Chapter Seventeen- Infinity War (Part Three)
Noelle took a deep breath, clenching her fists. She knew what had to happen now. She couldn't show any fear. She took a step forward, steeling herself for what was going to happen next.
"Thanos!!" She bellowed, and the purple titan turned, smiling slightly when he saw her standing there.
"Ah.... Noelle. The Lost Child.... The Winter Soldier." She shook her head.
"No. I'm just Noelle. The Winter Soldier isn't who I am. And believe me when I say that I am not just saying that, nor am I in denial about what happened to me." He knelt down, looking her right in the eyes, and slowly shook his head, and she stepped back slightly, seeing what looked like sorrow in his eyes.
"Oh.... Noelle.... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But I do understand. Truly, I do." She shook her head, stepping even further back.
"What are you even talking about?" Thanos reached out one hand, tilting his head slightly.
"They don't even truly care, do they? They all claim that they don't care about what happened, and when you're around, they say that they understand.... That they know it wasn't really you. But they lie, don't they? They don't really love you. They look at you and your father, and all they see are the lives that you've taken." A feeling of grief welled up in her chest, and she fought back tears, the faces of everyone she had killed or tried to kill flashing through her mind.
"They'll never see you as anything more than a murderer. But I... I can make you so much more. Join me, Noelle. All of the people who have rejected you... hurt you... tried to make you feel unworthy... you can finally make them pay for that they did to you. You can make Tony pay for the abuse he heaped upon you... the panic attacks and breakdowns that he triggered... you could make him feel what you felt. You and your family would be safe...and you and your father would be feared.... Revered and respected as my children." Tears pricking at her eyelids, she raised her head to look at him, her arms dropping limply to her sides. It was tempting... not being looked down on. Having power.... But she knew what it would mean.
"No." She whispered, clenching her fists again. Thanos raised an eyebrow, standing back up, and watching her with a cold gaze.
"What did you just say to me?" He asked, his voice changing from the soft tone it had taken on moments before.
"I said no, Thanos. You're no better than the b******* at Hydra who used pain and fear to control me. I will never bow to you, and I will never serve you." He glared at her, and she stared back, meeting his stony gaze.
"Then you will pay. You will pay by dying with them, and I will see you soon." He growled, snapping his fingers. Her eyes flew open, and she found herself back on Titan. She screamed, thrashing and trying to hit whoever was holding her.
"Ellie! It's me!" She whipped around, relaxing when she saw her now-terrified boyfriend kneeling behind her, poised to scramble back in she kept flailing. She let out a sob, collapsing into his arms, and he held her close, sitting there and letting her cry. Tony knelt down beside them, placing one hand on her shoulder.
"Noelle... What happened?" Tony asked softly, and she took a deep breath.
"Thanos...He...He took my mind somewhere else, and he wanted me to join him... He wanted me to fight with him so that I could keep my family safe, and get revenge. And.... When I said no, he said that I'm going to pay by dying with my family." She whispered. Peter gasped softly, and the man with the red bug-eyed mask dropped to his knees beside her, placing a hand on her arm.
"Gamora? Was there someone there with him, someone with green skin named Gamora?" She shook her head, looking up at him with tearstained eyes. He cussed under his breath, going over and kicking a rock, still cussing. She choked down another sob, gasping when a portal opened a couple feet away form them. She leapt to her feet, quickly brushing away the tears when she saw what was happening. Thanos was there.
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