Chapter 2
Theo's P.O.V.
I was out in the forest on my way home from school. "Your highness," I heard a certain teen 'prodigy' say. "Golden Guard," I said trying to suppress my anger. "Your highness why didn't I see you after school?" Golden Guard asked. "That's none of your business," I said. "Theo you know that as your bodyguard I need to know your location at all times," Golden Guard said. I rolled my eyes. "Let's go your highness your father is waiting," Golden Guard said putting his hand out. "I know jeez don't rush me," I said. I walked over to Golden Guard and took his hand. Golden Guard raised his staff and we flew at amazing speed back to castle.
I was standing in front of my father Emperor Belos as he listed the reasons I was quote 'an irresponsible prince'. "And finally you disobey direct orders," My father said. "Well maybe I wouldn't if you weren't boredom incarnate," I said. I had been making retorts like that the whole time but other times I just spaced out. "DoN't SaSs YoUr FaThEr," My father said in a demonic voice. "Y-yes sir," I said scared of what he might do to me like he did my siblings. "Now go to your room and do your homework," My father said. "Yes sir," I said. I walked away and went to my room.
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