Estelle Bronwyn
That afternoon, my friends and I chose to hang out for longer. Walker suggested going to somewhere casual like burger King; none of us argued. Besides it was the closest fast food place near the school.
"So who's paying?" Rio asked, opening the burger King door. With it containing just one floor, it was smaller compared to other restaurants. The room was bright mainly consumed with the colors red and white decorating the checkered floor, contrasting outside that grew grey and dark. Red booths were orderly set like desks in a school, not many of them but not too little either and a lot and I mean a lot of plants. On the floor; hanging near a 'burger king' sign on the wall. It made it cozier somehow.
"Since you suggested, why don't you pay?" Julia replied. We found a seat in the corner of the shop, away from people already inside talking among themselves.
Rio hummed, "Yeah I will actually. I'm feeling nice."
"That's a first," Walker said as he sat next to me.
"I almost forget to laugh," Rio playfully said with a straight face.
"Since you're paying, I'll get a spicy chicken burger" I said, contently.
Walker shrugged. "Yeah, I'll just have the same but with coke, medium too"
All eyes turned to Julia, resting her chin on her hand.
"I don't want anything thanks,"
Walker surprised, raised his eyebrows, "You sure? You love a good cheesburger"
Julia shook her head with a smile. "Maybe another day,"
"Alright then," Rio said as he drummed on the table, "I'll be back"
As Rio left the rest of us fell into a comfortable silence, mainly watching what Rio was getting up to walking to the counter.
"How do you think Levi is holding up?" Walker sent me a tight-lipped smile. My mind went back to the swim meet and how mortified he looked by the end of it, I wanted to speak to him but I had a feeling he'd push me aside.
"I honestly don't know. He can be unpredictable when it comes to his emotions," I shook my head, "not very good at controlling it"
"In a way we all aren't" Julia said. "For him, it's a way for him to improve and succeed for the next one, even if it means making mistakes"
Walker and I stare at her, taking in her advice.
She hid her face, "Ok can you stop looking at me now" We all knew she smiling after that.
"No, what you were saying was true" Walker reassured.
"It's what my mom likes to tell me at least"
"Moms are the best aren't they" I smiled, looking at the table. Sometimes I wonder how different life would be with her. The cookies she'd make Levi and I most Saturdays and those movie nights full of rom-coms Levi cringed at. The best.
"Great, why are they here," Walker then groaned. I shot my head up and made eye contact with Theo as he and his friends boisterously sat down on a booth near us, they were so loud in fact they probably didn't notice us or the other people in the restaurant eating in peace.
"Is it bad I want to puke every time I see Theo?" Julia admitted, leaving a sour look on her face.
"No, perfect response actually" I grinned. Dude with man-bun suddenly slapped Tyson in the head making everyone else roar in laughter, yet what further disgusted me was the extra girl, Blair, wrapped around Theo's arm. He had his black hood up and could see his wet hair sprinkled on his forehead.
"Let's just focus on ourselves, pretend they're not there" Julia and I reluctantly listened to Walker, focusing back on our table. Rio casually slid back into the booth already going through his phone.
"Look at this guy falling into a public toilet!" Rio laughed, showing his face on display. The advice Walker said flew from my mind seconds later and my eyes somehow, strangely and unfortunately rolled to Theo's table again. I'm just making sure he doesn't do anything silly to us. That's it.
The more Blair moved closer to Theo, the bigger his movements were to push her away. It wasn't large pushes; just shuffles away. I'm surprise they're not eating each other by now.
"Estelle!" Rio caught my attention,
"What's wrong?" I said like I've been listening the whole time.
"Finally, we thought we lost you," Rio said, smiling.
"I just zoned out" I measly shrugged. A few nods went around,
"Usually people zone out by looking at a window, not Theo." I stood upright as Julia said that. Was she staring at me? I mean, I don't think I was being sneaky about it though.
I scoffed, "Don't worry I really wasn't. There'd be nothing to stare at anyway"
Before Julia could reply again a worker called out Rio's order. He swiftly left to grab our food to eat. As he walked past Theo's group, that's when he looked at me. It was brief, however.
The rest of the time here was eating and talking about our plans for the future. Outside became almost pitch black and it was only Seven o'clock but the bright lights inside made it seem like we could stay for much longer.
"I heard about that new horror movie coming out soon called Baby Face-"
"I'm definitely in, " Julia said as her eyes lit up. "When is it?"
"This monf!" I slowly leaned away from Walker and the food he still had in his mouth.
Julia let out a chuckle, "Please finish your food first Walker,"
"He's learning from the best," Rio said proudly, wriggling his eyebrows and the we all, strangely, laughed.
"Yo! Moleni!" Said Mr Tight bun, yelling from Theo's table.
She gradually turned around, her face turning cold. "Is there a problem, Griffin?"
"Luke says he wants kiss ya," He exclaimed, grabbing the poor guy by the neck. What was the reason for this? To wind us up?
Julia flashed them her middle finger, rotating back to us. "A bunch of self-centered assholes" She murmured.
"Yeah don't give them the attention they want," Walker held on to her arm.
"Oh come on, not even a smooch? He's got a big one-"
"Fuck off" Walker spat.
"What was that?" He said, cupping his ear.
I rolled my eyes, "He said to leave her the fuck alone." Their entire group glanced at me, if it wasn't for Theo's usual grin towards me I would've looked away. But that's all they want, attention from us, so I did.
We quickly finished our food, Rio didn't manage drinking his coke but took it with him. We grabbed our belongings and threw our trash in the bin before leaving; that same feeling of when I left the backyard at the party suddenly came back. I bet he was enjoying this but frankly, I couldn't care less.
"Rio and I are going this way," Walker said, pointing behind the restaurant.
Julia looked at me, "I can walk with Estelle so she's not by herself,"
"No it's fine I'll just ask my Dad to pick me up" I flashed her a grateful smile as I turned my phone on. She pulled me into a warm hug which I fully reciprocated back. No one sees this side of Julia but past the hard and cold structure is an amazing human being.
I watched the three of them leave and gave my Dad a ring. I shuffled away from the restaurant, realizing those boys might be watching me standing awkwardly in the cold breeze. Two minutes went past and I was on my 5th attempt of calling him, he should be back from work already and it's not late enough for him to be sleeping right now. I cut the call before it went to voice male and chose another alternative.
Three minutes became five and five minutes back Ten. I was over it now. Shoving my phone in my pocket, I walked off, evey step slighly louder than the next.
"Estelle" I stopped in my tracks, hearing my name come out of the one person I did not want to speak to tonight.
I sighed, "What do you want Theo?" I crossed my arms as I waited for him to catch up to me. I only made it to a road.
"How's Levi holding up?" He asked with his hands in his jogger pockets. I hesitated before replying wondering if this was one of his lame jokes.
"Clearly, he's disappointed and embarrassed but I don't know why you're asking me, he's your teammate"
"He left straight away actually so we couldn't speak to him" He tilted his head, he wore a small frown instead of a grin.
"I'm sure he had his reasons,"
"Look, I understand his frustration," He shrugged. "Swimming's not always easy to do, even one single thought can ruin your race" His eyebrows deeply furrowed, and for once I did see a face of remorse. The softness. Weirdly delicate.
"I'm sure he'd like to hear that now but thanks, Theo" I cleared my throat. Maybe I was too quick to judge him. Everyone is as complex as each other.
"Yeah, especially as someone as inexperienced as him."
I blinked. "What?"
"You could see he was a rookie. His form was all over the place" He said, now raising a single brow.
"At least he dived into the pool, actually tried his best" I raised my voice.
"Yet he still didn't come first," He said rather coldly.
"Then help him become a winner; get the correct form and tips to make his laps quicker" I said, stating the obvious.
"We got coach for that. It's either he improves with her help or not" Instead of yelling at him, I calmed myself down. Today had been a pretty long day, causing an argument would make it longer.
"If you wait for other people to help him he'll never get to the standard you clearly want him to be" And with that I left him, concluding the conversation.
Walking by myself felt nice I suppose, the streets were obviously dim and isolated, the sound of the swishing trees filling the empty silence and cars swooshing past. My phone was near to death so I had to use my imagination to keep me entertained. When I get home, I'm taking a long bath to sooth me before bed. Probably finish drawing the beach from last summer and ending my day off with a bit of Netflix on my bedroom telly.
To pass the time I even started humming a random song from a movie I watched. Forgot the name though but I didn't mind being alone like this. Just me, myself and I. That was until a black car slowly stopped beside me. I backed away and became alert of everything around me. A window rolled down, revealing Tyson grinning from ear to ear.
"Oh, it's just you" I said in relief. For a second there I thought of the worst.
"Did I scare you? I didn't mean to scare you, I promise" He eyes lit up, surprised.
"A little bit. But I'm fine now,"
"You want a ride? You shouldn't be walking by yourself" He offered, unlocking the doors with a little remote. He is offering and it'd be rude to say no.
"Yeah that'd be amazing thanks," I opened the door next him and locked my seat belt. He swiftly drove and there was a slight awkwardness in the car but wasn't unbearable to be in and the feint smell of strawberries and ice cream was nice. I'm glad he didn't try and force a conversation, only when he had to like my address, and let us slump into the silence.
In minutes I arrived home, most of the lights inside were on.
"Thank you so much again," I said, getting out of the car.
"Don't mention it. See you in school" We shared a smile for a little while before he drove away.
I locked the door as I entered my house, heading straight for the stairs. I didn't realize how tired I was as I slowly made my way upstairs.
"Where have you been?" Said my Dad, concern crammed in his voice.
"I've been out with friends," I replied quietly. I stayed where I was, not wanting to get closer to him. His arms were out, confused.
"You had me worried, you need to tell me when you're going places" He ordered seriously, but kept his voice low.
"I called you so many times to pick me up, but you never did," My face grew puzzled. "I even texted you but of course, you weren't there. Ironic isn't it?" I turned away and moved along the stairs,
I heard him sigh, "My phone has been working funny since last week, I apologize,"
"It's fine," I hummed.
"Oh yes by the way, you didn't tell me about Levi's-"
"Night, Dad" I called out. Why would I give him the time of day when he wasn't there for me? He might be trying to improve our relationship but it's clearly not working.
I suddenly bumped into Levi as he got out of the shower,
"Sorry," He murmured. I watched him walk away and I couldn't take it anymore.
"I know you don't want to talk but just look ahead alright?" He stopped for a moment, pondering what I said, nodded and left to go into his room. Sometimes less is more. I mean, I heard that somewhere and hopefully it works, hopefully he can bounce back from this stronger.
He's done it before.
My favorite class came, and what was even better was we'd get our test results back. The exam I revised for most of last week. Julia and I sat at our usual desk, on the front row. As I did, Blair sent me an icy glare like I already ruined her day. If this was about Theo she's got nothing to worry about.
"Hello, hello," Said Mrs Olsen as she slammed the stack of test papers on her desk, "and the answer is yes I have marked your physics test" A few 'yes' filled the room. I decided to keep my excitement inside.
The class became full of students and Mrs Olsen distributed our tests.
"Are you excited for your results," I said, beaming at Julia.
She rested her chin on her hand, "No, not really."
"Mrs who got the highest?" Blair suddenly squeaked next to us. She had a test paper, looking through her answers.
I was given my paper, "Reveal that among yourselves"
She groaned, "So it's me right?"
Mrs Olsen grew a grin, "Actually you'd be surprised to know it wasn't you"
"What? It's always Blair" Said one of her friends as she flicked her strawberry blonde hair.
"If you must now it was Mrs Estelle Bronwyn" Most eyes looked at me and I awkwardly waved around the class. Oh God, why did I do that? The last person I wanted to look at was Blair, smoke is probably steaming through her ears right now.
Julia nudged my shoulder contently, "Well done, you even beat Blair"
"Yeah, well done Estelle. Looks like I met my match" She smiled angelically at me which I returned back, a little more dull. I know I deserved this, I worked for it. But I unfortunately gained the attention of Blair, one of Theo's ex-girlfriends.
Mrs Olsen clapped her hands twice and the noise died down, "Now, we'll be moving away from Space Theory and take a deeper dive on gravity and forces, pay attention"
The rest of the class was slightly boring but was easy to understand. The bell finally made its entrance and I quickly left the room and away from Blair's skeptical glances at me throughout the lesson.
Julia also followed me as we headed to the cafeteria for break.
Tyson, wearing bright red shorts, caught up to us, "How's it going?"
"Boring as always," Julia dulled, Tyson laughed.
"You guys had physics right?" He opened his bag, searching through it.
"Mhm, and we got our test scores back"
"And Estelle got the highest," Julia grinned at me, I sheepishly smiled back. No one ever talks about how to respond when you get praise, it's mainly awkward for me.
Tyson took his headphones out and placed it on his bushy curled head, "I had a feeling you had both brains and beauty. Isn't Blair in the same class as you?"
"Yeah, why?" I said, puzzled.
"Oh nothing, it's just Blair always gets the highest. She never shuts up about it" he commented, harshly.
"Oh, she had her thoughts" Julia replied, rolling her eyes.
He snorted, "How angry was she from the scale of 1-10?"
"Like 0.1?" Julia raised at her eyebrows at me. "She was really sweet about it,"
Tyson hummed, stunned "Doesn't sound like her but she's fully of surprises" I hope those surprises stay away from me and my friends. The last thing I need is drama getting away of my studies and, well, my life. The only way I can probably do that is stay away from Theo; that won't be too difficult at least.
Tyson takes a left to go to his locker. Julia and I sit on our usual table, Rio and Walker haven't arrived yet though. Julia left to grab some food leaving me all alone. I sat there taking small nibbles of the strawberries in my bag.
Rather shortly, I did get some company from someone I wanted to avoid. He had tousled hair and a cheeky grin, decent fashion sense and was too tall for his own good.
"I'll do it," He said, plopping himself opposite me. I looked around, figuring out what he'd do. "I'll train Levi" My eyes immediately lit up but stopped myself from smiling at him.
"Really? What made you change your mind?" I asked, leaning closer to him. He smelt really nice too. Black Vanilla mainly, If I leaned closer I'd probably be able to scent something else.
"We all started somewhere didn't we?" He said seriously.
I couldn't help a smile from creeping in, "I thought you wouldn't take me seriously,"
"Me neither," He slowly licked his lips as his dark eyes somewhat searched my face,"But if I get to see that smile every time I should do it more often"
I elongated my eye roll, hoping to get some sort of signal across.
"Maybe you'll get even more than that at this rate,"
"Really?" He replied deeply.
"Teasing me now" He leaned away from me. I mean it was funny to see him actually falling for it.
Crossing my arms, I went back to questioning, "So when does it start?"
"He knows" He cleared his throat, standing up "You should come by"
There was no way I wouldn't go. Leaving my brother alone with Theo Waterston was never going to happen, I don't trust Theo enough. It's not like he wasn't insulting my brother yesterday and his swimming prowess.
"I will" I said, looking up at him.
"Talk soon?"
"Unlikely" Was my last words before he chuckled away. He left confidently as usual, with one hand in his pockets and another out. Never looking back.
That was a long one :)
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