Chapter Nine- Trouble In The New Life
"Gosh, dad. It's three days. I'll be fine." Noelle laughed softly, and Bucky sighed, looking at his daughter.
"Are you sure? I haven't gone on a mission since we got you back, and with the panic attacks...." She placed her good hand on her dad's arm.
"It's been almost six months since I got here, dad. The panic attacks haven't been that bad. I'll be okay for three days. Besides, there's really no safer place for me to be than in the Avengers tower." He sighed, hugging her, and then kissed the top of her head. She stepped back, looking her dad over with a small smile. He was already in his uniform, and she couldn’t help but smile when she saw that. Looking at him now, she didn’t see any trace of the influence that Hydra had on him, other than the fact that one of his arms was now metal.
“Okay, fine. I’m sorry if I’m playing overprotective father, but that’s what you’re getting. Don’t leave unless it’s with someone else, okay?” She nodded, standing on her tip-toes and wrapping her arms around his neck.
“And mom, Katherine, Sarah, and Angela will be back about the same time as you. Matthew and Mackenzie will be with Natasha and Scott in Brooklyn. Rhodey, Pietro, Steve, and Bruce are going with you. Vision, Wanda, Tony, and the other kids will be here. I won’t be alone, dad. I’ll be alright.” He sighed, hugging her, and then Bruce poked his head in.
“Barnes, let’s go. We’re on a schedule.” He smiled slightly, and then kissed her forehead, leaving. She sighed, flopping onto the couch. She groaned, feeling bored, and not knowing what to do, so she shifted to sit on the couch upside down. Her feet were draped over the back of the couch, and the top of her head rested on the floor. She stared at Tony’s bar across the room, and jerked up, falling onto the floor when she heard someone come in.
"You can't just stay out of the way, can you? You just have to pop up everywhere I go, and you can’t get your ******* self out of my **** tower. Can’t believe your ******* dad left you here when he went on that **** mission. You’re a ******* danger to all of us." Her head shot up, and she swallowed the bile that threatened to escape when she saw Tony and his harsh glare. She slowly stood, nearly backing away from him as he came closer and closer.
"What do you want, Tony?" She asked, struggling to keep her voice from shaking. He nearly laughed, pouring himself a drink.
“What, I can’t even come in my own **** lounge and pour myself a ******* drink anymore?” He swallowed it in one gulp, and then slammed the glass down, going around the bar, and moved towards her. She moved back up against the wall, and he stopped a couple feet away from her.
“I only have one ******* think to tell you. Do you know what that is?” She shook her head, her heart pounding. The only times he hadn’t belittled her were when her dad was around, and even then, he shot ice cold glares at her. He leaned closer to her, his face almost right up against his.
"I hope you don't ever take a breath without remembering the number of breaths you took away." He nearly hissed, and she turned around, bolting for her bedroom. She got there, and went in, slamming the door behind her. She crumpled to the floor, sobbing as his words kept repeating in her head. She leaned back, tears streaming down her cheeks, and she looked up at the ceiling, screaming.
“Yes, I remember!! Every single day, I remember what I did, and who I killed!! I can’t ever forget!! You try living my life!! You try seeing what I’ve seen!! You are not helping!!” She screamed, and then crumpled into a ball, sobbing harder. Her memory was overwhelmed with the memories of the torture, and then she curled into the fetal position, whimpering and calling out for her dad. Then, it struck her. He had left. He had gone on the mission. Part of her mind screamed that he was just like everyone else, that they didn’t care about her, didn’t love her, and it didn’t matter whether she lived or died. She lay there on the floor, fighting an incredibly overwhelming panic attack as Tony watched through the camera he had secretly installed in her bedroom. He sighed, looking down, and after battling in his mind for a moment, he looked back up.
“FRIDAY? Master lockdown on Noelle Barnes’ room.” He paused, and then the AI responded, sounding almost hesitant.
“Boss, are…...Are you sure about that?” He slammed his hand down on the table, growling as he cut off the feed to her room.
“Master lockdown on Noelle Barnes’ bedroom, FRIDAY. Now.” The AI didn’t respond, but as he pulled the video feed back up, he heard the soft click of the door’s lock. Apparently, Noelle heard it as well, because she shot up, running for the door, and fought to open it.
“No!! No, Tony, please, no!! Let me out, please!!” Her desperation and fear were the last things that crossed her mind before she finally succumbed to the panic attack she had been fighting so hard.
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