them for a little while; Theo was adamant on correcting Levi's form, starting with the backstroke and then the butterfly stroke.
"Now, the butterfly stroke is easily the most intimidating" He said when Levi got out of the pool "But as long as you have resilience and concentrate, it'll get better. Try it out." Levi nodded and splashed into the pool, using both his arms and legs to swim through the water. Although, it suddenly went awry when he flailed his arms around like a headless chicken.
Theo blew the whistle sending a loud shriek to echo in the room.
"Don't the team have practice today?" Julia asked, taking out out her English literature Homework.
"Levi said they have these on-land practices once a week where they do athletics and workout in the gym. It's usually later on in the day" Before his first game, he wouldn't shut up about swimming at dinner. Going on and on about the rules to dad to the point I went to the living room for some peace and quiet. Somehow, the rules and practices are cemented in my brain. I decided to also do my homework whilst flickering in their direction every once in a while.
Almost an hour past and we were still here. I guess it was nice having time to finish any homework before the deadline but the occasional yelling and commands and the whistle blowing didn't help our train of thought so I stopped and viewed the session.
My eyes stayed on Theo, watching his every move. I never noticed the silver ring on his left hand shining in the bright lit auditorium; or the veins meandering around his calves. He probably goes to the gym every day to get veins popping out in random places. God, I'm so bored to the point I'm freely staring at Theo Waterston's body.
"You finished looking at me 'Stella?" He belt out, smirking right at me. My face flushed along with my body growing warm. Julia's head shot up.
"I was looking at how the session was going" I cleared my throat, watching Levi swimming on his back.
"Then I'm glad you know where to look at"
I ignored his words and went on my phone; the less eye contact the better.
"Good Levi, keep it up" He praised.
"I didn't expect him to do this." Julia said calmly.
I somewhat agreed, "Yeah me neither, he's a decent coach, not too harsh." I gazed at him as he ran his hand through his tousled hair, "I mean at least he has a soul and isn't just an-"
"What? An asswipe?" Julia grinned.
"No, he's still one. Just a little less now" I said returning back a hopeful smile. Theo and Levi do a bro hug and it got me wondering why Theo was shirtless in the first place.
I glanced at Julia shaking her head and green earrings in the shape of a pearl, "It's weird."
"What is?"
"All of this. I've known Theo since middle school, there has to be a clear motive he has" She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms loosely. But her comment did make sense. I haven't known him for that long at all yet, he would be the type of person to have one. What is he getting out of this?
"Maybe he's just trying to help his teammates and win the championship that's coming soon," I suggested offering a shrug.
"Or maybe he wants to please a pretty face" She said innocently. I scoffed at her, not a single word she said I believed. Of course, his actions and words play on to what she said but he's teasing me: that's it.
"You're not funny" I laughed to myself as I packed my sketchbook away.
She scrunched her face slightly, "It's Theo we're talking about. Why would it be funny?"
"He's going out with Blair and even if they aren't together It'd be dumb for him to try something with me when he's going to get a big fat no"
Julia hummed, satisfied.
Guys like him are untrustworthy and there's a lot of them in this generation. They'll excite you for a little bit, take care of you maybe even love bomb you before unexpectedly leaving you and making you picking up the pieces they clearly caused. Why get a boyfriend when you have yourself. You'll never be left alone. And I certainly don't want Theo.
The session concluded and Levi left to change. Theo was on his phone texting away. I didn't want to leave without sharing my gratitude.
He glanced at me walking over and turned off his phone slipping it in his pocket.
"I could get used to this coaching thing" He said licking his lower lip.
" I really appreciate you doing this but you must have your reasons obviously,"
"I'll do anything to win every swim meet and competition" He said lowering his eyebrows "Why else would I be doing this?"
I gripped to my backpack, "I don't know, to get on my good side or something"
"Thought I was already on your good side?"
"Since when?"
"Estelle, let's go!" Julia called from behind. I waved Theo off, thanking him once more.
"Where you guys going?" Theo said as Julia and I made it to the double doors.
"We're going to meet Walker at work" I replied turning around.
"Can I come?"
Julia and I shared a look. All of a sudden Theo wanted to go with us?
Confused, I hesitantly said, "Sure"
"You can come but you're driving us there" I agreed with what Julia said, Walker's bakery was a little far from school. He went to his bag to put on a black shirt, Julia didn't wait for him and left.
I saw Levi just leave the changing rooms.
"Can you tell dad to pick up his phone today, I'm going out" I told him and he flashed me a thumbs up.
Awkwardly, Julia and I followed Theo to the car park stopping at the same car that Tyson drove me in a yesterday night. So it was his car all along. However, pondering on it would waste time and we both sat at the back of the car leaving the seat next to Theo empty.
Filly's bakery
It said on the front of the shop in neon red. A bell chimed as I opened the transparent door; the smell of freshly baked bread overwhelmed me and a small tinge of cinnamon and vanilla. The place lightly lit, large rectangular windows offering light to enter. It was packed and full of chatters from the public; most tables were surrounded by all kinds of people, smiling and laughing whilst enjoying their baked goods and being served by a female worker who looked our age with bright pink hair.
My gaze cascaded to the counter where Walker leaned on it, scrolling through his phone.
"Using your phone on the job?" I asked playfully.
"What you guys doing here?" He said as his eyes lit up, however it grew into a confused look "With Theo..." The black haired boy stood next to me, glancing around the shop. I also did notice the 'employee of the month' over Walker's head. It didn't seem like it was Walker on there, though.
"You good, Walker" Theo gave him a 'bro' handshake.
"You going gym tonight?" Walker asked with a smile. I remember some of the times Walker invited me to go with him. It's not that I don't want to be fit; I just think I have an average body for my age and don't need to change it.
"Might. I got other plans" Walker nodded, understanding. Julia for most of the conversation looked at the baked goods in stock inside the glass container under the counter. I was feeling an ice cream sundae for some reason.
"So what can I get you guys?" He said like a tv presenter.
Julia hummed, "I'll just get lemonade thanks"
"Rocky road sundae" I chimed.
"Yeah i'll get that same as her" Theo shrugged and I managed to contain an eye roll. With the practice session finished, what was his motive now? To annoy Julia and I? I've seen his large group of friends and he doesn't need to add two more.
Walker said our sundaes would take a while so we sat down at the nearest table. Julia sipped on her lemonade with a slice of lemon on the side. A weird silence consumed our table; the voices of others passively filling it. That was until Julia got a phone call.
"Really?" She said concerned "Alright, I'm coming- and no I am not running" She cut the call with a sigh,
"I need to go, my brother needs my help"
"Is everything alright?" I asked furrowing my brows
She flashed me smile, "Yeah of course, I'll see you in school" And off she went, speed walking out of the bakery.
I hoped it wasn't too serious. Her brother was known as a little bit of a troublemaker getting into random affairs.
But as soon as the bell chimed, signifying her exit my eyes widened slightly realizing who was still on the table.
"Looks like it's just the two of us now" He pointed out playfully, pulling his chair closer to mine. And how I got myself in this position? I really don't know.
"Exciting," I commented, smiling lopsided and he chuckled as he went back to looking at his phone. My gaze turned to Walker, who from the counter grinned at me.
"Don't you think Greece is over hyped" He suddenly said, lifting his head up at me. I pondered the question weirdly taking it into account.
I gave him a confused look, "I don't think a country can be over-hyped"
" Like a vacation destination, I mean. Every spring and summer, loads of people go there" He reciprocated a confused glance at me.
"It is a stunning place," I placed my phone down on the table. "The ocean, architecture and history to name a few"
He rested the side of his head on his palm. His dark eyes fixated on me, "Do you believe in Greek mythology?"
I bit my lips, looking afar "No not really. The stories are interesting though,"
"Same, bit of a geek when it comes to it actually" I let out a little snort. Him? A geek? "What?"
"Just never imagined you liking that kind of thing. Out of all things" I would've guessed cars, or a sport fanatic or even a collector of miniature trains.
He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "Guess who's my favorite God"
"Poseidon" I said like I was stating the obvious.
"We look alike don't we?" I mean, there was no point denying it. Theo did have a chiseled, clean jaw and skin that seemed to have not a blemish in sight.
"But your nickname is son of Neptune?"
"I've tried to change it multiple times," he shrugged. "But I don't mind it"
"Of course you don't mind being called a literal God" A smile crept in. We were so into the conversation that we didn't notice the female waiter bring in our sundaes. She was too far away to thank her now.
My sundae was green and minty whereas Theo's had nuts, marshmallows and was dark brown. I tasted it with the plastic spoon I had and grimaced as it stung on my throat,
"This isn't Rocky Road; it's pistachio" Pistachio is not my kind of ice cream flavour. I would Theo pulled it away and brought his ice cream closer, "You can share mine," I glanced at him, not a playful look in sight. A part of me wondered if he was actually being honest but I also wanted some ice cream to enjoy.
"Thanks," I said softly, grabbing my spoon. He cleared his throat as he bought our chairs side to side to the point our shoulders were touching. Our thighs touched for split second and I quickly moved mine away.
I took the first scoop of the ice cream, staring at it in all its glory. Can't wait to eat this. And just as I remembered the chocolate flavour smoothly melted on my tongue and I sighed pleasingly. I glanced to Theo, gazing at me as he also ate his ice cream. I thought he'd stopped after a few seconds yet he watched every time I slipped a scoop in my mouth.
"Is there something on my face?" I suspected, rubbing my cheeks.
He shook his head, "I like it when you smile,"
I wiped my mouth, disguising any ounce of contentment. But when he's smiling widely at you; you can't help but smile back. You could say he was that contagious.
"Just eat the damn ice cream, Theo"
"I love messing with you" He chuckled deeply
I grinned, "Leave me alone"
His eyes became surrounded by crinkles and he licked any rocky road he had on his soft-looking lips.
"Here comes the choo-choo train," He said, imitating a baby voice. I snatched his spoon with ice cream and fed it to him instead and he hummed, satisfied. Ok I admit it, he was pretty cute then. I guess sometimes he can be fine. The noise we were emitting grew a small audience but for some reason, I couldn't care less.
Author's Note:
How do you think the story is going so far
Do you think the two of them can ever fall in love?
Don't forget to Vote and Comment your thoughts!
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